标签存档: 代写本科essay




误区1 – 认为单词背的越多,写作水平越高


误区2 – 有的同学写作的时候喜欢各种花式秀“词汇”,生怕老师不知道自己的“本事”



误区3 – 缺乏整体逻辑,天马行空的写作风格

不可否认很多native speaker在写作时都有很强烈的个人风格,但前提是他们的文章能够自圆其说,make


误区4 – 想不出观点,没有写作思路



误区5 – 口语与学术用语混淆使用



误区6 –人称和语气的使用

通常是学生们在写论文时搞砸的一个点。例如教授布置了一篇辩论“参加课外活动”优缺点的论文,一些学生会用满篇的“I think”或者“In my opinion”等从自我观点出发的语气来议论观点。





essay 評判:公司發展方向

essay 評判:公司發展方向
該公司的主要內部實力和聲譽來自於它在業界提供計算機外設的悠久歷史。該公司成立於1980年中期左右,以鼠標為代表,充分利用了新興的技術機遇。從鼠標作為一種產品,它繼續多元化的許多產品提供。這對公司來說是一個競爭優勢,因為公司的歷史將提高其在計算機和周邊行業的聲譽。第二個內部優勢是公司的戰略,生產一種產品,基於市場需求左右。 20世紀80年代中期左右的市場被認為大量投資於鼠標(Hoffman, 2011)。鼠標實際上是一些電腦製造商的標准設備,比如麥金塔電腦。該公司認識到這一需求,並開始生產這一單一產品更多。專注於一種市場需求巨大的單一產品,使羅技品牌傳播得更快。人們會有更多的品牌意識和品牌聲譽會增加。

essay 評判:公司發展方向

essay 評判:公司發展方向

The company’s primary internal strength and reputation derives from the fact that it has a long history in providing computer peripherals in the industry. Established around the mid-1980 the company was represented to have taken advantage of the emerging technological opportunities in the form of the computer mouse. From the computer mouse as a product, it went on to diversify in terms of many product offerings. This is a competitive advantage for the company as the company’s history will increase its reputation in the computer and peripheral industry. The second internal strength was the company strategy towards manufacturing one product based on market need around the time. The market around the time the mid 1980’s was seen to be heavily invested on the mouse (Hoffman, 2011). The mouse was in fact made standard equipment for some of the computer manufacturers such as the Macintosh Computers. The company recognized this need and started manufacturing this single product more. Focusing on one single product for which there was heavy need in the market made the Logitech brand spread faster. People would have had more awareness of the brand and brand reputation would have increased.

essay 評判:公司發展方向
The internal environment of the company would have become a more learned environment with respect to the one product they manufactured initially. As can be identified from this situation, that the Logitech Company was able to identify a significant opportunity for itself shows the competency of the company. The company was competent in understanding industry demands. It is this competence of ability to identify how to make use of opportunities in the market, which enabled Logitech to understand that it cannot rely on one product alone. Logitech moved on to invest in computer peripherals in general ranging from computer keyboards, digital still camera, headphones and microphones, joystick and gaming peripherals. Towards meeting the production of diversified computer peripherals the company also continued to innovate in the mouse and keyboard product capabilities. So innovation is also a core competency of the company. In improving on innovation, the company applied strategic direction. It was able to innovate in ways where the strength and quality of its existing technological products were maintained. Strategic direction for a company is also its prime internal strength.






















Huang Juanjuan and Shen Yifeng (2007) studied the data of all listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange during 1994 and 2005. They added the characteristics of listed companies’ equity structure based on catering theory of dividend proposed by Baker from Harvard and Wurgler from New York University. They excluded from the sample those companies whose data is missing, ST or PT listed companies, companies with negative net assets, companies getting listed for less than one year (by the end of Dec., 2015). According to their research, in those listed companies with highly concentrated equity, managers mainly make dividend polices to cater for the taste of strong investors, while the preference of those minor shareholders are usually neglected. Their research supported catering theory of dividend. According to this theory, the reason why listed companies distribute their interest is that the management level of listed companies will consider changing the needs of investors while making dividend policies.

He Tao, Chen Xioyue (2003) used all listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange for research, analyzing their data during 1995 and 2001. He and Chen conduced empirical research on the behavior motive of stock distribution and capitalizing common reserves widely existing in Chinese stock market. They believe that listed company’s stock distribution will lead to the increase in number of stock and decrease in stock price, which is similar to stock dividend and stock split in American stock market etc.. Therefore, they examined whether the existing “signaling hypothesis” and “mobility hypothesis” are also suitable to Chinese market. The result of their research showed that these two hypotheses cannot well explain the stock distribution and capitalizing behavior in Chinese market. According to the change of stock price before and after stock distribution and capitalizing, their paper put forward the“price delusion hypothesis”.






New Zealand also offers a large number of varieties which are alluring for the people. Some of the common wine grape varieties in New Zealand include Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sparkling, Merlot, Syrah, Riesling, Pinot Gris etc. Because of the great coastline in New Zealand, there are a large number of varieties in New Zealand. Out of this, Sauvignon Blanc vineyards are in around 58 % of the total area of Vineyards in New Zealand and Pinot Noir is in around 15 % of the total vineyard area of New Zealand. During the times of hot climate and high humidity, there may be a number of negative impacts on the quality of grape which may lead to the number of fungal diseases. Some of the diseases which are caused to the grape wine plantations may include White rot, bitter rot, and powdery mildew, grey Mold, Dead Arm, Brown spot axle blotch, rust and crown gall and die back and other bacterial diseases such as bacterial canker. The diseases are different from one region to another region.

Out of these, Downy Mildew is caused in almost all the regions in China, while the Powdery Mildew is caused in the regions of North China, Grey Mold is spread in the regions of In Hebei, Shandong, Sinchun, Shanghai, Dear Arm is caused in the regions of North West, Beijing, Tianjing and Hebei, Brown Spot is a disease which is caused in all the regions of China and is spread mostly in the rainy seasons, Axle Blotch is the disease which is caused in In Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Liaoning, Jiangsu and Guangdong, rust is the disease which is caused in In Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichun, Yunnan and Jiangsu, and crown Gall is the disease which is caused especially in Hebei, Beijing, Tiangjing and the North-eastern region of China. There are many diseases which have been impacting the wine grapes in France. Some of the diseases which were a serious epidemic in history include the Great French Wine Blight, grape phylloxera, vinifera rootstock etc. The diseases which mostly occur in Wine Grapes in New Zealand include the powdery Mildew, Petri Disease, Botrytis, Black foot disease etc.



为了成功实施全面质量管理,管理者和员工都必须接受质量工具、方法和过程方面的充分培训。问题解决和过程开发是TQM方法的两个关键特性,它强调团队的作用。六西格玛计划是TQM的一种(Pojasek, 2003)。六西格玛增强计划的特点是具有减少交付时间、提高生产力或提高客户满意度等目标。它们强调在完成业务目标的特定任务中使用科学的管理和统计工具。为了解决问题和改进流程,公司可以使用7种基本的质量工具。公司可以利用流程图作为解决问题的工具,识别操作过程中可能出现问题的地方。卡特彼勒在全球设有多个产品验证实验室,确保产品质量得到标准化和保持。这些实验室有效地工作,以达到质量认证,如ISO。他们相信,那些在建筑机械车队中进行大笔投资的客户,肯定会渴望拥有最优质的产品。

他们声称卡特彼勒这个名字本身就是“质量”的同义词。该公司拥有全球测试和校准实验室,其主要职责是确保CAT产品处于良好状态并提供期望的性能。卡特彼勒的几个这样的实验室已经获得了国际标准化组织(ISO)标准的认证。根据ISO标准17025,卡特彼勒的测试和校准实验室都是经过认证的,确认了人员和程序的最佳质量。全球产品验证(GPV)团队在公司的产品开发和全球技术部门工作,以确保生产的产品符合卡特彼勒制定的最高质量标准。以下GPV检测校准实验室获得ISO 17025认证;全球发动机开发-北美,英国和中国,动力系统和液压系统开发实验室,皮奥里亚试验场和图森试验场,制造技术计量实验室和结构动力和噪声控制测试实验室(全球产品验证实验室获得质量认证,2015)。


For successful implementation of TQM, it is important that managers as well as employees are given adequate training in the aspects of quality tools, approaches and processes. Problem resolution and process development are two key features of the TQM approach and it emphasises on the role of teams. Six-sigma plans are a type of TQM (Pojasek, 2003). A six-sigma enhancement plan characteristically has goals such as decreasing delivery time, growing productivity, or refining customer satisfaction. They accentuate the usage of scientific management and statistical tools on particular tasks to accomplish business goals. For problem solving and process improvements, companies can use seven elementary quality tools. Companies could make use of the flowchart as a problem-solving tool to recognize potential points in the operational process where complications ensue .Caterpillar has various Global Product Validation Labs which ensures that the quality of products is standardised and maintained. These labs work effectively to achieve Quality Accreditations such as ISO. They believe that customers who are doing big investments in a convoy of construction machines would definitely desire to have best quality products.

They claim that the name Caterpillar in itself is synonymous with “quality”. The company has global testing and calibration labs whose prime role is to make sure that the CAT products are in excellent state and deliver desired performance. Several such labs of Caterpillar have been accredited on the basis of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards. According to the ISO standard 17025, the Caterpillar’s testing and calibration labs are accredited confirming the best quality of people and procedures are used there. The Global Product Validation (GPV) teams work in the Product Development & Global Technology division of the company to ensure that the products manufactured adhere to highest degree of quality standards as set by Caterpillar. The following GPV testing and calibration labs acquired ISO 17025 accreditation; Global Engine Development-North America, United Kingdom and China, Powertrain and Hydraulic Systems Development Lab, Peoria Proving Ground and Tucson Proving Ground, Manufacturing Technology Metrology Lab and Structures Dynamics & Noise Control Testing Lab (Global Product Validation Labs Achieve Quality Accreditation, 2015).



《我的prigioniero superbo》在发行第一天就不成功,在今天的歌剧集子中,这个名字已经不被认可了。最后,两件作品被分离出来,La serva padrona在首演后的相当长一段时间里继续在全欧洲欣赏它的恶名。这段时期的重要性是不容忽视的。这部改编自法国的电影以全新的结局在法国巴黎的克雷尔·德·布丰酒店(Querelle des Bouffons, Armitage et al., 2013)产生了广泛的影响。这是一个直接的结果,因为它所呈现的角色与任何一群观众有关,特别是狡猾的清洁女佣和她成熟的主人。卡门(法国朗诵:[kaʁmɛn);西班牙:[ˈkarmen])是一个音乐剧在四个行为由法国编曲乔治·比才。歌词由亨利·梅尔哈奇(Henri Meilhac)和卢多维奇·哈勒维(Ludovic Halevy)创作,并参考了普罗旺斯·梅里米(Prosper Merimee)的同名小说。这部歌剧最初于1875年3月3日在巴黎喜剧歌剧院(opera – comique)演出,在那里它打破了传统,让第一批观众感到震惊(Flaherty, 2015)。

第33次执行死刑后,比泽特突然去世,没有被告知这项工作将在未来十年获得全世界的认可。从那时起,《卡门》成为了传统标准中最著名、表演最多的歌剧;在每一段歌剧咏叹调中,第一段的“哈巴涅拉”和第二段的“斗牛士之歌”都是最著名的。《音乐与表演》是在喜剧类歌剧中创作的,音乐的序号被话语所孤立。故事发生在西班牙南部,讲述了唐·乔斯(Don Jose)遭到毁灭的故事。乔斯是一名容易受骗的战士,被才华横溢的吉普赛卡门(gypsy Carmen)的诡计所引诱(Dromey, 2015)。乔斯放弃了少年时代的恋人,放弃了从军的义务,却失去了卡门对耀眼的斗牛士埃斯卡米洛的爱慕。对普通生活、下流和叛逆的描写,以及主人公在观众面前的悲惨死亡,开启了法国歌剧的新时代,这些都是非常可疑的。


I prigioniero superbo was unsuccessful on its first day and is not a perceived title in today’s operatic collection. In the end, two pieces were isolated, and La serva padrona went ahead to appreciate notoriety all through Europe for a considerable length of time after its debut. The significance of this intermezzo can barely be neglected ever. With a brand new finale, the French adaptation had extensive impact in the Querelle des Bouffons (Armitage et al., 2013). It was a direct result of its representation of roles that were related to any group of audiences, in particular the guile cleaning maid and her maturing master. Carmen (French elocution: [kaʁmɛn]; Spanish: [ˈkarmen]) is a musical drama in four acts by French arranger Georges Bizet. The lyrics was composed by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy, taking into account a novel with the same title by Prosper Mérimée. The opera was initially performed at the Opéra-Comique in Paris on 3 March 1875, where it broke the traditions and scandalized its first set of audiences (Flaherty, 2015).

Bizet died all of a sudden after the 33rd execution, uninformed that the work would accomplish worldwide recognition in next ten years. Since then Carmen has become the most famous and most performed opera in the traditional standard; the “Habanera” from first routine and “Toreador Song” from second routine are among the best known of every single operatic aria. The music and show is composed in the class of opéra comique with the musical numbers isolated by discourse. It is set in southern Spain and recounts the account of the destruction of Don José, a gullible warrior who is lured by the wiles of the blazing gypsy Carmen (Dromey, 2015). José relinquishes his adolescence sweetheart and deserts from his military obligations, yet loses Carmen’s adoration to the glitzy toreador Escamillo, after which José murders her in a desirous anger. The portrayals of ordinary life, indecency, and rebellion, and the disastrous demise of the principle character in front of an audience, begin a new era in French opera and were very dubious.



作为节约成本的措施,工人没有得到适当的培训。这会导致工作场所的事故和危害。如果员工不接受任何培训,这种可能性就会大大增加。1984年,印度博帕尔发生了一起由一名未经培训的工人的错误造成的严重事故,3787人当场死亡,8000人在两周内死亡(Gupta, 2007)。如果对人员进行适当的培训,这是可以避免的。由于缺乏训练,许多这样的小事故呈上升趋势。公司选择不提供培训仅仅是因为过程中涉及的成本(Gupta, 2007)。

联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF) 2014年的一份报告称,未成年人在这些危险的环境中工作,却没有为他们提供培训或教育。孩子们被迫在城市工作,这些孩子没有得到父母或公司的任何形式的指导。这对孩子们产生了情感上的影响。这相位使他们遭受创伤。根据印度政府的报告(2011)显示,昌迪加尔邦小学的入学率仅为首都邦入学率的一半(Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2007)。这说明,外包对下一代学生的影响是不利的。


As a cost saving measure the workers are not given proper training. This causes workplace accidents and hazards. The probability is highly increased in cases where the employees are not given any training. There was a serious accident caused by an untrained worker’s mistake happened in Bhopal, India in 1984, 3787 people lost their life immediately and 8000 people dead within 2 weeks (Gupta, 2007). This could have been avoided with proper training to the personnel. Many such small scale accidents are on the rise because of the lack of training. The companies choose not to give training simply because of the costs involved in the process (Gupta, 2007).

A report from the UNICEF (2014) minors are made to work in these hazardous environment without providing them with training or educations. Children are forced to work in urban cities and these children are not given any form of guidance from parents or the companies. This causes emotional impact on the children. They are made to suffer trauma owing to this aspect. According to the governmental report from the Gov. of India (2011) shows that the enrolment rate of primary school in the state of Chandigarh is only a half of the enrolment rate of the capital state (Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2007). This shows that the next generation of students is affected adversely by the impact of outsourcing.






Users do not shy away from discussing and supporting topics that may have been a taboo just a couple of years back. Empowered individuals with an opinion are using facebook to let their voices be heard, while others are using it to develop and form opinions. An example of armchair activism can be the rainbow dps that more than 26 million facebook users used in 2015 to show their support and celebratory emotions for the US Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriages, or the pink-on-red equal sign dps employed by more than 3 million users in 2013 to show their support for LGBTQ rights. It is also being used to organize mass events and rallies for different social causes- a perfect example of conversion of online connectivity into real social connectivity. Another emerging social media practice is the usage of facebook by ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students to learn English. It also helps them acclimatise to their new surroundings, familiarise themselves to college life, and make friends.

Researchers are also being conducted on the different ways of usage, the difficulty areas, and the motivations of ESOL students behind facebook usage. Hence, along with the sociality and connectivity functions, facebook is being used as a medium to educate. Sashi (2012., p.255) opines that Facebook is now also beginning to be used as a tool for social media marketing by seasoned and upcoming entrepreneurs to market their business. Through features like ‘facebook pages’ one can create a page of one’s organisation. By ‘liking’ and ‘following’ that page, the target audience can get all the updates about the said organisation. Managers can also create ‘facebook groups’ to connect with their employees. The privacy settings of these groups can be customized as per one’s needs- from secret, to private to public. Erdoğmuş, and Cicek (2012, p.1355) are of the opinion that this is a great way to market and advertise one’s business for free among one’s target audience. The ‘share’ feature is another useful and easy feature with plenty of benefits.






It is very important to have a proper legal considerations before any business. The different groups in a business are an important parts of the business. Each and every business process has different legal considerations. The legal policies should be such that they do not impact the business. The very first requirement to be met before instantiating any business or starting the web application is to have a proper legal considerations. It is important to have a proper license for all the products. Each and every product which will be created for the company. It is very important to acquire the license for the software so as to ensure that none of the other companies or the individuals can use the same for their own benefits. Getting a license is very important in case of a business as it needs to have a proper validity.

A yet another major thing in case of doing the designing for the website is related to the violation of the intellectual property. This is something which is often done in the form of a mistake but it is something which may not harm the business interest. It is important to make sure that the users are able to understand the trademarks and the logos which are related to the product. It is important that each and every content which is being developed on the website has a proper copyright. It is because that a product is owned by the website itself, the users need to have the permission so as to use the same. The competitors of the product should also know that because of the valid copyright they can’t use the product at all. In addition to this it is also important to ensure that there what has to be done with the content which has been submitted by the user and what are the different kind of obligations related to the same.