


主要的变化是由工党政府带来的,标志着澳大利亚和亚洲国家关系进入了一个新时代。这些改革是由于这些国家的政府所作的与政策有关的改变。1972年至1975年期间在澳大利亚的政府实际上采取了有助于打破保守派控制的措施,这种控制是前几届政府为了在这些国家之间进行成功的贸易而建立的(McGillivray et al . 1997, 59)。继工党之后的自由党国家党联合政府与上世纪五六十年代的自由党大不相同。政府改变政策的主要原因是日本经济实力的增长,以及新加坡、台湾和韩国等国家的经济增长放缓,但非常显著。
这是澳大利亚政府被迫越来越多地关注亚洲的主要原因(Garbutcheon 1995, 599)。为了增加与亚洲国家的贸易,澳大利亚的政府还实施了其他一些改革。在各党派组成联盟之后,这种与澳大利亚的接触继续下去,这导致了1975年以后澳大利亚政府的成立。政府实施的一项改革是由马尔科姆·弗雷泽总理实施的,他与日本首相大平生一起成立了太平洋经济合作委员会。另一项有助于加强澳大利亚和亚洲国家之间关系的政府政策是弗雷泽政府执行的外交政策(Meaney 1980, 171)。这项政策的主要重点是更加重视与发展和经济公平有关的问题。


The major change had been brought by the Whirlam Labor Government which marked the beginning of a new era in the relationship between the Australian and Asian nations. These reforms were as a result of the policy related changes which were made by the government of these nations. The government that was in Australia during the era of 1972-1975 actually took the measures which helped in the breaking of the conservative grip, which had been established by the previous governments in order to do the successful trade between these nations (McGillivray et al 1997, 59). The liberal country party coalition government that had succeeded the Whirlam Labor party was quite different from the liberal parties which had been there during the time period of 1950s and 1960s. The primary reason why the government made the changes in their policies was the growth of the economic power of Japan and a slower but a very remarkable growth in the nations such as Singapore, Taiwan and Korea.
This was the primary reason why the Australian government was forced to pay more and more attention towards Asia (Garbutcheon 1995, 599). There were a number of other reforms which had been implemented by the government of Australia in order to increase in the trade with the Asian Nations. This engagement with Australia further continued when there was the formation of the coalition of the parties which led to the formation of the Australian government after 1975. One of the reforms which had been implemented by the government was implemented by the Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser who led to the foundation of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council along with the Prime Minister of Japan, Ohira. Another government policy which helped in strengthening of the relationships between Australia and the Asian Nations was the foreign policy which had been implemented by Fraser government (Meaney 1980, 171). The primary focus of this policy was to have the stronger focus on the issues which were related to the development and the economic equity.