swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作


swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作


swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作


swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作

Fairlie manages to demonstrate the value of meaningful work in terms of its usage in human resource development involving the factor of employee engagement. Meaningful work was compared with different employee work characteristics such as job satisfaction, burnout, turnover cognitions, and organizational commitment, and it was found that meaningful work had substantive and elaborate impact on employee engagement at different levels. Meaningful work was also found to be impacting variable employee outcomes giving them more freedom to control other characteristics. In addition, since the meaningful work involves self-actualization, the research is found to be most useful for human resource development experts at organizational level. The research was conducted as a web-based survey of 574 North Americans. The author gives a nice representation of the necessity of linking meaningful work with the practice of employee engagement, in terms that it improves the way the employee produces the organisational outcomes.

swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作
However, even after defining the standardised idea of meaningful work and what it contains as an aspect of work for employees, it does not highlight and accept that meaningful work needs not be necessary to be linked with employee engagement, because many employees who work in conditions where no human contact is required, the work cannot be termed as less relevant to meaning just because engagement is low. There are different and innumerable factors and variables of work characteristics which are taking shape consistently and are impossible to be measured in terms of their attachment to what the employee finds a meaningful work. Besides, the research sample of 574 is limited to come to a solid conclusion. This research is supportive of my research as it presents and provides a very rarely identified and researched topic of meaningful work as the employee work characteristics. The research is elaborate in sense even with its limitations, and offers an incentive to continue researching employee engagement and its underlying motivations.