personal statement 代写:了解国际投资市场


personal statement 代写:了解国际投资市场


personal statement 代写:了解国际投资市场

personal statement 代写:了解国际投资市场

With the globalization of the business world today, there are numerous avenues available for the international investment. Therefore, one can notice the recent growth in the international portfolio investments reflecting the financial markets trend of globalization. The another reason for this growth in past few years is the deregulation and liberalization of foreign exchange and capital markets by several countries. Also the increase in the facilities provided by the investment and commercial banks for making international investments through introduction of various international financial products like country funds and American Depository Receipts (ADRs). There is large contribution of the latest developments in telecommunications and computer technologies which enable great cut down in the information or transaction costs related to the international investments. Thus with advanced digitization, today’s investors could be a said to have better awareness about the international investments and its potential profits.

personal statement 代写:了解国际投资市场
It is observed that the returns on security across various countries show less correlation than within one country. The reason for this could probably be the difference of each country from another specially in regards to the endowment of resources, industry structure, macroeconomic policies and moreover the business cycles are also non-synchronous. When taking into consideration the financial activities within one country, the securities are subjected to the same macroeconomic policies and business cycle which creates great correlations among their returns. There is a concept of the world beta of a security which enables the measurement of security returns to the portfolio of the world market. It helps in establishing the security ‘s systematic risk in international markets. To understand the impact on international bond and equity investments, we must first explore the relevant terms. The international bond is basically a debt investment issued by a non domestic entity in a country.