
swot analysis 代写:保护女性职工

swot analysis 代写:保护女性职工

几十年来,大多数国家都认识到有必要保护女工免受这些令人不快的经历的侵害。一些公司已经调整了他们的办公室任务,以适应所有形式的女性友好的环境(麦当劳,Charlesworth, & Graham, 2015)。任何罪行,如已被证明对受害人的自尊和信心造成损害,都应受到法律的严厉惩罚。在研究这个课题之前,我的印象是这一定是孤立的事件。在研究之后,我意识到性骚扰在任何地方都是很常见的。妇女遭受可耻的行为是理所当然的。甚至妇女们也开始把它看作是一种可以生活的东西。他们不喜欢,但为了家人,他们勇敢地忍受着。由于认识到在工作场所存在着几种形式的性骚扰,管理层必须设立一个委员会来处理这一问题。委员会成员的男女人数几乎相等,而且通常是高级正直官员。委员会公正地审理案件,并根据调查结果作出裁决。

swot analysis 代写:保护女性职工

Over decades, most nations have recognized the rationale of the need to protect women workers from those unsavory experiences. Several corporate have restructured their office mandate to accommodate all forms of women-friendly environment (McDonald, Charlesworth, & Graham, 2015). Any offense committed and proven to have caused damage to the self-esteem and confidence of the victim is severely punishable under law. Before studying about the subject I was under the impression that this must be some isolated occurrence. After the research I realized sexual harassment was a very common happening everywhere. Women were being subjected to shameful behavior was taken for granted. Even the women had begun seeing it as something to live with. They did not like it but they bravely bore it for their families.The advent of recognition of the perpetuation of several forms of sexual harassment at workplace has made it mandatory for managements to have in place a committee that addresses this very problem. The committee members have an almost equal number of men and women and are most often high ranking upstanding officers.The committee impartially hears the case and on the basis of the findings, gives the verdict.
In case the person has been found to be entirely innocent, he is let free. However, in most cases, the offender is taken to court and given the requisite punishment that is mandated by law. Several corporate across the world have put in place these committees to uphold the dignity of women at their work place. There is a great need, however, to spread awareness about the rights of women at the work place. No matter what the size of the work place, whether it is a small manufacturing unit or a huge multi- national, the rules are the same. No woman can be exploited in doing more than her job specifications. In many South East Asian nations, there are strict socio-cultural restrictions on the women folk. They have to work within these conservative confines. Yet if they are to be subjected to sexual harassment, there would be a vicious conspiracy of silence that they would be unable to break on their own. Therefore, it is all the more necessary to make them aware of their basic rights no matter where they work, whether within their own countries or in others.