
research paper 代写:后现代主义

research paper 代写:后现代主义

后现代的视角被引入到组织和管理中。我们发现,后现代主义在寻找真理的不情愿和建立永恒的本体论方式或认识论的方式(Morgeson, et al., 2015)中有两种不同的观点。这些承诺是这样的,它们产生了现代主义的科学态度的努力,或者是象征意义的描述和人类活动的意义。从其他两个角度来看,后现代主义者足以胜任哲学性的立场。即使是暂时的哲学立场也被他们拒绝了。这是因为相信它会给某些知识形式提供特权,而这违背了后现代主义的伦理。

research paper 代写:后现代主义

然而,现代主义哲学家对怀疑论的运用,最终起到了支撑知识主张的作用,但在现代主义的方法下,后现代主义者却提出了不受质疑的假设。他们拒绝了对理性、客观和知识中存在的确定性的渴望。后现代主义与组织方式的象征主义有共同之处,因为它与组织文化研究学科的引入相联系(Reuber, et al., 2016)。这些学科包括精神分析、人类学、语言学、历史和文学批评。福柯的影响进一步强调了文化和组织的概念并没有暗示对象,而是指出了语言学的结构。从话语中可以看出,即使研究人员集中在文化中并不具有共性,但文化的组织研究也可以看作是相同的话语形成的一部分。

research paper 代写:后现代主义

The perspective of postmodern was brought within the organizations and management. It is identified that postmodernism diverges from the two alternative perspectives in the unwillingness of finding the truth or to make permanent communities of ontological manner or of epistemological manner (Morgeson, et al., 2015). These commitments are such that they give rise to the modernist endeavour of scientific manner or for the symbolic interpretive meaning description and the meaning of human in making the activity. Viewing from other two perspectives, the postmodernists is adequate to be fitted within the positions of philosophical nature. Even temporary stand of philosophical nature is refused by them. This is because of the belief that it will provide privileges to certain knowledge forms over others and it violates the ethics of postmodernism.

research paper 代写:后现代主义
Whereas scepticism is invoked by the modernist philosophers in the manner that eventually functioned to bolster the claims of knowledge, the unchallenged assumptions are surfaced and criticized by the postmodernists within the approach of modernist. They have rejected the aspirations to the rationality, objectivity and the certainty present within the knowledge. Post-modernism is in common with the symbolism of organizational manner since it is linked with the introduction within the disciplines of organizational studies of culture (Reuber, et al., 2016). These disciplines are psychoanalysis, anthropology, linguistics, history and the literary criticism. The influence of Foucault further underlines the realization that the concepts of culture and organization not suggest the objects but indicated the constructs of linguistics. It is implied by the discourse that even if the researchers focused within culture do not possess commonalities, the organizational studies of culture can be regarded as the part of discursive formation that is same.