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After the Second World War ended in 1945, there started a phase of Cold War. The President, Harry Truman came up with Truman doctrine. The Truman Doctrine of containment was a policy adopted by United States in order to control the expansion of Soviet Union. According to this policy, U.S. was there to support any country, with both military and economy whose stability was threatened by communism. President Harry Truman said, “It must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” In 1947, US signed a defense treaty with Latin-America, called the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (also called Rio Treaty), according to which an attack against one was considered as an attack against all. It aimed at maintaining peace and security in the continent, in order to strengthen the relations of friendship and good neighborliness Furthermore, in 1948, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created during the ninth Conference of American States, which aimed at achieving an order of peace and justice in the continent, promoting democracy with non-interference of other states, settling disputes among the countries, seeking solutions for the political, economical and judicial problems that may arise between them, establishing cooperation among its member states and so on (Friedman & M.P., 2003).

The result of all these steps can be observed in the case of Guatemala. Since 1930, the dictator General, Jorge Ubico, with the support of the United States, ruled over Guatemala. His period of rule is considered as one of the toughest situation that the Latin America has ever gone through. In return of the support of his rule, United States got thousands of hectares of land for the American United Fruit Company (UFCO) as well as bases for U.S. military in Guatemala.









1.After the …….. Solve the problem of black men. These people cannot get, they believe that followed the federal army to liberation. These slaves …….how to define the fugitive slave identity?  The treatment of black identity strives for freedom in the history of the process status. Black cannot freely leave the plantation but more important is the army generals found black desire to learn, to some extent to meet their desire for education. Sunday morning, teach them to read and write, Secondly, the officer also fled to the federal position of ordinary black education, which built schools and hired the teacher, In the establishment of free people and the Freedmen’s Bureau also played a positive role in promoting.

2.The paragraphs can be divided in smaller sections. Long paragraphs tend to lose meaning. Shorter paragraphs could be easier on the reader. Below is an example to show how it could be divided and probably adding sub-headers would help. The original long paragraph can be divided in three sections – “Tell, Tell what you want to tell and then tell what you have told” or introduce, describe and conclude in other words.

Army general definition of black identity

The definition of slavery through the fugitive slave to slave, reduction recognition of their slave status to Lincoln in the name of “commander in chief” issued the emancipation proclamation. In 1863 January 1, days before liberation of slaves in the rebel states is a process which from the military point of view, Lincoln freed the slaves, giving them a free man. This has laid a solid foundation for the eradication of slavery in the law, but also provides the premise for the restoration of the Union in the abolition of slavery conditions.






Huck Learns什么:





Episode Two: Huck’s Great Escape (Chapters 5-7)

“Call this a govment! why, just look at it and see what it’s like. Here’s the law a-standing ready to take a man’s son away from him— a man’s own son, which he has had all the trouble and all the anxiety and all the expense of raising. Yes, just as that man has got that son raised at last, and ready to go to work and begin to do suthin’ for him and give him a rest, the law up and goes for him. And they call that govment! That ain’t all, nuther.”

The significance of this quote lies in the context. Pap was anti-government, and did not approve of civilized people and their mannerisms. Yet, it is quite apparent that his comments are baseless, his musings unjust.

What Huck Learns:

Huck enters the episode as he confronts his Pap and exits by escaping him by faking his own death and canoeing through the Mississippi River. His practical nature aids him once again to be quick on his feet and plan an escape through the river. Through the time he spends with Pap, Huck learns to rely only on himself and no one else.

Satirical Message:

Dark humor resides in the fact that a father is willing to hinder his son’s progress. The court succeeds in hampering Huck’s education as it places Huck yet again in his father’s care. The satire is directed not only towards Pap’s thoughts and his actions, but also against the justice system which fails to recognize that Huck’s best interests lie away from his father.









企业声誉是一个重要的因素一个公司的成功和可持续性,因为信誉是一个重要的工具在维护客户和员工之间的信任,公司的股东和利益相关者。公司,这些天,努力维护他们的声誉和与声誉面临很多的风险,但仍然每天不得不面对很多危机。这是当声誉管理的想法出现在我脑海里。管理一个公司的声誉是非常严肃地对待大多数首席执行官和高级成员的任何公司。经历了这么多的时间和金钱投资管理公司的名声,不过该公司已经面临危机与声誉往往导致打破公司的客户和股东之间的信任(拉金,2002)。2010年- 2011年是非常重要的对于许多公司全球大多数人不得不面对危机源自管理不善。危机的原因可能不同于公司,但这一切都始于客户开始在这些公司失去信任。一些公司因为声誉危机影响了丰田,高盛(Goldman Sachs)、约翰逊和约翰逊,巴克莱(Barclays)、东京电力公司等。这份报告将识别和评估的因素影响企业的声誉。这份报告还将分析品牌和声誉之间的关系以及它们如何彼此相关的丰田。


Corporate reputation is an essential factor behind the success and sustainability of a company because reputation is an essential tool in maintaining trust between the customers and employees, shareholders and stakeholders of the company. The companies, these days, try hard to maintain their reputation and have to face a lot of risks involved with reputation, but still have to face a lot of crisis every day. This is when reputational management comes into picture. Managing the reputation of a company is something that is taken very seriously by most of the CEOs and senior members of any company these days. After so much time and money invested in managing reputation of a company, still the company has to face crisis related to reputation very often which leads to breaking trust between the customer and shareholders of the company (Larkin, 2002). The year 2010-2011 was very critical for many companies world-wide as most of them had to face crisis which arises from mismanagement. The reason for crisis may differ from company to company but it all started when the customers started losing trust in the companies. Some of the companies which got affected because of reputational crisis were Toyota, Goldman Sachs, Johnson and Johnson, Barclays, TEPCO, etc. This report will identify and evaluate the factors that have an impact on corporate reputation. This report will also analyze the relationship between brand and reputation and how they are related to each other in context of Toyota





Due to the interests in accounting, I developed a list of top accounting firms in the region and the ones where I should get placed. My long-term goal is to get placed in one of the four leading accounting firms in the region. This can yield positive experience, problem solving skills, better insight of industry and changing market trends. If the MAC degree has altered and enhanced my overall abilities and taken me to the next level of life, my long-term target in running an accounting firm with my friends is at a stone’s throw. I have good skills in communication, people management, behavioral management and negotiation. These aspects are believed to remain as the key aspects for running a proper business or serving in a top firm with good results. My short-term target as well as long-term target strongly relies on MAC degree from Auburn University. With the support of the university, the short-term target can be attained. With motivation and developmental activities that are performed to enhance my skills at Auburn University, the long-term target can be attained





The state of being content has for all the times been a general idea which aroused a sense of misunderstanding and uncertainty as per my beliefs of its meaning. I have never understood the basic reason as to what may induce someone to have this emotion, having missed the viewpoint which is essential to distinguish what it takes to be completely content. I have always thought that this would be a horrid feeling to be content and there was always a negative connotation attached to the word in my mind. But, I have realized my mistakes over time in the way I approached this subject. I came to realize that my ideas focused not only around contentment but instead the synonyms used for it like relaxation. My idea about relaxation was not much different from what majority of people used to believe in; palm trees and beaches had a soothing and relaxing impact on me. The mere thought of lingering around in a quiet place is the most calming time for me. It is true that the quiet and peace are the ideal circumstances for me and they perfectly align with my definition of contentment. It provides an individual with a sense of satisfaction, although its manifestation might be different but it results one to feel content in the best way possible.














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