


为了水的目的,在当时存在的水库的北面也建造了一个水库。中央公园也是七个水体的家园(Schuyler, 1988)。主要湖泊是杰奎琳肯尼迪奥纳西斯水库,这是该地区的主要水源。在公园的北端,有一个叫Harleen Meer的湖,那里的人们也可以钓鱼。在公园的南角,有一个1.4公顷的池塘。黄石国家公园的水源是自然资源。这包括七大河流的源头。公园里的水提供了许多休闲的机会,植物和野生动物栖息地和风景。主要流域包括休休尼河、蛇河、密苏里河和黄石河,以及心湖和黄石湖等湖泊。公园的地理特征包括四种不同类型的基岩。这些岩石包括沉积岩、变质岩、福特汉姆片麻岩和木内大理石。

除此之外,在历史时期,各种各样的冰川也覆盖了这一地区,这一点在当今时代表现得尤为明显(Fein, 1981)。这种露头包括老鼠岩,它的岩石质量很差。中央公园的植被包括25000多棵树,其中包括1700多棵美国榆树,这些榆树因与荷兰榆树病害隔离而受到保护。除此之外,还有不同种类的树木,包括不同类型的橡树、松树、郁金香等等(Steinitz, 1990)。中央公园的动物包括大约235种鸟类,其中包括许多水鸟,哺乳动物如浣熊、东部灰松鼠、东部花栗鼠、弗吉尼亚负鼠和节肢动物如蜈蚣。


For the purpose of water, a reservoir was also built towards the north of the reservoir which existed during that time. The central park is also the home to seven water bodies (Schuyler, 1988). The primary lake is the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir which is the primary water source in the area. At the northern end of the park, Lake Harleen Meer exists where the people can do fishing as well. In the southern corner of the park, a pond of 1.4 hectares exists. The water source which is there at the Yellowstone national park is natural source. This includes the headwaters of seven great rivers. The water in the park provides a number of recreational opportunities, plant and wildlife habitat and scenic visions. Major water sheds includes the Shoshone river, Snake river, Missouri River and Yellowstone river and lakes such as Heart Lake and Yellowstone lake.The Geographical features in the park include four different kinds of Bedrock. These include the sedimentary rocks, metamorphosed rock, Fordham gneiss and in-wood marble.

In addition to this, various glaciers have also covered this area in the historical times which is evident because of the outcrop in the present times (Fein, 1981). This outcrop includes the Rat Rock which has a poor quality rock. The vegetation in central park includes over 25000 trees which include around 1700 American elms which have been protected by their isolation from the Dutch elm disease. In addition to this, there are different varieties of trees including different types of oak, pine trees, tulip and many more (Steinitz, 1990). The fauna in the central park includes birds of around 235 species including many water bird species, mammals such as Raccoon, Eastern Grey squirrel, eastern chipmunk, Virginia opossum and arthropods such as Centipede.