


本报告审视了女性董事在场与公司气候贡献之间的关系。通过比较“ET Carbon排名”和“2013年女性富时董事会报告”中提取的事实,达到这个目标。本报告提出的假设是,船上性别平等与公司在气候问题上的表现,特别是温室气体排放正相关。结果和图表显示了这两个因素之间的明显关系。这些结果打算着重于企业界性别平等的重要性。可以清楚地看到,董事会中的性别多样性对于提高公司在温室气体排放和整体气候方面的绩效起着重要作用。

本报告的结果积极支持Prado Lorenzo等人。 (2009)认为合法化激发了气候事件或温室气体排放披露。有一个愿望,使那些使他们的排放数据可访问的公司的记录更加透明,并激励不披露他们的数据的公司,使他们的排放记录公开访问,这样不仅有利于他们的公司的进展,但也会帮助投资者评估公司。而且,这会带来社会生态的改善。女董事人数最少的公司应该研究他们的政策和规定。本报告和以往的研究表明,实行性别多样性和平等的公司在涉及公司发展和生态问题的各种因素中进行得更加迅速,成为投资者关注的重点。


This report scrutinized the relation between presence of female directors on board and climatic contributions of a company. This objective is achieved by comparing the facts extracted from the reports, ‘ET Carbon Rankings’ and ‘The Female FTSE Board Report 2013’. The hypothesis developed in this report was that gender equality on board is positively related to the performance of company on climatic matters, especially GHG emissions. The results and charts show an evident relationship between these two factors. These results intend to focus on the emerging importance of gender equality in the corporate world. It can, clearly, be stated that gender diversity on board plays significant role in improving company’s performance on GHG emissions and overall climatic matters.
The results of this report positively support Prado Lorenzo et al. (2009) suggestion that legitimization motivates climatic matters or GHG emission disclosures. There is an urge to bring more transparency in the records of those companies which made their emissions data accessible, and also to motivate the companies who do not disclose their data to make their emissions record publically accessible so that it will be beneficial for not only their company’s progress but it will also assist investors to assess the companies. Moreover, this will bring ecological improvement in the society. The companies with minimal number of female board directors should look into their policies and regulations. It is indicated by this report and previous studies that the companies which practice gender diversity and equality progress more rapidly in various factors involved in company’s growth and ecological matters which are becoming major concern of the investors.