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這處房產的歷史可以追溯到10年前。這是一系列的房主。 1916年,著名園藝師大衛·費爾柴爾德博士和他的母親從弗洛倫斯·鮑德溫·紐金特夫人手中買下了這個村莊,作為過冬的居所。幾年來,他在華盛頓特區管理美國農業部的植物引進項目。費爾柴爾德在美國建立了大約30種不同的植物品種。他實際上是哥倫布的洋基園丁。在他的陽光之州,仙童設計了一個花園,裡面有各種各樣的植物,這些植物都是他在世界各地的旅行中獲得的。 1931年,瑪麗安的姐姐和她的丈夫擁有位於該國北部的連體財產,作為他們冬季的家。從1928年到他們去世,Fairchild和他的伙伴把這個村莊塑造成他們的永久住所。

一年後,在大衛·費爾柴爾德的妻子去世後,這塊土地被生物學家兼改革家凱瑟琳·豪伯格·斯威尼(Catherine Hauberg Sweeney)獲得。 Sweeney保存了Fairchild的花園作為前瞻性研究,並在未來進一步使用它,從而保存了它在國家歷史遺跡名錄上的位置。 1984年,斯威尼把這塊地賣給了國家熱帶生物園,並一直是它的主要贊助人,直到1995年去世。這個村子的重點是教育,虐待這裡無與倫比的生活財富。每年這個村子都會為教授、醫生和其他人舉辦許多教學活動。為了支持該村日益豐富的教學和分析項目,在2003-2007年期間建立了宿舍、教室實驗室和教育中心。


The history of the property goes back to the decade (Giancarlo de Carlo, n.d). It’s a series of householders. The village has been purchased by a famous horticulturalist Dr. David Fairchild and his partner mother in 1916 from Mrs. Florence Baldwin Nugent, as a home for the winter months. For several years, he managed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Department of Plant Introduction program in Washington, D.C. Fairchild set up around thirty different varieties of plant species into the U.S. He was actually the Yankee gardener of Columbus. At his place Sunshine State, Fairchild shaped the garden which contained different varieties of plants that he obtained all through his visits around the world. In 1931, Marian’s sister and her husband, have the conterminous property which is located towards the northern part of the country to use as their home in winter months. Fairchild and his partner shaped the village as their lasting residence from the year1928 till their deaths.

A year later, after the death of David Fairchild’s wife, the land was acquired by a biologist and reformer, Catherine Hauberg Sweeney. Sweeney preserved the Fairchild’s garden for prospective study and further used it in the future and thus preserved its listing on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1984, Sweeney offered the property to the National Tropical Biology Garden and thus remained its chief sponsor till her death in 1995.The focus at the village is education, mistreatment the property’s unequaled living collections. Every year the village holds many instructional programs, for faculty professors, physicians, and others. In order to support the increasing variety of instructional and analysis programs at the village, a dormitory, schoolroom laboratory, and Education Center were made throughout 2003-2007.

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材

认真浏览过Top Business School申请要求界面的小伙伴们,一定会发现基本上每一所学校都会在网页的最后,专门列出给再申请人的建议和关于Re-application Essay写作的须知,由此也可以看出,学校对于再申请人会给到额外的关注。

Re-application Essay最重要的意义之一是让学校可以了解,在你收到Applicant Result之后的这段时间内,你有了哪些新的成长,新的感悟。然而,It’s easy said than done。Re-application Essay的最大难点在于:如何在较短的时间内,挖掘出新的故事。

从第一次申请被拒,到再申请的时间段,大概在一年左右,甚至更短。如何在短时间内找到新的且打动人心的milestone, 是再申请的关键也是难点。

今天,小编和再申请人们一起分享,备战Re-applicant Essay的思路和写作素材,希望可以帮助到“二战”的小伙伴们,写出让AO惊艳的再申请文书。



之所以要有这样的分析总结,是因为过去一年里你经历了完整的申请过程,系统性地研究了商学院,全面反思了自我,当你再回过头来看现在的工作,即使面对相同的Assignment,你也会有更深刻的理解和看法:例如,从General Manager的角度看待你工作的意义;从Global Business的角度看待公司的成长;以及从Leadership的角度看职场竞争和办公室政治…如此这般,你还能说没有新的体悟吗?

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材







在职业目标方面,不用苛求保持和去年申请提交时的Career Goal完全一致。只要你有理有据,深思熟虑,商学院是乐意接受你改变职业目标的,因为这也说明了你对职业的思考逐渐走向成熟和深入。其实,最应该担心的不应该是改变,而是一成不变地停滞不前。

4、Why Me和Why You

商学院的Essay题目虽然千变万化,但无论是HBS酷帅狂霸拽的One Question Essay,还是Stanford千年不变的经典”What matters most to you”…说到底就是在问两个问题:

Why Me:我是谁,我有哪些与众不同的闪光点,为什么你应该选我?

Why You:我爱你,有多爱,为什么爱?

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材

说实话,“Why You”不好写,原因很简单:“Why Me”可以以一当十,一个版本海投十家(或者更多)商学院。可“Why You”就得每家定制了,钉是钉铆是铆,来不得半点糊弄。

那怎么在Re-application Essay里表达“我爱你”呢?有以下几个思路供你参考:



你有没有参加过学校的在线Workshop、线下讲座、甚至学校在国内一些一线城市举办的Coffee Chat?这些活动是否增进了你对学校的了解和热爱?




Re-application Essay对于再申请人而言,既是个坎儿,也是个机遇,如果你能够充分挖掘素材并且讲好故事,那就完全可以利用这篇Additional Essay的篇幅建立起相对于新申请人的竞争优势。





其实留学选校,留学中介并没有 “通天能力”,基本上留学选校,除了一些 MBA 学生非 US top 15 or magic 7 business schools** 不可外,利用数据和客观需求分析,学生一定能有学校可以上,或是如果学生更加把劲,把essay or PS弄好,甚至可以申请到比预期更好的学校:


1. 按照US News & World Report 每年的排行报告,这份报告这几年也被批评有 “买榜” 传闻,也就是有些学校有较多的资源可以利用,和 US News有了些合作,当然排名会逐年爬升,但这些都只是传闻,传统的好学校像是常春藤私立学校和公立好的学校 UC Berkeley、U of Michigan、U of Wisconsin 常常是连年铁打不变的排名,顶多只有名次稍微替换。另外所谓的专业排名,也仅供参考,大部分是针对研究所的细部区分,所以留学美国申请选校,常常有人遵循3-3-2法则,3 间top10、3 间top 11~40、2 间 top 40~100,只要没有重大成绩像是GPA or GRE缺失,或是转系、又或是PhD申请 (PhD不同于研究所或是本科申请,非常看重 research experience 和 GRE成绩),大致上不致于没有学校念。


2. 按照学校招收学生过去成绩之历史统计:很多学校科系基本上都会公布之前录取学生之 GPA、SAT、GMAT、GRE 等等成绩,基本上,你只要每一个项目都有超过他们的平均,代表你有 “些许” 希望,为何说些许呢? 因为统计上误差是很大的,”平均”是一个迷思,没有deviation,很难判断,就算是有招收最低和最高成绩,很难量化的 essay、recommendation、resume 的quality 就成为胜出的关键。

3. 相对SWOT强者法:这大概比较少人听过,因为学校大部分都遵循着 diversity这个圭臬,所以他们招收学生时候,是以一个国家来比,举例,你念的是北京大学,你同时要申请会计系,这时候要比的,就是同年北京和国内来的一起要竞争的会计系学生或是已经在四大工作者,只要数据成绩有得比,那工作经验和 essay 及 留学PS 的质量变成决胜点,总之你可以自己算一算自己在区域的竞争强度,来决定是要往上还是往下选,关键点是,你不必是世界超强,但是你要尽量做到你区域内能胜过同期同国家对手。


1. 个人喜好,很多学生偏好私立 (基本上美国私立本科教育体系还是比公立好) 、偏向西岸 (sun shine) or 东岸 (人文素养优良,新英格兰区的传统),或是偏向治安好的大学城,有无校区、是否靠近就业大城、还有班级是大是小、学生和老师比例是否不会过高,学生能获得最佳的照顾?


2. 黑马学校,如果你完全是为了就业做考虑,很重要的一点是,可以翻阅美国商业杂志,参考各州就业状况,看过去毕业的学生,未来就业出路,有些州,其实出乎预料的有非常多科技公司的群聚,并大量雇用某校毕业的学生,尤其像是商学会计专业。

3. 名校后门,一些英语文教学、教育相关、以及科技管理相关,都有很多很优质、又是名校,但是又不会很难申请的一些科系。

4. 口耳相传的口碑、或是某学校毕业的 “最爱”,有些学校,有一些潜规则,像是 University of Wisconsin 化工研究所,上很难,但是上了有奖学金的机率大,Emory MBA 是很好的 top 15 program、就业率也超高,也非常有将学金机会,然后有些学校 (四小福 UIUC等等) 是出名了爱收中国某些大学本科学生。




企业所有方面的成功都可以追溯到积极的员工(Osabiya, 2015)。招聘、培训和保留的过程,以及在组织内强调职业发展;Pret-a manager不仅能够识别对其组织有价值的员工;但也要确保这些员工不断受到激励。通过建立和保持员工的士气,管理层能够确保组织中的忠诚员工符合组织的目标、使命和愿景。这对于确保员工能够发挥他们最大的能力起着重要的作用。当工资完全以绩效为基础,不受上级的任何偏见或个人偏见的影响时,员工的工作效率会更高(Muogbo, 2013)。不仅强调个人表现,而且强调团队精神;表现最好的团队会因为他们的成就而得到奖励。有上进心的个人帮助形成有上进心的团队,这反过来又导致了公司的成功。这是Pret-a-Manger成功遵循的理念,他成功地挖掘了员工激励与组织绩效之间的关系。

像克雷特纳这样的研究人员声称,激励是实现最佳工作表现的必要条件。但是,他进一步指出,它不能孤立地工作。他认为激励与知识、技能、情感和感觉一起作用于实现员工的最佳绩效(Osabiya, 2015)。然而,没有两种观点认为,除非员工得到赞赏,否则他们往往会感到沮丧,这对员工的绩效有负面影响。Pret-a经理认识到这一点,并制定了确保员工士气保持的政策。动机可以是内在的,也可以是外在的。外在激励包括薪酬、晋升、福利、工作环境等有形奖励,而内在激励包括积极肯定、欣赏等心理病房。因此,虽然外部激励有直接和强大的影响,他们不需要持续很长一段时间。另一方面,内在因素与工作生活质量有关,因此具有长期影响(Osabiya, 2015)。Pret-a-Manger利用内在和外在的激励来确保员工被激励到最佳状态。


The success of all facets of a business can to traced back to motivated employees (Osabiya, 2015). The process of recruitment, training and retention along with the emphasis on career growth within the organization; Pret-a Manger is able to not only identify the employees who are an asset to their organization; but also ensure that these employees are constantly motivated. By building and retaining employee morale, the management is able to ensure that the organization is staffed by loyal employees in line with organisational goals, mission and vision. This plays a significant role in ensuring that the employees are able to perform to the best of their abilities.Workers perform more efficiently when wages are purely performance based and not subject to any kind of prejudice or personal bias on the part of the superiors (Muogbo, 2013). The emphasis is not only on individual performance, but also on team spirit; with the best performing teams being rewarded for their achievements. Motivated individuals help form motivated team, which in turn results in the creation of a successful company. This is the ideology that has been followed successfully at Pret-a-Manger who has successfully tapped the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance.

Researchers like Kreitner claim that motivation is a necessity for optimal job performance. However, he further states that it cannot work in isolation. He is of the opinion that motivation, along with knowledge, skill, emotions and feelings work towards achieving optimal performance from employees (Osabiya, 2015). Yet there are no two opinions to the fact that unless employees are appreciated, they tend to feel demoralized and this has an adverse effect on employee performance. Pret-a manger recognized this and its policies are formulated to ensure that employee morale is maintained.Motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation includes tangible rewards like salary, promotion, fringe benefits, work environment, and so on, while intrinsic motivation includes psychological wards like positive recognition, appreciation and so on. Thus, while extrinsic motivators have an immediate and strong impact they need not last for a long time period. Intrinsic factors on the other hand, deal with the quality of work life and therefore have a long-term effect (Osabiya, 2015). Pret-a-Manger uses both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to ensure that employees are motivated to perform to their optimal.






Huang Juanjuan and Shen Yifeng (2007) studied the data of all listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange during 1994 and 2005. They added the characteristics of listed companies’ equity structure based on catering theory of dividend proposed by Baker from Harvard and Wurgler from New York University. They excluded from the sample those companies whose data is missing, ST or PT listed companies, companies with negative net assets, companies getting listed for less than one year (by the end of Dec., 2015). According to their research, in those listed companies with highly concentrated equity, managers mainly make dividend polices to cater for the taste of strong investors, while the preference of those minor shareholders are usually neglected. Their research supported catering theory of dividend. According to this theory, the reason why listed companies distribute their interest is that the management level of listed companies will consider changing the needs of investors while making dividend policies.

He Tao, Chen Xioyue (2003) used all listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange for research, analyzing their data during 1995 and 2001. He and Chen conduced empirical research on the behavior motive of stock distribution and capitalizing common reserves widely existing in Chinese stock market. They believe that listed company’s stock distribution will lead to the increase in number of stock and decrease in stock price, which is similar to stock dividend and stock split in American stock market etc.. Therefore, they examined whether the existing “signaling hypothesis” and “mobility hypothesis” are also suitable to Chinese market. The result of their research showed that these two hypotheses cannot well explain the stock distribution and capitalizing behavior in Chinese market. According to the change of stock price before and after stock distribution and capitalizing, their paper put forward the“price delusion hypothesis”.






Users do not shy away from discussing and supporting topics that may have been a taboo just a couple of years back. Empowered individuals with an opinion are using facebook to let their voices be heard, while others are using it to develop and form opinions. An example of armchair activism can be the rainbow dps that more than 26 million facebook users used in 2015 to show their support and celebratory emotions for the US Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriages, or the pink-on-red equal sign dps employed by more than 3 million users in 2013 to show their support for LGBTQ rights. It is also being used to organize mass events and rallies for different social causes- a perfect example of conversion of online connectivity into real social connectivity. Another emerging social media practice is the usage of facebook by ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students to learn English. It also helps them acclimatise to their new surroundings, familiarise themselves to college life, and make friends.

Researchers are also being conducted on the different ways of usage, the difficulty areas, and the motivations of ESOL students behind facebook usage. Hence, along with the sociality and connectivity functions, facebook is being used as a medium to educate. Sashi (2012., p.255) opines that Facebook is now also beginning to be used as a tool for social media marketing by seasoned and upcoming entrepreneurs to market their business. Through features like ‘facebook pages’ one can create a page of one’s organisation. By ‘liking’ and ‘following’ that page, the target audience can get all the updates about the said organisation. Managers can also create ‘facebook groups’ to connect with their employees. The privacy settings of these groups can be customized as per one’s needs- from secret, to private to public. Erdoğmuş, and Cicek (2012, p.1355) are of the opinion that this is a great way to market and advertise one’s business for free among one’s target audience. The ‘share’ feature is another useful and easy feature with plenty of benefits.






It is very important to have a proper legal considerations before any business. The different groups in a business are an important parts of the business. Each and every business process has different legal considerations. The legal policies should be such that they do not impact the business. The very first requirement to be met before instantiating any business or starting the web application is to have a proper legal considerations. It is important to have a proper license for all the products. Each and every product which will be created for the company. It is very important to acquire the license for the software so as to ensure that none of the other companies or the individuals can use the same for their own benefits. Getting a license is very important in case of a business as it needs to have a proper validity.

A yet another major thing in case of doing the designing for the website is related to the violation of the intellectual property. This is something which is often done in the form of a mistake but it is something which may not harm the business interest. It is important to make sure that the users are able to understand the trademarks and the logos which are related to the product. It is important that each and every content which is being developed on the website has a proper copyright. It is because that a product is owned by the website itself, the users need to have the permission so as to use the same. The competitors of the product should also know that because of the valid copyright they can’t use the product at all. In addition to this it is also important to ensure that there what has to be done with the content which has been submitted by the user and what are the different kind of obligations related to the same.



就像它在色情的定义中被注意到的那样,它是视觉的,包含了所有的性活动,意思是性唤起。色情产业基本上是为观众或读者的性唤起描绘性关系、联系和活动。这个概念是色情文学的基础。可以说,任何与“性”有关的东西都可以安全地说成是色情作品的一部分。本质上的性是色情作品的主要和最重要的必要条件(Watson, 2010)。它有男演员和女演员在彼此身上进行性活动这在本质上是色情的,这将是同样的事情这将是同一行业的商业化因素。



Like it has been noticed in the definition provided for pornography says that it is visuals which contain all like of sexual activities, mean for sexual arousal. Porn industry is basically portrayal of sexual relations, connections and activities for the viewers or the reader’s sexual arousal. This concept is the basis of pornography. It can be said that anything related to “sexual” can be safely said to be a part of porn. Things being sexual in nature are the main and the most important requisite of pornography (Watson, 2010). It has actors and actresses who perform sexual activities on one another that have to erotic in nature, and it will be the same thing which would be the commercialization factor of the same industry.

Thus, the relation of pornography to the said concept leads us further into the discussion, which is commercialization and pornography.The porn industry is one of the biggest known in the twenty first century. Though the origin goes back decades earlier, it became more popular and open in the 1990s when people started being more open to this industry. This also meant that more people were paying to watch more of it, and at the same time more people were being engaged and employed in the same. Sexual activities are portrayed in pornography for commercial gains.







The company states that it is possible to land in places where the roads cannot be reached by conventional methods of travel i.e.there will be no landing strip and much cargo can be carried. In the case of helium gas for utilization, the resources are very scarce. It needs to be produced out of uranium and thorium. The other gas options that are buoyant are used. Ammonia, coal gas, hydrogen and methane are also used this case and are found to be dangerous owing to its high flammability. In this case, the one option might be to use solar-heated air for lifting envelope. In this case, the original dirigibles of 1700 were lifted by air heated burners underneath. And in this case instead of these flammable liquids, the solar heat is used. The aim of this project is to construct a solar powered airship with optimal integration of all the aspects.


These includes aerodynamics, design concepts, fuel cell to name a few. The primary aim of this project is to design and build propulsion system by determining an appropriate propeller, which would be able to generate required thrust value to provide lifting force to the airship. The objectives of this project can be divided into two parts. This is the overall group objectives and individual objectives. The overall group objectives are: To construct a solar powered airship, his would have the ability to fly and float in the air with the help of propulsion system. To enhance and obtain better performance in the steadiness of the airship.To increase the aerodynamic efficiency in terms of envelope shape of the airship.To add to the existing safety features to the airship .













当然,想要取得好成绩,还有很多其它的因素,比如合理安排好生活和学习的时间。 多参与学校的社会性活动,还有建议同学们的写作知识点能力提高,如何总计写作英文Essay的内容。最后,希望本篇内容能够帮助到同学们。

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