标签存档: 代写essay





The main function performed is to get things done by the group of employees. Motivation is referred to as the process of psychology that provides direction and purpose of behaviour that is a pre- disposition for behaving in a purposive way for the achievement of unmet and specific needs (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2005). This acts as an internal factor for satisfying an unsatisfied need or requirement, and the will for achieving it.
Business organizations are present for the achievement of corporate objectives and employees that work within the organization aiding for the achievement of those objectives in order to work towards their individual targets and goals (Hall and Taylor, 2004). In an ideal business environment, if each and every single individual will be putting in his or her best efforts while performing, then the goals of the organization will be met in a significant manner. However, as per the psychology of humans, they tend to not work putting in their best efforts due to certain reasons.
In the current world of business, with rapid changes taking place all the time, it has been becoming extremely important for the managers to be motivating their staff members and helping their staff to optimize their performance in a significant manner. It has been identified that employees who are highly motivated tend to be more productive and creative within the setting of the work place (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2005). However, it is also important to note that motivation of humans is a difficult task. This has to be done in a number of different ways and in accordance with the individual needs and preferences of different employees.



小说“老无所依”是基于三个人的,Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom Bell 和 Llewellyn Moss。这个故事围绕着莫斯发现的一个装有200万美元的手提箱,并且在整个小说中与它一起运行。这个故事的事件发生在美国和墨西哥边境的地区,是以非法毒品交易的后果为基础的。小说的标题是从叶乙的“游历拜占庭”(1962)的诗歌中被采用的。另外,这部小说还有电影改编,Coen兄弟Joel和Ethan Coen于2007年发行。
我们遇到了卢埃林的妻子卡拉·让·莫斯和埃德·汤姆·贝尔的妻子洛蕾塔·贝尔。根据Ryan P. Doom的说法,除了向丈夫提供支持之外,两位女性在小说中扮演的角色并不重要,重要的是要注意,两个女人都不影响小说中的男人的故事情节或决定。在整个小说中,两个女人的角色被看作是对丈夫的恭维和照顾,并且很难理解这两个男人所面临的无情暴力。不知怎的,这些女人却无缘自言自语。
在小说中,两位妻子都被指出是对丈夫的关心和爱护。换句话说,角色是描绘对男人的原始吸引力和忠诚度。有趣的是,随着故事的进展,Carla Jean的性格不仅与她的丈夫不相容,而且也与Anton Chigurh的性格有关。


The novel “No Country for Old Men” is based on three characters; Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom Bell and Llewellyn Moss. The story revolves around Moss’s discovery of a suitcase containing 2 million dollars and his run with it throughout the novel. The events of the story occur in the districts of the United States-Mexico Border and are based on consequences of an illegal drug deal. The novel’s title was adopted from Yeat’s poem “Sailing to Byzantium” (1962). Additionally, the novel has a movie adaption that was released in 2007 by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen.
Along with the three characters, we come across Llewellyn’s wife, Carla Jean Moss and Ed Tom Bell’s wife, Loretta Bell. According to Ryan P. Doom, the two women do not play any significant role in the novel other than providing support to their husbands; it is important to note that neither of the two women influences the storyline or the decisions made by the men in the novel. The characters of both the women were seen to be complimenting and caring for the husbands throughout the novel and miserably failing to comprehend the remorseless violence that the two men face. Somehow, the women came across as having no right to voice themselves.
In the novel, both the wives are noted to be caring and affectionate towards their husbands. In other words, there role was to portray primeval attraction and loyalty towards the men. Interestingly, as the story progresses, the character of Carla Jean evolves as woman who not only is at odds with her husband but also the character of Anton Chigurh.






塞恩斯伯里(Sainsbury)的组织最初是在1869年建立起来的,目前它正在800多家商店中经营,其中包括600家超市和便利商店(400家)。目前该公司正在与劳埃德银行集团合作。该组织还包括与土地安全组织和英国土地公司有关的各种企业。 Sainsbury的品牌基于在英国提供的食品,不仅美味,而且非常安全和健康。 Sainsbury的商店以负责任的方式跟踪所有的方法,这使得他们保持良好的质量和成本效益的撬棍(Hart&Johnson,2009)。这些商店还有一个潜在的卖点,那就是全面销售新鲜的食品,并且根据顾客的需求在公司内部不断努力改进生产线(Deshpande et al。,2009)。这些商店现在能够服务更多的客户超过1900万英国,并在市场上占有超过百分之十六的份额。该公司还增加了几个失业人员的工作。


The main aim of this report is to develop a marketing plan for Sainsbury, UK to enter a new market China. The report consists of several theories and issues that are practically required for marketing plan development. This report also provides examination of the market of Sainsbury and its application is known through the models of theories.

In order to develop a successful market plan, this report focuses on situation analysis, marketing objectives, strategy of marketing and the plan for implementation with regard to Sainsbury UK entering the market of China which is a completely new environment.

Background of Sainsbury

The organization of Sainsbury was initially established in the year 1869 and currently it is operating with more than 800 stores inclusive of 600 supermarkets and stores for convenience (400). Currently the company is working by collaborating itself with the banking group of Lloyds. The organization also consists of various ventures that are joints along with the group Plc of land security and the company of British land Plc. The brand of Sainsbury has been developed base on the provision of customers in UK to have food which is not only tasty but also very secure and healthy for the people. The stores of Sainsbury have followed all the approaches in a responsible way which has lead them to maintain good quality along with cost efficient pries (Hart  & Johnson, 2009). The stores also have a potential focus on selling food which is completely fresh and there is a continuous strive in the company for improving the line products in accordance to the needs of the customers (Deshpande et al., 2009). These stores now are capable of serving more customers than 19 million across the UK and have a share in the market which is over 16 percent. The company also enhances jobs for several unemployed people.



保罗·沃森(Paul Voosen)撰写的名为“超级基金会 – 荒地”的文章倾向于关注荒地在美利坚合众国的有害影响。文章指出,目前美国六分之一的居民中,大约有一人居住在危险废物场地附近,但仍然不知情。






The article named “Superfund Sites- Wasteland” authored by Paul Voosen tends to focus on the harmful impacts of wastelands across the United States of America. It has been pointed out in the article that in the current times there are about one out of six citizens of America who live very close the hazardous waste site and still are unaware about the same.


Most of the sites are the part of the superfund program which was created in the year 1980 by Congress. Across the nation there are about 1700 Superfund sites and it has been studied that each of these sites has several harmful impacts of its own. It has been stated in the article that one of the sites in Washington State poses a threat to the national security. This is because of the fact that it was at this site that plutonium was made during the Manhattan Project.


Thus, it could be said that the issue of wastelands is of a serious concern to the entire nation because of the harmful impacts which are associated with the same. The harmful impacts are not limited to just one place; it could be spread to places where these wastelands are present. This would result in several kinds of birth defects and maybe even cancer. It is known that the issue is still present across the nation because of the lack of funds. The government must take necessary measures so as to ensure that these wastelands are taken care of. However, the one could recycle these sites for the purpose of production of various things and also for the production of solar energy.





这座房子基本上是一个两层的木框架结构。木框架结构方便,用于在走廊内为书籍和其他材料建造空间。走廊的走廊空间,当从走廊入口进入主街区时,就像走廊一样,不会最大限度地利用空间,所以在建造木架子时,建筑师实际上对空间安排有了更好的意义。总建筑面积仅为75.30平方米,总用地面积约66.42平方米,建筑面积2 37.65m(富士山建筑师工作室:附近的房子,2010)。作为私人住宅的主要用途建造,这个房子的空间安排与极简主义设计理念同步。



The house is basically a two storey wood frame structure. The wood frame structure is convenient as it has been used to build holding space in the corridors for books and other materials. The corridor space that leads from the entrance to the main block inside when used as just as a corridor would not be making the maximum use of space, so in constructing the wooden shelves the architects actually give a better meaning to the space arrangement. The total floor area is only 75.30 m2, the total site area is around 66.42 m2 and the building area is 37.65m 2 (Mount Fuji architects studio: near house, 2010). Constructed for the main purpose of use as a private residence this house space arrangement is in sync with the minimalist design philosophy.

The minimalist design philosophy advocates for getting as much use as possible given less. This is a philosophy that has been applied on business products, art, clothing and architecture. Minimalism is construed to be understood as increased functionalism when it comes to architecture. Ellen (2003) states that most modern architects need to focus on the functional aspects of these designs as well as the artistic aspects that are required. Compact usable designs in architecture that results in less impact on the environment are preferred. In using environment friendly wooden constructions that are used in their bare minimalist form, the work of this near house is actually an excellent example of the minimalist culture. The house is called near house because it is something similar to a house, excepting that the elements of construction are really toned down than they would be in a normal house. However this does not mean a tradeoff has been achieved with respect to the usefulness.








This particular article focuses on and discusses certain texts that have been utilized and are still being utilized for supporting and defining specific practices of architecture. The key point by which the discussion has been started is focused on the text Genius Loci that had been stated by Christian Norberg- Schulz that was diverted towards a phenomenology related to architecture. Amongst several other related personalities, this has been considered as an extremely useful way to make an approach towards this particular subject. According to Edquist, the suggestion can be found in the title itself that an old trope has been brought together by Norberg- Schulz (Edquist 1988). It can also be stated that for fulfilling the key purpose to be followed for this paper, shorter piece has been chosen as to what has been expressed and stated by Norberg- Schulz in Genius Loci.

The concept of double character has been given huge importance within this particular article. In addition to this, in a spatial manner, Rome can be said to be expressing the concept of double character. There is an involvement of two spatial orders within the concept of double character that are the axial organization and the vernacular clusters that are rooted of dwellings. The marks that can be found by the point of intersection of both of these spatial order has been considered as the basic elements involved in the architecture of Rome as per Norberg- Schulz (Edquist 1988). In consideration with this particular point, the result seems to be a good one for the nation of Rome.

According to this particular article, it has been stated that Norberg- Schulz has high significance with respect to the phase being passed that contributes in making it as the original form of genius loci coming back to life. As per the author, Norberg- Schulz seems to be going at length for providing a description of the vernacular nature being held by the buildings of Rome that contributes in the formation of a base related to the chthonic (Edquist 1988). There are a number of points that are extremely bizarre, considering to what has been stated and put forward in genius loci by Norberg- Schulz.



阿里特斯,J.和Walker R.(2014)、“多元文化团体的领导风格: 美国人和亚洲人一起工作”。国际商务沟通  2014年1月51日记: 72-92,





Aritz, J. and Walker R. (2014), “Leadership Styles in Multicultural Groups: Americans and East Asians Working Together”. International Journal of Business Communication January 2014 51: 72-92,

The article elaborates the discussion of Leadership style in various cultural groups across the world and how people from America and East Asia have collaborated and synergized their business operations. Aritz and Walker have noted that there is a great difference in leadership style and business culture in Asia as well as USA which is quite intriguing from a neutral’s perspective. The core emphasis of the essay is on research methodology and they have summarized the main research results.

Aritz and Walker have noted that Leadership can have a crucial impact on the overall outcome of not only a company but the whole nation or region. Many of the points made by Aritz and Walker are based on empirical analysis and we should applaud them for the way they have integrated profitability with leadership and how they have measured the success of the regions through their leadership potential. Throughout their research, the authors have discussed on the fact that differing leadership styles may have a significant impact on the participation as well as contribution of fellow members and it may affect the feelings of happiness or belonging within a group. Their results also provide solid evidence that some of the most successful styles of leadership may not be successful in other cultural groups.

Overall, Aritz and Walker have done a commanding job of highlighting the importance of leadership and have been able to reveal that the success and failure of corporations depends heavily on leadership. The research is quite valid and very subjective and by reading the article by Aritz and Walker, one can conclude and feel inspired for further investigation regarding the importance of Leadership in the area of business management.








这项研究正在对两家英国中小型企业进行。这些企业是云端组织和凤凰合作伙伴。选择这些组织的原因是,这两个组织都在2013年排名第一,但与TPP在1998年推出的Cloud Reach组织相比,TPP的流失率非常低,而Cloud Reach于2009年推出,组织在同一层面上。


In small and medium businesses, employee flow management is a specific challenge for the years. Small and medium businesses often work with a limited budget, an archaic system, and high turnover. This is the reason these small and medium businesses take plunge in innovative approaches for employee flow management. As said, ‘A Smarter workforce makes smarter business’, therefore in small and medium businesses workforce or employee flow management is extremely important. Employee flow management system comes under the human resource management.


Human resource management encompasses those activities designed to provide for and coordinate human resources in an organization (Bishwajeet, 2012). People are an organization’s asset. Employees must be hired, satisfied, motivated, developed, and retained.  In the small and medium enterprises human resource development plays a vital role in growth of the organization. A company’s growth mostly on its human resources because that is only self-operative resource of an organization other resources like machinery etc. are operated by human resources only.

Human resource development manages all the human resource activities, like recruitment, training and assessment etc. according to the need of an organization and in the small and medium enterprises it is very necessary to manage human resource activities. It can be said by investing a little money in HRD can save a lot in future. Thus HRD will be appropriate for saving money with increasing turnover rate in the SME’s.


This research is being conducted on two small and medium enterprises of the U.K.Those enterprises are Cloud Reach Organization and The Phoenix Partners. The reason of choosing these organization are both the organizations are ranked on top in 2013 but the turnover rates of the TPP is very less in comparison to the Cloud Reach organization as the TPP was introduced in 1998 and Cloud Reach was introduced in 2009 but both the organizations are on the same level.



从雇主的角度看培训的好处,从他们的观点来看,培训对员工很重要的原因应该被列出。当员工们认为公司正在为他们的培训和发展投资时,员工们就会觉得自己更有价值,进而对工作场所和他们所做的工作表现出更大的忠诚和感激之情(McGregor,1960:122 – 127)。随后,员工们觉得有必要提供更多的服务,并尽最大努力保持公司的利润和成功。



经过适当培训的员工也可以管理和监控自己,不需要对他们的工作进行微观管理,他们可能会得到更多的工作,并被要求指导和指导下级员工(Lombardi & laurano,2013:252 – 292)。员工培训的整个本质是在组织中创造一个学习环境,使员工成为不断成长的工作场所的一部分,使他们更能坚持组织工作,从而减少消耗。


Having seen the benefits of training from an employer’s perspective, the reasons why training is important to an employee from their viewpoint shall be listed. When the employees fell that the organization is investing money for their training and development, the employees feel more worthy and in turn show a greater sense of loyalty and gratitude to the workplace and the work they do (McGregor, 1960: 122-127). Subsequently the employees feel the need to deliver more and do their best to always keep the business in profit and success.

Training also creates a sense of empowerment to the employee which results in an increased willingness and acceptance to accommodate more tasks and responsibilities within a short period of time. On the whole employee training is beneficial to the organization they work for and also for themselves.

Another of the takeaways of training the staff of an organization is that they are motivated to be more productive and they may be constantly engaged in developing themselves and learning new technologies and techniques that shall help the business in the long run.

The staff who are trained properly shall also be able to manage and monitor themselves and there shall be no need for micromanagement of their work, rather they may be given more work and additionally asked to mentor and guide employees who are junior to them (Lombardi &Laurano, 2013: 252-292). The whole essence of staff training is to create a learning environment in the organization that makes the employees they are part of a continually growing workplace that makes them stick on to the organization for even more time, thereby a measure for also reducing attrition.


美国明尼苏达大学论文代写: 产品的附加功能

美国明尼苏达大学论文代写: 产品的附加功能




美国明尼苏达大学论文代写: 产品的附加功能

The post modern society has become fragmented and dispersed. The customer has to negotiate his lifestyle from the diversity of options present. Hence it is quite evident that the consumer looks out for self-identity. The post modern customers do not just consume the product but they consume the symbolic meaning of the product as well. The concept of hyper reality is closely associated with the symbolic meanings of the products.

The product companies use the power of simulation to determine the reality. The companies use the concept of arbitrariness as they attach several other meanings to the product with the use of sophisticated use of form, technique, symbol etc. For example a bathing soap is supposed to clean out body while people take bath. The advertisers give new symbolic meaning to the product like beauty, happiness, spa experience etc. These alternate symbols are projected so strongly that this becomes the ultimate reality for the consumers (Giddens, 1991).

It is argued that the essence of the product is lost, what is left is just the image. Thus consumers now use the image to buy a product. Thus it is not wrong to say that image is not representing the product rather the product is representing the image. The post modern consumes do not really consume the product instead they consume the symbolic meaning attached with the product (Hatch & Schultz, 1997). The post modern customers know that tooth paste makes teeth white but they are more concerned about the other collateral benefits like sexiness, the girls getting attracted and the like. They know that the basic feature would always be associated with the product. What they actually want to know is the additional feature which they would be getting along with the product.