标签存档: 美国代写论文



可口可乐再特许经营的努力以及额外的结构变化为公司提供了稳定增长的范围。该品牌以其标志性的标志在全球拥有强烈的认知度。尽管面临着百事可乐的激烈竞争,可口可乐还是成功地增加了它的市场份额。可口可乐确保其产品在200个国家市场的可用性,成为世界上最大的分销网络(Hahn & Lülfs, 2014)。它有能力利用其良好控制和拥有的分销商,没有平行条件的独立零售商,批发商和装瓶商。这使得公司能够确保成本的紧密管理,快速引进新产品,以及几个地理区域的饱和。


关于可口可乐参与企业社会责任的问题已经被提出,因为它与它的成功的主要因素相矛盾,一种含糖饮料导致严重的蛀牙,糖尿病和肥胖在全球(Heijden et al., 2010)。因此,正如本文的论文所述,随着公众和工会意识的提高,公司必须采取具体的企业社会责任战略举措才能取得更长远的成功。

水是可口可乐饮料的关键成分。它对生产企业所需的农产品和制造业的核心过程至关重要。水对可口可乐是重要的,它是地球上有限的资源,由于有前所未有的挑战与过度开发的背景下。可口可乐的生产过程特别需要水。用水的增加会导致气候变化、管理不善和污染的风险(Dauvergne & Lister, 2012)。由于水资源的可用性有限,可口可乐不得不进行更多的投资或面临产能的限制,这将对长期的盈利能力或净运营收入产生负面影响。

The efforts of refranchising placed by Coca Cola along with additional structural changes are providing scope of stable growth to the company. The brand has strong recognition all across the globe with its signature logo. Even though the company faces strong competition with PepsiCo, Coca Cola succeeds in increasing its market share. Coca Cola ensures the availability of its products in 200 national markets being the biggest distribution network of the world (Hahn & Lülfs, 2014). It has the ability of utilizing its well- controlled and owned distributors with no parallel terms of independent retailers, wholesalers and bottlers. These allow the company to ensure close management of costs, rapid introduction of new items, and saturation of several geographical areas.

Since recent years, there has been identification of sugary drinks as culprits specifically causing obesity.

Therefore, being the number one brand of soda in the world, it is dealing with several risks by specifically fighting from obesity in America (Coca Cola, 2017).

Several questions have been raised regarding the CSR involvement of Coca Cola as it contradicts the main factor of its success, a sugary drink causing significant tooth decay, diabetes and obesity across the globe (Heijden et al., 2010). Therefore, as the thesis statement for this essay, the company has to take up specific CSR strategic initiatives to succeed in the longer run with the rising awareness of public and unions.

Water is the key ingredient of Coca Cola drink. It is crucial for producing agricultural product necessary for the business and the core processes of manufacturing. Water is important for Coca Cola and it is a limited resource on earth due to which there are unprecedented challenges in context with over- exploitation. The manufacturing process of Coca Cola specifically requires water. The increased use of water leads to the risk of climate change, poor management and pollution (Dauvergne & Lister, 2012). Due to limited availability of water resource, Coca Cola has to invest more or face constraints of capacity that has a negative impact on profitability or the net operational revenue in the longer term.








HCL moves on the path of robust sustained growth supported by the fast speed of its transformational engagements. The company is continuously expanding the back-up of market share with growth in revenue to expand the overall margins. The key focus of HCL is on investing in transformation services and key market for the payment of rich dividends. There was impressive growth in revenue at 5.8 per cent with significantly improved operational margin along with net income to conversing operational cash at 114 per cent as of 2017.

Relationship between Innovation, Creativity, and Change

HCL has an impressive position in the market as it delivers several services to a number of clients with various technological methods, applications, and expertise. However, for expanding the portfolio offered by HCL, the company should necessarily adopt the deliver and contract mode for offering services on the basis of human experience methods and innovation. This mode will allow the clients for developing new opportunities and possibilities. This is a considerably different offer due to less finiteness and predictability in the key outcomes. This is the fundamental case for applying creativity and innovation.Nevertheless, the path of exploring is the main approach for inventing new approaches creating new outcomes and opening up different working ways. As a result, the client base of HCL will gain benefits in comparison with the competitors. This is presenting specific challenges internally and externally for present and potential clients to provide a number of known technical methods and solutions.

While the market consists of several change models, HCL can choose from three models. These are: 8 step change model by Kotter, 7-S model by McKinsey, and change management model by Lewin. HCL will not be affected by the proposal of change, or the process of change in general operations or project planning. Adjustment in change involves significant difficulty for the employees and the overall business. It is helpful to use almost any model as they help in offering a guideline to be followed by the leaders. This provides the ability of determining expected outcomes.




旅游业的经济影响,以及相关的影响往往被强调为旅游业的主要支持在现代世界。然而,旅游可以被认为是一种文化工具,人们与旅游联系在一起。全球化的世界创造了跨文化的理解,旅游为人们与不同文化的互动提供了一种有趣的方式。“文化旅游作为一种旅游的次级系统发挥重要作用在弥合文化边界通过tourists-host互动”(雷&特纳,2012,p . 6),雷和特纳(2012)认为,人们能够欣赏文化差异时扮演的角色依次主机和来宾。通过旅游融入文化成分,使人们更好地理解包容性和跨文化差异。

旅游业中越来越多的不满是,旅游目的地的当地社区遭受了很多环境影响和其他影响(Ahdekivi, 2016)。旅游带来的经济效益一般会给社会带来收益。旅游业的政府和企业家最终将受益更多,而环境影响和其他可持续性相关问题的成本导致当地社区(Dixon et al., 2013)。然而,这个缺点现在已经纠正了,因为研究人员指出,政府、企业机构和其他与旅游业有关的企业正在努力减少可持续性问题,并回馈当地社区(Godfrey, 1998;小说,1997)。

此外,旅游业在现代世界的另一个缺点是注意到的方式,一些目的地成为依赖旅游业单独为其经济手段(Lawson等,1998;Pizam, 1978)。这种对旅游业的依赖将这些座位置于危险之中。当全球出现一些问题时,这些目的地的经济手段就会被切断,从而给社区带来问题。然而,这个问题可以通过在当地创造更可持续的旅游产品来解决。这些空间既可以鼓励内部游客,也可以鼓励内部游客,这样就可以解决这些弊端。

The economic impact of tourism, and related effects are often highlighted as the major pro of tourism in the modern world. However, tourism can be considered as a cultural tool where people are connected together with tourism. Globalized world has created intercultural understanding and tourism provides a fun way for people to interact with different cultures. “Cultural tourism as one of the sub systems of tourism does play a major role in bridging cultural boundaries through tourists-host interactions” (Reisinger & Turner, 2012, p. 6). Reisinger and Turner (2012) argued that people are able to appreciate cultural differences when they play roles of hosts and guests in turn. Cultural constituents infused through tourism makes people understand inclusivity and intercultural differences in a much better manner.

A growing discontent in tourism is that much of the environmental effect and other impacts are suffered by local communities present in the tourism destination (Ahdekivi, 2016). Economic benefits because of tourism might accrues generally to the society. The governments and the entrepreneurs of the tourism industry will end up benefitting more while the costs of environmental impact and other sustainability related issues result for local communities (Dixon et al., 2013). However, this disadvantage is now corrected, as researchers indicated that the governments, corporate institutionsand other enterprises connected with the tourismindustry are working towards reducing sustainability concerns and giving back to local communities (Godfrey, 1998; Dymond, 1997).

In addition, another drawback of tourism in the modern world is noted in the way, some destination sites become dependent on tourism alone for their economic means (Lawson et al., 1998; Pizam, 1978). This form of dependence on tourism alone puts these sits at risk. When there are some issues globally, the economic means of these destinations are cut off leading to issues for the community. This issue however can be addressed locally by creating more sustainable tourism production. Both internal and internalization tourists can be encouraged in these spaces and this way the drawback can be handled.





消极状态救济模型认为,人们之所以会采取亲社会行为,是因为通过为他人服务和同情他人的需求,他们会减少自己的消极状态。通过参与亲社会行为,行为可以改善一个人的负面情绪。在共情快乐假说中,帮助他人对帮助者有积极影响。这一理论的一个重要含义是,从事这种行为的人意识到,她通过帮助别人做了一件很好的工作(Baron & Branscombe, 2013)。

竞争利他主义理论认为,人们从事亲社会行为是因为这能提高他们的地位和声誉。因此,亲社会行为对参与其中的人是有用的和有益的。从进化的角度来理解亲社会行为被称为亲缘选择理论。亲缘选择理论认为,人们更愿意帮助与自己有直接关系的人,如近亲和朋友(Baron & Branscombe, 2013)。

Prosocial behaviours are those behaviours which have been intended to help and benefit other people. People who engage in prosocial behaviours show concern for other’s feelings, rights, emotions and welfare. Prosocial behaviours in other words are helping behaviours that aim to benefit others without directly benefitting the person performing them. Some common prosocial behaviours include concern for others and empathy.

There are several theories that explain this behaviour of people. Theories of prosocial behaviour us understand why people engage in prosocial behaviours and what their motives are. According to the empathy altruism hypothesis, people engage in prosocial behaviours because they want to assist others. Prosocial behaviours are motivated solely by need to help others.

Negative-state relief model states that people engage in prosocial behaviour because by doing service for others and being empathetic towards needs of others, they reduce their own negative state. By engaging in prosocial, behaviours improve the negative mood of the person. The empathetic-joy hypothesis, aiding others has a positive effect on the helper. An important implication of this theory is that the person who is engaging in this type of behaviour is aware that she did a good job by helping others (Baron & Branscombe, 2013).

The competitive altruism theory states that people engage in prosocial behaviours because it boosts their status and reputation. Prosocial behaviours, therefore, is useful and beneficial for the person engaging in them. The evolutionary perspective to understand prosocial behaviour is referred to as kin-selection theory. The kin selection theories states that people are more willing to assist people who are directly related to them, for example, close relatives and friends (Baron & Branscombe, 2013).




首先,领导常常在处理冲突和控制局势中扮演不可或缺的角色。对于校园种族冲突,领导有责任防止冲突,控制仇恨的蔓延。不幸的是,密苏里州的领导层做得很糟糕。面对持续不断的种族冲突,他们总是采取沉默的政策。10月5日,在为即将到来的返校典礼表演进行排练时,一名喝醉的白人男学生使用了一个不带有种族歧视色彩的词汇来称呼黑人大学生军团的成员。事件发生时在场的校园安全官员没有做出任何紧急反应,进一步加剧了该群体的愤怒(Fortunato, 2017)。学校安全官员的不作为伤害了学生的感情,因此,学生感到不安全和不受保护。尽管大声辱骂的学生最终被学校开除,但他们仍然担心校园气氛。密苏里学生抗议事件爆发后,沃尔夫总统不但没能抑制种族冲突的爆发,甚至加剧了局势的严重性。当沃尔夫离开会场时,一群学生遇到了他。有人问他如何定义“系统性压迫”。他的回答不仅麻木不仁,而且似乎反智。系统性压迫是因为你不相信自己有平等的成功机会(Chang, 2016,第41页)。这些带有严重偏见的回答引起了学生们的不满,然后又向他抛出了更多的问题:“蒂姆·沃尔夫,你刚才是不是因为系统性的压迫而指责我们?”你刚才是责怪黑人学生吗?(Chang, 2016,第41页)。沃尔夫选择了迅速离开。关注此事的1950学生团体为迈克尔·布朗成立了激进组织MU,最终会见了伍尔夫总统,并发表了以下声明:“沃尔夫口头上承认他关心密苏里大学的黑人学生,然而,他也报告说,他‘不完全’意识到校园里的系统性种族主义、性别歧视和父权制度”(Lzadi, 2015)。沃尔夫不负责任的行为和对校园歧视的冷漠最终让他吃下了这颗苦果。

学校橄榄球队参加了抗议,拒绝参加比赛,因为学校每场比赛要花费100万美元(张,41页)。在抗议的巨大压力下,沃尔夫总统最终选择了辞职。我们有充分的理由认为,作为一名领导人,有一种危机感是必要的。一个合格的领导者需要预测事件的发展趋势,能够发现并干预事件的发展,将可能发生的危机扼杀在摇篮之中。Fortunato et al解释说,密苏里大学的领导人无力开发和维护必要的通过沟通与关键利益相关者的关系可能导致不能完全识别或至少承认校园事件的严重程度”(j . A。,因为仇杀Gigliotti, r·A。&鲁本b.d.(2017),第201页)。

To begin with, leadership often plays an indispensable role in handling conflicts and controlling the situation. For campus racial conflicts, leadership is obliged to prevent conflicts and control the spread of hatred. Unfortunately, the leadership of Missouri did a terrible job. They always took a silent policy to face the ongoing ethnic conflicts. On October 5, during a rehearsal for an upcoming Homecoming ceremony performance, a drunk, White, male student used a racially insensitive term to call out the Members of the Legion of Black Collegians. The campus safety officer present during the incident did not respond with any urgency, furthering the group’s anger (Fortunato, 2017). The inaction of school safety officer hurt the feelings of the students and because of this, the student felt unsafe and unprotected. Although the student who yelled the slur was eventually expelled from the school, they were still worried about the campus climate. After protests of Missouri students broke out, the president Wolfe not only failed to suppress the outbreak of ethnic conflicts, even aggravated the seriousness of the situation. A group of students confronted Wolfe as he left a meeting. One asks him to define “systematic oppression.” His answer was not just insensitive, it seemed anti-intellectual. Systematic oppression is because you don’t believe you have the equal opportunity for success (Chang, 2016, page 41). The severely biased answers aroused student dissatisfaction, and then peppered him with more questions:” Did you just blame us for systematic oppression, Tim Wolfe? Did you just blame Black students?” (Chang, 2016, page 41). Wolfe chose to walk away quickly. The Concerned Student 1950 group who started the activist group MU for Michael Brown eventually met with President Wolfe, and issued the following statement: “Wolfe verbally acknowledged that he cared for Black students at the University of Missouri, however, he also reported he was ‘not completely’ aware of systemic racism, sexism, and patriarchy on campus” (Lzadi, 2015).The irresponsible behavior of Wolfe and the apathetic response to campus discrimination finally made him eat this bitter fruit.

School football team joined in protests and refused to participate in competitions, which would cost $1million per game for school (Chang, page 41). Under the huge pressure of protest, President Wolfe eventually chose to resign. There is every reason to suggest that as a leader, having a sense of crisis is necessary. A qualified leader needs to predict the trend of events, be able to find and intervene in this situation, and nip the possible crisis in the cradle. Fortunato et al explains that the inability of leaders at the University of Missouri to develop and maintain the necessary relationships through communication with key stakeholders perhaps contributed to an inability to fully recognize-or at least acknowledge—the severity of the events on campus”(Fortunato, J. A., Gigliotti, R. A., & Ruben, B. D. (2017), page 201).







第三阶段是实施阶段。这个阶段是公司实际执行流程的阶段。然后,公司需要评估有形收益和它将满足的无形资产。最后,实现这些变化需要一个动态的操作过程(Baum, 2016)。企业的品牌形象和内在意识是无法衡量的。管理者需要实时了解如何创建一个对所有利益相关者都有利的原则。通过这些过程,公司可以制定出一个能使所有利益相关者受益的工作原则。


The company that wants to become green can apply the Triple Bottom Line theory. The triple bottom line is focused on three elements. It is people, profit and planet. These three factors must be addressed by the companies. The triple bottom line is difficult to measure in the companies to comprehend about the impact of the measures.

As an inception step, the company must create an ideology that is focused on being green and reducing the waste. Initially, the stakeholders must be advised about the need for going green by the company. An audit of the current operational process needs to be created.

From this, the second stage is the planning stage. This entails the creation of the green plan that addresses all the business needs of the company. The company can create a plan with these three elements in focus. These three elements cover meeting the financial bottom line, guest experience along with the related people and finally the planet. From this, a feasible sustainable plan is drawn.

The third stage is the implementation stage. This stage is when the processes are actually implemented by the company. The company then needs to take stock of the tangible gains and the intangibles that it would meet. Finally, a dynamic operational process that is needed to implement the changes is needed (Baum, 2016). The brand image and the intrinsic ideology of companies cannot be measured easily. The managers need to gain real time awareness about the creation of a principle that is beneficial for all the stakeholders. These are the processes by which the company can develop a working principle that would benefit all the stakeholders.

Companies such as Hilton and Hyatt have embraced a green approach. It has become a ubiquitous trend to adhere to these changes. However, some of the companies consider this to be a mere jargon to improve the trade of the company. This attitude of considering it a CSR rather than real business strategy causes the company to face a lot of issues. The companies need to have an actionable plan that meets their tangible and the intrinsic factors that are needed for the survival. The Triple Bottom Line theory can be used to create an actionable plan to improve the processes. Initial analysis of the company and creating a plan that would be beneficial for all the stakeholders have been proposed in this analysis.



代写:电影《捉鬼敢死队》中的女权主义。选择的媒体是2016年上映的电影《捉鬼敢死队》。这部电影是前几部电影的翻拍版。所有的女性演员阵容赋予了这部电影一种女权主义的观点。在故事情节中,电影的英雄是一群男性角色出去捉鬼。有着相似的故事情节,这部广受欢迎的连环漫画在银幕上呈现的都是女性角色(Kingston Mann, 2014)。电影作为媒介的批判分析可以通过女性主义的方法来实现。“女权主义是一场结束性别歧视、性别歧视者的剥削和压迫的运动”(第178页),由贝尔·胡克斯(Bell Hooks)提出,它很好地反映了女权主义的核心议程。接下来代写专家将为同学们分析讨论下电影《捉鬼敢死队》中的女权主义。

《捉鬼敢死队2016》反映了类似的议程。这是一种后女性主义的思维方式,导致了电影中男主角被女主角所取代。这些角色并不漂亮、优雅或性感(Radner & Stringer, 2012)。他们是喜剧,肥胖,幽默和不太漂亮。但随着故事的发展,观众们逐渐认识到他们在对抗试图控制整个人类的超自然力量时是多么的高效和勇敢。在之前的超级英雄电影中,观众习惯了超人、蝙蝠侠或蜘蛛侠拯救世界,神奇女侠只是一个配角。导演费格打破了这种刻板印象,创造了一种女性主义或后女性主义在电影中清晰反映的另类动态。

这部电影成功地打破了男性主导的超级英雄世界或救世主的刻板印象。以《雷神》(Thor)闻名的英俊潇洒的克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)取代了可爱的女秘书。事实上,正是克里斯受到了魔法的蛊惑,试图毁掉这座城市。然而,女孩们,作为捉鬼敢死队,拯救了克里斯和这座城市。这是男性主导的宣传。女性主义的方法和电影的成功打破了性别的刻板印象,取得了巨大的成功。

女权主义和后女权主义一直致力于打破性别刻板印象。后女权主义将文化推向一个不同的水平,女性主义打破了早期媒体的刻板印象(Dorer & Hipfl, 2013)。它能够在女权主义、流行文化和女性气质之间衍生出一个不同的维度。现代的思维方式和媒体将女性的本质描绘成一种性别,而不是将其视为一种性别。

因此,2016年的《捉鬼敢死队》与1986年的《捉鬼敢死队》相比,更接近于后女权主义手法。男主角被换成了女主角,从恶魔手中拯救了城市(Kingston Mann, 2014)。这部电影成功地打破了男性英雄的宣传。在这里,女主人公们拯救了城市和她们的男秘书,使他们免于毁灭整个人类。尽管人们还没有准备好去遵从或适应这种类型的电影,但电影的女权主义方法已经成功地建立起来。然而,导演本身就有一种与有趣的女性合作的心态,因此这部电影就诞生了(Modleski, 2014)。对于传统的男主角电影,一种新的媒体途径已经有效地建立起来。

The movie Ghostbusters 2016 reflects this similar agenda. It is a post-feministic mindset which brought forward a movie where male protagonists have been replaced by female protagonists. The characters are not beautiful, graceful or sexy (Radner & Stringer, 2012). They are comic, fat, humorous and not-so-pretty. But as the story progresses, viewers come to know how efficient and courageous they are to standup against a supernatural force trying to take over entire humanity. In previous superhero movies, the audience was accustomed to Superman, Batman or Spiderman saving the day and Wonder woman just being a sidekick. Director Faig broke this stereotype to create an alternative dynamics where feminism or post-feminism is clearly reflected in the movie.

The movie has successfully broken the stereotype of male-dominatedsuperhero world or act of saving the day. The place of a cute female secretary has been replaced by dashing and hunk Chris Hemsworth known for Thor. In fact, it is Chris who comes under the spell and tries to ruin the city. However, the girls, as Ghostbusters, save Chris and the city. It is something out of male-dominated propaganda. A feminist approach and success of the movie to break the gender stereotyping has been highly successful.

Feminism and Postfeminism have always been working to break the gender stereotyping. Postfeminism drives the culture to a different level where feminity broke free from its earlier media stereotypes (Dorer & Hipfl, 2013). It has been able to derive a different dimension between feminism, popular culture and feminity. The modern mindset and media portray the essence of being a woman than treating it as a gender.

Hence, the movie Ghostbusters 2016 stands on the verge of post feministic approach to the original move from 1986. The male characters were changed to female characters that save the city from the hand of an evil spirit (Kingston Mann, 2014). The movie successfully breaks the propaganda of male heroes. Here female heroines save the city and their male secretary from destroying the entire human race. The feminist approach of the movie has been successfully established though it is argued that the people are not yet ready to comply or adapt with such a type of movie. However, the director itself had the mindset of working with women who are funny, and hence, the movie came out as a result (Modleski, 2014). A new media approach to a conventional male hero movie has been effectively established.




美国动画产业的发展的确是惊人的,但日本动画电影产业的演变是巨大的,他们的动画电影在国内和全球都获得了巨大的、意想不到的份额(桑德斯,2017)。英国和法国有多年的动态动画作品,但由于他们的国内观众,这两个国家不得不面对有限的财政前景(Cain, 2015)。然而,对美国动画电影产业构成严重威胁的国家是日本。日本动画产业,被称为日本动漫,大约始于1917年,在这几年里取得了重大的发展(Yasuo, 2013)。





The growth of America’s animated industry is indeed marvellous, but evolution of Japanese animated film industry is tremendous and their animated films are capturing huge and unexpected domestic and global shares (Sanders, 2017).

The study will explore the 3D fantasy animated movies in particular. In most of the American animated films, it is possible to witness the human character design. The large eyes with multiple highlights and in-depth colour add value to the character. There are minimal lines for noses and mouths. The culture of Americans is depicted in the way they dress. More attention is paid to hair, eyelashes and their attires. The storylines are overly exaggerated and adopt to the styles of comic books. Most of the American animators’ style is frame by frame but Japanese animators reuse the style, shots and sequences.

Another point about American animation is its audience. Children are the audience chosen for all the animated cartoons but Japanese animes are created for both children and adults. Some degree of matured contents is also present in the animations. Such stories do not necessarily mimic the hero journey but even beyond that including the real life experiences. In other words, when an American watches a Japanese anime, he may notice the cultural clues from the choices of locations used for the scenes. This is not usually encouraged by American animes.

A significant difference between American and Japanese animes is the way characters are imitated. American animations imitate life and demonstrate naturalness just like their lives. On the other hand, Japanese animes would use same template and improve the dramatic nature of story rather than the expressions.

This significance of the study is to find the causes of the rising market of Japanese animated film industry and its effect on the largest American animation industry. The research will provide the facts and figures related to both the film industries and on the basis of this data, the conclusion will be drawn.




肥胖干预并不是唯一的好处。许多研究确实指出了肥胖和健康干预之间的联系;然而,像哈里斯这样的研究指出,即使采取干预措施,减少肥胖也不会是主要的好处。对141名小学生进行的研究表明,当学校基础体育活动得到改善时,BMI没有变化(Harris et al, 2009, 719)。还有其他的健康益处,但是BMI和肥胖相关的健康益处没有得到显著的注意。比德尔等研究人员支持这一观点(比德尔2011,887)。从许多干预研究中可以观察到,如果身体活动得到了良好的提高,那么认知能力就有可能得到发展。提高认知能力和学习成绩是可能的。




Obesity intervention is not the only benefit. Many studies do point out the connection between obesity and health interventions; however, studies like Harris points out that even with intervention obesity reduction will not be the major benefit. Studies conducted on 141 elementary school children revealed that BMI did not change when school based physical activity was improved (Harris et al 2009, 719). There were other health benefits, but BMI and obesity related health benefits were not significantly noticed. Researchers like Biddle support this argument (Biddle 2011, 887). It was observed from many intervention studies that where physical activity is improved on a good level, then it would be possible for there to be cognitive development. Improved cognitive performance and academic achievement are possible.

Once again, limitations exist. Researchers like Stuart for instance argue that there is evidence to show that physical activity and mental health are connected, but research designs are often quite weak and hence the associations are presented as small to moderate. However, despite the levels of significance, the consistency presented in such associations argues the case.

The studies analysis shows that there is a definite need to improve the quality of PE in secondary schools in order to help assist students in controlling obesity and for other health benefits. Teachers could be successful agents of change when it comes to initiating such PE actions School curriculum will need to be improved as well. School professionals must be brought up to date as specialists advocating change in PE. This would ensure maximum benefits are reaped.

Having PE classes alone did not improve health quality. According to researchers like students who were in classes that were led by specialists in health care seemed to be reaping more health results than students in control classes. Health related physical educations taught by health education specialists, hence were observed to reap the most benefits. Therefore, physical education classes when augmented with specific health focus and related activities could lead to much more benefits for the students。






The determinants of the culture are fundamentally derived from the values and norms of a culture that do not fully emerge and are fully formed. This is a product that stems from the political, education and economic philosophy. The chain of causation is about running both ways. The factors such as the social structure and religion is used to influence the values or norms of the society. The societies are stratified on the social categories based on economic income or based on the value system of the society. This social stratification defines the macro level ideology of the society. However, they also lead to the formation of the ideology of the individuals in the society. These are contributing to the non-verbal cues of the people. They all communicate with each other by using a multitude of body language cues that are similar to each culture. It is important to understand the non-verbal cues of each society to avoid insulting the people and reducing any conflicts. The definition of personal space is another part of the unspoken language.

The role of culture also adds to the formation of the culture. It is imperative to have a basic comprehension of different cultures to reduce conflicts and create an amiable work environment. The advent of social advancement and globalization are important factors for the societal change. The cultures of the societies also become richer owing to the economic progress that impacts these factors. International business is observed to have a different business model. Each of the societies has a different culture. The important implications for the business flow are found to develop from the value systems and norms of the country it influences. This would impact costs of conducting business that are observed in each country. The cost of doing business in a country is based on the ability of the firms to establish the competitive advantage in the global marketplace. It is argued that they stem from the class-based conflict that is forged to achieve the competitive advantage. There is a requirement to develop a common ground from the determinants of culture to develop a culture model, thereby creating a scheme for the culture models. The nuances of the culture models are explored in the following.

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