



香港的房价亦可由官方的价格指数追踪,这些指数可能与香港差饷物业估价署编制的不同规模或类别的楼宇有关。假设使用的数据序列为1991-2014年(Lam, 2016)。在房地产市场中,长期均衡价格可能由供求关系决定。在本研究中,使用的变量是人均RGDP、家庭RGDP、实际最佳贷款利率(RBLR)、实际住房抵押贷款(RRML)、新单元的竣工和拆除。许仕仁在二零零四年估计了不同类型的价格变动,并以最小二乘法的简化形式估计价格变动,而最小二乘法亦可能包含不同的解释因素。这里使用的方法是相同方法的改编版本,称为异方差-自相关-一致标准误差法(HAC)。


Because of the above mentioned factors, the prices of the land and also the economy of Hong Kong is growing in a completely synchronized manner. This has jeopardized in the relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainlanders which even included the tourists who are there in China. This may also lead to some or other kind of instability in society.Because of the present situation of the property prices in Hong Kong, it is important to have a proper analysis of the land prices. This is something that may cater to the interest of both the policy makers and also the researchers. The price prediction will be done on the basis of the superiority of RGDP (Real Gross Domestic Product) per capita for the prediction of the price related movements and the estimation of the relative prices which may be responsive for a large number of different factors across the segments. The models used for the research include the different datasets. This is the Hong Kong all residents price index (HKAPI) and the sub-indices of the same. In order to have the consistency, the ALL_RPI, HK_RPI, KWN_RPI and NT_RPI have been used.

The house prices in Hong Kong can also be tracked from the official price indices which may be related to the different sizes or classes compiled by the rating and valuation department in Hong Kong. The data series to be used for the purpose of assumption is from 1991-2014 (Lam, 2016). In the property market, the long run equilibrium price may be determined by the factors related to the demand and supply. In this study, the variables to be used is the RGDP per capita, RGDP per household, Real Best Lending Rate (RBLR), Real Residential Mortgage Lending (RRML), completion and demolition of new units. The different kinds of price movements have been estimated by Hui in 2004 with a reduced form of a least square equation which may also be encompassing the different factors for explanation. The method used here is the adapted version of the same and is known as the heteroscedasticity-and autocorrelation-consistent (HAC) standard error method.