



因此,这是马斯洛层次结构的一个广泛的概述,它已被用于有效的人员管理的办公环境,并在理解人们的基本心理。因此,尽管使用Maslow hierarchy style建模有助于理解事物的更抽象表示,但应用程序开发人员仍有必要深入研究以满足客户的满意度需求。构建了HVM图。HVM图对于理解属性、结果和值之间的联系非常关键。正如马斯洛等级理论所注意到的,生理需求首先要得到满足,所以一个人可能需要食物和住所。在达到第二个层次之前,必须满足第一个层次。在HVM的例子中,有具体的和抽象的属性,在理解它们的结果之前必须考虑这些属性。


These are the basic constructs and similar to the physiological needs, nothing could be analysed further if these are not met. These consumer constructs include the elements of timeliness, fans evaluation, smart order, customized logistics, and online-to-offline consistency. The second level is that of the attributes that include the data to information level offering at which point the raw data from the consumer end is already being transformed to information of meaning. At the cyber level, the storage of such information is construed such that at the cognition level the management would be able to understood the values breakdown.Now there are many criticisms to this Maslow hierarchy of needs. It has been often contended that this is a blanketed approach in dealing with people and that each situation of the individuals is unique. Owing to this, there has been a general contention that this tool can be used to identify basic requirements of the people, and it should be altered to meet the requirements of the individuals in each subjective environment.

Thus, this is a broad overview of the Maslow hierarchy that has been used in the office environment for effective people management and also in understanding of the basic psyche of the people. So although using the Maslow hierarchy style modelling helps understand a more abstracted representation of things, it would be necessary for the app developer to go in depth in order to meet customer satisfaction requirements. The HVM graph has been constructed. The HVM graph is critical to understanding how the attributes, the consequences and the values are connected. Now as noticed in the case of Maslow’s hierarchy, the physiological needs have to be satisfied first, so a person might have a need for say food and shelter. Before attaining a second level, the first level has to be satisfied. Now in the case of the HVM, there are concrete and abstract attributes and these have to be considered before their consequences could be understood.