personal statement 代写-企业组织薪酬方案设计的重要性


personal statement 代写-企业组织薪酬方案设计的重要性,薪酬是指员工为企业所做的工作而从组织获得的货币性和非货币性的利益。如果雇主支付给雇员的薪酬符合雇员的认知,雇员会感到有动力。此外,雇员挣的钱的多少也在很大程度上决定了工人过的那种生活,因为物质产品是可以用钱买到的。在任何企业中,人都是最重要的资源。所有其他的生产要素都是由人来管理的。公司里的雇员根据他们的资格和经验扮演不同的角色。组织结构为这些员工提供了权力和责任。海尔和海信是世界领先的企业。他们还设计了他们的薪酬方案,以吸引和留住他们组织中的高素质人才。接下来有关personal statement 代写-企业组织薪酬方案设计的重要性提供给大家阅读。

Compensation refers to monetary and non monetary benefits that an employee receives from an organization in return for the work done for the enterprise. An employee feels motivated if the compensation paid by the employer is good in the perception of the employee. Further the amount of money earned by an employee also determines to a great extent the kind of life led by the worker because material goods can be bought with money. Humans are the most important resource in any business. All other factors of production are managed by people. There are employees in a firm playing different roles according to their qualifications and experience. The organizational structure provides the authority and responsibility to these employees. Haier and Hisense are the leading companies of the world. They have also designed their compensation packages to attract and retain highly qualified and talented people in their organizations.
The person is involved in creating an image of the company’s products in the minds of the consumers (Baker and Saren, 2010). The person should make use of all the modern marketing tools to make a positive impression on consumers regarding the company also. Public relation exercises have to be planned and executed by the individual. The person has to build good relations with the media persons. The individual needs to have knowledge of mass communication.
According to Hay Point Factors, the individual needs to have good interpersonal skills. The person has to guide and motivate a team of individuals in the company. This team is involved in the creation of advertisement copies. There are individuals involved in gathering information regarding rates charged by different entities for displaying publicity material. The individual should know how to get this team working through judicious distribution of work. The person has to be a good negotiator.
The individual has to decide the promotion mix of the company (Baker and Saren, 2010). The person has to decide how much weight is to be given to the different components of the promotion mix, namely, advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling. The individual has to decide which of the methods of promotion are suitable for the company’s products.

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