





Biodegradable polymer concept has been spoken predominately by many analysts. There are numerous usages that stems from using this biodegradable polymer. In order to further develop these biodegradable polymers, there is a need to analyze the structural chemistry, classification of these compounds, and production of these compounds in the industrial scale, technological advancements that are currently being researched. From this, uses of these polymers can be derived. The strength and limitation of this process is probed in detail in order to find out the focal point of further research. From this, assessment methods for the production of the efficacy of these polymers are derived. The purpose of this literature review is to present a basic research background on the biodegradable polymers that exist, their current uses, structural analysis of these polymers and more.

The literature review will primarily present the nature of the biodegradable polymer that makes the functional groups of the polymer useful for medical industry. Secondly, a classification of the biodegradable polymer is discussed in the literature review. The classification of biodegradable polymers is based on composition, their renewability content and the biodegradable level. The functional uses of the biodegradable polymers are discussed as well. The functional uses are enhanced from the fact that biodegradable polymers have a better degradation compared to others, and hence can be made use of as packaging materials and more compared to the other toxic traditional materials. The production process of the polymers is discussed as well.