





In the movie Amistad, a slave ship travels from Cuba to US in 1839. The American and Spain relations are discussed in the movie and it seems to imply that these repercussions ultimately paved the way for the American Civil War. From a personal stand point, there is a mixture of reality and creative storyline that is embedded. The movie represents the abolitionist movement and all the people who wanted to abolish slavery are the heroes. Cumulatively, all the people in the mutiny and the struggles are the true heroes. The role of Morgan Freeman is to create a sense of victory over the oppressive events. It is needed for the storyline to create a sense of good winning over oppression. There are freedom and discussion of liberties that are espoused in the story. It cannot be considered as an error.

Some of the other creative liberties that the director has taken are the presidential campaigning style and in the Portuguese ship everyone speaks with a Mexican accent. These factors make the plot seem ambiguous. These causes the viewer decide to watch the movie for its entertainment value. It is not a documentary of events since many of the events have been embellished in the storyline. Even though there are certain issues that could have been prevented, they add to the interest of the storyline. Ultimately the cinema has been taken for the purposes of entertainment, commerce and recognition, and hence, it must be viewed as a story where the voices of liberty are spoken. There is a strong message for the need for freedom and plausible voices against the slavery movement.