标签存档: 代写essay





Zara has grown into a major apparel brand in the affordable luxury category. A major portion of this credit goes to its wondrous handling of quality management, wherein it makes customer satisfaction its priority. The company understood, right from beginning, that if customer expectations are to be met, it must indulge deeper to crystallize its quality management principles. Thus, their whole purpose of existence was to identify all kinds of customer expectations, existent and perceived, and make its internal quality management in accordance and align with customer expectations.

Zara decided to put its internal quality principles in place, assuming it would manifest into an outward quality movement. Foremost of all, Zara identified its internal process of working, the supply chain and its constraints and abundance in supporting the replacement time of new stocks in stores, and its process monitoring methodology. Processes were identified which directly impacted the entire supply chain process, and eventually the product quality and customer expectations. This would pre-resolve process disruptions when it is required to be the most vigil. In particular, the company classified processes that conveyed everything about customer expectations, giving them new meaning into understanding the consumer mind. Extensive and continuous observation led to process refinement, after which a fixed process was laid out for the employees to follow. All decisions of the content of the process was to be based on its ability and applicability to outreach customer expectations. This supported their ideal strategy of winning customers with their undoubted willingness to serve.



代写essay格式要求和写作方法解析。中国留学生想要写出一篇高分的essay,首先就要了解essay的格式要求和写作方法。因为格式要求体现了引用是否合理?是否有抄袭的情况发生?写作方法则是考察中国留学生的英文专业写作能力,那么代写essay格式要求和写作方法有哪些呢?接下来美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下讲解。


1.代写essay格式要求一般为Harvard引用格式。Harvard引用格式已经成为一种国际性的学术规范。如果是APA格式是美国大学社会人文学科最常见的论文引用格式,那么哈佛引用格式在英国、欧洲其他国家和澳洲也具有同样的地位。 哈佛体系之所以被学术界所接受,因为它使用起来灵活、简洁、清晰,并且对作者和读者来说都较为方便。


按照作者姓名、年份、书名、出版地、出版社。例如:White, R.( 1988). Advertising: What it is and How to do it. 2nd ed. London: McGrawhil.每个reference之间要隔一行。








此外,在写作abstract的时候,一定要知道abstract的目的是什么,简而言之,一个合格的abstract要简短,并且能够让读者第一时间知道 你在文章中写了什么。abstract要对你文章中的所有论点和论文标题进行概括地总结延伸,这是 abstract的重要一步,要给予充分重视。但是,我们要知道,并不是每篇essay都要写abstract,如果需要写,大多数老师都会提 前说明。


essay的 introduction部分,一般字数要求为文章总字数的10%即可,一段内容足矣,切忌分成两段来写。Introduction在写作的时候,第一句 和第二句需要对文章的题目进行详细的解释说明,接下来要介绍文章题目的写作背景,接下来,就需要写你文章中将要写的内容,对所有的论点简单概括一下,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师在此提醒留学生们需要注意的是,论文题目选择后要有侧重地写,文章范围铺的越宽泛写作越缺乏针对性,导致文章内容分散,观点不集中,内容不深入,思想不深刻。


essay的body部分,也就是文章中需要重点写作的部分,是文章的主体部分,这部分需要对文章中的论点进行详细大家解释说明,一般要求每个论点的解说分为一段, 还有一点需要注意,body部分的人称不能使用i,she,he,当然,如果涉及到举例子是可以使用的。


essay的conclusion部分,也就是文章的结尾部分,一般为文章总数的10%即可,conclusion要求简短,概括性强,一段足矣。首先用一两句话对 文章的题目进行总结,并结合题目说说自己的看法和想法,接下来需要重点总结文章中所出现的论点,每个论点都要总结到,但是总结需要简短,一个论点一句话就可以了。

综上所述就是代写essay格式要求和写作方法解析。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


美国论文代写检查修改论文作业的技巧有哪些?留学生们在完成论文作业后都需要检查和修改,这样可以让论文作业更加精进和完善。那么留学生们在论文检查修改中需要掌握哪些技巧呢?接下来美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下讲解。


2、 每段和每段间的连接,是否有紧密的链接句?连接是否自然?



5、 是否每个缩写都得到了解释?




7、你是否做到了Make every word count?



文章中应避免一些不确定的词语,如rather, quite, somewhat, probably, possibly, 等等. 删除那些不必要的不确定的词汇。这样,Adcom的人就更相信你说的内容,相信你很sure你自己是个qualified candidate.




以上就是美国论文代写检查修改论文作业的技巧解析。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Debord (1967) goes beyond by stating that in the current society, there is presentation of life as immensely accumulating spectacles. Everything that lived directly has ended up receding with representation. This is interpreted differently out of the word and has strong roots within the idea that reality can be considered as spectacle across a society. However, spectacle ends up manifesting itself, whether it be in terms of entertainment, advertisement or news. It has been representing and enforcing the dominant model that can be considered as a normative order. This helps in creating a link between spectacle and power. It can be considered as the key attribute of power for bringing about a system that is beneficial for the powerful, and it is the role played by spectacle for the enforcement of that system. This is accomplished by a number of different sources. First is in relation with the ideas of Barthes (1957) considering spectacle in the form of a distraction. While the powerful can be seen to reap the profits out of societies working across a rate that can be identified as disproportional for the skill and effort being put in. Those in the absence of power can be pacified in terms of spectacle, and this can be identified as a distraction for injustice.
When considering the setting initially, the Paris Attacks of November 2015, had been a number of well- coordinated attacks by terrorists that ended up taking place in Paris along with Saint- Denis that is its northern suburb. On that day, there had been a striking of three suicide bombers starting from 21:20 CET, in Saint Denis, near the Stade de France, followed by mass shootings and suicide bombings at a music venue, restaurants and cafes in the central part of Paris (Yong and Bale, 2015). The attackers ended up killing 130 individuals that included 89 individuals taking hostages at the Bataclan theatre prior to having an engagement with the police in a stand- off. It has been seen that social issues have a significant impact on youth, in terms of inequality, unemployment and education being offered as an excuse to these individuals. Looting trainers and TVs might not be identified as a logical response to unfairness of the society. However, it can be considered as anger in the initiation of action significant in this context, and not in context with what has been done by it.

论文范文美国论文代写-权力实施所发挥的奇观就为留学生分享到这里。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


美国代写-赛事组织者和赛事管理者。为了成功地组织未来的体育赛事,赛事组织者必须做好一切必要的准备工作。主办单位应妥善安排游客或观众的后勤、接待、旅游、食品管理及安全保护措施。需要适当的安全安排来保护运动员和观众免受威胁,如恐怖袭击、自然灾害、暴力或不利的体育活动(Luckham, 2011)。与此同时,主办方也有必要采取严格的安全标准和保护政策,保障运动员和游客在赛场和酒店的安全。为此,赛事组织者和赛事管理者可以在其体育运营中有效地采用区域活动指标、常见的体育场地漏洞、保护性体育设施安全措施等来应对突发事件。论文范文美国代写-赛事组织者和赛事管理者分享给留学生阅读。

For organizing the further sports events successfully, it is essential for the event organizer to make all the necessary arrangements required for organizing the event successfully. The organizer should make proper arrangements for the logistics, hospitality, traveling, foods management, and safety and protection measures for the visitors or spectators. The proper safety arrangements are needed to protect the sportspersons and spectators from the threats, like terrorism attacks, natural disaster, violence or unfavorable sporting activities (Luckham, 2011). Along with this, it is also necessary for the organizer to adopt strict safety standards and protection policies for the safety of the sportsmen and visitors in the sports ground and hotels. For this, it could be effective for the event organizers and event managers to adopt territory activity indicators, common sports venue vulnerabilities, and protective sports facilities security measures in their sports operational to prepare for the emergency events.
It will also be effective for the sports organizers to make proper foods arrangements by serving different types of foods, recipes, and dishes for the sportsmen or cricketers of different nations as per their tastes and preferences. It is also necessary for the organizers to avoid and eliminate the possibility of Match-Fixing and Doping to maintain the popularity of Cricket World Cups because the match-fixing and Doping can spoil the careers of the sportspersons as well as the popularity of the mega cricket events (Bladden, Kannell, Abson, and Wilde, 2012). Additionally, the sports events should be organized by meeting all legal and organizational requirements. Along with this, the event organizers should select a suitable venue for organizing the mega sporting events where audiences could reach in the maximum quantities. The audiences should be served well with tea, snacks, and drink waters from time to time by caterers.

There should also be proper arrangements for the water drainage system as well as groundsmen in the large quantities for draining the water from the grounds in the case of heavy rainfall during cricket matches. In addition to this, it will also be effective for an event organizer to analyze and review the video recordings, pictures and data of the past successful sports events to get some ideas for the further sports events. The event organizers should collect the responses and feedbacks of the audiences or spectators as references for further improvements in the mega sporting events, such as cricket world cup, champions trophy or test championships (Robinson, Wale, and Dickson, and Events Management, 2010). Along with this, it could also be effective for the sporting event organizers to get the support of the sports architecture or experts sports committee to support the preplanning of time, venue, and budget required for managing a sports event.

论文范文美国代写-赛事组织者和赛事管理者就为留学生分享到这里。如果中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构解决论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



Every person has creativity in them. The strong creative thinking abilities are required to promote lifelong creativity. Creativity is important for innovation, problem solving, and creating new levels of learning. Creativity requires thinking about oneself. It individuals are confident about themselves and their decision, then they would be able to enhance their creative skills. Creativity takes the individual to a different world, where a person thinks about every problem differently. With creativity, people use creative problem solving approach, which also improves the societal environment. Creativity also improves attention and cognitive skills in students. When imaginations are encouraged, they give birth to creativity. This is also very important for the society, as creative people can help in solving more problems. Thinking creatively is very important in 21st century, and this is because it also encourages mathematical and scientific thinking. Creative thinking involves communication, clarity, problem-solving, finding solutions, implementations of solutions and also promotes learning skill enhancement.

The quality of the student-teacher relationship could be very successful in encouraging children to become active learners. Creativity can be promoted and encouraged by positive relationship among students and teachers. The overall development of students in schools and colleges not only depends on education or learning, but it also depends on positive relationship among student and teachers. If a teacher is able to create a responsive environment in the classroom, then students are more encouraged to share their creative ideas.

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. When the educational system of America was in the crisis, this kind of argument was emphasized. This movement is taking place over the last few years. This is an educational approach, which is used as an access point for guiding the students towards critical thinking and creativity. The student using this educational approach are taking thoughtful risks, involve in problem solving, engage themselves in experimental learning as we all work through creative process (What is STEAM, 2016).
21st Century Skills: The 21st century skills include innovation and creativity in the curriculum, with a comprehensive set of frameworks. The 21st century skills are mainly defined as, thinking creatively (with the use of various creation techniques), working creatively in collaboration with others (implementing and communication new ideas with others), and implementing innovation (acting on the creative ideas and contributing in the field, where it is required).

论文范文学院论文代写-创造力的培养就为留学生分享到这里。如果中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构解决论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



美国代写论文-消费者购后的评价行为。消费者良好的购后评价促进了实现。顾客选择一个特定的品牌或零售商店,因为他们认为这是一个更好的总体决策,而不是在决定购买选择时所评估的不同选择。他们期待从他们所选择的事情的执行水平可以从完全低到非常高。欲望和感知不是自发的,购物者倾向于看到符合他们欲望的执行。购物后,大多数商品都被消费者消费掉了,即使他们不喜欢它。购买者体验购后冲突就像购买Fitness Mobile一样,机会成本将是购买者可能已经离开的竞争对手的移动设备的成本。当可供选择的余地有限时,买家可能不会感到不满,因为没有类似的竞争者可供比较。接下来论文范文美国代写论文-消费者购后的评价行为分享给留学生们阅读。

Consumers’ great post-purchase assessment prompts fulfilment. Customers pick a specific brand or retail store since they see it as a superior general decision than different options that were assessed while settling on the purchase choice. They look forward to a level of execution from their chosen thing that can go from entirely low to very high. Desires and perception are not autonomous and shoppers have a tendency to see execution in accordance with their desires. In the wake of utilizing the Fitness mobile, the fulfilment with any purchase is essentially an element of the expected performance level, and perception in respect to that. Buyers take part in a steady procedure of assessing the things that they purchase, as these items are incorporated into their day by day utilization exercises (Xia et al. 2010). In case of a few purchases, buyers might also experience post-purchase disharmony. This happens as an after-effect of the shopper questioning his insight of a buy. Post buying, most items are consumed by shoppers, even if they don’t like it. Buyers experience post-buying conflict as by buying Fitness Mobile, the opportunity cost will be cost of the competitor’s mobile which the buyer might have left. When there are limited choices available, the buyers might not be dissatisfied as there wouldn’t be similar competitors available to compare with.
The buyer usually encounters fulfilment when the execution level meets or surpasses the base execution desires (Verkasalo, 2008). When the execution level far surpasses the craved execution level, the purchaser won’t just be fulfilled yet will in all likelihood be pleased. This kind of upshot has a tendency to lessen the purchaser’s basic decision-making on future purchase events of the same item to attain fulfilment. In this manner, if the person likes the Fitness Mobile, he would like to re-purchase the same for himself or for his friends/ relatives. He might suggest the same brand to his acquaintances as well. Therefore, a great purchase experience urges customers to rehash the similar behaviour in the upcoming times. A pleased shopper is prone to be loyal and eager regarding a specific brand and normally unrealistic to be affected by contenders’ activities (Twedt, 2013). A pleased customer will likewise be spreading a great word-of-mouth.
It will be assisted with a development of an online forum for the issues (if any) after the sales of the product. In case of any issues, the customer will be able to contact the forum and post the reviews sharing the feedback and reviews. Therefore, the social media, internet and other forums will be useful for getting the feedback for the new innovative product- fitness Mobile.

论文范文美国代写论文-消费者购后的评价行为就留学生分享到这里。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The Human Resource Management (HRM) of ZARA has been designed in a very systematic way. There are certain rules and guidance which are taught to the staff and employees. The employees are obliged to follow these rules in order to complete a particular task or project. The rules of guidance are set to achieve high efficiency and lowest costs in production department so that the company may sustain and generate competent revenues.

ZARA uses modern technological systems to ensure fastest procedures in the supply chain and other company activities. In the context of technological advancement, a major system applied in supply chain of ZARA is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). A separate ID has been allotted to each product/item which is detected by security device (Morris, 2014). The ID of each product provides sales value of the product which can be checked by managers anytime (Lu, 2016).

Communication has always been valued by ZARA. To compete the strategy of ZARA, smooth and absolute communication is necessary for transfer of customer feedback. A direct communication system between consumer and designer or product manager has been maintained by ZARA. Consumer may complete a questionnaire on internet to give feedback of products.

論文范文代寫論文-ZARA的人力資源管理設計系統就為留學生分享到這裏。留學生論文寫作提升,可以找美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台機構的論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有美國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



These include spot fines, prohibition notice from inspectors, prosecutes, imprisonment and a range of non-monetary sanctions and fines. Hence, the consequence of the hazards will fall into corporations, officers and employees. The severity is based on their position. Based on the severity of the non-compliance and its casual effect, the parties will be penalized by the government .
It has been recommended that the company address all the issues related to safety and ensure that there is a robust risk management in place to address these issues.
Consequences of hazards in the workplace

The management will face severe issues and their sustenance will be a problem if they do not comply with the hazards in the workplace. They need to adhere to a proper code of conduct that is mandated by the law, and also make special provisions to ensure that they have ensured the safety and well-being of the workers. The issues stemming from hazards will cause irrevocable damages to the life of the people.

The workers have the right to cease work, if the workers feel that their health will be at risk. This should however be under reasonable clauses.
If the hotel is non-compliant with the laws. There will be penalties by the government based on their breech of conduct. The law divides the people into corporations, officers and workers. There will be fines based on the activities of the people. There are two WHS regulators in NSW to ensure the safety of the workers. For the mining department, there is a separate department. For all other workplace, it is Safework NSW department. The hotel should follow the regulation of the Safework NSW. Safework NSW determines how the people should be prosecuted.

There is no reasonable measures that the hotel has taken to ensure the safety of the people. It is under serious breach of the WHS. They need to first report the issue with the chemicals and develop a better risk management policy. All the people and the stakeholders involved in the hotel are risk of prosecution. Issues such as fixing of the lift have been identified as a major risk for the safety of all the people visiting the hotel. Apart from this, there should be training provided to all the people working in the company. The proposed event of 150 members cannot occur given the current conditions of the hotel.

论文范文学术论文代写-酒店的风险管理措施就为留学生分享到这里。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Now from these two ethical theories, it will be possible to analyze the situation for the company SkinSPa and marketing decision recommendations could be made. Considering the first theory of utilitarianism, it could be argued that in the case of marketing for the urban wealthy women of aged 38-58, they can afford the money really and would also be satisfied with the anti-aging creams as it would have some benefit for them. The company benefits, because it is able to sell more products. The company would have found a niche segment where they can continue selling products for a long time. However, in the case of the consumer segment of teenage girls, the marketing claims benefit only the firm and not the girls. The teenage girls really don’t need the cream. Clinical statements show teenage skin does not need it. So who really benefits from the venture is the question. It is only SkinSPa that would benefit. So under the utilitarian theory, there is no maximization of benefits to all stakeholders. Only a subsection of stakeholders are benefitted here.

Secondly consider the application of the Kantian ethical theory. Here the theory states that the rules or duty has to be followed irrespective of consequences. Now applying this in the case of marketing decisions, it can be said that the marketing decision has to be as truthful as possible. It should not make false claims just so to increase its profits. While making claims on the products being targeted for the teenagers, the products themselves cannot result in an anti-aging situation for the teenagers as their skin is already good. The second ethical theory of Kantian is better to be utilized in this case. The second ethical theory is better, because using this theory will help to reconcile the difference of ethical interests in both parties. The ethical interests of consumers as stakeholders and the society is that the products have to be safe for use, and the information shared for the products must be accurate etc. These would be handled by the agents performing their duty and what is right instead of worrying about the consequences. Similarly, the marketing for the firm should just do what is right and must not resort to false advertising. This might increase product sales in the short term, but in the long term could have adverse consequences, so it is better for the marketing decision making to be developed based on Kantian ethics.

There are different stakeholders involved in the company and it is the duty of the working of the company to ensure that all stakeholders are to be satisfied. While it is true that the primary nature of a firm is to make a profit, the profit should not be at the expense of falsifying marketing information or by other unethical marketing practices. Long term relationships between firm and customer are created only when there is ethical decision making. To whatever extent possible, the decision making should be such that all stakeholders are benefitted, and not just a subset of the stakeholders. Only with such an attempt at decision making, there will be convergence in interests.

论文范文英语论文代写-康德伦理理论的应用就为留学生分享到这里。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!