


这所大学不仅有一个历史学院,而且还是一个在美国的男女同校,帮助各种妇女从这所大学获得教育。这所大学的第一个毕业生是女性,1877年初她参加了医学院(Springmeier,1998)。今天,这所大学已经把高等教育前沿的各个领域推向了一个新的高度,传播意识和如何影响太平洋西北地区的人民。这是为了加强地区美洲印第安人与放置在合作关系中的新能源大学之间的关系。大学的这一贡献需要得到印度社区观众的认可,他们应该知道传教士有在这些地区传播教育的愿景,这样可以减少贫困。 Chemawa印度学校和威拉米特大学一直在合作,这个合作是在礼来项目的支持下进行的。在2005年期间,Chemawa学院的管理人员帮助邀请Willamette协助长期过渡大学预备课程。 Chemawa的学生知道Willamette大学的贡献,因为他们派遣在Chemawa自习室担任导师和导师的学生志愿者。在这些会议上,两个机构之间的长期合作关系已经被讨论,有助于Chemawa的工作人员的教学。



This university has not only an historical institute but it was also the coeducational institute that was present in United States and helped various women in gaining education from this university. The first graduate of this university was a women and she attended the school of medicine during the early 1877 (Springmeier, 1998). Today this university has pushed various frontiers in the higher education frontline and it is about spreading awareness and how to influence the people of the Pacific Northwest. This is about strengthening of the relationships between the regional Native Americans and the university that placed in the new energy that are renewed in the partnership. This contribution of the university needs to be acknowledged by the Indian community sitting in the audience and they should know that missionaries had the vision of spreading education in the areas so poverty could be reduced. Chemawa Indian School and Willamette University had been under collaborations and this collaboration was with the support of the Lilly project. During 2005 administrators of Chemawa institute helped in inviting the Willamette to help in assisting the long term process of transitioning the college preparatory curriculum. It is important that students of Chemawa know about the contributions of the Willamette University as they send student volunteers who work as mentors and tutors at the Chemawa study hall. In these sessions the long term relationship between the two institutes has been discussed that helped in teaching the staff of Chemawa.

Along with this other contributions are also present that discuss about the Native American Enlightenment association that is working as a student organization and has helped with the tribal elders to rekindle the campus. These funds are also used for the development of Native American Artists that come at the campus and during 2005 Willamette held a ceremony that was discussing about the renewal with the regional tribes.