

小矮人的故事是有趣的人物。銅的使用色彩在建築設計具有幾百年的歷史。一些獨特的形式的銅橙色,棕色和紅色。這些顏色和色調的使用是用來代表有吸引力的設計架構。增加美,簡單和有益於身心健康,棕色顏色是用於建築。棕色的顏色也代表著誠實和土質基礎材料,用於形成建築的建築(Agoston, 2013)。棕色的顏色也認同關係灰塵和裸紋理的材料。布朗是用來顯示的視覺識別和結合自然的感覺。顯示可持續性和後現代主義建築,布朗是用於團隊迪斯尼建設。它還打破了傳統觀念的五顏六色的小矮人。色彩理論意味著使用不同的顏色和色調,創造美麗的建築設計。


顏色的使用也為建築提供視覺品質有關。一開始以來,人類在地球上,顏色與人類的生活聯繫在一起。在世界各地不同的文化,顏色用於顯示宗教意義,審美價值和儀式的方法。顏色是後現代建築設計中一個非常重要的角色。顏色用於顯示建築物的身體素質,以及創造視覺吸引力。顏色是用來“更精確界定的作用環境的色彩與人,個人和建築環境之間的交互”(Zybaczynski, 2014年,p . 87)。本文提供的示例團隊迪斯尼建設和使用色彩的建築。


The dwarfs in the story were the colourful characters. The uses of copper colour in the architectural design have history of hundreds of years. Some of the unique forms of the copper are orange, brown and red. The use of these colours and hues are used to represent attractive designs in architecture. To increase the beauty, simplicity and wholesomeness, brown colour is used in architecture. The brown colour also represents the honesty and earthiness to the base material, which is used to form the architecture of the building (Agoston, 2013). Brown colour is also identified with relation to dust and uncoated texture of the material. Brown is used to display the visual identity with combination of natural sense. To display the sustainability and postmodernist architecture, brown is used in the Team Disney Building. It also breaks the conventional perception of the colourful dwarfs. Colour theory signifies the use of different colours and their hues, to create beautiful architectural designs.


The use of colours is also related to provide visual qualities to the buildings. Since very beginning of the humankind on the earth, colours are associated with the lives of humans. In different culture throughout the world, colours are used to display religious meanings, aesthetic values and ritualistic approaches. Colours have played a very significant role in the post-modernistic architecture designs. The colours are used to display the physical qualities of the buildings, as well as create the visual attraction. The colours are used to “more precise delineation of the role of the environment’s colour in relation to man, the interaction between the individual and the built environment” (Zybaczynski, 2014, p. 87). The paper provides the example of the Team Disney Building and use of colours in its architecture.