标签存档: 论文代写








在一个月的时间里,诺曼堆了一大堆面粉,间歇地将其塑造成不同的形状,同时,这些形状也揭示了伴随着身体特征和运动的空间。因此,M.D.Michelis说,弗里德里希·尼采对空间的描述,即所谓的“身体运动的动力性”可以用来产生这些造型作品。简单地说,原始喜悦的“溢出”使艺术家在空间中通过身体成为一件艺术品(Basualdo and Taylor,2009)。与诺曼的作品相似,我的两个造型作品中的建筑材料形状都能反映出连续运动的过程。




Similar to Fontana, the material outside of the edge of the hole in my work , is also formed by a violent crash. In addition, the empty space is located in a form of silky surface, which means that the combination affects a tension between the mechanical movement and the uncontrollable impact. However, the shadow of both the hole and the material outside of it, would emphasize the trace of the angles of single gesture and the direction of ejection in aunified successive movement. Even though the space of redesigned work shows the successive bodily movement through the invisible line between different gestures, the moulding processis still too complicated.

The characters of each hole can be used to indicate certain gesture. However, for some viewers, the whole effect will still not fully demonstrate the procedure of shooting. Therefore, I decide to mould the successive bodily movement in more simple and direct way.When we consider the application of successive bodily movement in moulding process, it reminds me about Nauman’s 1966 work Flour Arrangement. Accordingto Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, it seems to be the first ‘process sculpture’ after World War II.

During one month, Nauman build a large pile of flour and intermittently moulded it into different shapes; meanwhile, the shapes also reveals the space which accompanies the characteristic of body and its movement. Hence, M. D. Michelis states that Friedrich Nietzsche’s description of space, in terms of the force called ‘dynamism of bodily movement’ could be used to generate these moulding works. Put simply, the ‘overflow’ of primordial delight’ leads the artist to become a piece of artwork through his body in space(Basualdo and Taylor, 2009). Similar to Nauman’s work, the shape of build material in both my moulding works can reflect the process of successive movement.

However, in comparison, the shape in my work is impacted by a single gesture, which can be used to trace the process of acting more easily.In addition,the tool I select can be used to eject material in torrent and make impact at a distance. Mywork is established in three dimension, which help viewers to imagine the degree of arm’s angle as well as the direction of ejected material through the different levels of depth. With the interaction between thick foundation and the torrent of ejected material, the long shape corresponds to a successive movement, which is composed of different angles in the same gesture.Instead of representing the physical characteristic of body, the ejection lets the reflection of abstracted bodily movement become possible.


美国代写英文论文的写作原则有哪些?中国留学生们想要提高自己英文论文的写作水平 ,首先就是要改变自己中式英语的写作逻辑思维习惯。在平时的学习中还可以多阅读些论文范文,正确使用语法和词汇等,这些都是提高英文论文写作的一些基本方法。除了这些之外,中国留学生们还要了解英文论文的写作原则,避免格式和语法的错误,那么有关美国代写英文论文的写作原则有哪些呢?接下来美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下讲解。





美国代写英文论文的写作原则3: 词组优先原则

写作时,尤其是在考试时,如果使用词组,有两个好处:其一、用词组会使文章增加亮点,如果老师们看到你的文章太简单,看不到一个自己不认识的词组,必然会看你低一等。相反,如果发现亮点—精彩的词组,那么你的文章定会得高分了。其二、关键时刻思维短路,只有凑字数,怎么办?用词组是一个办法!比如:I cannot bear it.可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it.I want it.可以用短语表达:I am looking forward to it.这样字数明显增加,表达也更准确。


原因很简单,写文章还是应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师在这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital 之类的形象词。再比如:走出房间,general的词是:walk out of the room.但是小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room小姐走出房间应该说:sail out of the room小孩走出房间应该说:dance out of the room老人走出房间应该说:stagger out of the room所以多用实词,少用虚词,文章将会大放异彩!


加法(串联)都希望写下很长的句子,可就是怕写错,怎么办,最保险的写长句的方法就是这些,可以在任何句子之间加and, 但最好是前后的句子又先后关系或者并列关系。比如说:I enjoy music and he is fond of playing guitar.如果是二者并列的,我们可以用一个超级句式:Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm.其他的词组可以用:besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover2)转折(拐弯抹角): 批评某人缺点的时候,我们总习惯先拐弯抹角说说他的优点,然后转入正题,再说缺点,这种方式虽然阴险了点,可毕竟还比较容易让人接受。所以呢,我们说话的时候,只要在要点之前先来点废话,注意二者之间用个专这次就够了。要想写出如此气势恢宏的句子非用排比不可!

以上内容就是美国代写英文论文的写作原则解析。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



它被定义为任何遵循广泛接受的标准(IEEE)的“无线局域网”(WLAN)产品。这个词本身并没有给语言增添任何新的含义。这个单词中没有任何东西是任何人不能从一些已经存在的单词的组合中派生出来的。然而,只有自负的傻瓜才不会承认使用“Wi-Fi”这个词比使用“无线局域网产品”容易得多。如今,许多其他新词也有相同的使命,即简化交流。另一些人则把句子具体化,使之生动活泼。“谷歌”一词现在作为动词出现在牛津词典中,定义为“使用谷歌搜索引擎在互联网上搜索关于某物的信息”。在日常生活中,“googling”几乎等同于“search the web”。然而,它对使用指定工具进行搜索的行为的生动描述,使“让我谷歌的东西”这句话在你的脑海中产生的画面,要比“让我搜索网络的东西”这句话更好。


It is defined as any “wireless local area network” (WLAN) product following a widely accepted standard (IEEE). The word itself does not add any new meanings to the language. There is nothing in the word that anyone cannot derive from the combination of some pre-existing words. Nevertheless, only a conceited fool would not admit that using the word “Wi-Fi” is much easier than using “wireless local area network product.” Many other new words today carry out the same mission i.e. to enable the simplification of the communication. Some others specify and vivify the sentences. The word “Google” is now on Oxford dictionary as a verb defined as “Search for information about something on the internet using the Google search engine.” In daily usage, “googling” is almost synonymous to “searching the web.” Yet its vivid depiction of the action of doing the search with a specified tool makes the phrase “Let me Google something” generates a better picture in your head than would the phrase “Let me search the web for something”.
These newly invented words serve a purpose, simplify or specify meanings in conversation; therefore, it’s easy to conclude that they’re a useful part of the language.On the other hand, a language that refuses the inclusion of new words, new expressions, and idioms is not useful or practical in the ever-changing society. Esperanto is a constructed international language in an attempt to facilitate international communication. Over one century from its invention and despite its ease to learn, Esperanto is not a popular language in all regards. The lack of culture background dictates that Esperanto won’t be able to evolve and adapt like English does. It has a mostly fixed vocabulary list which may not suit the needs of the changing society. It is actually the grammatical rules which help the people to learn and understand any language quickly, but it also disallows the manipulation of the same. It is very likely that Esperanto will die out in the near future. Unlike English, which will probably evolve to some other language, Esperanto will be without legacy due to its inflexibility.

论文 代写:公私伙伴关系

论文 代写:公私伙伴关系

为了认识到这些优先事项,公私伙伴关系已被确定为执行新政策方向的一个重要工具。自最近以来,一些供资机构采取了政策,以便有时在现有制度下有利地审议公私伙伴关系,而在其他情况下,则通过诸如ARC联系赠款等新的倡议。一般而言,公私伙伴关系是指非政府组织或私营部门组织之间为改善基础设施网络和加强提供的服务而作出的一系列合作安排(Coghill, 2007)。这包括使用捐赠、外包、外包或公共物品私有化等资源。一般来说,透明度可以被确定为有效治理的一个关键属性,它是在政治、公民和国家之间建立问责制的先决条件。在最基本的层面上,治理的透明度是指通过清晰的程序和流程,整个政府系统的开放性水平,以及通过信息共享,公共服务的简单可达性(Dooren, 2011)。这进一步支持确保在提供个人业绩和处理资源方面保持问责制。
因此,可以说,透明度是个人、组织、公司和政府在明确披露信息的行动、过程、计划和规则时所具有的开放性。另一方面,问责制可以被认为更加复杂,Tisne (2010, p. 2)给出的定义如下:“广义上讲,问责制是指要求行动者对其行为负责的过程。更具体地说,它是一个概念,个人,机构和组织(公共,私人和公民社会)被认为有责任执行他们的权力,根据一定的标准(无论相互设置或不)”(Tisne, 2010,第2页)。在理想的意义上,问责制包括可转向性和可执行性。可答性可以被确定为责任承担者在提供与其行为有关的理由和信息方面的责任。可执行性是指由于未能回答责任要求而产生的后果或处罚的可能性。问责制在可回答性方面反映了弱势类别。虽然公众或公民主导的行动往往涉及声誉或软的同行压力,很少涉及强有力的执行力。

论文 代写:公私伙伴关系

In order to perceive these priorities, PPPs have been identified as a significant tool in the implementation of orientations regarding the new policy. Since recent times, there has been an adoption of policy by a number of funding bodies for the favourable consideration of PPPs, at times under the existence of system, while in other cases, by new initiatives such as the ARC Linkage Grants. In general sense, PPPs are referred to as a number of cooperative arrangements between the non-governmental or private sector organization for the improvement of infrastructure networks and the enhancement of delivered service (Coghill, 2007). This involves the use of sources like donating, outsourcing, out-contracting or privatizing public goods.In general, transparency can be identified as a key attribute of effective governance and it is a prerequisite for the establishment of accountability in politics, among the citizens and the states. At the most basic level, transparency in governance is referred to as the level of openness across the system of government by clear procedures and processes, and simple accessibility of public service by information sharing (Dooren, 2011). This further supports ensuring the maintenance of accountability in delivering individual performance and handling resources.
Hence, it can be stated that transparency is an attribute of individuals, organizations, companies and governments to be open in disclosing clearly the actions, processes, plans and rules of information. On the other hand, accountability can be considered to be more complex, and the definition provided by Tisne (2010, p. 2) is as follows:“Broadly speaking, accountability refers to the process of holding actors responsible for their actions. More specifically, it is the concept that individuals, agencies and organisations (public, private and civil society) are held responsible for executing their powers according to a certain standard (whether set mutually or not)” (Tisne, 2010, p. 2).In the ideal sense, accountability is said to involve bothanswerability and enforceability. Answerability can be identified as the responsibility of duty bearers in providing justification and information related to their actions. Enforceability is referred to as the possibility of consequences or penalties due to failure in answering the claims of accountability. Accountability provides a reflection of weak category in terms of answerability. While public or citizen-led initiatives often tend to involve reputational or soft peer pressure, with rare involvement of strong enforceability.

論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

The art work is also found to depict Guanyin which means an enlightened being that spreads enlightenment wherever he goes. He is often worshipped for the compassion in him. There is a profound meaning in this posture. While on one hand, it shows the royal ease of the person. The other hand shows the enlightenment that Guanyin does (Gyatso). The enlightenment here is on kindness and compassion that can serve thousand arms and also end the sufferings around. This spreads the joy of fulfillment and also bestows people with the thought of humbleness despite the higher attainment. Bodhisattva is known for the luminous nature and the perfection in patience. The closed eyes clearly denote the patience within. It is hard to achieve meditative concentration and that is feasible only when a person understands and follows all the virtues. Spirituality is important in life but it is essential for every person to understand the essence of spirituality and this pose means the same. The emotional maturity is visible from the age perceived from this sculpture. Buddhism, as a religion, has spread its wings on the concept of peace and happiness. However, Bodhisattvas are known to have their legacies spreading till date because of the reason that they completely adopt virtues and give greater significance to them. This sculpture again has its significance not because it is a form of Bodhisattva but because of the background history and the message through it.



據估計,已經發現,世界上大約有50個國家面臨著與水污染有關的問題,世界上大約2000萬公頃的人民暴露在部分處理過的水。這種處理不當的水是有害的,會導致許多與健康相關的危害,人類、水生生物的死亡,也在很大程度上擾亂農作物的生產(Kneese, 2015)。水污染的影響是如此有害,它成為全球許多人死亡的主要原因。此外,受污染的水也危害和影響海洋、湖泊、河流,並引起全球對世界的關注。除此之外,它還會導致水生生物的死亡。此外,受污染的水含有大量的氟化物,其含量範圍從每升5.26至26.32毫克,遠遠高於世界衛生組織設定的0.6至1.7毫克的標準含量。


The problem of environmental pollution has been largely observed by the world in recent years. Be it the water pollution or the land pollution, it has been badly affected the world. Water pollution may be defined as the contamination of water because of the presence of unwanted substances. The water drunk by the people is one of the most important ingredients for people and helps to cater for their life. However, the problem of water pollution is something which is observed in each and every nation. According to the research conducted by WHO, it has been found that around one sixth of the entire population in the world does not get the proper water which is safe for drinking. Also around 2.4 billion people lack the basic sanitation. The most harmful impact of polluted water is that it consists of a number of harmful effluents, sewage water, rain water and the water which is polluted by agriculture. Also, many times the polluted water is unrecognizable by the common people.

According to the estimates, it has been found that around fifty countries in the world have to face the problem related to the water pollution and the people in around 20 million hectare in the world are exposed to the partially treated water. This poorly treated water is harmful and leads to a number of health related hazards and the death of human beings, aquatic life and also disturbs the production of crops to a large extent (Kneese, 2015). The effect of water pollution is so harmful that it becomes the leading cause of death for a number of people across the globe. In addition to this, polluted water also harms and affects the oceans, lakes, rivers and raises a global concern for the world. Besides this, it also leads to the death of aquatic life. Also the polluted water consists of a large amount of fluoride content whose range is from 5.26 to 26.32 milligrams per liter which is much higher than the standard content of 0.6 to 1.7 milligrams as set by World Health Organization.

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司

华美化妆品创建于1995年。公司已经有了一些积极的发展,公司销售新鲜制作的化妆品的创新理念导致了公司更多的销售(Clegg, 2006)。他们拥有强大的员工结构,350名加拿大员工能够满足美国客户的需求。160个零售地点目前正在营业。计划在未来三年内开设两家门店。2007年,沃尔玛在很短的时间内就在45家零售店开设了门店。因此,现有商店的销售受到了影响。制造团队应对了很多压力。Brandi Halls领导着公司的品牌团队。公司的许多部门是由霍尔负责的。布兰迪在商店和工厂做卧底(Fernie & Sparks, 2014)。由于有权做出任何改变,这最终导致该公司在多个国家建立了业务范围。公司目前的计划是积极领导扩张,有必要研究公司的内部动态,以促进业务增长。为此,考虑了公司的三个关键问题,并对产品提出了建议。

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司
在看视频的过程中,我觉得Hall明白了公司真正的问题是如何维持公司的物资供应,确保工人的生产效率。该公司在零售商店中存在运营故障。管理层应该倾听这个问题,并对其基础设施进行更改。就像视频里的工作人员如果收不进所有的信用卡。客户觉得这个过程令人厌烦(Purce, 2014)。这些都导致了客户服务的缺失,使客户感到疏离。公司的供货未及时到位,造成库存问题。公司应该有更好的包装。应该有更好的库存管理问题。公司的这种积极扩张对公司来说将是一个问题,除非他们设法满足当前的消费人口结构。应该有更好的预测和库存问题。这就导致了对消费者需求的不响应。在保持产品质量方面存在问题。公司在保持同样高水平的质量方面面临许多问题。有一个非常重要的假设,员工将设法满足公司的消费者需求。有库存问题,包装问题,公司需要维护。

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司

Lush Cosmetics was created in 1995. There have been a number of positive developments in the company, and innovative concept of the company of selling freshly made cosmetics caused more sales of the company (Clegg, 2006). They have robust staff structure owing to which 350 employees in Canada is able to cater to the requirements of the American customers. 160 retail locations are currently under operations. Plan to have double stores in the next three years. In 2007, there was extensive in 45 retail stores in a very short period of time. Owing to this, the sales of the existing stores suffered. Manufacturing teams dealt with lot of stress. Brandi Halls leads teams branding for the company. Many parts of the business are worked by Hall. Brandi goes undercover in shops and factories (Fernie & Sparks, 2014). Authority to make any changes, this eventually led to the company establishing its operations in many countries across the spectrum. Current plans of the company are to aggressively lead expansion, and there is a need to look into the internal dynamics of the company for growing of business. For this Purpose, three key issues of the company have been factored in and proposals and recommendations are made for the products.

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司
While seeing the video, I felt that Hall had understood the real issue of the company that is maintaining of the supplies of the company, and ensuring that there is worker productivity. There are operational glitches for the company within the retail stores. Management should listen to this issue and make changes in their infrastructure. Like in the video the staff if not able to take in all the credit cards. Customers feel turned off by this process (Purce, 2014). These lead to lack in customer service making the customer feel alienated. The supplies of the company do not reach in time making issues in inventory problems. There should be better packaging in the company. There should be better problems of inventory management. This aggressive expansion of the company will be an issue for the company unless they manage to deliver to the current consumer demography. There should be better forecast and problems with inventory. This leads to being unresponsive to the consumer needs. There is issue in maintaining the quality of the products. There are a number of issues that are faced by the company in maintaining the same high level of quality. There is a much important assumption that the employee will manage to meet the consumer demands of the company. There is inventory problem, packaging issues that the company needs to be maintain.


沒有人有機會看到頂級首席執行官們進入員工的工作崗位,與他們並肩工作。在《臥底老闆》中,已經有60位高管做著普通的工作,比如安裝警報、煎漢堡和服務客戶。這種“臥底老闆”的概念既有積極的一面,也有消極的一面,包括好的或壞的做法(Geppert, Matten & Williams, 2016)。老闆們承認他們有過後悔和尷尬的時刻。他們還承認,臥底可以幫助員工更好地了解他們的生活,並試圖幫助他們擺脫困境。這個概念在很多方面都很有效,因為它幫助高管們了解他們的組織內部究竟發生了什麼,以及需要做出哪些改變來解決任何現有問題。在某些情況下,管理者發現功能失調的分支機構對員工的培訓不當,員工技能低下,管理實踐效率低下(Jules & Good, 2012)。

他們還發現一些設備損壞,經理對員工的粗暴行為和客戶的不滿。因此,臥底幫助首席執行官們為這一故障提供適當的解決方案,並對員工的不道德行為採取必要的行動。這一理念幫助高層管理者與低層員工建立了一種順暢健康的關係。一些首席執行官承認與員工建立了聯繫,並定期與他們保持聯繫,了解他們的健康狀況。首席執行官們還推出了新的項目,以確定組織中最優秀的員工,並幫助他們直接與管理層合作(Krogh, rosi – lamastra & Haefliger, 2012)。了解事情在現實中是如何進行的,了解員工的心態,發現問題,這些都是臥底的好方法或積極做法,有助於徹底改變商業慣例。


Nobody gets a chance to see the top CEOs getting themselves into the jobs of their employees, working side-by-side with them. The show undercover boss has already shown 60 top executives doing normal jobs like installing alarm to flipping burgers and serving customers. This concept of undercover boss has both positive and negative sides which includes good or bad practices (Geppert, Matten & Williams, 2016). The bosses admit to the regrets and embarrassing moments they had. They also admitted that going undercover helps in connecting better with the workers understanding their lives and then trying to help them out. The concept was effective in many ways, as it helped the top executives to know what exactly is going on within their organisations and what changes are needed to solve any existing issues. In some scenarios executives discovered dysfunctional branches having improper training of the workers, low skill of the workers and inefficient managerial practices (Jules & Good, 2012).

They also discovered that some equipment were broken, rough behaviour of the managers towards the employees and customer dissatisfaction. Thus, going undercover helped the CEOs to provide proper solutions to this malfunctioning as well as take required actions regarding unethical behaviours of employees. This concept has helped the top executives create a smooth and healthy relationship with the lower level employees. A few CEOs have admitted establishing an attachment with the employees and regularly keeping in touch with them to know about their wellbeing. New programs have also been launched by the CEOs to identify the best employees in the organisation and helping them to work directly with the management (Krogh, Rossi-Lamastra & Haefliger, 2012). Getting to know how things are done in reality, understanding the mentality of employees and spotting out the issues are the good or positive practices of going undercover which helps in revolutionizing the business practices.






A nuclear peace may be defined as the condition when the situation of war between two nations is quit high. In this kind of conflict, the defense does not have any usefulness. It is a condition of a mutually assured agreement whose main aim is to preserve peace and harmony in the world. This ensures that the nations will keep the nuclear weapons; it will be aimed at keeping peace in the world. A number of treaties have been signed under the same. After the disaster atomic attack on Japan, the horrific power of the nuclear bombs was observed for the very first time. There was an observation of the clout of nuclear weapons and each and every nation became a nuclear weapon state. Thus, there was a race between the nations for acquiring the nuclear weapons. In order to ensure that nuclear weapons are not used, a number of treaties have been signed. One of the most important treaty is the NPT. It stands for the Non Proliferation Treaty. It was signed as an international agreement for the beginning of nuclear age. This treaty was supported by 190 nations in the world including the five nations who have developed nuclear weapons including the US, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China.

However, there are few other nations which have not signed this treaty including India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and Cuba. MAD treaty is another important treaty which has resulted from the Deterrence theory. It is important as it helped in keeping world peace during the times of the cold war. The strategy is intended for the purpose of dissuading the adversary from taking such actions which have not been instantiated yet. MAD treaty has been a military strategy which has been signed for implementing the ban on the full scale usage of nuclear weapons by two or more sides. This is because it is important to have more peace in the world. It is based on such a policy that the energy deters from the use of those weapons by threatening of the enemy to use some of the harmful weapons. This kind of theory is correct as it ensures that both sides have their armies but none of the sides can instantiate any conflict.



著名哲学家阿维森纳(Abu ‘ Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina)的作品据说在灌输与灵魂的存在和意义有关的神学理论方面发挥了重要作用。早期的伊斯兰理性和哲学倾向为伊斯兰人对神和灵魂的感知铺平了道路,比希腊人提出的所谓“永恒的实体”更明显地认识到这一点。伊本Sīnā的合理性,尤其是认同神秘主义的一部分,很大程度上要归功于阿尔法拉比。阿维森纳对存在这一主题展开了不可否认的研究,在这一研究中,他认识了物质或本质(Mahiat)和自我的存在(Wujud)。他认为,意识的实在不可能由存在事物的精髓来收集或表征,没有任何人的输入,形状和物质也不可能联系起来,启动宇宙的发展或存在事物的动态实现。



The work of a well-known philosopher, Avicenna (Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina) is said to have a major role in the indoctrination of the theological theories related to the existence and meaning of soul as currently perceived by the world. Early Islamic rationality and philosophical bent that paved the way to the Islamic perception of the divine and the soul, recognizes the so-called “everlasting entity” more obviously than put forward by its Greek counterparts. The rationality of Ibn Sīnā, especially that part identifying with mysticism, owes much to Al-Farabi. Avicenna started an undeniable investigation into the topic of being, in which he recognized substance or essence (Mahiat) and the presence of self (Wujud). He contended that the reality of the consciousness can’t be gathered from or represented by the pith of the existing things and that the shape and matter without anyone else’s input can’t connect and start the development of the universe or the dynamic realization of existing things.

Consciousness, thus, must be because of a subject’s cause which then adds to the nature of one’s existence. To do as such, the reason must be a current thing and coincide with its impact. Avicenna’s thought and theories about soul is indoctrinated in most of his metaphysical works and focuses mostly on the nature and the physical manifestation of the soul. He also propagated the idea that a soul can have its existence without having to attach itself to a physical body. This plays a major role and forms a basis for most of his thought experiments, one of which is described later. As per Avicenna, “The Necessary” (the physical body) exists ‘because of Its-Self’, and has no substance other than the presence of the soul itself. Besides, it is singular and all-pervading in nature since there can’t be more than one soul without defying ‘Essential Existent-because of Its self’ condition and even then require a parameter to differentiate them all from one another.