


在考虑服务与商品之间的私人交换时,贸易伙伴之间的合作行为之间的信任有助于降低交易成本,增加比较利益的优势。在最近的经济研究中,全社会的信任价值可以被认为是促进经济增长和绩效的重要因素(Van Aarle et al. 2014, 13)。如果得到政府的信任,不仅私人机构会受益,政府也会受益。目前关于金融民族主义的制度论述强调保护主义和经济上的次优性质,认为这是一种倒退现象。这可以通过全球有正义感的执行者的协调和压力来克服。作为一个重要的例子,有人指出,由于发生了金融危机,有必要进行干预,以支持恢复调解和金融系统。就其性质而言,这些类型的措施可以被认为是扭曲的(Johnson and Andrew, 2014,32)。

由于金融中介机构以非营销的方式提供了大量支持,因此可以直接认为这是一种扭曲。由于资源配置和金融中介的扭曲,可以认为是间接的扭曲。这是一个高度一体化的全球金融体系,因此,有必要避免这些类型的民族主义升级和严重扭曲(Bursian et al. 2013, 26)。进一步说,在这方面,民族主义具有重大意义。民族主义是指寻求建立或促进一个或多个潜在民族的自治、认同和统一的意识形态。近年来,国际政治经济学的学者将经济的民族主义直观地概念化为为实现目标而设计的经济战略。反过来,金融民族主义又是经济民族主义的一个子集(van Aarle et al. 2014,14)。重点是利用金融和货币政策来说服民族主义议程。


When considering the private exchange between services and goods, trust among cooperative behaviours by partners in trade can help in reducing the costs of transaction and increasing the advantages of comparative benefits. In recent researches of economy, the value of trust across the society can be considered as a significant factor benefiting the growth and performance of the economy (Van Aarle et al. 2014, 13). Not only the private agents will avail benefits if they are trusted by the government, but it will also benefit the governments. The present discourse of institution on financial nationalism lay emphasis on protectionist and economically suboptimal character that is dismissed as a phenomenon of retrograde. This can be overcome by coordination and pressure of right-minded global performers. As a significant example, in had been stated that the event of financial crisis has made it necessary for interventions in supporting resume intermediation and financial systems. In terms of its nature, these types of measures can be considered as distortive (Johnson and Andrew 2014, 32).

It can be considered distortive directly as there is significant support from financial intermediaries in ways of non- marketing. And it can be considered indirectly distortive, as there is distortion of resource allocation and financial intermediation. This is provided with an extremely integrated global system of finance, and hence, there is a significant need for avoidance of an escalation and large distortions over these types of nationalism (Bursian et al. 2013, 26).Further ahead, in this context, there is a huge significance of Nationalism. Nationalism is referred to as an ideology to seek the establishment or promotion of autonomy, identity, and unity of a potential nation or nation. Recent scholarship of IPE has been conceptualizing the nationalism of economy in a straightforward manner as the strategy of economy designed for the accomplishment of goals. In turn, financial nationalism is a subset for nationalism of economy (van Aarle et al. 2014, 14). There is key focus on the utilization of financial and monetary policies for persuading the agenda of nationalism.