


Griffiths(2002)认为电子游戏可以作为教育工具,有时它可以帮助学生跨越不同的人口统计学界限来提高他们的学习能力。一些电子游戏如果以可控的方式使用,会改善手眼协调能力。它提高了一些学生的自尊心。空间可视化能力也得到了改进。患有多动症和自闭症等学习障碍的学生可以从电子游戏中受益。Granic, Lobel & Engels(2013)提出了大量的文献,表明游戏可以在认知、动机、情感和社交领域给年轻人带来好处。Granic et al.(2013)认为,在当前时代,关于电子游戏的益处的文献继续出现在研究文献中。例如,游戏有助于培养新的富有成效的行为,如在反复失败的情况下坚持不懈(Ventura, Shute & Zhao, 2013)。像谜题这样的简单游戏可以帮助玩家放松,并改善玩家的情绪。学生的认知习惯,如在复杂的学习环境中解决问题和应对问题,在受控游戏环境中得到改善(Gross & John, 2003,引用Granci等人,2013)。正如Ferguson, & Garza(2011)所认为的,电子游戏甚至可以让学生成为未来亲社会的公民。因此,电子游戏可以通过多种方式改善认知行为、情绪、自尊等等。这可以提高大学生的学习和专注力。

许多脆弱的学生成为成瘾游戏的牺牲品,因此需要控制,以缓和或遏制成瘾的负面影响。Hauge & Gentile(2003)的研究确定了8年级和9年级学生的成瘾问题。大约18%的学生沉迷于电子游戏。Gentile(2009)在他们的研究中发现,学生对电子游戏的使用有病态的依赖性。大约有20%至25%的亚洲和欧洲玩家存在上瘾问题,而新加坡的年轻人则面临着变得焦躁不安等问题。这些研究表明,脆弱的学生群体正在成为成瘾游戏的牺牲品。“父母报告说,他们的孩子确实花了过多的时间玩电子游戏和上网,影响了他们的学习时间和习惯,有时他们需要在吃饭时强制玩,这使他们与家人、朋友和社会接触隔离”(Navaneetham & Chandran, 2018, p. 208)。因此,即使一些人反对教授电子游戏和控制对学生有益的论点,但为了帮助弱势群体从成瘾中恢复,需要强加一些控制策略。

Griffiths (2002) argues that video games can be used as educational tools and sometimes it can assist students across different demographic boundaries in increasing their study proficiency. Some video games when used in a controlled manner resulted in improved hand-eye coordination. It raised the self-esteem of some students. Spatial visualization capabilities were improved as well. Students with learning disorders such as ADHD and Autism benefit from the use of video games. Granic, Lobel & Engels (2013) present a vast array of literature which shows gaming can benefit young adults in cognitive, motivational, emotional and social domains. Where decades of work on video gaming and addiction have focused on gaming as a cause for concern, Granic et al. (2013) argue that in more current times literature on their benefits continues to appear in research literature. Gaming, for instance, is useful for training out new productive behaviors, such as persistence in the context of repeated failures (Ventura, Shute & Zhao, 2013, as cited in Granic et al., 2013). Simple games like puzzles help the player relax and can improve the mood of the player (Russoniello et al., 2009, as cited in Granci et al., 2013). Cognitive habits for students, like problem solving and coping in complex study environments, are improved with controlled gaming contexts (Gross & John, 2003, as cited in Granci et al., 2013). As Ferguson, & Garza, (2011) argue, video games could even empower students into becoming prosocial civic minded citizens of the future. Therefore, there are many ways video games could improve cognitive behaviour, mood, self-esteem and more. This could improve learning and focus of University Students.

Many vulnerable students fall prey to addictive gaming and hence control is required, to moderate or check negative effects of the addiction. The study of Hauge & Gentile (2003) identified addiction concerns in 8th and 9th grade students. Around 18 percent of students were addicted to video games. Gentile (2009) in their study identified that students have a pathological addition to video game usage. Around 20-25 percent of Asian and European gamers had a real addiction problem and young adults in Singapore suffered issues like becoming restless. Vulnerable student population is falling prey to addictive gaming as identified in these studies. “Parents report that their children do spend excessive amount of time in playing video games and on internet affecting their study time and habits, sometimes they need to play compulsively while eating, and it isolates them from the family, friends, and from social contacts” (Navaneetham & Chandran, 2018, p. 208). Therefore, even if the benefit argument for teaching video games and control to students is opposed by some, the need to help the vulnerable population recover from their addiction requires some control strategy imposition.
