


场景本身为调查牧师提供了理由,并得到了这样的解释:这些牧师说的是实话,但却不知道他们的行为会给他经常骚扰的孩子带来什么后果。他自己也承认曾被强奸,但这并不意味着他是本案的较小受害者,有权获得同情。这一场景是影片最精彩的部分,代表了神父们面对性骚扰指控时无忧无虑的态度。这件事被证明是偶然的,但需要立即注意和采取大规模行动来对付教会牧师正在进行的威胁,这是一种代表问题的创新方式(Proferes 2005)。莎莎在表演方面很出色,但她在看潘奎因时写的论文有点过火,并因不切实际而招致温和的批评。可以说,这部电影是一件艺术作品,但它的设计方式更现代,背景更复杂,而案件本身在一开始看起来很困难。

随着电影的发展,特别是在最后的30分钟,观众的注意力更加集中,跨度也更大。这部电影是一个重要的里程碑,它重新揭露了这些无声的、但令人发指的、不可饶恕的罪行,这些罪行是那些在生活中传播真理和道德的人对儿童犯下的。性骚扰的概念被证明是非常重要的,需要政治和社会的关注,通过显示肇事者和嫌疑人的漫不经心的态度(Leverich 2008)。这部电影证明了信任在社会上是昂贵的,而那些被认为是信任的先驱和培育者的人也可能是最残酷和有害的,更不用说不值得信任了。这部电影是按照2001年的标准制作的,场景也与制片人想要展示给观众的动机一致。


The scene itself makes case for investigating the priest and getting an interpretation that these priests are truth speaking, but are so uninformed of the consequences their actions would have on the children whom he molests on a regular basis. He himself admits to have been raped, but this does not qualify him to be a lesser victim in the case and entitled to sympathy. The scene makes the best part of the movie, and represents the carefree attitudes of priests in cases of molestation allegations against them. The matter is shown to be casual, but is of requiring immediately attention and massive action against the menace being practiced by the church priests, which is an innovative way of representing issues (Proferes 2005). Sasha has been brilliant in the scene in terms of acting, but her writing on a paper while looking at Panquin is a little overdone and invites mild criticism for being unrealistic. The movie, per say, is a work of art, but designed in a way which is more modern and complex in its setting, where the case itself looks difficult in the beginning.

The movie grows gradually and the plot builds and makes it more interesting to follow and engage, which the attention of the audience is more serious and with large span as the movie grows and especially towards the last 30 minutes. The film is an important milestone in resurfacing the growing of even stagnant instances of these silent, but heinous and unforgivable crimes against children by those who are the carriers of truth and morality through life. The concept of molestation is shown to be very important, requiring political and societal attention through the display of the casual attitude of the perpetrators and the suspects (Leverich 2008). The film proves that trust is expensive in society, and with those who are considered the harbingers and nurturers of trust could also be the most cruel and harmful, let alone untrustworthy. The movie is made according to the standard of what was present in 2001, and the setting is also aligned with the intended motive of the makers to be showcased to the audience.