标签存档: 俄亥俄州立大学论文代写





According to the GSK code of conduct the employees of GSK Company should always behave or act in manner which has the highest integrity. They should always act in manner which is legal and fair. Employees should always safeguard its assets. They should make comments which are realistic in nature and which can be completed by the firm in realistic time. They should not try to take advantage of the loopholes and lastly if there is doubt in their minds then they should look for guidance. GSK code of conduct is totally against corrupt practices and hence it is mandatory not to engage in corrupt practices. Employees should always be active and try to detect fraud and also prevent it. Employee must also be engaged in actions which have no conflict of interest. Employees should always try to protect the interest and assets of the firm. Employees should not reveal to others the information of the company. Employees should always try to protect the rules of the competitions. There are huge implications for breaking the rules of competition and thus can damage the name of the firm. Hence if an employee is in doubt should check with other authorities and should avoid breaking the rules. Employees should maintain the book and financial records of the firm in a proper manner. Employees must abide by all the regulations which related to internal policies, accounting and financial. Employees should try to manage the company information in a disciplined manner (Terry, 1993).



电影是雅俗共赏的艺术,同时又是一种大众娱乐形式。随着国际交流的发展,各国影片特别是英语国家尤其是美国影片不断涌入中国市场,进入寻常百姓家。其间,英语电影的译制工作队中西影视文化的交流起着至关重要的桥梁作用,而首当其冲的则是片名的翻译。有人说,影片名好比电影的门楣,它既要反映影片的中心内容,还要简短、新奇,将观众引入门内;影片名又像商品的商标,承担着宣传、推销商片的责任。《乱世佳人》(美国影片Gone with the Wind),Farewell to My Concubine (中国影片《霸王别姬》的英译名)是两个片名翻译的成功之作,曾使多少异国观众一见倾心,一睹为快。然而,近年来的电影译名良莠不齐,有些堪称典范,令人拍案叫绝 ,有的可谓败笔,让人观前不知所云,观后不以为然。《中国翻译》1997年第4期刊登了何悦敏的文章《当前西片译名中的问题与对策》,指出了当前西片译名中“给人带来的混乱与遗憾”,分析了造成这种情况的原因,提出了相应的对策。可以说,何文的分析是透彻的,提出的对策也是可行的。可见电影和电视名也起到一定吸引观众的作用。
