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毕业论文代写:转基因生物影响。转基因生物带来了一场粮食生产革命,提高了土地生产率,使产量翻了一番(Watson和Preedy XII),它对粮食安全,特别是发展中国家的粮食安全有着重大影响。关于在农业中广泛使用转基因作物会产生“意想不到的”影响,人们有几个担忧。接下来毕业论文代写专家将分析讨论下转基因生物影响。

转基因作物的独特卖点要么是抗除草剂,要么是抗虫。虽然最初的论点是杂草或其他不受欢迎的植物不会很快进化或适应这些修改,但很快就发现,新的和更具抗性的农业杂草形式的发展对农业生产力和自然生物多样性的损失产生了不利的影响(Schütte,它既影响了当地的本土植物,也影响了动物,特别是节肢动物(如有助于授粉的蜜蜂等昆虫)。即使在除草剂的使用方面,虽然这些植物是耐除草剂的,除草剂的使用在最初几年有所下降,但最终杂草适应了除草剂的使用。重复使用草甘膦(使用的最普遍的除草剂)而不改变使用模式会导致产生对这种化学物质具有抗性的杂草(Bonny 43)。鉴于此,杂草管理是困难的,农民不知道除草剂和其他杂草驱避剂的特性(邦尼40)。在转基因作物广泛应用后,如何避免杂草在农业生产中泛滥已成为一个棘手的问题。

此外,与旨在保持土壤健康和肥力的混合种植或间作等可持续农业做法相比,这些做法是不可持续的(Schütte, Eckerstorfer和Rastelli 5)。这也导致了一些作物种植中更高的劳动力需求。


Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have brought about a revolution in food production in terms of increased productivity of land and have doubled the yield (Watson and Preedy XII). It has had significant bearings on food security especially in the developing world. There have been several concerns about the “unintended” effects of extensive use of GMO in agriculture.

The unique selling proposition of the genetically modified crops was either herbicide resistance or insect resistant. While the initial argument was that weeds or other unwanted plants would not evolve or adapt to these modifications very fast, it was soon found that new and more resistant forms of agricultural weeds developed contributing adversely to both agricultural productivity and loss of natural biodiversity (Schütte, Eckerstorfer and Rastelli 5). It impacted both the indigenous plants of the area and the animals specially the arthropods (insects like bees which facilitate pollination). Even in terms of herbicide use, while the plants were herbicide tolerant and the use of herbicide declined in the first few years, eventually, the weeds adapted to the herbicides. Repeated use of Glyphosphates (the most popular herbicide used) without any change in the usage pattern led to generation of weeds which were resistant to the chemical (Bonny 43). Given that, weed management is difficult and farmers are unaware of properties of herbicides and other weed repellents (Bonny 40). It has become a difficult proposition to escape the infestation of weeds in agriculture post extensive usage of GM crops.

Furthermore, these practices are not sustainable with sustainable agricultural practices like mixed cropping or intercropping which is designed to retain health and fertility of the soils (Schütte, Eckerstorfer and Rastelli 5). It led to higher labor demand in several crop cultivations as well.

It turns out that the boastings of genetically modified plants after all were more of a hyperbole for even the productivity of these plants that were not significantly high when considered over a long period of time. In essence, GM crops have turned out to be more focused on increasing farm-level productivity and have failed magnificently in integrating externalities such as enhancement of biodiversity, environmental protection, reduced use of labor or even better management of weed.




多年来,法玛教授提出的随机漫步理论已经受到公众的关注。有几位研究学者在研究这个问题。许多科学研究都是通过开放许多实验来证明其重要性的。有效市场的概念可以分为两部分。第一个想法是,股票的回报率在一个有效的股票市场是随机的。此外,第二种观点认为,股票市场的参与者无法获得超额利润(Dunham, 2013)。自随机漫步理论和有效市场假说成立以来,许多学者对这一理论进行了研究,并在现代金融研究和实证领域中探寻了这一理论的相关性。




Over the years, the theory of random walk presented by Professor Fama has undergone public scrutiny. There are several research scholars who worked on this matter. Various scientific research studies are conducted by opening many trials which are made to demonstrate its importance. The idea of the efficient market can be divided into two parts. The first idea is that the return from the stock is random in an efficient stock market. Moreover, the second idea is that the participants of the stock market cannot earn a surplus profit (Dunham, 2013). Since the inception of the random walk theory and efficient market hypothesis, many scholars work on this theory and search the relevance of this theory in modern finance study and empirical field.


The research article written by Professor Fama is still relevant in the contemporary investment scenarios, and several academic scholars still work on the theories presented in the paper. The random walk theory is considered as the critical finance theory, and it provides significant insight of the market. It supports long-term investment in the security market instead of depending on the speculative daily trading in the stock market. The random walk theory does not rely on the fundamental analysis of the stock market as it states that the security price is immensely unruly and unmanageable. Thus, the prediction of the future price of security cannot be possible. Often the prediction can be true, but that is the factor of chance. Moreover, the investment decision cannot be taken based on probability. According to the random walk theory, the past performances of security have not any connection with its future price, and the price changes are independent and cannot be predicted by the past performance of the stocks. Several academic scholars have addressed the issues regarding the stock market efficiency and also conducted several research works on this particular topic. The random walk theory suggests that the stock price data seem to exist in a consistent way and a stock’s price level can be more efficiently predicted by the path of a range of collected random numbers.





In this section, we have a tendency to 1st talk about the info we have a tendency to make use of in our empirical analysis that is bills on short term basis as well as long run basis bonds for shrewd surplus income, economics monetary variables for the duplication of well-known come back estimators, as well as high-frequency S&P500 futures and VIX index for activity accomplished as well as tacit variances (Corsi, Roberto, 2010). Our variance risk premium assess uses a diverse autoregressive prediction equation of accomplished variances increased by means of manifold lags of tacit calculation of the variances (Jiang, Yisong, 2005).
We then gift proof for the prophetical authority for the determination of risk premium variance for bond risk premia at the diminutive and therefore the extended horizons. At this time we foremost run a group of single variant regressions victimisation the variance risk premium because the one and only forecaster variable and so management for alternative well known estimators. We have a tendency to assess the coefficients victimisation statistical method as well as figure commonplace errors subsequent Newey and West (1987) and dynasty and Wright (2010). The concluding strategy shows associate additional room of the distinguished invalidate regression methodology advocated by Hodrick (1992) (Corsi, Roberto, 2010).
Variance Risk Premium and Explanation of Data
The data we have used in our paper runs from January 1990 to Gregorian calendar month 2010. We tend to bring into play a periodical rate of recurrence right the way through this paper and therefore have 249 annotations offered (Demeterfi, Emanuel, Michael, 1999).
Assets Data
Implicit Variance Data
The same as the risk that is neutral based expectation of come variance for succeeding thirty days, we tend to make use of the square VIX, that is that the implication of variance of the S&P five hundred catalogue. We tend to employ knowledge from the Chicago Board of choices Exchange (CBOE) at the ending of the month.








A very significant role has been played by Abraham Lincoln in abolishing slavery although in achieving this objective, he had to face a lot of resistance to abolitionism. He always disliked slavery actively and at the same time we also achieved nationwide eminence as a politician due to his strenuous opposition to the extinction of slavery in the territories. However, when the breakup of the Whig party took place in 1850s, Lincoln decided to separate from some of his very old political allies when he decided to join hands with the antislavery advocates were present in the freshly created Republican Party (Miller, 2011). However he cannot be described as an abolitionist and inevitably a query that is faced by the contemporary students is that if he loathed slavery to such an extent why he was not an abolitionist? For this purpose, first of all it is very important that the attitude of Lincoln towards slavery should be examined and also what he proposed to do in his role as a statesman regarding it.

Views of Lincoln

Although in this regard the history has always remained rationally flawless, the legend of the Great Emancipator certainly resulted in twisting the knowledge related with the position adopted by Lincoln regarding slavery and also confused him with the person who had openly supported the elimination of slavery (Fehrenbacher, 1987). On the other hand, despite the fact that Lincoln believed that slavery was morally wrong, he was also aware of the fact that law also sanctioned it and at the same time, it also needs to be noted that he also acknowledged that the Constitution also guarantees the right of the slave holders to keep slaves and also the right that the fugitive slaves should be returned.

In the same way, Lincoln had not advocated anything that would challenge these rights before the outbreak of the Civil War. Therefore, as a result of disposition, he can be distinctly separated from the abolitionists as many of them actively supported the run-away slaves and nearly all of them considered that returning the fugitive slaves was unconscionable, irrespective of the provisions of the Constitution in this regard (Foner, 2010). Some of the most noteworthy abolitionists have openly criticized the Constitution and renounced its authority due to the reason that it protected slavery.