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随机漫步理论有两种截然不同的模式,在这两种模型中,数据或信息的快速合并对分析师和投资者都是不利的。来自公众的信息不会帮助分析师或投资者选择被低估的股票,因为市场已经将信息纳入了安全价格(Xu and Zhang, 2014)。

根据研究学者们的观点,主张随机漫步理论的人认为,这种理论是由具有相似分布的安全价格变化构成的。它还表明,安全价格变动并不相互依赖,这意味着它们是独立的。因此,不能利用以前的安全价格或市场趋势来预测其未来的走势(Zhang和Yang, 2016)。按照这个概念,安全价格是随机的,也是不可预测的。


根据随机漫步理论的支持者们的说法,如果不承担额外的风险,就不可能超越或打破市场。有效市场假说认为,股票价格完全复制了完全可用的信息和预测;因此,实际价格是对公司内在价值的最好估计。这将阻止任何人以稳定的方式对错误定价的证券进行开发,因为价格的变动是随机的,并且会被意外事件所驱动(Dunham, 2013)。为此,研究这一课题的学者们主张投资于一个被动管理的多元基金。


There are two distinct models of the random walk theory, and in both models, the rapid incorporation of the data or information is not beneficial to the analysts and investors. The information gathered from the public will not assist an analyst or investor in selecting undervalued stocks because the market has already incorporated the information into the security price (Xu and Zhang, 2014).
According to the research scholars, who advocates random walk theory addresses that the theory consists of security price alterations with having similar distribution. It also indicates that the security price alterations are not dependent to each other that mean they are independent. Therefore, the previous movement or trend of a security price or market cannot be utilized to forecast its future movement (Zhang and Yang, 2016). As per the concept, the security prices take a random as well as unpredictable way.


According to the supporters of the random walk theory, it is not possible to outperform or break the market without assuming the extra risk. The efficient market hypothesis states that stock prices completely replicate the complete available information and prediction; thus, the actual prices are the best estimation of a firm’s intrinsic value. This would prevent anyone from the exploitation of the mispriced securities in a steady way, as the movements of prices are random and use to be driven by the unforeseen incidents (Dunham, 2013). For this reason, the research scholars who work on this topic advocate the investment in a passively managed well-diversified fund.





恐怖主义被认为对旅游活动影响很大。 2001年9月11日袭击事件发生后,为管理价格和灾难采取的安全措施是,国会所有政府大楼以及国会和白宫都撤离了。


Crisis and disaster conditions in THE industry
The people of Paris chose to lessen their outing to the restaurants or other eating outlets or even they stop using public transport and other common places. It was very difficult circumstances further to tour operators also since the major issue was that all the three terrorist attacks had caused downfall of the other Muslim destinations to be visited by the people. The travellers could have faced a few issues to dissociate the Muslim Society from the extreme Islamist am. It would have the similar impact just like the Arab Spring had in March 2011. Moreover, the negative impacts of this kind of terrorist activities fade away and people come to their normal lives very soon but the industries like tourism, hospitality and events industries get impacted badly. The fear is dependent on kind of bombing or attack or the kind of response that is shown by the nation which is attached. Whenever the attack impacts the tourist location, then the response of the government is important. In case the site is not locked for tourists, then they keep coming and they forget about the attack. However, if the site is locked after that attack, then they do not easily forget about that act and tourist does not prefer to go to such place.  In such cases, the perception of people is important and they must not panic and no generalised views should be allowed.

The risk treatment options to manage crisis and disaster situations
The terrorism is seen to be highly impactful on the tourist activities.  After the attack of September 11, 2001, the security measures that were taken for managing the prices and disasters were that all the government buildings in the country were evacuated, along with the Congress and Whitehouse.

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰


美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰
随着国际环境法规日益复杂,公司必须在保证环境可持续性的同时利用盈利能力(Aeppel,T和Roth,T。1990)。梅赛德斯 – 奔驰在表演时必须处理好几种环境风险,包括:

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰

Theoretical Perspectives
Observing the company being a major manufacturer of luxury cars, with globally incorporated investment, production and sales, recommends that it is a principal case of a market that acquires the material means to minimize global environmental harms. Provided this credit, two contrasting standpoints materialize (Holweg, M. and Pil, F.K. 2004). The perspective is that the company’s luxury products might be a major supply of environmental risks. Conversely and dominantly, there are constructive examples of the company’s recent initiatives to strike equilibrium between the mandates of productivity in addition to the environmental sustainability.

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰
Environmental Risks Analyses
Burning of non-renewable resources such fossil fuels is one more critical constraint relating to the ecological exhaustion caused by the luxury cars. Mercedes Benz luxury cars consume either diesel or gasoline ensuing to a great reliance on oil. Based on the previous surveys, road transportation is responsible for 57% of all oil consumption in the China, a figure that is anticipated to rise the upcoming years.
Accompanied by growing intricacy in international environmental regulations, the company has to capitalize on profitability while assuring environmental sustainability (Aeppel, T, and Roth, T. 1990). In performing so Mercedes-Benz must deal with several environmental risks, comprising:
Supply chain risk.
Functioning exposures that bring about the detection of pollution or new conditions associated with releases and spills.
Legacy exposures ensuing from acquisitions, divestitures, plant closings, company restructuring or non-owned disposal locations.
Regulatory exposures globally, comprising shifts in environmental laws entailing responses to a pollution condition.



她还解释说,未来,与创意艺术相关的机会将会增强。近来,教科文组织(联合国教育,科学和文化组织)提出了关于艺术家阶段的建议,以鼓励各州了解艺术在个人发展中的重要作用(Caves,2002年)。当局还承认艺术家在创作时需要得到保护,捍卫和协助,因为自由是艺术家作品的核心和灵魂。在2005年,福特基金会为支持艺术家募集了2200万美元,并且认为艺术家在他们选择的领域工作,这个领域需要财政援助。在餐厅工作以满足这些财务状况,只会削弱艺术家的能力,因为他或她能够更少地关注他们的艺术能力。他们需要适当的地方,可以帮助他们生活合理和健康(Comunian et al,2011)。基金会和福特基金会等组织形式的资助是当今世界艺术家可以获得的一种机会(Brown et al,2012)。艺术事业的重要性从学者对劳动力市场的吸引力各不相同,因为他们提供有趣的基于经济的场景,如艺术家过度供应或以项目为主的作品占主导地位,艺术家是重要的国家经济驱动力(Brown等, 2012)。



She also explained that in future, opportunities related to creative arts will enhance. In the recent times, the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization) suggested recommendations with regard to artist’s stage in order to encourage the states to understand the important role of art in an individual’s development (Caves, 2002). The authority also acknowledged that artists need to be protected, defended and assisted when it comes to creation as freedom is the heart and soul of an artist’s piece of work. In the year 2005, the Foundation of Ford raised 22 million dollars for supporting artists and also argued that artists work in the field chosen by them and this field requires financial assistance. Working in restaurants to meet these finances only decapitates the ability of an artist as he or she is able to focus less on their artistic capability. Proper places are required for them that can help in making them live reasonable and healthy (Comunian et al, 2011). Funding is one such opportunity which is available to the artists in the world today in the form of such organizations like UNESCO and Ford foundation (Brown et al, 2012). The importance of artistic careers are varied ranging from attraction of scholars to labor markets of art as they provide interesting economic based scenarios such as oversupply of artists or project based works being predominated, to, artists being important nation based economic drivers (Brown et al, 2012).

It was also evident from the interview that Anita Dawson did not have her focus on getting fame or money. This removed one major challenge that most artists face that is no access to funds. This implies the proper support from her parents who gave her the opportunity to diversify as much as she can in field of creative arts in order to develop her strong artistic identity.



对于任何希望扩大其在巴基斯坦的业务运营的公司来说,政治不稳定以及暴力和恐怖主义事件日益增多一直是需要在规划阶段正确考虑的主要问题。虽然巴基斯坦的经济有增长的迹象,但缺乏基础设施和困难的能源部门给商业运营带来了问题。巴基斯坦的内部问题,经济和社会关切并没有呈现出一幅小小的图景。经过短暂的增长迹象之后,经济在近期遭遇了大幅下跌。虽然人均收入显着上升,但消费者价格指数的比率却很高,并且出现了令人担忧的数字(Christiansen and Leigh,2002)。



Political, cultural, economic, social and technological environments:
For any company that is looking to expand its business operations in Pakistan, the political instability and the rising incidents of violence and terrorism has been a major concern that needs to be factored in right in the stage of planning. Though the economy of Pakistan has shown signs of growth, the lack of infrastructure and a struggling energy sector poses problems for business operations. The internal problems, economic and social concerns in Pakistan do not present a petite picture. After showing brief signs of growth, the economy suffered a huge fall in more recent times. Although the per capita income has shown a significant rise, but the severely high rate of consumer price index and presents a worrying figure (Christiansen and Leigh, 2002).

There is also a lot of need for technological advancements in every sector in Pakistan. So for a company that can sustain itself in the challenging environment and offer technology that has not been experience before in the local market, the company and the product stands a significant chance of enjoying success.
Companies like Cochlear which wishes to expand its operations to Pakistan need to keep in mind that it is an Islamic country where the vast majority of the people follow the Islamic faith. So, it is important that foreign company present products that are in accordance with Islamic faith and Islamic teachings. A company whose products, practices and even manufacturing processes that are not acceptable by Islamic standards are not going to survive in the market since it can face a refusal from the consumers. So, companies would need to adhere to Islamic teachings and faith and ensure that their products are acceptable by Islamic practices (Chasin, 2008).






Adam had made a purchase of premises to be utilized for assembling of machinery. Adam had taken out an insurance policy of the building for covering both, the contents of the building as well as the entire building from loss by fire. The contract had been made with TWI Insurance. However, while filling the form for the insurance policy and providing relevant information, some of the questions in the form had been left blank in a rush. He had only stated that his main business was involved in assembling the machinery. After two months, changes started to take place and the new business started that involved the activities related packing up the construction explosives. However, soon there was an explosion and the fire destroyed both, the contents of the building as well as the building.

As he approached towards the insurance company for claim, it was found that the ventilation in the room where explosives were being stored was inadequate and inappropriate. This can be referred to as the case related to non disclosure in insurance.
Non-disclosure can be referred to as the situation in which the party fails in revealing important facts when the contract of insurance is being applied for. It has been identified in a large number of cases that in such situations that is involvement of non-disclosure, application of strict lawful position can lead to unduly harsh result for the parties (Clarke, 2004). For this particular reason, while dealing with the cases of insurance where there is involvement of misrepresentation or non-disclosure, the case is resolved by considering the law as well as good industrial practice.






Main theme of the book discusses about the Eurasian people who have captured or displaced Native Americans and other races that were present that time. Arguments are presented about the outcomes that came as a result of this displacement and how people faced challenges. All these outcomes were not because of the biological changes and advantages posed by Eurasians but it was because of the Eurasian continent. It was because of the high level and diversity of the wild plants in the area. Animals were also present that were good for living a life peacefully. Diamond has worked as a sociologist while developing this book because he was exploring the answers to the accidents that happened during the past and how the mapping was impacted. He has shown interest in the mappings of migrations of early human races like Africans to Eurasians and other races like Eastern from pacific oceans (Diamond, 210). He has closely observed the biology of humans during this period and has discussed about their evolution.

This evolution is presented in the form of his findings about the history and how several accidents have given birth to these revolutions. Diamond wanted to cover the different aspects and differences that were present between different cultures of the world and how elements like food, technology, writing, religion and government positively or negatively impact on the cultures and dimensions of human psychology and biology. Heart of the book is about the evidence that explains about the settler colonialism and how it’s after effects impacted on the Trans Atlantic slavery and its consequences on different races of the world. He believed that all these issues were not about the geographic transformations of humans. Eurasians did not have the power that was systematic and which is not present today.






After all these facilitations by the community and city officials company also has the moral as well as ethical responsibility as defined in theory of deontology to fulfil its duties towards employs that they made earlier (Sadler, n.d.). Through outsourcing the company has estimated to save $10 Million in a year however the workers are ready to sacrifice their salaries and benefits in order to retain the company’s presence in the town. According to the first deal they were providing$9 Million benefit after third year and in second deal they are agreed to provide $12 Million benefit after third year which is more than the benefit that they can gain through outsourcing in India.

Even after all these sacrifices offered by the workers if company at once close its operations from the town it is very unethical from utilitarian perspective because this action of the company will cause negative after-effects among employees. If the company wants to outsource at any cost they should plan short term and long term strategies for outsourcing and in short term they can outsource few operations, in long term that should plan in a manner that they could be able to work locally as well as outsource at the same pace so that they can gain benefit from both sides.
In the past few years an outsourcing trend of white collar professions has increased in America due to the cheap labour available in less developed countries (Kirkegaard, 2003). The jobs that are typically outsourced range from low skilled jobs of data entry to high level jobs that require more education and skills including Information Technology and accounting. In USA outsourcing increased at a very fast pace in 1993 due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (Gutman, 2004).










The sectoral production price: Sectoral Price is equivalent to the average cost price and the average profit rate on the production capital which may be applied to the output of any commodity which has been produced (Nelson, 2012). This is the actual price for production which reflects the average returns of the producers.

The economic production price: The economic production price is equivalent of the average cost price and average profit rate of the output during the point of sale to the final customer, which includes the costs which has been occurred at different enterprises who are the part of the production.

Inter Sectoral Production Price: This price may be referred to as the sale of the output of the producer’s price which can reflect on the profit rate of the quantity of capital which is applied to different sectors.

Thus, this notion aims at the fact that an object gains importance and becomes a commodity and is treated as a value only if the price of the commodity is accurate.


Subjective Theory of Value
It is a theory which determines that the value of the goods can’t be determined by any specific inherent property of the product. Instead, they are determined by the importance which the individuals give to the product.

Potlatch Concept :
Potlatch is an important concept for the purpose of discussion related to the price such that the economies are marked by the processes involving competitive exchanges of gifts, in which the gift-givers gives important gifts in order to capture important and powerful political and social roles. The gift items may include different things.






Marketing Strategic Drift as seen in the case of the Danish family owned business of Lego made it suffer marketing losses in the international community. At a time when other businesses were invested in marketing on the internet, CD-ROM games and more, Lego was seen to be left behind because of a strategic drift. People had less control on the type of toys that their children used and in such a time Lego not embracing the use of the internet and computer game themed


development was seen to suffer losses. In the early 2000’s Lego re-evaluated its strategy and moved on to include marketing based on internet usage, and technology usage. The company had suffered huge losses in 1998, and the reintroduction of marketing strategy with support from the internet and other technology reintroduced one year of profit in 2002, and in 2003 the company showed a sold loss of 3190 million, and had to retrench (Hollensen, 2011). The reasons cited for the losses were that the company in revamping its marketing strategy had lost focus on the traditional pedagogical concept that Lego is famous for. The core concept of Lego is the unique customized product it offers, in changing marketing to meet the selling aspects set out by other competitors, Lego did not focus on its strong product (Hollensen, 2011).
Lego attempted to change this failed marketing attempt in 2004 when the company once again went back LEGO is now returning to its former concept. This strategy has helped Lego in the past years and its net profits have increased and have become more sustainable (Hollensen, 2011).