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影响力既是社会的,也是商业的。虽然公众看剧的兴趣和关注的韩国电影, 商业实体越来越通过盈余 广告商。在亚洲主要的城市里,经常可以看到女孩穿上衣服,或者追随韩国电视上的时装。影响深远,人们甚至选择学习韩语。(秋156)

这韩流现在通常被称为“韩流”这个词表达了韩国流行文化的快速安装。它象征着韩国深受人们喜爱和钦佩的文化,主要通过大众传播媒介传播到各个不同的国家。以前的“韩流的出现,“韩流”可以追溯到1997。当时的“一个愿望一个明星,”一个韩国电视剧欣赏所有。这是一个故事,塑造一个可怜的女人,谁是由两 富裕的男性求婚。凤凰卫视播出的这部电视剧在香港,从那里进一步获得认可,在中国大陆,南洋,台湾。它已被证明,虽然韩流已经渗透在各个国家的亚洲,它在中国也经历了巨大的胜利,特别是在当时,“大长今,“电视上播出的韩国电视剧是在2005年。其受欢迎的程度在胡锦涛之间的谈话是很明显的,中国共产党的总书记和韩国的开放的我们党的领导人。胡锦涛说,他不能看“大长今”由于他繁忙的日程表很失望。(靳)


n recent years, the Korean television dramas, films, fashion, food, as well as pop music has gained enormous popularity overseas. This trend has been prevalently called the Korean Wave. Asia too, has been experiencing this influence for quite some time now, which is evidenced in the Greater China that consists of the mainland of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and Turkey. (Lee 87)

The influence is both, on the community as well as the business. Whilst the general public watches the dramas and movies of Korea with interest and attention, the commercial entities are growing through earning from advertisers. In prime Asian cities, quite often girls can be seen donned with clothes, or following fashion that is exhibited on the Korean television. The influence has hit far that people are even opting to learn the Korean language. (Cho 156)

This Korean wave is now popularly called as “Hallyu.” The word expresses the speedy mounting of pop culture of Korea. It signifies the well-liked and admired culture of Korea, extended to various different nations, mainly by means of the mass media. Much before the appearance of the word “Hallyu,” Korean Wave can be traced back to 1997. At that time the “A Wish upon a Star,” a Korean television drama was appreciated all across. It is a story portraying a poor woman, who is courted by two affluent males. Phoenix TV broadcasted this drama in Hong Kong, from where it further gained recognition in the Chinese mainland, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan. It has been evidenced that even though the Korean Wave has penetrated in various nations in Asia, it has traced immense victory in China, particularly at the time that “Daejanggeum,” a Korean drama on television was broadcasted in year 2005. The extent of its popularity is evident in the conversation between Hu Jintao, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and the Korea’s Uri Party leader. Hu Jintao said that it is of disappointment that he is unable to watch ‘Daejanggeum’ due to his busy schedule.(Jin)







Employers can achieve a benefit of competitive advantage over the competitors by providing the employees of the organization with a proper work life balance and flexible working hours. This will help the employers in retaining the best employees with high skills and talent in the organization and also attracting the best talent from the industry in the organization (Felstead, 2002). It will help the employers to have an access to the wider pool of talent for recruitment. If an organization fails to provide a good work-life balance it will increase the ill practices of absenteeism and stress among the employees that will lower down their productivity and even the overall output of the organization. The organizations by helping their employees for achieving a balance situation between working conditions and their personal lives will contribute in the internal development and well being of the employees (Jones, 2013). This will increase the motivation, commitment and job satisfaction among employees and they will contribute in the growth of the organization with best of their efforts. Employees will be more flexible and responsive towards their commitments for business and the needs and wants of the customers.
The organization will transform into the ‘employer of choice’ for the best talents of the industry. Employees of such organizations will help in fostering positive attitude in the organization and the community as well. As the market trends are becoming more competitive and the employees are becoming more enlighten and knowledgeable therefore are adopting effective work-life balance practices that in turn will make positive differences in the working environment of the organizations and in the societies also (Taylor, 2002). Employees are the most vital and crucial resource of the organization so it is essential for the organizations to make best use of these business resources by providing them with best business practices necessary for protecting this resource.



在一个人的小母牛,故事的主角了解示范建立的欲望在他的灵魂经历的生活可以把他成功的一点在高峰期创造冲动导致自己的责任。青春期是他失去活力的原因是成功发展的关键因素的突然发生,这是Sinclair Ross的一个主要主题的小母牛。


The central theme of the Araby as well as one’s Heifer is very much analogous representing the age. The greatest similarity between the plots of these two stories is about the changeover of a child from a state of early years or childhood to that of adolescence. Both the authors had depicted the eccentric and weird but wonderful feelings attached with teenage years. The story is about the tempting and seductive emotion of ardor of the central character of Joyce’s Araby towards the sister of Mangan, who is a close friend (Esterhammer, 1992).
In case of one’s Heifer, the leading character of the story understands the desire of an exemplary establishment in the soul of him by experiencing the responsibility of his own caused by the impulse created by life which can take him to the point of success at the peak. The sudden occurrence of adolescence which is the reason of his lost vigor is the key development factor of success and it is the main theme of Sinclair Ross’s One’s Heifer.
The inconsistency of negation between the real world of the main characters and their imaginary worlds was described in a quite irritant manner. It is one of the main similarities of the two fictions and it is more of a similarity that is based on contradiction. The themes of the stories focus on the dream fantasy of the protagonists in the gratification of their souls, because they live in such a world where the ideas, imaginations, dreams, principles just get shattered. The trouble of the author is reflected from the lines of Araby, which is “Our shouts echoed in the silent street (Stone, 1965). The career of our play brought us through the dark muddy lanes behind the houses where we ran the gantlet of the rough tribes from the cottages, to the back doors of the dark dripping gardens where odors arose from the ash pits”.





The second research question gets into further depth to get knowledge about the motivating factors that will make the managers to get over the internet and share information. It is about the reason because of which the managers and the marketing team communicate with each other. The need may an expectation from the managers that has not been fulfilled or the feedback about the marketing strategies taken by the marketing managers and not yielding the results effectively or the fact that things can be done to improve the marketing coordination even further. (Wolfinbarger, 2001)
The research questions developed in this regard are very focused and targeted to ensure that the required information gets extracted from the interviews. The first research question for instance is targeted to fill the gap that exists in the literature review in relation to the ways through which ISM can help the business facility to improve their marketing activity. The purpose of the research question is to be targeted and focused so that it can answer the problem that arises within the research and to give direction to the research. (Rowley, 1996)
The information about the reason that pushes knowledge helps in answering two knowledge gaps that existed within the literature review. The first is the expectation of the managers from the head office and the second is the motivating factors that keep the people connected with each other and to share information related to the marketing activities. The research question is quite clear about throwing light over the need of using internet or intranet within the business facility to ensure effective marketing. (Ahn, 2005)
Another purpose of the research question is the fact that it clears out the information that you need to complete your research and to find out recommendations related to the research paper. The research question is quite limited and will not reveal lots of information about the research. The recommendations extracted from it will help to a great deal in detailing the research conducted. The research will have detail information about the reasons that can facilitate the use of internet over the international mall. The pros of this research question are the fact that it will clear out the information related to necessaries that makes the managers and the internet marketers to connect over the internet. The recommendations extracted out of these questions will help in implementation as strategy in different malls to motivate employees and managers to use internet to ensure that their marketing knowledge is shared. The information will help in putting stress over the need of the internet in marketing activities. (Strauss, 1990)



客户可以支付这些产品通过借记卡或信用卡,通过使用电子支付设施。公司可以通过客户的网站向客户购买这些商品。显然,这似乎是一个简单的方向,一个人通过他/她的卡和货物交付给该公司的人,但在现实中有一系列复杂的交易,参与本安排。这些交易相互联系。它形成一个链,其中的信息流从一个媒体到其他媒体(Jeremy Hayes,2003)。


Modern world has entered in 21st century, which is also known as the era of innovations and inventions. Development can be seen in many aspects of life. The nature of transaction and the methodology of business in modern era have also changed as compare to the style of business in the ancient time. Internet is one of the blessings of the modern era. There are many organizations, which prefer the online business. There are many companies, which are operating all over the world, and these companies are dealing through their websites. The customers have the facility so that they can by everything from the website of the company.
Patterns of E-buying & Selling
Customer can pay for these products through the debit card or credit card by using the facility of e-payment. Company can deliver these goods to the customers, which they have bought through the company’s website. Apparently it seem a simple direction in which one pays through his/her card and the goods are delivered to that person by the company, but in reality there are series of complex transaction which are involved in this arrangement. These transactions are linked with each other. It forms a chain in which the information flows from the one medium to the other medium (Jeremy Hayes, 2003).
All operations and functions of an organization, which are dependent upon the efficiency and effectiveness of the channels through which the information is sent by one end and can be received from the other end without any kind of distortion in this communication system. There are many business models which can be used simultaneously so that this arrangement in which series of transactions are involved can be more organized. There should not be hurdle during the transactions so the business organization prefers the usage of e-business models so that this process can be made as the more efficient and effective one. The e business models which can be used in some scenarios are as follows.









对于年轻人找不到工作的问题﹐联邦就业部长康尼日前在国会一个委员会中说﹐私人企业需要聘请多些年轻人。他说解决这个问题的一个方法是大学及专上学院要做得好些﹐以确保技术训练课程能达到僱主的要求﹔其次是中学应鼓励学生考虑从事技工(trades worker)的工作﹐而不单是大学学位。他说﹐很多最好的工作是在技工行业﹐而私营企业可以透过投资更多于学徒计划来发挥更大的作用。现在的情况是﹐加拿大面对技工不足﹐单以安省为例﹐在未来10年﹐技工短缺逾36万人﹐但是又却有很多年轻人找不到工作﹐形成「有人无工做﹐有工无人做」的困局。故康尼鼓励多些年轻人投身技工行列。而年轻人及家长亦要调整对技工地位不高的看法。






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