


根据最新的研究,英国已成为第二大出口旧衣服的国家。英国人丢弃了价值数百万英镑的衣服。在国际贸易中丢弃的衣服,当这些商品不能在英国的慈善商店出售。根据英国慈善零售协会的数据,90%的废弃衣物最终会被送往商店,并在那里进行再利用。但据布鲁克说,只有10% – 30%的二手衣服在商店出售。建议美国和加拿大也采取类似的比例。根据布鲁克斯的说法,商店里卖不到的衣服都交给了商人。这些商人对这些服装进行分类、分级,然后以剩余的数量出口,从而将慈善转化为贸易。布鲁克斯指出,“有一个神奇的时刻,礼物变成了一种商品,”“像许多项目使用,表面上二手衣服似乎有很少的价值,但是通过排序和运输的过程——将无序对象转化为有序的商品——它们是复制retailable资产。”伦敦一家名为LMB Textile Recycling的公司将这些商品转变成可交易的服装。
这家公司的董事是罗斯·贝瑞。他和他的工作人员代表慈善机构从服装银行收集衣服。他们手工检查货物的等级和质量。这些衣服保存得很好,稍加修改就可以恢复原样,卖给非洲和全球南方的买家。在这些地方,这些旧衣服甚至有很高的价值。布鲁克斯说,对于来自贫穷国家的人来说,“他们能买到适合自己的廉价、实惠、时尚、经久耐用的衣服,”来自英国、北美和西欧的捐赠和丢弃的衣服卖给发展中经济体的买家。布鲁克斯在其著作《服装贫困》(Clothing Poverty)中所作的分析,描述了这样一种状况:二手服装如何能在全球范围内形成一个数百万人的市场,在那里,受益的人寥寥无几,而全球南部地区仍处于剥削和贫困之中。在他看来,这种交易是不道德和错误的。他认为,来自西方国家的旧衣服和废弃衣物,以及东亚廉价布料的供应,正在影响许多国家的纺织品市场。


According to the latest research UK has become the second largest country that exports used clothes. The people from UK have discarded tones of clothes that priced in millions. The international trading of the cast off clothes, when these goods could not be sold in the charity shops of UK itself. According to Charity Retail Association of UK, 90% of the discarded clothes end up in the stores, where they are sold for reuse. But according to Brook only 10- 30 % of the used clothes are sold in the stores. The similar proportion is suggested for US and Canada. According to Brooks, the garments which are not sold in stores are handed over to the merchants. These merchants sort, grade and later export these garment in surplus amount and thus converts the charity into trade. Brooks states that “There’s a moment of magic where a gift turns into a commodity,” “Like many used items, on the surface second-hand clothes may appear to have very little value, but through processes of sorting and transporting – turning disorderly objects into an ordered commodity – they are reproduced as retailable assets.” One of the London based company named as LMB Textile Recycling, transforms the goods into tradable clothing.
The director of the company is Ross Berry. He and his staff members collect the clothes from the clothing banks on the behalf of charities. They check the goods by hand for grading and quality purposes. The clothes which are in good condition and can be restored after little amendments are sold to the buyers in Africa and Global South. These are the places where these used garments are even of high value. For people from poor countries, Brooks states that “They get cheap, affordable clothing that works for them, that’s fashionable and that lasts a long time,”The donated and discarded clothes from UK, North America and Western Europe are sold to the buyers of developing economies. The Brooks’s analysis in his book Clothing Poverty describe the condition that how the used garments could lead to a global market of millions, where only few people are benefited and the Global South remains exploited and poor. According to him this trading is unethical and wrong. He argues that the old and cast off cloths from Western countries as well as the availability of cheap cloths from East Asia are affecting the textile markets of many countries.
