


第六,此次并购将催生一个更强大、更有特色的品牌。这两家公司将互为补充,不再是竞争对手。除此之外,目前两家公司都在单独运作。当两家公司合并后进行合作时,将会有更多的产品被开发出来,因为两家公司将会合作。目前,约有6%的网络赌客使用Paddypower下注,6%的人使用Betfair下注,只有1.8%的人同时使用Paddypower和Betfair。合并后,押注Paddypower和Betfair的总人数和比例将会增加。因此,客户重叠将会增加。第七,合并后,在收入方面将产生巨大的协同效应。目前,Paddy power 65%的收入来自在线博彩,而来自零售和手机的收入相同,为35%。另一方面,Betfair的在线收入约为86%,而来自其他渠道的收入仅为14%。

合并后,总收入的74%将来自在线渠道,20%来自零售和手机,还有6%来自其他渠道。第八,Paddy Power和Betfair的合并,将有助于创建全球最大的博彩公司。第九,在合并后,Paddy Power Betfair已进入英国《金融时报》100强。第九,目前,客户认为Betfair的优势在于产品的范围和市场,它具有的吸引力的赔率。另一方面,Paddypower的优势在于它的品牌吸引力,网站的外观和感觉,公司提供的高效的客户服务和公司有吸引力的促销。同时,移动应用的质量和网站的观感也被认为是两家公司的共同优势。


Sixth, the merger will lead to the creation of a stronger and the distinctive brands. Both these companies will complement one another and they will not be working as competitors anymore. In addition to this, at present, both the companies are working individually. When they will work with one another after merging, more products will be developed as the companies will work in collaboration with one another. At present, around 6% of the online betters bet with Paddypower, 6% of the people do the same with Betfair, while only 1.8 % of the people do with both Paddypower and Betfair. After the merger, the total number and the percentage of people betting for Paddypower and Betfair will increase. Thus, there will be increase in customer overlap.Seventh, after the merger, there will be a significant amount of synergies in terms of revenues. At present, the Paddy power has its 65 % of the revenues from online betting and from retail and phones the same is 35 %. On the other hand Betfair, has the online revenues of around 86 % while it is only 14 % from other sources.

After the merger, the 74% of the overall revenues will be from online sources, 20 % from retail and phones and from other sources the same will be 6 % . Eighth, the merger of Paddy Power and Betfair, will help in the creation of the largest betting companies in the world. Ninth, after the merger, Paddy Power Betfair has entered the FTSE100 list of biggest companies in Britain.Ninth, at present, the customers feel that the strengths of Betfair are the range of product and the market which it has the attractiveness of the odds. On the other hand, the strength of Paddypower is its brand appeal, the great look and feel of the website, the efficient customer service provided by the company and the attractive promotions of the company. Also, Quality of mobile app and look and feel of the website has been regarded as the common strengths of both the companies.