



必须使用的照明将是一个组合,以创建高键或低键照明。这里做了一种适度的对比。这让电影看起来更有规律,给镜头带来了强烈的冲击力,但不是在惊悚片或恐怖电影中脱颖而出的方式。在米新场景的镜头分析方面,有极长镜头、长镜头、全景式镜头、中景镜头、特写镜头和极特写镜头(Bordwell, 2013)。这不是一个完整的镜头,但更多的是一个中等的镜头,从腰部以上的字符显示。她坐在洗碗机前,手里还拿着什么东西;所以,从本质上讲,我们很少看到她,但她衣服的颜色与每个人的对比使她脱颖而出。


The Miseen scene is the look or the decor of the film that is created by means of its settings. This will include the props used, the costumes, the lighting, background and more. The film decor is not just created here. A meaning is associated with the positioning of these elements in scene. The Miseen scene analysis is conducted here, for the movie Ghost World, a comedy genre movie. The shot for which the analysis is done is presented below.The dominant and contrast will highlight a person to the audience. It can be achieved by means of different lighting or it could be achieved by means of different persons etc. In this shot, a dominant contrast is created in foreground and background. The foreground people are well-lit whereas the background is seen to be blurred. The two characters are themselves different based on the color of their costumes and the light that is falling on Enid. Enid stands out even more because the entire place is seen to have a red-brown hue to it, while she wears blue.

The lighting that has to be used would be a combination in order to create high key or low key lighting. Here a moderate form of contrasting has been done. This makes the movie appear more regular and brings intensity to the shot, but not in a way that would stand out in a thriller or a horror movie. In terms of the shot analysis in Miseen scene, there are extreme long shots, long shots, full shots, medium shots, close up and extreme close up (Bordwell, 2013). This is not a full shot but more of a medium shot where the characters are shown from the waist up. She is at a dishwasher and also holding something; so in essence, we see little of her, but the color of her dress contrasting with everybody makes her standout.