


如果政策制定者在主要通勤线路上暗示收费,并启动高峰时段的道路定价,那么从政治角度来看,这将是不可行的。旅客的选择可以通过增加热车道来增加,例如将未充分利用的高入住率车辆(HOV)车道改为热车道,或者在现有高速公路上增加新的收费车道,让现有的传统车道不收费。的确,热车道无法解决拥堵问题。然而,它对那些想要快速到达某个地方的人是有用的(Stock, 2011)。在一些地区,整个热车道网络既可以选择高速,也可以增加总容量,使人们总是可以在匆忙中使用。由政府控制的交通管理中心及其流动服务包括对道路状况进行电子和电视监控。在同样的帮助下,事故和重大事件可以立即删除,并可以帮助减少拥堵,没有任何延误。如果修建的道路比反对者所说的更多,更多的游客将被更多的高速公路吸引。


If toll is implied on the major commuter lanes by the policymakers and starts peak hour road pricing then it won’t be feasible in political terms. Traveler choices can be increased by increasing the HOT lanes by changing the underused high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to HOT lanes, or by addition of new toll lanes to existing expressway and leaving present conventional lanes without tolls. It is true that congestion does not solve by HOT lanes. However, it is useful for those people who want to reach somewhere fast (Stock, 2011). The whole network of HOT lanes in some regions could both make high-speed choices and add to overall capacity always available to people in a hurry. Traffic Management Centers, which are under the control government, the roving services with them, are encompassed of electronic and television surveillance of the condition of the road. With the help of the same, accidents and major incidents could be removed instantly and can help in reduction of congestion without any delay.If more roads are built than opponents say that, more travelers would be attracted by more highways.
The criticism for the established road to be overly crowded is true due to the triple convergence. However, it is true to say that the government would need more roads and lanes in the peripheral regions due to the large projected growth of the US population.The drivers could be informed about the condition of the traffic ahead with the help of large variable signs and also with the help of GPS equipment in trucks and cars, electronic coordination of signal lights on local streets, one-way street pattern, and radio broadcast of current road conditions are the features included in these devices. Making use of these technologies might be useful and informative on expressway and local streets.To coordinate ground transportation Congress has created planning over all modes in each region Metropolitan Planning Organization. The more rational system could be created if these were given more power and technical assistance. There is a very lower probability that the congestion tactics would work effectively if focus is on regional planning rather than on transportation and land usage.