





Impact of Technology on Team functioning within Siemens
When it comes to analyzing for the impact of technology on team functioning, it can be seen that Samsung is more technology oriented. Samsung implements a collaborative culture that is grounded in technological innovations. Here Siemens also employs innovativeness and technology but applies them in context with product engineering and more. Siemens uses its technology division to connect across multiple virtual teams globally. The emphasis is on supporting communication networking that would in turn be useful to provide support for their products. This encourages team functioning, but a more user friendly technology application like the one used in Samsung is missing here. There is scope for improvement for Siemens when it comes to using technology for effective team functioning.
The face to face proximity in team work is definitely better than virtual teams. However face to face gatherings cannot be met all the time. In case of coordinating for offshore, onshore team workings (as in the case of work outsourcing) it becomes necessary to maintain virtual teams. Economical considerations also can be added to virtual team work. Siemens can meet these advantages only when it improves its technology.

Behaviour of employees can affect the organization’s performance. Organizational behaviour is a collective notion. It is not the behaviour of the management alone, but the behaviour of the organization in terms of its internal dynamics. This report has discussed how the organizational structure and culture are two of the key entities that affect work performance. Work situation is important to make the maximum use of the potential of a resource. In this context the analysis of leadership and management styles of Siemens and Samsung reveals that both organizations consider employee and employee behaviour in their management. In terms of group behaviour, Siemens has some areas of improvement with respect to using technology to improve team relations.