标签存档: 美国代写论文


美国代写:芝士披萨公司奖励因素。个人就业是为了提高自己的技能、知识和事业。在芝士披萨公司这样的组织中,在加薪或奖金的同时,创建一个有效的奖励系统,通过表扬和认可来认可员工的出色表现,成就从长远来看是有益的。它需要创造这样一个环境,为成就者鼓掌(Edmonds, 2017)。成就的水平可能会有所不同,或者可能与工作的不同方面有关,但认识到每一个努力都会激励员工提高个人水平,从而在组织层面上做出更多贡献。接下来美国代写专家将为同学们分析下芝士披萨公司奖励因素。


创建员工调查以识别员工超出预期的情况——芝士披萨公司的最高管理人员需要与员工沟通,分享他们或同事超出预期的情况,并展示值得认可的品质。这种调查在内部网络上共享时验证了信息(Zhang and Vogel, 2013)。由于公司的目标是在两个不同的国家有十个新的网点,这将首先有助于采取员工在场的帮助,以确定成就者或那些一贯达到或超过预期的员工。显然,这些资料将得到适当的验证,以消除虚假的报告。

奖励类型的确定-芝士披萨必须有奖励的类别,如奖金或加薪,成就证书,晋升,宴会或派对标记员工的成就(张和Vogel, 2013)。有荣誉的员工可以得到赞扬他们成就的卡片或信件。如员工在规定的时间内守时或不休假等小成绩将得到认可,并在年度会议上得到认可。表现出色的员工将得到加薪或奖金的奖励。持续的高水平表现将表明晋升短期成绩将获得证书。这将跨层次进行,以便不同职位的员工知道他们的努力工作不是浪费,将努力提高他们目前的表现水平。

创建让员工充实的项目——芝士披萨公司的这类项目将包括员工可以享受的课程,如瑜伽指导、辅助艺术课等(Salah, 2016年)。定期与当地企业合作开展此类活动将是有益的。通过不断更新员工的资源,可以提高员工的绩效。定期提供培训计划是提高员工绩效的有效方法(Azzone和巴勒莫,2011)。这样的会议使员工有可能发现自己的缺点,并使hep得到改善。如果培训课程是交互式的,那么公司就可以为员工提供改进的渠道,也可以为员工提供一个整理他们的问题的平台。

Creation of a list of those expectations related to employee performance – performance expectation will be related to daily performance for the front line staff, client contact maintenance by marketing team, obtaining training and certification across levels, contribution towards organisational development by the mid management, contribution of new ideas by the strategic team, completion of required paperwork by administrative and human resource departments among others (Lardner, 2015). Expectation from each individual is different; while the front line staff need to be fast on their feet, the backend employees are expected to be calm and composed. Cheesy Pizza would have to review the performance expectation of the employees and enlist the goals during the annual evaluation of employees. Such evaluation have to be based on criteria such as seniority, tenure with the organisation, experience of the employee among others.

Creation of employee survey for identification of instances where expectation of performance is exceeded by employee – the top management at Cheesy Pizza Company would need to communicate with the employees to share instances when they or a co-worker exceeds expectation and demonstrate recognition worthy qualities. Such survey when shared on intranet validates the information (Zhang and Vogel, 2013). As the company aims to have ten new outlets in two different nations, it would initially be helpful to take the help of the employees present on location to identify the achievers or those employees who consistently meet or exceed the expectations. It is obvious that such information would be duly validated to do away with fraudulent reports.

Determination of type of reward – Cheesy Pizza would have to have categories of rewards such as bonus or pay rise, achievement certificate, promotion, banquet or parties for marking employee achievement (Zhang and Vogel, 2013). Honoured employees could be given cards or letters applauding their achievement. Minor achievements such as punctuality or no leaves within a stipulated time would be recognised and the employee being acknowledged during the annual meetings. Performance achievements would be rewarded by a pay rise or bonus. Consistent high level performance would indicate promotion short term achievements would be acknowledged with certificates. This would be done across levels so that employees of different positions know that their hard work is not waste and would work towards improving their current level of performance.

Creation of program for employee enrichment – such programs at Cheesy Pizza Company would include sessions that employees could enjoy such as yoga instruction, complementary art class and so on (Salah, 2016). It would be beneficial to work with the local businesses for such activities at regular intervals. The performance of employees can be enhanced by constantly updating their resources. Providing training programs at regular intervals is an effective way to improve performance of the employees (Azzone and Palermo, 2011). Such sessions make it possible for the employees to identify their shortcomings and get hep to improve. Training sessions when made interactive make it possible for the company to provide avenues for the employees to improve and also give a platform to the employees to sort their queries.





亚马逊公司使用的方法之一是Relay应用程序。Relay是一款亚马逊于2017年11月推出的应用程序。这是一款卡车应用程序,搬运工可以在送货前与亚马逊确认。亚马逊公司正努力不依赖联邦快递(FedEx)或联合包裹(UPS)来送货。该公司正在努力建设一个航空货运枢纽,以确保产品以较快的速度交付。全食超市不再是一家典型的实体店了。由于亚马逊收购了该产品,它已经成为像沃尔玛一样的混合商店。OTS (Off the shelf)是一款关于将产品从卡车移动到商店货架的应用程序(Hugos, 2018)。然而,公司的这种策略实际上已经变得多余了。商店关键库存耗尽的问题可以追溯到这款应用程序。送货上门服务已与亚马逊Prime会员联系在一起。


Between Walmart and Wholefoods, the fundamental difference is the changeover of the management in Wholefoods. The acquisition of Amazon has changed the method of supply chain management. The company wholefoods was about catering to premium consumers who preferred organic food from the local management. However, the dynamics has changed in recent times. This is the changeover and the company Wholefoods has developed a newer supply chain management. Consumers are yet to comprehend about the role of the supply chain management of this company.

One of the methods which the company Amazon uses is the Relay App. Relay is an app which was unveiled on November 2017 by Amazon. This is a form of trucking app which haulers use to check with Amazon before delivery. The company Amazon is trying to not depend on FedEx or UPS for its delivery. The company is trying to construct an air cargo hub and to make sure that products are delivered at a fast pace. Wholefoods is not a typical brick and mortar store anymore. It has become a hybrid store like Walmart owing to the Amazon acquisition of the product. OTS (Off the shelf) is an app which is about the movement of products from truck to store shelves (Hugos, 2018). However, this strategy by the company has actually become redundant. The problem with the store running out of crucial inventory has been traced to this app. Home delivery of the product has been linked to Amazon Prime members.

Walmart, on the other hand, continues to have a superior supply chain management. It has been able to achieve it by the construction of the communication and relationship networks with different suppliers and to improve the material flow between the lower inventories. The company is able to behave like a single firm. This company was one of the pioneer companies for the use of the RFID tags in early 1990. Therefore, the company has managed to gain more consumer patronage.






After the underlying instruction, there are presented numerous ways that can be re-imparted by the organizations management team members in order to increase the organizational strategies in order to representatives to ensure they remain best of psyche. Micro scale learning and tests are great approaches to evaluate how well representatives are holding strategy data. On the other hand, in order to increase the awareness of the organization employees by the new policies and procedures therefore the organization employees should communicate with each other in order to develop the environmentally sustainable workplace practices. On a regular basis, if the employees’ would get educated thereafter they will be able to manage all the workplace business process and would be able to resolve all the workplace ambiguity.

Take different actions when policies are misused。The management team of the different organizations should be readied and ready to uphold their arrangements or retrain representatives if or when strategies are overlooked or abused. Therefore, it can be said that in order to increase the awareness the employees should maintain all the procedures and policies that need to be given by them from the work place management team. In addition to the fact that this ensures a stable hierarchical notoriety, it supports workers all through your association to stay consistent on the off chance that they can see there are outcomes to govern breaking. In the same context, the management team of organizations should prepare different meeting session in order to develop the awareness process about the new policies and procedures among the employees for increasing the environmentally sustainable workplace practices.




代写:数据收集和抽样方法。用于研究的数据收集通常通过primary和secondary数据收集方法进行。该方法下的数据收集技术也各不相同。主要数据收集方法用于直接从被调查现象的参与者或参与者收集数据(Walsham, 1995)。这些都是研究人员进行的直接调查(Saunders, 2011)。主要采用访谈法、问卷调查法、观察法等方法收集资料。接下来代写专家将为同学们分析下数据收集和抽样方法。

主要数据收集方法的优点是它有助于收集始终处于当前状态的数据。数据的可靠性和饱和度可以由研究者根据研究需要确定。与原始数据收集相比,二手数据收集方法更快,但可能不太可靠(Stewart & Kamins, 1993)。二手资料收集采用现有的研究研究资料。数据可能是当前的,也可能不是,研究人员将无法引入数据饱和所需的点。所给的研究工作似乎更像是一种探索性研究,其意义是从现象中的实际行动者那里寻求的。因此,对于这项研究工作,主要数据收集是必要的,研究人员确实已经找到了主要数据收集方法。研究者使用了人种学的方法。民族志收集数据的方法旨在研究人们在自己的环境。这里采用了参与式观察、面对面访谈等更便于数据收集的方法。民族志研究的优点在于,它可以收集有关正在调查的问题的各种和大量的数据样本。这项研究的缺点是研究人员必须非常投入研究工作。研究人员将沉浸在工作中,这增加了工作可靠性问题和研究人员偏见等的机会(Tsoukas, 2005)。


The primary data collection method has the advantage that it helps collect data that is always current. The data’s reliability and saturation can be determined by the researcher based on the research needs. Compared to primary data collection, the secondary data collection method is the one that is quicker but could be less reliable (Stewart & Kamins, 1993). Secondary data collection is done with exiting research study data. The data may or may not be current and the researcher will not be able to introduce the needed points for data saturation. The given research work appears to be more of an explorative study where meaning is sought from the actual actors in the phenomenon. Hence, a primary data collection is necessary for this research work and it is identified that the researchers have indeed sought a primary data collection method. The researcher has made use of the ethnographic method. The ethnography method of data collection aims to study the people in their own environment. Methods like participant observation, face to face interviews and more facilitate data collection here. The pros of ethnography research are that it is possible to collect diverse and large data samples on the issue being investigated. The cons of this research are that the researcher would have to be very involved in the research work. The researcher would be immersed in the work and this increases the chances of reliability issues for the work and researcher bias etc. (Tsoukas, 2005).

The sampling method is not specified in the work. Although the sampling method is not specified, it appears to be convenience sampling. The researchers have monitored some of the main websites that were presenting cop watching details and then tracked them through their social networking posts. The researchers have then made use of a responsive-interviewing method for collecting their opinions for the research. The need for selecting the right candidate for data collection has made the researcher employ a form of convenience sampling. Sampling method however has not been explicitly stated in the work.



美国代写:柬埔寨的孤儿院旅游。Rogerson and Slater(2014)通过对非洲孤儿院旅游的研究做出了积极的贡献,非洲是志愿者旅游最不感兴趣的地区之一。与“反思孤儿院”的说法相反,他们发现志愿者已经成功地给非洲孤儿院的孤儿们留下了积极的影响。另一方面,Guiney和Mostafanezhad(2014)对柬埔寨孤儿院的剥削提出了相当令人沮丧的研究结果。作者们将这种剥削归咎于柬埔寨孤儿院最近的新自由化,在那里,出于利润动机的剥削非常猖獗,而且越来越多。在接下来的内容中,美国代写专家将为同学们分析讨论下有关柬埔寨的孤儿院旅游。

Guiney和Mostafanezhad(2014)对柬埔寨孤儿院的剥削提出了相当令人沮丧的研究结果。作者们将这种剥削归咎于柬埔寨孤儿院最近的新自由化,在那里,出于利润动机的剥削非常猖獗,而且越来越多。最近,柬埔寨一家孤儿院的英国主人因性侵未成年儿童而入狱(Pitrelli, 2012)。这样的野蛮行为是绝对不能被接受的,而且当孤儿院对前来减轻他们情感负担的陌生人开放时,他们仍然容易受到这类不道德行为的伤害。孤儿院不可能审查志愿者与儿童的活动,因为缺乏行政服务和较弱的执行系统操作。这可能会阻碍孤儿院在过去几年里取得的进展,将他们送回他们真正开始的地方。

世界上最大的学校旅游公司“世界挑战”最近承诺不再沉迷于任何形式的孤儿院旅游,因为他们认为这样做对孩子们的伤害大于做好事(Jones, 2017)。最主要的问题是,志愿者来了,对自己在孤儿院的经历感觉良好,但在这个过程中忘记了对孩子们的影响。旋转志愿者来到孤儿院,心满意足地离开,对孩子的伤害更大,因为他们不习惯经历这种旋转的关系。孤儿院的孩子需要稳定的关系,这是最理想的关系形式,而只有当他们与长期与他们生活在一起并养育他们的人生活在一起时,才能提供稳定的关系。孩子的认知能力在他们年轻的时候达到顶峰,稳定的人际关系是健康和情感上强有力的培养的最佳良药。游客们一直在利用孤儿院之旅来释放他们的个人情感压力,无视他们在探访孤儿时给孤儿带来的情感伤害。

On the other hand, Guiney and Mostafanezhad (2014) have presented rather dismal research findings about the exploitation of Cambodian orphanages. The authors blame the exploitation on recent neo-liberalization of orphanages in Cambodia, where exploitation for profit motive is rampant and growing. Recently, a British owner of a Cambodian orphanage was imprisoned for sexually abusing many minor children (Pitrelli, 2012). Such acts of barbarity can never be accepted, and when orphanages are kept open to unknown visitors who just come to relieve their emotional baggage, they remain vulnerable to immoral acts of these kinds. It could not be possible for the orphanage to censor the activities that volunteers conduct with children, owing to lack of administrative services and weaker implementation of systematic operations. This could hinder the progress that the orphanage made through the past years, sending them back to where they actually started.

World Challenge, the world’s biggest school travel company, recently pledged its decision to walk away from indulging into any kind of orphanage tourism, as they felt it was harming the children more than doing good (Jones, 2017). Primary issue lies with the volunteer who comes and feels good about his or her experience in the orphanage, but in the process forgets about the impact, they leave on the children. Revolving volunteers coming to the orphanage and leaving with their hearts’ contented do more harm to the children because they are not used to experiencing revolving relationships. Children in orphanages require stability as the most ideal form of relationship form, and that can be provided only when they live with people who are permanently with them and nurture them. Children’s cognitive ability is at their peak when young and stability in relationships is the best remedy for a healthy and emotionally strong nurturing. Tourists have been using orphanage trips to unburden their personal emotional stress and disregard the emotional harm they bestow upon orphans while visiting them.






她不再觉得这婚姻有什么意思了。她非常需要帮助,情绪很低落。从她的家庭背景可以明显看出,她是一个思想新潮的女性。她认为男女双方都有平等的权利和机会。她体贴周到,使自己感到舒适,但暴露在家庭虐待(Harrower, 2014)。这主要是因为性别差异。


Gender relation was supposed to be structure in the traditional times. Man was the breadwinner and maintains the control on family and other members in society. Woman takes the responsibility to maintain the household and care for the family member. Their roles and activities had greater changes in the traditional days. Applying these traditional concepts to the troubled marriage between Esther and Stan, it is seen that he confines himself to the gender roles as per traditional ideologies.

He controls/ dominates his wife and does not get pleased. He remains in his world without being questioned by others. However, Esther belongs to a wealthy family and finds that this marriage arrangement can become interesting as days pass by. However, she only realized its bitterness when the gender stereotyping went to its abnormal stage. She tried all possible ways to nurture him and handle his friends and neighbours to please him. Unfortunately, she was left to stay at home all the time.

She did not find the marriage interesting anymore. She desperately wants some help and is emotionally down. From her family background, it is evident that she is a woman with modern ideas. She believes that both the genders have equal rights and opportunities. She is thoughtful and makes herself comfortable, but is exposed to domestic abuse (Harrower, 2014). It is mainly because of the gender differences.

She wants to be treated fairly with proper respect and wants a better life with independence similar to his life. That did not happen. She could not gain control over the family and she has to be flexible every time. On the other hand, Stan did not want to be flexible or please her. He is clear on his path. This is the most unfortunate aspect in the story that shows the differences in gender roles in traditional and modern times. This ends up in a troubled life and they take different decisions out of disinterest.





The utilitarian ethical theory presents the argument that decision making in an ethical situation must be done based on the prediction of the consequence of action. The utilitarian would hence evaluate the ethical situation and would select that solution which results in benefits as consequence to the majority of the people. There were different stakeholders identified earlier. By carrying out the action of unlocking the phone the FBI will benefit because they will be able to use the data extracted from phone in order to find the terrorists. The people who were directly and indirectly affected by the terrorist incident would be able to get some closure on the incident if the data was extracted from the phone. The public at large would be feeling insecure because of the terrorist incident. If the phone was unlocked and some data was obtained from the phone leading to an arrest, then the public could feel more secure. Consumers of Apple could worry about the security issue, but then consumers would want the terrorists apprehended. Furthermore, all smartphone users would be a stakeholder, as whatever decision Apple took, the chances are most of the industry would start following it. Smartphone users can be divided as to the benefits of having the phone unlocked. Some would worry about privacy concerns. A majority of the users would want the terrorist found even if it means a trade-off to privacy. Now it can be identified that if the phone was unlocked in spite of some divided opinion, it maximizes the benefits to most stakeholders. As per the utilitarian theory, the choice of unlocking will yield the greatest benefit to most people.



美国代写:离婚率下降趋势的研究分析。对于完美的婚姻应该如何运作,每个人都有自己的看法。另一个有趣的现象是离婚率很高。自1950年以来,性革命一直是美国离婚率的一个主要原因。这一趋势一直延续到1980年(Gottman, 2014)。有一个著名的公式是,一半的婚姻以离婚告终。1980年,人们观察到一个有趣的离婚率下降趋势。选择在1970年以后结婚的夫妇正在适应家庭生活,对婚姻的要求有了更多的理解和把握。然而,一些研究表明,关于婚姻和离婚的传统叙事在很大程度上是一条平坦的线。接下来美国代写专家将为同学们分析下离婚率下降趋势。






The rates of divorce are found to be the divorce rate that had risen from a 40% (Fine, 2013). The key aspect of this divorce is that it has occurred in all the age groups. The factors of marital instability continue in the current times. The reason for undertaking a research in this topic is that majority of the people are aware about the basic requirements that is needed for marriage. However, they continue to get married and some even chose to stay for a few years before divorce. This is an anomaly.

The purpose of this analysis is to understand the reasons as to why people opt for divorce after making informed choice of being married to someone.

For this research methodology, the research was conducted with 6 people who were divorced. They were all college graduates and were over the age of 35. The research was conducted in the form of interview. The invitation to the participants was sent through social media. The invitation was given to a support group that discusses about divorce. All ethical considerations regarding consent and ensuring that there was no biased question framed. A neutral tone was taken and documentation was done built on these evidences.

Added to this, the participant name and other personal details about their vocation were not asked. This was to maintain anonymity. The anonymity was maintained to make the participants to feel free to communicate with the researcher.

The reason for divorce in each case was different. The leading cause of divorce in 3 of the 6 participants was the Extra-marital affairs. Innate anger was found to be hidden as resentment by the people. This was the reason for the people to choose to cheat and have emotional intimacy with another person. These affairs initially start as an emotional affair, which later develops into divorce in the marriage. Of the 6 participants, 2 participants stated that money was a major issue. The impact of finances causes the marriage to break. The finance and money impacts every aspect of the couple’s decision. Founded on this, this was one of the main reasons for the people to choose to leave their partners.




研究还发现,长时间使用手机的上大学的成年人患有失眠和焦虑(Jenaro, Flores和Gomez-Vela 314-315)。长期使用手机还有其他更严重的影响,比如患听神经瘤的几率,这是一种脑瘤(Lonn, Ahlbom和Hall 657)。人们也被发现在所有的组成方面变得更加冲动,如注意力冲动,运动冲动和非计划冲动,行为上瘾,如手机(Siddiqui和Ali 53)。

有几项研究指出了长时间使用手机对健康的直接和间接影响。然而,手机使用的另一个有趣的方面是它对青少年及其行为的影响。随着韩国青少年过度使用手机,网络成瘾和通过手机识别自己的行为显著增加(Ha et al. 784)。此外,他们还患有人际交往能力不足、自尊心下降和抑郁。一项针对马德里青少年社区的研究显示,手机使用与女性性别、吸烟、酗酒和学业失败等因素有很强的相关性(Sanchez-Martinez和Otero 135)。



It is also seen that college going adults who use mobile phones for prolonged periods suffer from insomnia and anxiety (Jenaro, Flores and Gómez-Vela 314-315). There are other more serious effects of long-term mobile use like odds of developing acoustic neuroma, a type of brain tumour (Lönn, Ahlbom and Hall 657). People are also found to become more impulsive in all the constituent facets like attentiveness impulsiveness, motor impulsiveness and non-planning impulsiveness with behavioural addictions like cell phones (Siddiqui and Ali 53).

There are several researches that point towards direct and indirect health effects of using cell phones for prolonged periods of time. However, another intriguing dimension of cell phone use is the effect it has on teenagers and their behaviour. With excessive cell phone use among Korean adolescents, internet addiction and identifying themselves through their phone has significantly increased (Ha et al. 784). Furthermore, they also suffer from deficient interpersonal skills, lower self-esteem and depressions. A study of adolescent communities of Madrid showed strong correlation of cell phone usage with the female gender, smoking tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption and school failure among other factors (Sánchez-Martínez and Otero 135).

Thus, there is ample evidence that excessive use of cell-phones has several health impacts. Some of these impacts are direct like the impact of electromagnetic radiations on central nervous system and brain and increased risk of brain tumour. However, other impacts are not so direct. Cell phone based behavioural addiction often spurs other types of addiction like excessive use of tobacco and alcohol and not to mention internet addiction. In terms of behavioural changes, people become impulsive and aggressive. The teens however also experience stunted development especially in terms of interpersonal interaction. They exhibit signs of depression, inability to interact with others and preference of solitude over social gatherings.

Essentially all these point towards a deficient health which seeps into other aspects of well-being, one of them being their impact on productivity.





随着谷歌宣布为其人工智能相关项目设立一个单独的部门,情况正在发生变化。谷歌AI是2017年宣布的谷歌的一个部门,将完全致力于人工智能和相关的发展。现有项目有基于云的TPUs、Tensorflow research等(Craig & Karl, 2016)。

例如,考虑一下,宣布更好地整合AI会如何改变谷歌的格局。在过去,谷歌搜索引擎是由有限查询驱动的,但现在他们可以通过神经网络找到一些AI实现。负责公司搜索引擎的Amit Singhal即将退休,该职位被分配给John Giannandrea,他也负责谷歌的AI工作(Craig & Karl, 2016)。他的大部分工作都集中在深度神经网络上。深度神经网络在某种程度上近似于存在于人脑中的神经元,因此可以创建类似于人脑神经网络的数据网。在改进搜索引擎的背景下,现在将使用神经网络。大量的数据可以在接近人类大脑神经元网络的快速时间内被搜索。神经网络的这种能力将使他们在很短的时间内完成很多事情。它们能够更快地识别照片,能够同时接受文本和照片输入,并能够通过自学习的方式更新查询响应能力。它将能够在提供搜索结果的方式上超越人类,为人类用户定制自学习。


Google engineers would work on these rules based on results and performance issues and they would modify the rules to generate better results. However, the modification had to be done by them, and the algorithms were not designed to make them self-learn.

The situation now is changing as Google now announced a separate division for its AI related projects. Google AI was a division of Google announced in 2017 that would be completely dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and related development. Some existing projects are the cloud based TPUs, Tensorflow research, etc (Craig & Karl, 2016).

Consider for instance, how the announcement of better incorporation of AI changes Google landscape. In the past, the google search engine was driven by finite queries but now they would find some AI implementation through neural nets. The person overseeing the search engine of the company, Amit Singhal is retiring and the post is assigned to John Giannandrea who also oversees the work in AI of Google (Craig & Karl, 2016). Much of his work is focused on deep neural networks. Deep neural networks in a way approximate the neurons that exist in the human brain and hence webs of data can be created similar to the neural network of the human brain. In the context of improving the search engine, now neural nets would be employed. Vast amounts of data could be searched in a rapid time that approximate the web of neurons in the human brain. This capability of the neural net will make them do many things in a short amount of time. They can identify photo faster, will be able to accept both text and photo input and can update its query response capability by means of self-learning. It will be able to outperform humans in the way it delivers search results with customized self-learning for the human user in question.

A deep learning approach is promoted for the company. The deep learning approach that Google intends to invest in is nothing new. A similar form of AI has been used on Internet social media service networks like that of Facebook, twitter and skype. While rule based scoring metrics can be used in parallel to tweak or correct certain situations, the AI approach would assure self-learning is happening on a regular basis.
