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Simon Kuznet想出了“美国1954大经济协会”的一个大胆的总统的演说,提出了收入分配的“运动定律”。本课题主要是自发的人由于缺乏数据。根据美国、英国和德国两个国家的数据,提出了理论。Kuznet对他的理论的结果很有信心,根据,随着经济的发展,市场的力量增加在第一阶段后减少经济上的不平等。


Simon Kuznet came up with a bold presidential address for “American Economic Association” in 1954, which proposed the “law of motion” for the distribution of income. The topic chosen is largely unstudied by others due to lack of data. Theory was presented on the basis of data present for the USA, UK and two states in Germany. Kuznet was very confident about the outcome of his theory according to which as the economy develops, market forces increase in the first phase and then decrease the economic inequality.
If we see the representation of Kuznet’s curve in the graphical form the curve comes out to be very smooth and symmetrical. Empirically observed curves are neither smooth nor symmetrical. Kuznets curve implies that when a nation is going under the process of industrialization (majorly the mechanization of agriculture) the center of economy is going to shift to cities. This behavior can typically be observed in developing economies where investment opportunities for those who are already rich, multiplies and huge influx of cheap labor into the cities are going to hold down the wages. As Kuznets curve mainly talk about the mechanization of agriculture, the influx into the cities will be of farmers in search of better paying jobs. At this stage the rural and urban inequality gap is at its peak. In this situation owner is going to get the maximum benefits, rate of increase in income will be marginal for labors and in case of farmers turned labors incomes are going to get decreased.
With decrease in rural population and increase in urban population the inequality is going to get decreased with the process of increase in per capita income, industrialization, democratization and welfare state coming into picture. Although the variables on both the axes of Kuznets curve are mixed and matched by social economists, it is an inverted U curve with “inequality” on the Y axis and “per capita income” on the x axis。







There are more than 14,000 types of marine fishes, from the huge whale shark to the small pygmy goby (MAY, R.M., 1988). This order of vertebrate creatures comprises the cartilaginous fishes such as sharks, rays and chimaeras, jawless fishes, as well as the bony fishes.
Invertebrates, species without a backbone, include the biggest group of animals on the planet, forming about a billion of species. Aquatic invertebrates alone include thousands of animals, and are an extensively varied group of species, from spiny sea urchins to sessile sponges.

In Marine Biology, as I learn about aquatic species and water pressure, and come to a more comprehensive understanding of these crucial motifs, so assuming a few of the questions that I raise:
What forms of aquatic environments remain to be discovered? What kind of aquatic animals are yet to be discovered and how much of the biodiversity is still unidentified? How have aquatic creatures been formed through interactions with their physical environments & biological communities? What we do not recognize about Seafloor? At last, what are the effects of scientific research done on the sea world, and how will such effects transform aquatic life and aquatic environments? The human being’s future will be drastically affected by such changes, and will depend upon the factor on how intelligently we use that information (UNESCO, 1988).





The outcomes of increasing awareness of the significance of therapeutic interventions will be multifold. The outcomes can also be discussed with respect to each of the stakeholders just as the needs analysis was conducted.
The promotion of awareness of the benefits of physiotherapeutic interventions is the objective of this proposal. The increase of awareness will be good both for the health care client-the patient and the society. Both will not be aware of how previous expert researches have shown how disability is reduced to a greater extent as the concerns related to mobility become reduced with the planned interventions (Gorgon et al, 2007). This awareness will definitely benefit the quality of life of the patients as more patients will speak up to their physician for an integrated care delivery working with the physiotherapists. In addition research also established that physiotherapeutic intervention design for the patient after life altering surgeries are seen to reduce the risk of further complications. As a consequence their hospital stays are reduced. Opasich et al (2010) research should how rehabilitation becomes smoother when physiotherapy is made a part of the post-operative recovery procedures for the elderly population. In the aged population mobility is a greater concern. When surgery is not followed by the required amount of re-muscular training or the other necessary exercises it can foreshadow the benefits of the surgery. In addition it is also seen that mobility is one of the prime objectives for the aged population as Gorgon et al, (2007) states it ‘the social convenience’.
Foster et al (2014)’s research have stated how these forms of interventions will increased exercise adherence in patients who have osteoarthritis. With increased adherence to the exercises taught, the patient has reduced pain, will be able to regain better functionality and was also seen to have better autonomy (Foster et al, 2014).

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

此外,这种特别皱的质量也称为物质铸造阴影,而阴影是属于光的。作为结论,可以说光是制造材料的责任,材料的目的是集中在投射阴影上。他将影子紧紧为了唤起敬畏和神秘的沉默[保罗,K.,农药,M.,2006,Louis Kahn是在哪里出生的?(爱沙尼亚语)。该ekspress。]。正如卡恩所说,黑暗导致了不可见的不确定性,与潜在的危险有关,它也激发了更深的神秘。建筑师的责任是唤起阴影、光线等元素的静默、戏剧或秘密,创造艺术的庇护所或阴影的宝库。因此,通过开口的串行行走,在沙克反映黑暗寂静的修道院院在门廊。黑暗的阴影洞和线条,从精确的方式定义的模具,提供了一个准确的纹理在巨大的墙壁上。灰色的水泥墙和白色的石头似乎呈现出一个三维度的单调的画布,与阴影一起演奏。阴影似乎正在变成一个重要的元素,揭示这个具体的形式和安排有关的整体体积卡恩[刘易斯,J. 1996。来源:路易斯·卡恩的游记。剑桥和伦敦:麻省理工学院出版社。尽管Kahn成功地在巴基斯坦和印度等暴露在极端阳光下的地区展示了一些建筑。没有的建筑被设计为从太阳保护用户,而是为阴影[ voolen,E.,2006相关的神圣的保护,犹太文化和艺术。Prestel。138页。爱沙尼亚出生的建筑师卡恩(1901 – 1974),1906随家人移居费城。他是一个非人工遮荫像brise soleils信徒。根据卡恩的说法,印度管理学院是建立在外部属于光,人们在内部工作和生活的方式。为避免被保护免受太阳,Kahn提出的理念来打造深拱保护酷影的发明。

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

In addition, this particularly crumpled mass also known as the material casting shadow, and shadow is a belonging of light. As a point of conclusion, it can be stated that light is responsible for making material and the purpose of material is to be focused on casting a shadow. He linked the mystery of shadow closely in order to evoke awe and silence[ Paulus, K., Pesti, M., 2006, Where was Louis Kahn born?, (in Estonian). Eesti Ekspress.]. As per Kahn, as darkness results in evoking the uncertainty of no visibility, related to potential danger, it also results in inspiring deeper mystery. It is the responsibility of the architect for evoking silence, drama or secrecy with the elements of shadow and light, for the creation of a Sanctuary of Art or a treasury of shadows. Thus, walking by the serial of openings, over the portico at the institute of Salk that reflects the silence of darkness as a cloister. Dark shadow holes and lines, from the molds defined in a precise manner, offering an accurate texture over the huge walls. The grey concrete walls and the white stone seems to be presenting a monotone canvas of three dimension for playing with the shadows. Shade seems to be turning into an important element for revealing this specific form and arrangement related to the monolithic volumes of Kahn[ Lewis, J. 1996. Drawn From The Source: The Travel Sketches of Louis I. Kahn. Cambridge and London: MIT Press.]. Even although Kahn had been successful in presenting a number of building within regions that are in exposure to extreme levels of sunlight, like Pakistan and India. None of the buildings had been designed for the protection of users from the sun, but instead for the protection of sanctity related to the shadow[ Voolen, E., 2006, Jewish art and culture. Prestel. p. 138. The Estonian-born architect Kahn (1901–1974), who immigrated with his family to Philadelphia in 1906]. He was a non- believer of artificial shade like the brise soleils. According to Kahn, the Indian Institute of Management is built in a manner that the outside belongs to light, and people working and living in the inside. For avoiding being protected from the sun, Kahn made an invention of the idea to build deep intrados protecting the cool shadow.



此外,通过追踪特定类物种的起源和灭绝率,也可以对多样性进行彻底的改变。在这个时候,由于在一个地质时期内,作为一种物种的数量,在一个地质时期内出现或改变的家庭数量是不同的。这种灭绝的生命和起源都清楚地说明了生命中的风险;另一方面,它并没有标准化到地质时代。这一策略或习俗由于被认为是存在时间长度的因素(一般是5 – 10年)而被忽视了,而且许多这些阶段的精确持续时间并不是充满传奇色彩的。

进化速度的鱼是非常通知很高由于寒武纪末阶段(在特定的,一波又一波的agnathans以及牙形刺),正确的方法通过志留纪石炭纪,包围在早期地质时期(灭绝后,发生在二叠纪末),在白垩纪的中点和始新世时代(KT事件之后)。此外,Tetra pod还描述了在晚期和早期石炭纪中鱼的起源率增加,这仅仅是在二叠纪晚期灭绝的一次,而且是曾经的KT事件(Rosenzweig 1995)。



Revolutionization in diversity could additionally be half-tracked by tracing the rate of origination and extinction rate of species of specific class. At this time, the share rates are presented in diverse words as the amount of families arising or altering into extinct for the duration of a geologic period as a quantity of the species that was under existence at that point of time. This life of extinction as well as origination clearly remarks about the risks in life; on the other hand, it is not standardized to geologic time. This strategy or custom was neglected for the years due to the stratigraphic levels of evolution that are considered as the factors of length of existence, which is generally 5-10 years, and also the precise durations of many of those stages are not legendary confidently.
Rate of Evolution in case of fishes were remarkably notified as very high due to the late Cambrian stage (in specific, waves of agnathans, as well as conodonts), right the way through the Silurian period and also Carboniferous, surrounded by the early on geological period (after the extinction that occurred at late Permian period), during the midpoint of Cretaceous and Eocene era (after the KT event). Tetra pods in addition depicting increased rates of origination of fish in the late period and early Carboniferous, just on one occasion the late Permian period extermination, and just the once the KT event (Rosenzweig 1995).
Many handfuls of fossil records for various fishes and tetra pods clearly denote the mass extinction. This late Silurian mass extinction has been reported to affect various fishes, with jawless vertebrate agnathans and placoderms nearly done in. In the assortment of fishes, fundamentally chondrichthyans and sarcopterygians, drastically fell down in numbers during the entire Permian period, and so late Permian mass extinction of animals does not have any effect on them (Rosenzweig 1975).



这个主题是基于观察和焦点小组。据观察记录的参与者,一个23岁的女学生步行约十五分钟步行进入商店购买食品和饮料项目。在焦点小组讨论中,学生们发现在校园里或校园附近有地方吃更方便,这样他们可以节省时间和精力。焦点小组的一位学生说:“在我去听讲座的路上,我顺便去了乐购,因为它在去大学的路上.”。在一个研究中发现,轻松方便是主要任务(Tom Deliens,2014)和学生抓住这些物品可以被迅速。
一些人认为,这是在家里吃便宜的焦点组分之间的相反。对于大多数的参与者的价格是一个重要的考虑因素选择食物,他们有没有时间,也愿意支付更高的价格的高品质食品为一体的学生说,“我愿意支付好价格如果质量真的很好”。根据研究生100%的关注价格而采购项目(Bela Florenthal,2011)。另一种看法是,学生缺少食物很好的部分,如果他们支付高价格,作为学生,“如果太贵的讨论,和部分的大小真的很小,我不想要它。因此,它必须平衡,如部分大小和价格。”
在一个研究吃大学生检查行为和他们分析,学生必然会付出更多考虑价格时,必须自己购买食品(Tom Deliens,2014)也认为,食品成本价格更健康。


This theme is based on observation and focus group. According to observation record the participant, a 23 year old female student took round about fifteen minutes by walk to get access to the shop to purchase food and beverage items. In focus group discussion it is evaluated that students find it more convenient to have some place to eat in the campus or near the campus so that they can save their time as well as energy. One of the student in focus group stated that “On my way to the lecture, I drop by the Tesco because it’s on the way to University”. In one of the research it was found that easiness and convenience is main priority (Tom Deliens, 2014) and students grab those items that can be warmed quickly.
Price theme is based on observation, focus group and interview. During the observation it is explored that usually students go for special offers. An interview participant was of the view that price hardly matters as he said “I will also consider price, but it’s not really matters”
On the contrary among focus group partakers some were of the view that it’s cheaper to have food at home. For most of the participants price was an important consideration while selecting food items either they have time or not and also willing to pay higher price for quality food as one of the student said, “I’m willing to pay good price if the quality is really good “.According to the research students pay 100% attention to price while purchasing items (Bela Florenthal, 2011).Another observation was that students want good portion of food if they are paying high price, as student described in discussion that “if it’s too expensive, and the portion size is really small, I wouldn’t want it. So, it has to be balanced like portion size and the price.”
In one of the research eating behaviour of university students examined and they analysed that students inevitably pay more consideration to price when they have to purchase their own food (Tom Deliens, 2014) and also believed that healthy food cost more price.



对第十八世纪早期的阶段结构的一个典型的例子是Andrea Pozzo。这些形式的戏剧实际上代表一个剧场。这里有一个半圆形的座位。然而,这种住处不像礼堂里的罗马式座位安排。罗马时尚有更多的曲率安排与倾斜的座位。然而,这里的画廊是分开的,只是在舞台前。这描绘了舞台为焦点(第八章)。

在第十八世纪的剧院结构承诺精心设置的艺术家。一方面,工匠们致力于发展舞台空间、舞台空间的特征和氛围,另一方面,人们致力于舞台空间的机械。在另一个完全不同的结尾,人们把注意力集中在观众的便利上。大多数这些剧院来精心的座位安排和艺术家如何才能使前台显示弓为人们更好的。有,但是,在这些结构中的几个权衡。例如,一个艺术家可能会设计一个剧院的比例,可以带出舞台剧在非常奢侈的比例。然而,在这样做的时候,他们将不得不权衡的座位上,可以设置在剧院或方式的座位安排可以看台口的数量。卵形的礼堂在当时很普遍,而且是马蹄式礼堂。这些形式的画廊是Patte和变型设计中使用的d’imolo剧院的时间。一个直边的形状是由一些与平行的画廊和墙壁。这些形式的直形画廊方便两个目的。他们帮助艺术家们在画廊周围工作的方式更加逼真,其次是那些对画廊感兴趣的人可以在他们周围走动。在以后的岁月里,Giuseppe Bibiena的舞台风格,介绍了平台的伊丽莎白形式。这些更让人想起英国剧场。建筑风格,艺术和建筑创造的空间突出了英语风格比意大利和法国。


A typical example of the stage architecture of the early eighteenth century is Andrea Pozzo. These forms of theatre actually represent more of a playhouse. Here there were seating accommodations in the form of a semi circle. However, this accommodation was not like the Roman seating arrangement in an auditorium. The Roman fashion had a much more curvature arrangement with the seats in sloping style. Here, however, galleries were divided and were just before the stage front. This depicted the stage as the focal point (Chapter VIII).

The theatre structure in the eighteenth century promised elaborate settings for its artists. At one end, artisans were working on developing the stage space, the characteristics and atmosphere of the stage space and at another, people were devoted to the machinery that can be used in the stage space. On another completely different end, people were focused on the conveniences of the audience. Most of these theatres came with elaborate seating arrangement and artists were working on how they could make the display of the proscenium arch better for the people. There were, however, several tradeoffs in these constructions. For instance, one artist would probably design a theatre proportion that could bring out the stage play in a very extravagant proportion. However, in doing so they would have had to trade-off on the number of seats that can be set in the theatre or the way the seating arrangements might look at the proscenium. Ovoid auditoriums were common at this time, and also were horseshoe style auditoriums. These forms of galleries were the design of the Patte and variants were used in the time of the Teatro d’Imolo. A straight sided shape was used by some with galleries that were parallel to one another and the walls. These forms of straight shaped galleries were convenient for two purposes. They helped the play to be more realistic in the ways that the artists would work around the galleries, and secondly the people who were interested in looking at the galleries could walk around them. In later years, the theatrical style of Giuseppe Bibiena introduced a Elizabethan form of platform. These were more reminiscent of the playhouses of England. The style of construction, the art and architecture used to create the spaces highlighted the English style more than the Italian and the French.














Imperialism of US (19th Century to present)

In the 19th century slavery still existed in America. There was flourishing of the plantations in Southern states. Civil war caused the detriment of the economy after 1840. There were excessive production and no buyers for it. This is when the businesses wanted to sell their products outside of America. 1873–78, 1882–85 and 1893–97 were affected by periods of economic depression in the country (Jones 70) from 19thcentury America had an open door trade policy. The country had a formal anti imperialism policy and was politically against imperialism in this time (Jones 80). In 1960 and 1970 the political, economic policy of the country shifted back any imperialist law to its roots of anti imperialism (86).

Industrialization in US (19th century to current)

October revolution of 1917, World War II and war with Vietnam, development of Japanese and Chinese Economy had proven to be issues with the rising Industrial power of US (Jones 86). Prior to the civil war the American economy was an agrarian economy. After the civil war it slowly turned towards industrialization (Campbell 37) in the late 19th century steel production increased along with mass production of industrialized goods needing trade operations to be expanded to other markets. The decline of the British prominence, heterogeneity of trade principles and availability of vast lands lead to the growth of the US economy (38). Cartel type arrangement happened in the start of the 20th century and in 1933 laws was passed against the cartel arrangements, as it was difficult to control their operations leading to detriment of the societal communities (72). Antitrust laws were passed which proved to be fruitful for the economy in the long run. From 1950 steel, anthracite, agricultural products, alcohol cement was primary product that was traded across borders (186). The creation of successful internal labor, diversifications of interests lead to the success of industrialization and American economy.





The article on talent management is quite important as it not only provides an insight into the cultural aspects of China but also does provide direction for the global business environment as China is one of the biggest business centre of the world today. Further the cross culture practices have gained importance amongst the other factors that have an impact on the operational aspects of the business. It is important to note that the article highlights the aspect of employing Parent Country Nationals (PCN) and Host Country Nationals (HCN). But it does not discuss much on the nurturing the talent. This is to say that it is important to have the right mix of PCN and HCN that are employed. This will enable in the development efficient team and better growth. Further it will not only give the opportunity for the HCNs but also PCNs and thus look for more opportunities across China and also in other Asian countries. There is huge scope of growth in these countries and are amongst the high growth countries. Thus it is important to develop understanding of their culture and thus nurture the talent from the parent countries.
It is however important that the article is prepared from the viewpoint of Australia and the factors that affect the talent management may differ for European countries and USA. But this certainly provides a direction and the necessary information for preparing the plans based on the aspects that have been identified. It is important to note that although the article does touch upon the cultural practices and behavior of Chinese but further discussion with respect to language, cultural values, corporate culture, social control systems etc will also be useful. The integration of the study considering these aspects would be more relevant. Thus there is huge scope of study and may provide more insights into the talent management not only for Australian MNEs but also assist other countries in planning the business activities in China.