


Engineering procedures are less subsistent with the excessive use of technology in proper sense, but are always aligned with the production systems and to understand how the process of making the end product can be modified to accommodate more simplicity and maximum productivity. Engineering being a pre-production requirement must be eligible for applying the Industry 4.0 principles so that it can support in making provisions of the production machines to be made in such a way that it is flexible, productive, provides more output per input hour, and gives a lean manufacturing look with its delivery of machines producing less wastage. These advances in engineering make the possibility of producing self-optimising production machines and systems which are ever willing to increase productivity and reduce waste. The self-optimising production machines offer easier acceptance of customised production and honour timely demands. These self-optimising production machines in turn exceeds the previously determined limits and makes the manufacturing faster. This makes the manufacturing agile in its ability to accept new customised orders, keep the quality consistent, and keep reducing wastage. The lean manufacturing system is also achieved with these self-optimising production machines as the machines themselves are more productive in their output (Kidd, 1994) and productive machine engineering is made possible through the Industry 4.0 concept application, indicating a leap forward towards lean manufacturing.
Virtualization of global production networks is one of the most innovative concepts and gift of the Industry 4.0 framework as it offers to optimise the processing inside the production unit. The quality of decisions and planning is enhanced by the expedited development of virtual value chains. Faster passage of information makes the ability to make faster and better decisions a reality. Simulation about the existent and perceived errors can start early and this helps in reducing future costs of error and risk repair. This helps in contributing towards a lean and agile manufacturing framework which can be adopted according to specific industries and generate the demanded production. Thus, these processes contribute towards the formation of a lean and agile manufacturing system to meet the ever changing market demand and deliver better than earlier, at less cost than earlier, and of a superior quality than earlier.

Industry 4.0 is a worldwide requirement in manufacturing to make it more demand friendly however sporadic it may be and also offer procedures for reducing wastage and maintaining quality. The concept’s aspect of providing connecting possibilities between production units, making processes more customised product friendly and supportive, advancing quality requirements, and eliminating all kinds of waste from the procedure and the raw materials has been the prime reason for its usage in manufacturing. The collaboration between humans and machines and enabling engineering to make self-optimising machines to enhance production easements are novel ways which provides the manufacturing to become lean and agile and fulfil the expectations of the system application. Industries in the machine, plant, and western automobiles will require higher adaptation of the Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things to its advantage and make the demand of customised products possible. With increased usage of Industry 4.0, it is to be seen how far the next disruption is, because this concept is the cause of the sporadic demand shift and the likelihood of the next disruptive idea may be around.

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