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反文化不仅用于设计产品,还用于特定产品开始销售的广告目的。 20世纪60年代以来,广告经营者一直以来都把重点放在整合反文化思想的基础上,基本理念在一定程度上成为主流。反文化观念在主流文化中一直发挥着突出的作用,社交媒体平台只有在这个特定的过程中才有所作为。广告商通过吸引年轻人中的叛乱,不断加强对这一人口的关注。


Counterculture is not only used is designing the products, but it is also used for the purpose of advertisement by which there is initiation of sale for particular products. Since the years of 1960s, executives of advertisement have been focused on integrating the ideas of counterculture in a heavy way within the advertisements placed by them that the basic notion ends up becoming mainstream to some extent. The ideas of counterculture have continuously been playing a prominent role in the culture of mainstream, and platforms of social media only contribute in speeding this particular process. Advertisers have continuously been sharpening their focus over this demography by appealing rebellions amongst the youth population.
As a significant example, the spot of Frank in the commercial of Nike from 1994 contributes in demonstrating the duration of time that will be used by advertisers for making their products look more subversive in nature. This is done by considering the notion of counterculture that contributes in initiating sale of the products in a significant manner.
Countercultural Movement
The movements on counterculture contribute in expressing the aspirations and ethos related to a particular population in the duration of an era that has been defined in a well manner. When the oppositional forces end up reaching the critical mass, there can be triggering of dramatic changes in the culture by the notion of counterculture. Even though there have been a number of counterculture movements since the past and until present times, it is important to state that all of these movements focus on a similar scope even though from a different field as it can be related to politics, spreading equality, and any significant issue involved in the society. All these movements are known to be having a significant impact on the society in a significant manner.



乐高集团始于1916年,当时一名不起眼的木匠Ole Kirk Kristiansen开始在这个木材车间在Billund的丹麦村庄内部制作木制玩具。然而,由于金融崩溃,该集团目前的状况令人可悲。这是由于公司的战略业务决策和战略管理不当造成的,对于公司的成功和发展并没有一个清晰的认识,不知道该做什么,不该做什么。一个有效的战略规划将有助于企业与竞争对手竞争,获得更高的利润率。为了制定更好的战略计划,公司必须进行SWOT分析。在最初几年,公司运行顺利。然而,随着竞争水平的提高以及客户需求变化等不确定的市场环境,全球商业趋势等对集团业务产生了巨大的影响,难以在市场上占有一席之地(Wind, Y.,&Robertson,T.S,1983)。
业务系统模型由三个主要组成部分组成,对业务绩效产生巨大的影响(Kaplan,R. S.,Norton,D. P.,&Horvath,P 1996):


LEGO group came in to existence all the way back in 1916 when a humble carpenter, Ole Kirk Kristiansen started making wooden toys in this wood workshop in the interiors of Danish Village in Billund. However, the current position of the group is pathetic due to a financial collapse. This resulted from the improper strategic business decisions and strategic management of the company, which does not have a clear cut idea of what to be done and what not to be done to achieve success and growth of the company. A strategic planning that is effective will help a firm in competing with its competitors and attain increased profit margins. For formulating a better strategic plan, a company has to conduct a SWOT analysis. In the initial years, the company was running in a smooth way. However, later with the increased competition level and uncertain market conditions like changes in the customer demand, global business trends and so on has a huge impact on the business of the group, which it finds difficult to hold its position in the market (Wind, Y., & Robertson, T. S, 1983).
Business System Model of LEGO Group
Business system model consists of three main components that give immense impact on the business performance (Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P., & Horvath, P 1996):
Resource base: The Lego Group saw a difficult phase in the later years of its establishment. The vital resources of the company is bricks, brick binding machine plastic injection molding machine, which is used to build wooden toys, bricks toys and so on. However, the effective utilization of these resources by the company would not have leaded it to face the issues like stock-outs, slow movement f its inventory etc during 2002.



丰田汽车是日本汽车行业的全球巨头,几十年来一直是排名第一的,直到最近被通用汽车和大众汽车集团等竞争对手所取代。公司非常重视质量,作为它在世界各地在不同市场上推销和销售数百万辆汽车的头号差异化因素。它始终专注于所有活动的质量,并学习在所有汽车制造工厂中嵌入质量,这已经成为公司领导层的基础,而不是一个特定的领导者。公司领导班子从根本上把握质量第一,追求安全,满足人们对公司汽车制造的期望。相比之下,塔塔汽车是一家在国际舞台上展翅高飞的印度公司,正在购买像几年前购买的捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)这样昂贵的车型,并正在学习质量,安全以及满足人们的需求汽车。


Toyota Motors is a worldwide giant in the automobile industry based in Japan, and has been continuously on the number one spot since decades until recently being overtaken by other competitors like General Motors and the Volkswagen Group. The company is extremely focussed on quality as its number one differentiating factor on which it prides and sells millions of vehicles around the world in different markets. It is consistently focussed on quality in all their activities and learns to embed quality in all their car manufacturing plants, and this has become more of a leadership fundamental of the company rather than a particular leader in person. The company’s leadership has a fundamental approach towards quality first which goes along with safety and people’s desires to be met with the automobile manufacturing of the company. In contrast, Tata Motors is an Indian company which is spreading its wings on the international arena and is gearing up with costly purchase like Jaguar Land Rover which it bought few years ago and is learning about quality, safety, and meeting people’s desires of a complete automobile.
The leadership style at Toyota is more methodical and clear with all points of actions being written in advance if their being undertaken and implemented. This makes it a more process based company which bases all its achievements and future rewards on the implementation and application of the methodical strategies and actions that it has pre-decided (Rothwell, Prescott and Taylor, 2008). Tata is far behind than Toyota on a global scale and is mostly India based with manufacturing plants in India and mainly catering to the Indian public with cheap, affordable, safe, and durable cars.



“假期票”是在罪犯死刑或者被道歉之前提供给罪犯自由开展工作的手稿,存在于境内的一个地方。 TOL罪犯可以自己动手或正在工作。他们也可以需要财产。教会的出席是必须的,正如在需要时在法官面前披露。门票离开制度在教会经济中起着重要的作用。
TOL是以前交给罪犯的允许文件,允许他们在有限的时间内离开监狱。主要是英国,加拿大等发达国家的习俗。 TOL是显示授权无限制地执行的证书;中立议会有特别的通过。门票离开制度是相当多样化的,教会有很高的激励。 TOL在不同的方面被用作有条件的赦免,绝对的赦免,自由的证书和过去的殖民地的离开(Ceylan 2004 2525)。在有条件的赦免中,强制囚犯被释放的条件,但条件是他不能再来英国。绝对赦免被用来允许罪犯在完成判决后来到英国。自由证书被用来发布那些已经完成了刑期的犯人。在离开殖民地的情况下,犯人在完成刑期后被允许离开殖民地。所以这些是TOL的用法,特别是在英国,美国,加拿大和其他发达的邻国。当时,TOL每年更新一次,因为大部分正确的犯人都会受益。


The Ticket of Leave is the manuscript provided to offenders when taking them liberty to do work and exist within a provided place of the territory before their verdict dead or they were apologized. TOL offenders can employ themselves out or be working. They can as well need property. Attendance of church was required, as was disclosing before a Magistrate when needed. Tickets leave system plays an important role in Church economy.
Question 1
The TOL is the document of permission that is formerly delivered to the convicts permitting them to go away from prison in definite limitations. It is mainly the custom of Britian, Canada and other developed countries. TOL is a certificate showing authorization to perform somewhat without limitations; the medium legislature had particular pass. The Tickets leave system is quite diverse and Churchs have a very high incentives. The TOL was used in different ways as conditional pardons, absolute pardons, certificate of freedom and leaving of the colony in past times (Ceylan 2004 2525). In conditional pardons, the condition was imposed that the convict was being freed but the condition is that he could not come England again for example. The absolute pardons were used to allow to convicts to come England after finishing the sentence. Certificate of freedom was used to issue those convicts who had completed their sentence life. In case of leaving of the colony, the convicts were allowed to leave colonies after completing sentence life. So these are usages of TOL especially in Britian, US, Canada and other developed adjacent states. At the time, TOL was renewed annually because most of the right convicts would be benefitted.



批判性地分析将要购买的产品所针对的客户群。 (20%)
细分被认为是市场营销中最重要的概念之一(Dickson,1982),鉴于其能够使其不仅成为管理者的战略镜头,而且也成为了以时尚的方式将消费者的共同需求市场(Freytag和Clarke,2001)。通过细分熟练的买家可以获得客户需求,获得有利可图的客户,分销资源,并更好地了解其竞争对手的地位(Tapp and Clowes,2002)。
细分为品牌提供了对客户品种及其业务关系意义的深入理解。它提供了划分营销活动和业务的能力,建立与客户的关系并测量影响。此外,细分市场之间的差异可以作为评估营销活动影响的监督控制。细分为监督品牌购买策略的效率和有效性提供了一个框架。此外,它可以帮助品牌获得更有效的分销营销预算。良好的细分会带来更好的营销。因此,它有助于时尚买家越来越合理地满足顾客的需求(Blocker,and Flint,2007,pp.810)。


Critically analyse the customer segments that will be targeted by the products you are buying. (20%)
Customer segmentation is the way of making a distinction on account of groups of individual consumers, which have something in common, for instance, gender, shopping behaviour, age, interests and so forth. Using Segmentation allows companies to understand groups effectively, and allocate marketing resources to best effect.
Segmentation can be regard as one of the most crucial concepts in marketing (Dickson, 1982), in view of its ability to make it not only a strategic lens for managers but also a measure to access to grouped the common needs of consumers in the fashion markets (Freytag and Clarke, 2001). By means of segmentation proficient buyers can get through customers demand, obtain profitable customers, distribution resources, and get better understand of its competitor’s position (Tapp and Clowes, 2002).
Segmentation provided the brand a deeper understanding of client species and relational significance to their business. It offers the capability to dividing marketing activities and business, build up relationships with customers and measure the impact. Besides, the variation between segments can be supervisory control to evaluate the influence of marketing activity. Segmentation offers a framework to supervisory control the efficiency and effectiveness of brand’s buying strategies. In addition, it can help brand obtain a more valid distribute marketing budget. Good segmentation gives rise to better marketing. Therefore, it helps the fashion buyers has a increasingly logical and satisfied the customers demand properly (Blocker, and Flint, 2007,pp.810).






Knowledge can be defined as a set of collection of facts, relevant information and particular skills that acquired through various experiences. It will take place maybe by pursuing education which deals with the basic theoretical or practical understanding of a particular subject. English and History are possibly the concerned area of knowledge which is basically associated with reason, and this is the only reason why this trait makes it ‘universal’. Therefore, the primary assumption that I have made is that English and History qualifies as shared knowledge. Alternatively, it has been seen that historians are often known to depend on statements generated from eye witnesses or major primary sources that are said to be having advance experience in regard with the historical event that took place. This type of heavy dependency on specific peoples’ observations and memories in history makes it a knowledge gained experience, or particular amount of empirical knowledge. This dissimilarity caused among the concerned areas of knowledge puts up the question, to what extent does the empirical knowledge may offer more certainty as compared to shared knowledge?

Knowledge is said to be practicable and therefore it is important to diagnose this fact. It’s not only disciplined to gratify an ornamented logic but to ratiocination its cyclic use. Whenever it is said that whole philosophy can be concealed as history (positive workings required systemizing them which already have been taken care of), one must always deal in his/her inquiry with chunk of knowledge. For example: “Whales are known as mammals,” “I was born in Australia,” “Stanford is located in California.”



为同性恋而奋斗正在长久。同性恋已经从1973年“美国精神病学协会”的精神疾病诊断分类中删除了。在亨利·L·米尔顿的“脱离偏见:同性恋权利与解放的科学在美国的历史”一书中,他强调了那些美国的同性恋活动家利用科学研究改善同性恋权利斗争的进展(Minton,2002)。亨利对19世纪末以来的同性恋解放者研究进行了深入的分析,直到其在1970年的疾病模型中具有挑战性的角色。亨利检查了未发表的手稿和档案来源,揭示了研究者的真实生活故事。历史上的社会误解和虐待同性恋和医疗当局在这个(斯坦因,2004年)发挥特色的作用。例如马丁·杜布曼(Martin Duberman)的“治愈同性恋自传”,表明精神科医生生存着整个社会的偏见。



Struggle for Homosexuality is undergoing since long. Homosexuality has been removed from the diagnostic classification of mental illness of ‘The American Psychiatric Association’ in 1973. In the book “Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights & Emancipatory Science in America” by Henry L. Milton he has emphasized on those gay and lesbian activists of America those who used scientific research for improving the advancements in struggle for homosexual rights (Minton, 2002). Henry has made an in-depth analysis of the gay and lesbian emancipator research since late 19th century till its challenging role in the illness model of 1970. Henry had examined unpublished manuscripts and archival sources for revealing the accomplishments of the researchers with their real life stories. The society since historic times misunderstand and mistreat homosexuals and the medical authorities plays a featured role in this (Stein, 2004). For example Martin Duberman’s Cures a gay autobiography, it is shown that psychiatrists eco the prejudices of the society at large.

Earlier marriages were seen as economic institution instead of an emotional bond. It was simply seen as a relationship between men and women as a means of transferring the wealth in terms of land for securing peaceful relations where men were drawn for production and women were fitted into the role of reproduction and child rearing.  With the changes in the economic structure of the society which further led to the alterations in the attitudes of society towards sexuality (Duyvendak, 2009). The rise in the family and division of spheres related to production and reproduction between men and women highlighted the situation of inequality between the sexes.






In this paper my goal is to discuss the different scenarios which led to the popularity of superhero movies and how people accepted this new and unique style of movies and discuss how these movies have left an everlasting imprint on the American film industry. Superhero movies were introduced around during the 30s where we saw the first flicks of a guy fighting villains in order to establish peace in the society. However, soon after the release of the first superhero film we saw an increase in the number of these films produced during that time. An interesting thing to note is that, in this course of time many comics made it to the big screen and different characters were casted in the movies based on the comics. These movies were greatly appreciated and readily accepted by comic enthusiasts and other fans and became trending. Batman, Superman and Spiderman are all just examples of this massive change in the film industry. However, their journey was not over yet and we could see different sequels of these movies. Besides, all this fame and popularity these movies have other relation with the American film industry and they owe a fair deal to the industry. These movies have bought huge amounts of revenues in the Box Office and the number of viewers can be seen multiplying.

If we look at the history of superhero movies, we can see that these movies have a long story, probably as old as the early as the 40s. The movies were basically derived from their comic book versions and they were quiet appreciated by the people. Superhero movies were a great source of enjoyment and leisure for people at that time.




一个组织确立了一些管理者缺乏有效识别和选择能够管理变革的项目团队的技能和能力。他们所缺乏的具体技能导致管理者做出糟糕的决定,所选择的团队无法完成分配的工作 – 分配的工作是变更管理。








2.2. Specific issue being analysed

An organization established that some of its managers lack skills and abilities for effective identification and selection of project team that could manage change. The specific skills they lacked lead the managers to make poor decisions, so the selected team could not complete allocated work-the allocated work was change management.

2.3. Report Purpose

The purpose of the report is to help the managers in developing their managerial skills and abilities for selecting appropriate employees and teams for change management. Different options for developing and promoting sound team design and selection processes are advised.


3.1. Recruitment and Selection Processes

The recruitment and section process involved for forming the change management team is the key issue identified here. For the recruitment and selection process to be successful the primary factors involved in the change management have to be identified. The factors for change management can be called the change agent.

Change Agent: In a change management context, the person or the group that is assuming charge for leading and managing change is the change agent (Lindegaard, 2011). While the change agent can be anybody, from the managers involved to the particular teams, the manager is the primary change agent being in the top of the hierarchy. Most managers for innovative companies are usually trained to manage change (Tschirky, 2011). Some organization might also use external consultant to manage change, but given the nature of the educational industry, managers that are trained to handle change would be able to handle any issues related to the change later. So a consultancy approach would not be preferred.





ii)Business shareholders:






d)Woolworths控股股权信托* 1









i)Company profile: Woolworths Limited is a retail company operating in         Australia and New Zealand and has opened its first retail store in 1924. The major areas of operations of Woolworths with 200,000 employees are supermarkets, liquor and petrol etc. In Australia, it is the largest company as food retailers and takeaway liquor company. It has a position of the largest retail company in terms of capitalization and sales. The approx net worth of the company is $55.5 billion (Slovic, 2000).

ii)Business shareholders:

1.Public shareholders:                                           18,772

2.Non-public shareholders:

a)Directors and their associates:                                  7

b)E-Com Investments 16 (Proprietary) Limited:         1

c)Woolworths (Proprietary ) Limited:                          1

d)Woolworths Holdings Share Trust*                          1

iii)Main Goals of the business:

1.The company wants to have an extended leadership in areas of food and liquor.

2.To maximize shareholder value by acting on the portfolio of the company.

3.Maintaining the track record of the company for establishing new businesses which have potential of immense growth.

  1. Putting the enablers in action for establishing the new era of growth.

B)Risk management plan:

Risks involved in business: Firstly, it is the management of natural resources of water and energy. Long-term and short-term risks involved with the economic, environmental and social sustainability aspects of the group. Other risks involved are financial risks, strategic risks, operational technical risks and operational safety risks.