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美国论文代写 营销



Marketing is all about the promotion of a particular product or service of any brand so as to create awareness among the people. The marketers are the ones who are behind the marketing of the product. The product or the service is something which has been developed or innovated by any brand. A brand is something which has managed to stand its roots in the industry and is now manufacturing or delivering products and services respectively. There are a lot of brands that we hear about in our day to day lives. These brands have developed their name in the market. They are supposed to provide the customers with the best class products or services at the rates which the customers can afford to buy. The pricing is generally done on the basis of target group selection and segmentation of the product

美国论文代写 贸易付款



Current ratio and acid-test ratio of Marks and Spencer decreased by 0.16 and 0.17 respectively in 2013 due to the reduction in cash, short-term financial assets and trade payables, and increase in trade and other payables, and short-term borrowings. Inventory turnover period of the company increased from 40.28 days in 2012 to 44.95 days in 2013. This indicates the number of days that the company takes to turn their raw materials into cash. The increase in inventory (12.52%) and decrease in cash (3.16%) in 2013 confirms this. Average collection period decreased from 4.25 days to 4.14 days in 2013. This indicates the effective collection of cash from receivables. The decrease in trade receivables (3.16%) reveals this. However, the cash and cash equivalents are not increased due to short-term investment and their effective interest rates. The average payment period is calculated by taking the current year trade and other payables into account; it increased slightly from 56.68 days to 56.99 days in 2013. The increase in trade payables confirms this.

美国论文代写 公司所得税



The corporation helps avoid this sole liability disadvantage as now there is not owner but a corporation that owns the business. Here the assts pooled for the corporation are the assets that a creditor can claim. When the corporation is in debt the personal assets of the shareholders and the directors cannot be claimed by the creditor for recovery of the credit extended to the corporation. Also personal liability is avoided to a certain extent when one of the people-the director or a shareholder is involved in fraudulent activities. While there are advantages to being a corporation there are also disadvantages, namely a corporation will have to pay double taxation. The corporation will file an income tax and the earnings divided to the shareholders will result in one more income tax that the shareholders will have to pay

美国论文代写 培训



Everyone has attended trainings in their lives and most of them perceive it as boring and rather unproductive in nature. Trainings fail or rather do not produce expected results because the departments and stakeholders involved do not follow the process or each step religiously to make it successful. They are not aware what a successful training program requires and any short term arrangement will not deliver the expected results. However, if the steps are clearly identified, potential problems are worked out in advance and if all the stakeholders involved have a say on the proceedings, there is a very high probability that the training program will provide the expected results














美国代写论文 医药学论文代写

美国代写论文 医药学论文代写

Poddar & Jain (2011) has explained that due to the down turn to the recession of global economy, the business world facing new challenges and opportunities as well and to work effectively in this global world they need to work jointly. They further explained that due to this jumble in global market the importance of merger and acquisition has become more clear and substantial and companies have started to use this process for restructuring their businesses in order to work effectively to meet the challenges and opportunities of global market. And on the other hand when we take in to account the pharmaceutical industry the imbalanced situation in research have also disturbed the market. “As an alternative, in pharmaceutical industry firms build strategies of merger and acquisition when faced obstacles in development of drugs and in patent process in order to strengthen their long term financial investments. Success of acquisitions is strongly related to the market behaviour, where demand and R&D fluctuating abnormally and investors expect exceptional returns in such situations” (Vass & Economopoulos, 2012). Rapid growth in R&D (Research and Development) in pharmaceutical industry has brought opportunities and threats among competitors. According to the report of (pharmacist.com, 2009) on “R&D in Pharmaceutical Industry” that pharmacists in United States spend 29% time of their job at work in research and development activities like improvement of existing products and development of new drugs.

美国代写论文 医药学论文代写


代写论文 企业社会责任

代写论文 企业社会责任

Argument about favor of corporate social reasonability being with the faith that it is in companies’ long-term self interest to be socially responsibility. It means that if company want have wealth in the future, it must take action now that to make sure its long-term viability. A second argument in favor of CSR is that it will avoid government regulation. This is a very practical reason, and it is based on the opinion that future government intervention can be monopolize to the extent that companies polices itself with self-restraint standard and performance society’s expectations of it. Above two arguments in favor of corporate social responsibility include ‘let business try’ and ‘business has the resources’. Another reasons for corporate social responsibility is that proacting (anticipating, initiating and planning) is better than reacting. This generally means that proacting is less costly and more practical than simply reacting to social problems once they have surfaced. At the end, it has been argued that companies should engage in corporately social responsibility as the public strongly stand by it. Currently, the public trust that if business want to pursuits of profit, it should be responsible to their communities, workers and other stakeholders (Bernstein, 2000).

代写论文 企业社会责任




Ulmann (1985) researched 13 studies of America companies, these on the relationship between financial performance and corporate social responsibility. This research studies used in different social performance scales. Such as, one study used reputational scales from Business and Society Review, and another one used Council of Economic Priorities (CEP). The result is he did not find clear tendency could be detected, as it is lack of empirical databases and theory currently, and inappropriate definition of key-terms. On the other hand, Pava and Krausz (1996) hold opposite opinion with Ullmann (1985), he found that there is clear tendency can be found between financial performance and CSR. This opinion bases on a 21 studies, where 12 studies reported a positive relationship between financial performance and CSR.

