


应急响应是指及时做出反应,再次控制损失,但也要开始恢复和重建的第一步。根据业务功能,受到威胁的服务器是保存邮件和工资服务的服务器。RAID数据保护系统将有助于解决这些问题(Whitman, & Mattord, 2011)。因此,当服务器空间被淹没或服务器被入侵时,这两个业务功能都会受到威胁。运营工资服务对公司至关重要,许多数据将以员工文件、身份证明、税务细节等形式存储在这里。这些是必要时必须提供给员工的重要信息,同时也要提供给相关的监管部门和法律部门。

在这种情况下,如果一个服务器遭遇洪水,那么业务不仅取代任何地方的服务器导致的成本约600 – 700美元,高于根据所需功能,容量和功能,但是也会有很多问题对公司为了对未来数据的过程。还需要考虑的是服务器上的访问便捷性和容量问题,因为服务器同时承载工资单服务和电子邮件服务。防范、应急响应和恢复:准备阶段在应急的情况下,正确的控制来减少危害的严重性,也减轻任何正在发生,确保风险控制导致下一步的恢复过程。


Emergency response refers to the timely response that is delivered to control damage once again, but also to start the first steps towards recovery and reconstruction.Now according to the business function, the server that is under threat is one that holds the mails and also the payroll service. A RAID system of data protection would help in address the issues (Whitman, & Mattord, 2011). Both business functionality hence gets threatened when the server rooms are drowned or when the servers are hacked into. Running payroll services is critical to the company, much data would be stored here in the form of the employee’s documentations, identification proofs, their taxation details and more. These are vital information that has to be supplied to employee when needed and also to the respective regulatory and the legal authorities.

In this context if a server is caught in a flood, then the business does not only incur the costs of replacing the server which is anywhere around 600-700$ and above based on needed functionality, capacity and capability, but also there would be much issues for the company in order to data process for the future. Also to be considered is the ease of access and capacity issues on the server as the server hosts both payroll services and email services. Preparedness, Emergency Response and Recovery: Preparedness is that stage where in the case of a contingency, the right controls are in place to reduce the severity of the hazard, that is to mitigate whatever is happening and ensure the hazard is controlled leading to the next step which is the recovery process.