


在新的系列中,对当前的时尚风尚进行了大胆的挑战,时尚精英们将会对设计留下深刻的印象。这种设计可以很容易地与当前的场景相关联,并使消费者与品牌产生共鸣。有一个令人惊讶的方面,结合了新的流行趋势,有联系和当代。它将被精英时尚分析师视为现代时尚。三维表面设计和材料选择是to YLK工作的基本要素。艺术家们经常挑战现有的观念,有趣的是,他们对面料进行了巧妙的处理,使其类似于可以在家里开发的针织设计,并将最新的媒体混合在一起,创造出针织服装图案的印象。



In the new collection, there has been intrepid challenging of the current fashion conformities and the fashion elites will be impressed by the design. This design can be easily related to the current scenario and will enable the consumers to resonate with the brand. There has been an amazing aspect of combining newer fashion trends that are relatable and contemporary. It will be considered modern by the elite fashion analysts. 3D surface design and materials choice are the fundamental elements of the to YLK’s work. The artists have frequently challenged the existing notions and have interestingly manipulated the fabric to resemble the knitting design that can be developed in home and had mixed the latest media to create an impression of the knit wear patterns.

This artist stands out like a breath of fresh air. There is intrigue, relatability, aesthetical beauty and unique perspectives that draw in the audience to the finished works of the artist. This is a newer artist who will arrive to the podium and eventually create ripples in the industry.Primary goal of undertaking this project is to impress people with my artistic skills and present our unique perspective to the audience. The audience should feel connected with the design. They should feel that the particular design could be used by them individually. There should be a successful transcendence between the arts and its real life aesthetic applications. This is probably the most daunting aspect of this challenge. My intent is to extend on the current FMP design to be applied to differential field and understand the possibility.