research paper 代写:权利距离

research paper 代写:权利距离

“权力距离PDI”代表了国家内部权力变化的程度,以及成员持有较少权力的情况下,可能会接受或要求那些持有较高权力的成员的权力。权力距离等级制度可能不存在任何问题,也可能存在人们不断努力缩小权力距离的社会。法国在Hofstede得分68分。权力集中在国家,研究表明几乎所有的中央企业都与法国的地理位置相连(Calori & Sarnin, 1991)。在个人身上也有一定程度的依赖性。孩子们依赖父母,然后是老师,后来是他们的上级。因此,权力分配不均在这个国家很常见。

research paper 代写:权利距离

research paper 代写:权利距离

Power distance PDI” represents the degree of power variations within the country and how members hold less power might accept or demand power from those holding higher power. Power distance hierarchies might exist with no questions, or there could be societies where people constantly strive to close the power distance. France scored a power distance of 68 in Hofstede. Power is centralized in the country, as studies show that almost all central businesses connect to the geographic location of France (Calori & Sarnin, 1991). There is also a certain level of dependency seen in the case of the individual. Children are dependent on parents, and then teachers and later their superiors. An uneven distribution of power is hence common in the country.

research paper 代写:权利距离
The second dimensions are individualism versus collectivist IDV. Individualism is the attribute where the individual is left to fend for themselves and only those immediate connections around them. As opposed to this state, collectivism is where the individuals of society are closely intertwined and they fend for one another and hence there is mutual bonding. France with a score of 71 is a highly individualist nation and individuals are emotionally independent and financially independent as of a certain age. There is a paradox between power distance and individualism here, as power distance showed that they were dependent to a certain extent. Now this is created because, although there is a power distance, the power holders do not act as dictators, abusing their power. They usually act as benevolent fathers and hence a balance is achieved.