


麦奈特在GHD获得了国际商务专业的学士学位,这使他成为一个强有力的竞争者。在BB食品公司工作的5年是一个学习阶段,这让麦克奈特逐渐受到了追随者的喜爱。对125分智商的评估也支持了他实用主义的学习方法,这让他很有能力。作为市场总监,他需要汇报和支持CEO的职能,处理多个账户和客户,这应该体现在他对日常运营的理解上(Boehm et al. 2015)。他具有很强的人际交往能力,管理着50名员工、客户和下属。真正的测试是了解麦克奈特的能力是远见卓识和战略BB食品组合时,处理新产品开发和推出。它显示了接受挑战的激情。
这方面的个性性格加上社会智商将使其正确地渗透到北欧国家,西班牙,葡萄牙。他的高度自信使他值得处于“父母”的状态,这反映了他的“情商”(Carmeli et al. 2011)。这也支持他在决策时考虑的因素。身体活跃和实用主义的选择,他专注于任务交付,并已显示出战略BB食品的能力。候选人在数据管理和评估方面的表现,显示出微观管理和对细节的洞察力和突破。该分析真实地描述并展示了候选人的快速适应能力,并经历了转型之旅(Colbert et al. 2008)。缺失的主导因素使他成为一个更开放、更坦诚的参与型领导者,使他成为情境赢家。


McKnight’s education with a Bachelors degree in international business major from GHD makes him a strong contender. The period of five years in BB Foods has been a learning phase that has groomed McKnight to be liked by followers. The assessment of IQ that has 125 scores also supports his pragmatist learning approach, which makes him competent. In the capacity of Director, Marketing, he needs to report and support functions of CEO, handles multiple accounts and clients, which should reflect in the understanding of the operation on a daily basis (Boehm et al. 2015). He possesses strong interpersonal skills to manage 50 employees, clients and subordinates. The real test is to understand McKnight’s ability of being visionary and strategise for BB Foods portfolio when handled NPD (new product development) and launch. It shows the passion to take challenge.
This facet of the personality disposition added with social intelligence will make it right to penetrate Nordic countries, Spain, Portugal. His high confidence level makes it worthwhile to be in ‘parent’ state, reflecting the ‘emotional intelligence’ (Carmeli et al. 2011). This also supports his consideration factor in decision making. Physically active and pragmatist by choice, he is focussed on task delivery and has shown the ability to strategise BB Foods. The candidate’s performance in data management and evaluation shows micromanagement and eye for detail with insightful breakthroughs. The analysis truly depicts and shows candidate’s quick adapting capabilities, and has been through transformational journey (Colbert et al. 2008). The dominance factor missing makes him a participative leader who is more open and candid, which makes him a situational winner.