


的确,洛克希德·马丁公司是每一个美国宇航局的火星任务的一部分,根据公司发言人(Cucinotta, 2013)。制造的所有三个NASA火星轨道上的宇宙飞船目前,包括火星侦察轨道器确定地球表面的液体的存在,2005年8月发射升空。问第四最强大的业务,福布斯的女性——Hueson说。绝对是的,我们正在考虑扩大业务资源的巨大潜力火星的表面。这颗红色星球可以支持生命,它一定可以支持所有意味着导致生命的扩张。

当前的人口爆炸已经严重影响了正常的地球的可持续性。不计后果的砍伐树木和利用所有自然资源以及天然食品资源项目高危机局势未来(Cucinotta, 2013)。除此之外,大量的污染由人类愿望创造了巨大的臭氧层上的洞和多种方式的影响人类的生活。肺部疾病和有毒废物生产根据制药今天报告增加了213%。在这种情况下,外面是绝对必要寻找生存机会我们的蓝色星球。


Indeed, Lockheed Martin has been a part of every NASA mission to Mars, according to a company spokeswoman (Cucinotta, 2013). It’s manufactured all three of the NASA spacecraft that are currently orbiting Mars, including the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which identified the presence of liquid on the planet’s surface and was launched into space in August 2005.On asking the 4th most powerful business, women in the Forbes list- Hueson said. Absolutely yes, we are looking at huge potential of expanding business resources to the surface of planet Mars. The red planet can support life and it can definitely support all the means that lead to the expansion of life.

The current blast in human population has taken a toll on the normal sustainability of the planet earth. Reckless cutting of trees and exploiting all the natural resources as well as natural food resources project a high crisis situation in the future (Cucinotta, 2013). In addition to that, the amount of pollution created by human aspiration has created huge holes in the ozone layer and is impacting the lives of humans in myriad ways. Lungs diseases and toxic waste production has increased by 213% according to Pharmaceutical Today reports. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely necessary to look for survival opportunities outside our blue planet.