




这个定义也与这个部署阶段有关(Taylor, 1911)。当我在网上搜索如何部署有组织的计划时,我发现了两种不同的主要理论。一个是经典的组织理论,另一个是新古典主义理论(the Wisest, 2011)。当我进一步深入研究理论时,我发现它们再次被不同参与者的活动所驱动。参与者被列出,结果也相应地呈现出来。创建和呈现概念图的整个过程具有挑战性和趣味性。这些概念通过不同的连接与相关的介词连接,使其变得合理(Anderson et al ., 2004)。就我个人的理解而言,我认为它是一种更容易理解和更容易实现甚至困难的概念的方法。虽然组织是这里的基本概念,但是其他影响和影响组织部分的概念被列出。


The overall concept is to stick to the theme of organizing. To develop the linkages, I have initially referred to the definition to get the keywords. Next to it, I have searched for related theories on the web. Subsequently, I also understood the process and outcomes upon implementation. The linkages are given with the help of relevant prepositions to make it meaningful. The main target for me to create this concept map is the identification of key words that will help me to give better meaning to the overall map. As I searched for the definition for organizing, I chose the keywords that make sense. When I understood the keywords, I was able to link between them. I also understood that organizing leads to planning followed by controlling processes in an organization. In order to start with the organizing process, I found that information gathering is the key. On the other hand, organizing definition is given as defining goals and performing activities. Accordingly, the map is created and linked. Now, when information is available for the organizing process, the next step is to involve theories to deploy in the right manner.


The definition is also linked to this stage of deployment (Taylor, 1911). As I searched on the web for how to deploy the organized plans, I found two different predominant theories. One is the classical organization theory and the other is the neoclassical theory (The Wisest, 2011). As I further went deep into theories, I found that they are again driven by activities enforced on different sets of participants. The participants are listed and the outcomes are accordingly presented. The overall process of creating and presenting concept map is challenging and interesting. The concepts have been connected through different linkages with relevant prepositions to make it sensible (Anderson et al, 2004). With respect to my personal understanding, I have seen that it stands as an easier method to understand and implement even difficult concepts in an easier way. While organizing is the basic concept here, the other concepts that influence and impact the organizing part are listed.