


由于雇佣员工的过程是非结构化的,偏见是一种非常常见的行为。由于潜意识的偏见,人们提出了许多问题。在招聘过程之前,重要的是要确定公司是否采取了足够的步骤和时间,以便对招聘过程中的偏差进行彻底的结构化。理解必要的问题是很重要的。管理者需要知道候选人是否能够以一种有效的方式完成工作,以及被雇佣的人是否能够有效地完成工作。如果他/她不能以一种有效的方式做同样的事情,他们是否有合适的技能,可能需要做这项工作(Higdon, 2013)?这些问题很重要,但没有固定的答案。



Because of an unstructured process in the hiring of the employees, biasing is a very common activity. There are a number of questions which are raised as a result of the subconscious bias. Before the process of hiring, it is important to identify that the companies are taking enough steps and time in order to do the thorough structuring of the biasing in the process of hiring. It is important to understand the necessary questions. The managers need to find whether the candidate can do the job in an efficient manner and whether the person to be hired for the job can do it efficiently. If he/she can’t do the same in an efficient manner, do they have the right kind of skills which may be necessary to do the job (Higdon, 2013)? These questions are important but they do not have any fixed answers.

In addition to this, Moran has also recommended that in addition to do the proper and thorough screening of the entire work, he recommends that there should be many people who should take the interviewees of the candidates who are coming for the purpose of hiring. This may include the HR, the project manager, the department head and other executives. It is also important that the organization conducts the reference tests in order to ensure that there is no reference. The organization should also train the employees who have been newly recruited. Hiring is such a process which is affected by a number of internal and external environments. Hiring is one such process and the hiring of the proactive resource is very important for the company. In the present marketplace, there is a constant change in the conditions of the market. These are the changes which may impact the talent pool within the organization.