标签存档: 代写essay



Although the abstract art has not originated from China, the country still possesses the strongest tradition and has spread the pure essence of abstract art. The history of Chinese art included song painting, late Qing art, Yuan painting, contemporary art and visual art (Rawson and Jessica, 2007).
In the present times, the abstract art has become much more alive and popular in different parts of China. There have been a large number of exhibitions which have been coming in the nation one after another. The abstract art had been published in the number of exhibitions and there had been a number of publications related to the same.
Though, there were some of the problems with the abstract art movement. Firstly, with abstract art, it was difficult to do the reality predicament of formalism. The abstract art was actually not the kind of genre which had actually finished its historic mission. Abstraction is a very important and a basic language which is used by human beings in order to know the world and express different ideas. Though, according to the theoretical concept, there may be no limit to the exploration of different languages in the visual forms, but in general, it may not be possible to ensure that all the explorations are unique, aesthetically valuable and bears excellence. At present, the Chinese abstract art is very limited and has not been developed completely. In general, the world abstract is much deeper than what it has actually been developed in China at present. Another problem with the abstract art is, it may be impacted with the dangers such as commercialization and vulgarization. This may be possible when the abstract art forms will enter the market and would become the interest of the middle class. Because of the commercialization of the same, there will be loss of the conservative spirit.
Few other notable figures that were known for their abstract works include Chen Chuangluo, Xu Longsen, Li Shan, Zhang Jianjun and Yu Jiyong. Shanghai Artist Ding Yi had accomplished his work and expressed the utmost purity during 1980s (Xu, 2012). Abstract art underwent a slight variation or even a version where Shanghai abstract art has become extremely popular and also the trend in 1990s. This included aesthetic features including calmness, lucidity, delicacy, fashion and culture (Sullivan and Michael 1999, 712).

The art market and museums in China today demonstrate exceptional works of abstract arts from renowned artists who have given a new version to the nature and essence of work. Further, it is believed that this form of art will expand to multiple versions in the near future. Chinese abstraction is also commonly seen in the interior as well as exterior environments, and these show the matured mindsets of people to accept and express the aesthetics of China.

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在本篇论文代写-领导者和追随者之间关系的组成部分中 ,马屁精是那些唯唯诺诺的人。他们试图认同领导的所有反馈。它们朝着与本组织的价值观相冲突的方向前进。它们既不指向系统中的问题,也不提出目标。他们顺从领导的需要。在这种情况下,并不是每个人都是唯唯喏喏的人,每个人都有权发出自己独特的声音,或通过工会组织发出集体的声音。作为一个真正的领导者和一个仆人式的领导者,总经理以这种方式授权给人们。接下来有关论文代写-领导者和追随者之间关系的组成部分分享给大家阅读。

The critics are the opposite of sycophants. They try to challenge and question the leader. This can lead to positive development. However, the constant criticism can be detrimental to the operational process of the company. These can impede the process of the company. The realists of the company are used to provide constructive criticism. They agree with the main ideologies. In case of not agreeing with the ideology. They tend to challenge the leader. They try to offer constructive alternatives to aid the leader or the organizations to meet their aims. The loyalist of the company is the genuine supporters. They are highly engaged and they work hard to support the leader. More of the company followers are loyalists given that they have stayed with the company for a long time. There is not much data to understand how much of criticism the employees involve in. However, data is there to indicate that they bring their negotiations to the table so it could be argued that a fair amount of constructive criticism is indeed present.
Some people of the company usually choose to be observers. They do not provide any form of feedback. They work towards what is needed and do not agree not disagree. They choose to be members of the company that were they silent spectators. A more nuances form of sycophants of the company is the opportunist. They are looking for ways to use the leader. In this schema, the people are not only one kind of followers. They can be a mixture of two characters. It is difficult to categorize the people based on the different kinds of ideologies. In PA, the mix of observers, and opportunities might exist. However, as the general population are handpicked based on their attitude to serve with the company. it could be said that issues and concerns are undermined.
Perhaps the strongest form of follower in the organization is the participant follower. The participant care of followership is necessary when the organizations are trying to make impact. The participant follower agrees with the leader and question the leader’s action if they do not agree with the leadership. These are the main follower style and they are the most valuable followers for any leader. Now, much of the MDs ideas are unique, and hence having the right followership style is a strong necessity for the company and it could be argued that PA has this right followership style mix.

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在个人陈述代写-《精灵宝可梦go》游戏的影响中可以看出, 《精灵宝可梦go》在游戏玩家中引起了相当大的兴趣,但从商业和营销的角度来看,与这款新游戏相关的“休与哭”不会持续太久。只有自然的游戏爱好者将被吸引到游戏由于它提供一个寻宝游戏设置在游戏世界是罕见的,但实际上随着人们参与,兴趣可能会失去和球员将逐渐回归传统的游戏不需要太多的活动。观察人们想法的心态不能仅仅通过提供一种新的游戏体验来改变,但只有当人们决定自己去追求改变时才能产生长期的影响。但同样重要的是明白口袋妖怪走了重要一步促进玩家的健康问题和游戏开发者还必须展示他们的奉献和关心对球员的健康通过鼓励类似游戏将玩家,并帮助他们与公众互动和社交是我们的天性被新的手持技术而中断。接下来有关个人陈述代写-《精灵宝可梦go》游戏的影响分享给大家阅读。

Pokémon Go has seen a frenzy of players attempting to play the game, with many even downloading unofficial versions of the game so as just to get the experience. This is just a natural desire for any person with a passion for gaming since the game delivers a different experience as compared to a traditional game. Compared by many to be similar to a modern technological treasure hunt, the players get to move around and hunt for Pokémon which allows them to gain more exposure and interact with the society as well as see more places (Pulsipher, 2012). The is no doubt that the game has stirred up a frenzy in the gaming world, but almost immediately pros and cons linked to the game can be identified leading the question the credibility and success of the game. To gain a beet perspective linked to Pokémon Go, it is vital that the Pros, Cons be considered after which one can critique the information to gain a clearer understanding on Pokémon goes future success Standings.

The above points clearly point to the Pokémon Go game having a limited number of players who will have the time on their hands to pursue the Pokémon. This is because one will need to move from one place to the next while checking their device and this will automatically result in breaching road safety which will increase the number of accidents that are caused as a direct result if using the game. This makes it important to analyses the games and its potential growth and development jib future which may be limited to thrill seekers who have the freedom and time to pursue the game which requires them to travel to play.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


personal statement 代写-企业组织薪酬方案设计的重要性

personal statement 代写-企业组织薪酬方案设计的重要性,薪酬是指员工为企业所做的工作而从组织获得的货币性和非货币性的利益。如果雇主支付给雇员的薪酬符合雇员的认知,雇员会感到有动力。此外,雇员挣的钱的多少也在很大程度上决定了工人过的那种生活,因为物质产品是可以用钱买到的。在任何企业中,人都是最重要的资源。所有其他的生产要素都是由人来管理的。公司里的雇员根据他们的资格和经验扮演不同的角色。组织结构为这些员工提供了权力和责任。海尔和海信是世界领先的企业。他们还设计了他们的薪酬方案,以吸引和留住他们组织中的高素质人才。接下来有关personal statement 代写-企业组织薪酬方案设计的重要性提供给大家阅读。

Compensation refers to monetary and non monetary benefits that an employee receives from an organization in return for the work done for the enterprise. An employee feels motivated if the compensation paid by the employer is good in the perception of the employee. Further the amount of money earned by an employee also determines to a great extent the kind of life led by the worker because material goods can be bought with money. Humans are the most important resource in any business. All other factors of production are managed by people. There are employees in a firm playing different roles according to their qualifications and experience. The organizational structure provides the authority and responsibility to these employees. Haier and Hisense are the leading companies of the world. They have also designed their compensation packages to attract and retain highly qualified and talented people in their organizations.
The person is involved in creating an image of the company’s products in the minds of the consumers (Baker and Saren, 2010). The person should make use of all the modern marketing tools to make a positive impression on consumers regarding the company also. Public relation exercises have to be planned and executed by the individual. The person has to build good relations with the media persons. The individual needs to have knowledge of mass communication.
According to Hay Point Factors, the individual needs to have good interpersonal skills. The person has to guide and motivate a team of individuals in the company. This team is involved in the creation of advertisement copies. There are individuals involved in gathering information regarding rates charged by different entities for displaying publicity material. The individual should know how to get this team working through judicious distribution of work. The person has to be a good negotiator.
The individual has to decide the promotion mix of the company (Baker and Saren, 2010). The person has to decide how much weight is to be given to the different components of the promotion mix, namely, advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling. The individual has to decide which of the methods of promotion are suitable for the company’s products.

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The comparative law method is mainly used for this particular research study of the environmental law of Hang Kong, Taiwan, and China. Besides this, three other research methodologies have been applied in this research. The other three methods are policy transfer and lesson drawing approach. These are liable for imposing environmental laws, and a socio-legal approach is also implemented for the dissertation study (McCaffrey & Salcido, 2009). However, the foundation of the study is based on comparative law method. The comparative law method provides a unique research methodology that supports the research study of the correlation between the legal systems. It helps in recognizing the similarities and dissimilarities of different legal systems which mean that this is a procedure of comparing different legal systems. Furthermore, such types of comparison turn out results relating to the diverse legal cultures being examined. Hence, this specific research methodology would be effective for the undertaken research for comparing the pros and cons of different relevant environmental laws among three countries and measure Hong Kong’s position in this matter. The tools and techniques are used for determining and evaluating the impact of pollution and how the government of the countries dealing with the situation.
Preliminary results and discussion
The preliminary result, which concluded from the discussion, would be that the entire nations provide great emphasis on developing environmental laws to protect their ecological balance and suggest stringent punishments for the offenders (Hunter, Salzman & Zaelke, 2015). However, it is assumed that Hon Kong’s laws in this matter are not stricter in comparison to Taiwan and China. The protection of the environment is very much important for the welfare of the society, and the violations of the environmental rules and policies are managed in a civil manner such as the imposition of civil damages to the injured parties and fines. New rules and policies are implemented in the field of environmental law as per the state law of the country. It has changed the way in which the government is imposing the rules for the welfare of the society as well as the environment. There are a number of environmental rules and policies aimed at the protection of different aspects of the environment which includes clean air act, clean water act, pollution prevention act, national environmental policy act, occupational and health act and resource conservation act. The establishment of the act is based on the government rules, laws and policies. The industries and people of the country have to follow the standards, laws and policies.

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Change Management can be defined as a process that systematically implements change in the company. The change management has many applications. It is considered as a means of defining along with adoption of the corporate strategies, procedures and technologies. These are found to stem from the changes in the macro environmental conditions. The companies as a measure of transitioning needs to have a process in place where there can be effective leading of people and enabling the people to meet the newer processes that are found to exist in the system. In the cases of Competitive Tactic Change management, the companies need to look for ways to be a continual process. The companies need to align the goals of the organization in the marketplace (Ittner and Larcker, 2003). These can be done responsibly and effectively than the competitors. Now Chipotle as seen from the media urgency and more is shown to be invested into change management. The reason for the declining of the restaurant stock prices is due to the issues in service and product quality.
To bring in change, the leadership of the company needs to increase the urgency in the situation. They need to create the need for the people to embrace the newer changes and the dynamics of the situation. The redundancy and the gaps in the process need to be addressed. The changes need to be instilled in order to create a heuristic where the people need to understand that without the change they cannot sustain in the long-term (Lee & Ulgado, 1997; Qin & Prybutok, 2009). Once the vision for change for the company and a feasible strategy is developed, these need to be communicated to the organization and the organizational set up must be so managed so as to empower the employees (Johnston & Clark, 2008). In Chipotle, most of the employees are customer facing and hence would be empowered when they are given some rights of discretion and autonomy.
Source: Johnston, & Clark, 2008 in Service operations management: improving service delivery, p.241
An employee who is in an adaptive zone might be a little more anxious because of how they are put into a position of higher autonomy, but would be less frustrated in change management. They would be more creative and more facilitating.Now in the case of Chipotle, leadership in that particular chain was indeed not so adequate. There are standard protocols and structures and employees believe in following them strictly. Although employees were briefed on change management that their particular restaurant was undergoing they were not given the necessary autonomy, and this could result in frustration. Frustration of employees could have an adverse impact on services.

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Annapolis Convention was a summit in the year 1786, which aimed at creating uniform parameters to monitor and regulate trade between the states during a time of economic strain and political turbulence. The delegates of Annapolis Convention met to discuss the problems of Article of Confederation. The article of confederation was the first governing document of the country that gave no power to the Congress to control interstate commerce. Ruinous trade barriers had been created between the states which were a serious concern. The delegates determine and evaluate the issues in the Articles of Confederation. Virginia called an interstate convention to discuss a standardized regulation of commerce. The meeting was held in Annapolis and five states participated in the meeting which includes New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York. The main achievement of the meeting was the decision to call for a new meeting for the purpose of considering the changes and regulation in the Articles of Confederation to make it powerful. Alexander Hamilton drafted a report in which it was opposed that a convention will be held for all the states on 14 September 1786.

The legislature of Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia was assembled at the Annapolis convention. In the meeting, it has been found that the states of Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York authorized their commissions to meet other Commissioners as appointed by the other states in Union, at specific place and time as agreed by the commissioners. They take into account the commerce and trade of United States for analyzing how far the classification is made in their commercial regulations and intercourse. It was essential for their permanent harmony and familiar interest. The commissioners were also appointed by the states of Rhode Island, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Massachusetts. It had also been stated that the powers of Commissioners were supposing a commission from all the states and objecting the commerce and trade of United States. The commissioners were asked to submit an opinion over extending the powers of deputies than that of commerce and trade adopted by New Jersey and will be incorporated in the future convention. The main discussion was on regulating the rules and regulation of trade and commerce as there were significant defects in the system. The deputies were asked to investigate the defects in the system. The delegates that were involved in the Annapolis convention were John Dickinson from Delaware, Richard Bassett from Delaware, Egbert Benson from New York, Abraham Clark from New Jersey, TenchCoxe from Pennsylvania, Alexander Hamilton from New York, William Churchill Houstoun from New Jersey, James Madison from Virginia, Edmund Jennings Randolph from Virginia, George Read from Delaware, James Shureman from New Jersey and St. George Tucker from Virginia.

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It was important to consider the alternate advertisement methods. If there would have been too many advertisements on the bill boards in the park, it will litter the park. It has been observed in some of the parks that too much advertisement had spoiled the entire park. More bill boards will mean that the nature will be destroyed. The natural beauty of the National Parks will be lost and it will turn into a land full of advertisement. There was a need for the unique method so that the beauty of the park remains intact and the funding can also be done through the advertisement.
It is important to note the different strategies for getting the good advertising methods so that the park doesn’t get littered with many billboards. Advertisement should not impact the beauty of the park in any way. There are some of the marketing campaigns which can be useful for advertising in the park. One of the methods for advertisement is to publish the posters on the official website of the park (Zeff & Aronson, 1999). With this move, the advertisement can easily reach a large number of people. Every visitor who visits the website will be checking the advertisements. Advertisements can also be published in the Facebook page of the national parks. For example, the official Facebook page of Yellow Stone National Park has around 34000 followers. These pages will be promoted more and more when the advertisements will be displayed in the same. The post related to the company will be published on a regular basis on the Facebook page. These posts will be viewed by many people.
A major challenge is to attract the companies to advertise and pay money for the same. We will have to involve media and go into media sponsorship with some of the companies. In order to do the same, a number of design competitions will be held. These competitions will have a media sponsorship which will broadcast the end to end detail related to the event (Gannon, 1994). The competitions will be done in such a manner that it will raise a voice that NPS is accepting the financial sponsorships in return of advertisements in the park or in the activities related to the park. The funding of the competitions will be done by the park partners and NPS. The media channels will promote the event and its cause as well. This will attract many of the companies which are interested in promoting their brands, products or services. Another method is to send direct mails to the PRs’ of all the major companies about the new initiative of NPS. The emails will prove to be a good means of spreading the information to the companies without any kind of investment (Sterne & Priore, 2000). The interested companies can revert back to the E-Mails directly and further communication can be established.

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美国代写论文-市场营销组合。这是一个整合了Facebook、Twitter、Eventbrite和Instagram的社交媒体活动。在欢乐时光购买最多饮料的公司将获得折扣,并出现在该公司的社交媒体页面上。这将为获胜的公司和加州果汁公司品牌创造更多的知名度(Caljuicecocom, 2017)。重点是社交媒体营销和直接营销。该公司并不专注于电视广告的创作,而是基于与典型电视广告相关的成本水平。该公司基于这些方法建立了一个利基消费者基础。

This was a social media campaign that would integrate Facebook, Twitter, Eventbrite and Instagram. The company that buys the most drinks during happy hour will be given discounts and will be featured in the social media pages of the company. This would create more awareness for the company that won and for California Juice Co. brand (Caljuicecocom, 2017). This focus was on the social media marketing and direct marketing. The company did not focus on the creation of television ads. This was based on the level of costs that are associated with a typical television ad. The company had created a niche consumer base based on these methods.
Monitor and control
The company had used data analytic tool and developed policies based on the consumer traffic. There was verbal feedback that the company employees sought during their promotional campaign. Another important way of collating information was from the online feedback and Facebook comments.
The company solely relied on the online portals. The people are asked to give feedback to gain consumer information and feedback.
Added to this, the tangible form of sales can be used as indices. The company had used an integrated system of conventional direct marketing and latest online technology.
Recommendation & Conclusion
It is recommended that the company focuses on selling healthy products to the college students.
They are typically in a dorm room and have little experience in cooking healthy. This would be beneficial for the students as well as the company in expanding the consumer base.
The company has created a successful campaign with the available resources. They need to change it towards more portals once they gain more resources.
To conclude, this was a successful marketing campaign that was used by the company. Some factors can be improved which is detailed in the recommendation. They can use this protocol to expand towards other companies in other states within the country. The four marketing principles were used by the company to create a unique eclectic marketing mix to direct sales to people. Added to this, if the company focuses on making sales to the college students, it can expand the market base. These were the main determinations that were derived from this analysis.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



Virgin Atlantic believes in top-down approach which is facilitated by top-level management and their sustainable marketing communication underpins the linking of the service to a tangible person. In the case of sustainable marketing, Virgin Atlantic highlights branding as the key element to differentiate from its competitors and engages in different PR techniques in order to promote and market its green credentials (Mayer, Ryley and Gillingwater, 2014). The company’s environmental marketing fortifies to identify new sustainable opportunities, address the environmental impacts (like carbon emission) and thereby transform into a key innovator by producing novel product ideas. The Times have repeatedly critiqued the sustainable marketing method of Virgin Atlantic as “greenwash” as it imparted little environmental benefit. The company had been criticized to have abandoned the starting grids as Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, have himself confessed to the fact that the starting grid has faced implementation challenges and has been abandoned (Nair et al., 2016). A study conducted by Arjomandi and Seufert (2014) had revealed that out of 48 airlines, 10 airlines of Virgin Atlantic have proved to be a worst performing airline which proves that there is a negative relationship between environmental efficiency and the sustainable marketing method (Arjomandi and Seufert, 2014). In terms of biofuels, Virgin Atlantic had been criticized on the grounds that biofuels are major distractions to the airline industry and their environmental benefit has been seriously doubted. This has been further established as Virgin Atlantic as a part of sustainable marketing did not support calls for carbon emissions that were essentially important for the Climate Change Bill. Virgin Atlantic is required to carefully plan and frame their green marketing communication in order to undermine the claims of greenwash. Virgin should have purchased the carbon fiber reinforced polymer airliner such as Boeing 787 in order to reduce CO2 emission by 14-15% by the year 2050 (Yfantidou and Matarazzo, 2016).

It can be concluded by saying that the concept of carbon emission is becoming very popular mainly due to its constant effect in the degradation process of the environment. It has been noted that airlines play an effective role in generating carbon through their air flights, so it has become important for these companies to develop sustainable and ethical strategies in order to successfully operate their business in the UK. In this paper, the concept of the development of sustainable tourism has been discussed in brief with an aim to provide its readers with the knowledge on how sustainable tourism can help to build greenhouse projects in order to minimize the effects of carbon emission in the environment. The carbon reduction projects developed by various competitors of Virgin Atlantic have been discussed to see how these companies are able to contribute towards the development of the environment. Similarly, the ethical principles and the possible disharmony between tourism, sustainable development and the environment have also been highlighted to see how Virgin Atlantic are utilizing their carbon reduction project effectively. Finally, the critique to the marketing of sustainable tourism development has been analyzed to see how it can be improved in the near future.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!