标签存档: 美国essay代写



导演和英国电影学院奖得主苏珊娜·怀特(Susanna White)认为,女性导演存在多米诺骨牌效应,她们缺乏工作(Smyth, 2017)。由女性导演执导的电影越来越少,这导致有女强人主演的电影越来越少。大多数女性角色表现为处理暴力及其影响(Ghabra, 2018)。这种观察是正确的,因为针对女性的暴力一直是电影的主要部分。大多数情况下,银幕上的女性暴力与性有关,女性总是处于危险之中,她们需要依靠男性,需要保护,自己没有成为英雄的权威。

艾玛·沃特森在谈到好莱坞的性别歧视问题时承认,她遇到了17个男性导演的问题,而女性导演只有2个问题。奥斯卡奖得主詹妮弗·劳伦斯的片酬比她的男同事要低得多(Smyth, 2017)。圣地亚哥州立大学电视和电影中的妇女研究中心研究了妇女在电影中所扮演的角色,情况并不乐观。据观察,12%的女性在收入最高的电影中担任主角。

自从默片出现以来,母亲的角色一直是叙事的背景。这些角色因其对文化的反映以及他们对其他母亲和一般女性的关系、角色和潜力影响文化观念和态度的方式而值得注意(linason和Alm, 2018)。不切实际的期望经常在被视为社会衡量女性标准的银幕上得到回应。


The absence of strong women oriented roles in films result in the encouragement of enhanced bias for the under representation of women. It is still a common belief that men and women should to be given equal opportunities and rights and though at times it is subconscious, women often are not portrayed as an equal. The lack of feminism is represented in the pay gap between the male and female actors thus resulting to a number of issues (Zimmerman and White, 2013). Women fight for equal pay, stronger women oriented roles and longer screen presence or the opportunity for women directors to direct big budget movies.

Susanna White, director and BAFTA winner, opined that there is a domino effect pertaining to women directors and the lack of work for them (Smyth, 2017). There are fewer films being directed by female directors thus resulting in lesser films having strong women leads. Mostly the women roles are shown as those dealing with violence and its effects (Ghabra, 2018). This observation is correct as violence against women has always been a staple part of movies. Mostly, the violence on screen with women is associated with a sexual aspect, women are constantly in danger, they need to rely on men and be protected and not have the authority of being heroes on their own.

Emma Watson while addressing the issue of sexism in Hollywood admitted to 17 accounts of problems she faced with male directors as opposed to only 2 issues she faced with women directors. Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar winner, has been considerably less paid as compared to her male colleagues (Smyth, 2017). The role portrayed by women in films has been studied by the Centre for the Study of Women in Television and Film, San Diego State University and the situation is not favourable. It has been observed that 12% women play the lead role in the top earning movies.

Ever since the silent movies came into existence, motherhood has been shown with the character of the mother populating the backdrop of the narrative. These characters are noteworthy for their reflection of culture and the ways they impact the cultural ideas and attitudes in regard to the relations, roles and potentialities of other mothers and women in general (Liinason and Alm, 2018). Unrealistic expectations have often been echoed on screen that is considered as a model against which the society measures women.

English movies have always been a medium of exceptional escapist entertainment and motherhood has always received special treatment for years. The movies have portrayed glamourous women who juggle work, home and family and do it while they don high heels and the perfect blow out. These perfect mothers shown on the screen are self – less and put even the dog before themselves; in return their reward is happiness of others. They are indeed the women who have it all. Thankfully there are some sensible movies that do not air brush the character of a mother and add realism to it with prompt honest culture driven conversations regarding post – partum depression, mom – shaming, domestic violence and ban on the reference of a good mother.







Linguistic typology varies across languages, and an understanding of word-order and syntax of the English language will help in comparative studies across other languages. Smaller units of language, such as phonemes and the morphemes combine to form larger units. This combination happens as per a syntactic order.

Linguistic typology varies across languages, and an understanding of word-order and syntax of the English language will help in comparative studies across other languages. Smaller units of language, such as phonemes and the morphemes combine to form larger units. This combination happens as per a syntactic order.

English is a rigid language and a rigid order is followed when presenting sentences. Sentences can have different units such as phrases and clauses constituted in it. A phrase is utmost a word but is also a meaningful set of words that can be termed as one syntactic unit. There are different types of phrases. An adverb phrase (The very young doctor was about to treat his first patient) can be a standalone phrase or can have a modifier attached to it. An adverb phrase has an adverb as a head (The girl ran very quickly). An appositional phrase has an adposition, such as a preposition or a postposition as the head. Clauses are the other unit present within the language syntactic order and in any sentence of the English language, one main clause and one or more subordinate clause can be found.

Clauses and Phrases combine together to form constituents. At any point, a perfectly formed language sentence can be broken down into different constituents. Word order typology is characterized by the positioning of the phrase and clauses. English is characterized by a subject, verb and an object in the SVO order. Italian, Indo-European use the SVO and also the SOV order. Word order analysis as understood from 1377 languages indicates the SOV is the highest percentage used, followed by the SVO and the VSO. Ireland follows the ISO patterns.

Thus, it can be understood that typology and syntactic structure of languages are different and play a vital role in how meanings are constructed.



美国论文代写:学生对翻转课堂的认知。学生对翻转课堂方法的感知从积极合作到热情兴趣,其次是对在课程作业中使用媒体感到兴奋(皮尔斯和福克斯,2012)。或许还有一种担忧,这种担忧可能与这样一个事实有关,教育者愿意在学生身上承担更多的责任,并且教育者不愿意以尽可能直接的方式教授足够的内容(Bennett, 2012)。接下来美国论文代写专家将以某高中的个案研究为例,努力提供一些与学习反馈有关的例子,以说明翻转课堂的优点

与案例研究类似,Brint和Marcey(2012)尝试比较期末考试的成就感,考虑到同一所高中生物入门课程的两个主要部分。在两个部分中,一个部分的班级被翻转,而另一个班级遵循传统的授课方法(Bergmann和Sams, 2012)。然而,当近75%的传统授课方式的学生能够发现与翻转课程相关的论坛和内容视频,并开始使用它们时,该研究出现了部分混乱(Roehl et al., 2013)。据他们报道,当学生了解到有一个翻转的另一个班级,他们决定创建自己的翻转课堂没有教育工作者的指导(Berrett, 2012)。学生没有问过这个问题,在学习概念中加入在线元素也没有潜在的压力,但他们自己做出了翻转课程的选择。在这两个部分,学生开始一起学习,更频繁地参与视频相关的讨论,甚至在上课时间之后(Bishop和Verleger, 2013)。翻转课堂的学生表示他们参与了课堂讨论,传统课堂的学生也提出了问题。之后对分配传统课程的学生进行了调查,据报道,当他们从基于课堂的传统讲座中获得学习时,他们能够将学习添加到日常学习习惯中(Bozalek, 2013)。他们表示,该方法是有效的和有趣的研究。更重要的是,与过去的学期相比,两个与课程相关的部分在考试中都有更高的成就感。

除此之外,随着传统课程的学生开始观看基于视频的课程(Burch, 2013),学习翻转课程的学生和学习传统课程的学生之间的学习结果差异似乎有了显著的消失。数据显示,在期中考试之前,学生的成就感似乎存在潜在的差距。然而,在学生开始观看视频讲座后,两个班级的成就感与期末考试有一些相似之处,并且与前几个学期相比更高(Burk, 2011)。其中包括那些使用传统学习方法上课的学生。在总结主要发现时,我们发现参加这两门课程的学生更喜欢翻转课堂,而不是传统的授课方式,即使没有来自教育工作者的任何压力来改变学习习惯。除此之外,两门课程下的学生在考试中取得了相似的成绩(Cacciamani, 2011)。然而,有人指出,在课后学习的日常小组中在同伴支持下的学习可能有助于弥补这种缺憾。在另一项关注与翻转课堂相关的学生观点的研究中,伊利诺伊州拜伦高中的富尔顿(2012)采访了在翻转课堂学习的学生(萨德勒,2010)。据学生报告,他们感谢他们在课堂上从教师那里获得的额外支持,他们也喜欢在课堂上工作,喜欢自己的速度,喜欢在课堂讨论中做出关键贡献,而不是只听一节课(Camel, 2011)。这让他们觉得自己比其他采用传统教学方法的班级学得更好。当翻转课堂涉及到教师拍摄视频时,学生也表现出偏好,因为学生也表现出愿意在家里观看视频(Code和Zaparyniuk, 2009)。

The perceptions of student related to flipped class approach range from active collaboration to enthusiastic interest, followed by excitement to include media within the course work (Pierce & Fox, 2012). There might also be a sense of concern. This concern might be related to the fact that educator is willing to outweigh responsibilities on the student and the educator is not willing to teach sufficient content in a direct manner as possible (Bennett, 2012).

Similar to the case study, attempts have been put in by Brint and Marcey (2012) for comparing the sense of achievement in terms of final exams considering two main sections at the same high school for an introductory course in biology. Out of the two sections, the class of one section was flipped, while the other class followed the traditional approach of lecturing (Bergmann and Sams, 2012). However, the research had been confounded partially when almost 75 per cent of the students in the traditional approach of lecturing were able to discover the forum and content videos related to flipped course, and started to use them (Roehl et al., 2013). It had been reported by them that when it was learnt by the students which there has been a flipping of the other class, they took the decision of creating their own flipped classroom without the guidance of the educator (Berrett, 2012). This had not been asked by the student and there had been no underlying pressure for adding an online element to the concept of learning, but they made the choice of flipping their course by themselves. In both the sections, students started to study together and were involved in video related discussions more often, even after the time of the class (Bishop and Verleger, 2013). The students from the flipped class stated that they were involved in in-class discussion, and questions had been asked by students who attended the class of traditional approach. Students assigned with the traditional course had been surveyed later and it was reported that when they obtained learning from class based traditional lectures, they were able to add their learning as daily habits of studying (Bozalek, 2013). According to them, the method was efficient and interesting for studying. What’s more, in comparison with past semesters, both the sections related to the course were known to have higher sense of achievement in the exams.

In addition to this, there seemed to be a noteworthy disappearance underlying the differences in the outcomes of learning between the student of the flipped course and the traditional lecture, as the students from the traditional class started watching the video based lectures (Burch, 2013). It had been shown by the data that there appeared to be an underlying gap in the sense of achievement before the mid- session exams. However, after the students started watching the video lecture, the sense of achievement in both the classes had some similarity with the final exams, and was higher in comparison with prior semesters (Burk, 2011). These included students who attended the class that used traditional method of learning. In summarizing the key findings, it was found that students attending both the courses showed preference in the flipped class rather than traditional approach of lecture, even in the absence of any pressure from the educator in changing the habits of studying. In addition to this, students under the two courses had similar achievement on exams (Cacciamani, 2011). However, it had been noted that the learning under peer support within the daily groups involving after class-study might have helped in making up for such absence. In another research that focused on the perspectives of students related to flipped class, the students studying in flipped classes were interviewed by Fulton (2012) in Illinois at Byron High School (Sadler, 2010). It had been reported by the students that they appreciated the additional support they obtained from the educator in class and they also liked working on the lessons, preferring their own speed, and preferring to make key contribution in discussions of the class instead of just listening to a lesson (Camel, 2011). This gave them the feeling that they were successful in learning better in comparison to other classes following the traditional approach. Students also showed preference in the approach of flipped class when it involved filming of videos by the teachers as the students showed willingness in watching the video at home as well (Code and Zaparyniuk, 2009).







美学、安全和保障问题:据新闻报道,达令港到处都是垃圾,码头和人行道的大部分都被污染了。环保组织“回旋镖联盟”(Boomerang Alliance)对许多这样的海湾地区进行了评估,指出达令港每1000平方米至少有2456个垃圾或垃圾。此外,水中也存在垃圾(Collins, 2013)。这威胁到了这个地方的美感。它还威胁到游客的安全和保障。人们不愿意预订酒店,因为他们觉得酒店的环境不安全。

内部管理不善的问题:“该区域的垃圾比其他任何地方都多,除了悉尼北部穆尼穆尼的F3。位于西部腹地的库克河是受影响最严重的水道。人们坐在达令港周围的台阶上,把他们的包装留在台阶上。没有人清理它,所以一夜之间它流入港口”(柯林斯,2013年,第。3 – 4)。此外,还有雨水排水沟流入港口,带来了垃圾。现在的位置会对凯悦酒店的入住率产生负面影响。这一论点在理论上得到了支持,具体如下。

环境保护和废物管理控制不足的问题:垃圾危机和对环境的影响正在影响旅游业和酒店业(旅游影响,2017年)。旅游业和酒店业是高污染者(科马克,2015年)。大多数旅游景点被认为与垃圾产生作斗争(Busuttil, 2016)。在这种情况下,酒店行业会受到影响,因为游客或游客的流失会导致酒店入住率下降。在这种情况下,酒店发现自己需要处理这些问题,作为其可持续发展和增长计划的一部分。如果没有更好的环境保护措施和废物管理措施,人们前往达令港或选择在港口附近居住的机会将会下降。


There are many elite brands of hotels in Sydney, and even Darling Harbour where Hyatt Regency is present; sports hotels like Sofitel which offers quality for value are present. Hyatt regency has brand reputation, but still has to set itself apart in some unique strategy to get back competitively.

The hotel industry of Australia is quite strong in the past years. Hotel sector of Australia is highly fragmented, but the performance is strong. REVPAR revenue per available room increased from its previous values by around 3.6 per cent in 2017. Occupancy was driven up by around 66 per cent (Cummins, 2016).

The location as presented in analysis of strategic situation was highlighted as a strength. However, this strength could be an issue for Hyatt Regency, especially considering the fact that Darling Harbour where the hotel is situated is highly polluted. The following are the issues at the Harbor:

Issue of aesthetics, safety and security: Darling Harbour is full of litter as per press releases and much of its pier and walkways are seen to be full of pollution. An assessment on many such bay areas as established by the Boomerang Alliance, an environment group highlighted the Darling Harbour as having at least 2456 rubbish pieces or trash per 1000 square metres. In addition, there is rubbish present on water (Collins, 2013). This threatens aesthetic look of the place. It also threatens the safety and security of the tourists at the site. People will be reluctant to book into a hotel where they feel unsafe in the surroundings of the hotel.

Issues of mismanaged internal governance: “The area contained more litter than any other site, bar the F3 at Mooney Mooney north of Sydney. The Cooks River in the inner west was the worst affected waterway. People sit on steps around Darling Harbour and leave their packaging on them. Nobody cleans it off so overnight it flows into the harbour” (Collins, 2013, para. 3-4). In addition, there are storm water drains flowing into the harbour bringing rubbish with them. Now the location will have a negative impact on the occupancy of Hyatt regency. This argument is supported in theory, presented as follows.

Issues of fewer controls for environmental protection and waste management: Garbage crises and the impact on environment are affecting the tourism and hospitality industry (Tourism Impacts, 2017). Tourism and hospitality industry are high polluters (Cormack, 2015). Most of the sites of tourism are seen to struggle with waste generation (Busuttil, 2016). The hospitality industry suffers in this context, as the loss of tourists or visitors to a place leads to lesser occupancy rate in the hotels. Hotels in this case find themselves in the need to handle these issues as part of their sustainability and growth initiative. With no better controls for environmental protection efforts and waste management, the chances of people visiting darling harbour or electing to stay somewhere near the harbour would go down.

Addressing this issue will have positive impacts for the hotel. The hotel will be able to get more positive occupancy rate in future if the environment issue is tackled. Local environment threat reduction will drive up visitors to the area (Tourism Impacts, 2017). Attractiveness of the place and attractiveness of the hospitality destination improves. Without the issue management, it would be difficult for Hyatt Regency to compete with other hotels that are in Sydney, but situated away from the perils of the harbour.



论文代写:澳大利亚时尚行业环境分析。时尚行业每年雇佣约37000人,包括模特和造型创造约22万个工作岗位,结合零售,创造的工作岗位更多(Beverland, 2017)。因此,时装零售对国家经济来说是非常有利可图的。澳大利亚在时尚方面的花销很大,然而大部分支出是一种高价值的进口设计师。在接下来的内容中,论文代写专家将对澳大利亚时尚行业环境进行以下全面分析。


澳大利亚在时尚方面的花销很大(约280亿澳元)。然而,大部分支出是一种高价值的进口设计师时装(152亿澳元)(Beverly, 2017)。价值61亿美元的大部分纺织品实际上是出口到其他国家,而法国和意大利的时尚品牌则是进口的。本土时尚品牌需要更多的认可。



澳大利亚是一个劳动密集型国家,有很多技术工人渴望在时尚行业工作。澳大利亚有一些最好的时尚学院,比如怀特豪斯设计学院、皇家墨尔本理工大学的时尚副学士学位、澳大利亚创意设计学院等等,因此有很多机会在时尚市场中引入创新品牌重新定位(Fowler, 2017)。


澳大利亚的时尚产业近年来增长了10%,这表明人们愿意在时尚上花钱,所以现在迈尔斯必须想办法了解如何将Sass & bidd重新介绍给消费者,从而让他们决定购买。


科技创新正在通过大学的STEM政策规划进行规划(Beverly, 2017)。更多的熟练工人和更多的创新技术将有利于该行业。艺术与科学相结合的方法正在计划中


讨论时尚的社交媒体技术是存在的,但我们仍然观察到,媒体并没有以一种流行的病毒式传播的方式来写时尚。这一周以一场轰动开始,大多数主要报头和新闻媒体在前两天进行了报道,所有主要报纸的首页都占据了头条。但之后一切又恢复了正常。如果时尚只是新闻雷达上的一个光点”(Darby-Perrin, 2016, para.).

Political, Legal and Economic Analysis

Australia spends a large amount on fashion (approximately AUD 28 billion). However, much of the spending is one high value imported designer fashion (15.2 billion AUD) (Beverly, 2017). A majority of textiles worth 6.1 billion is actually exported to other countries, and in turn fashion brands from France and Italy are being imported. Local fashion brands need more recognition.

Current policy debates on how to improve the fashion retail situation, focus on STEM curriculum, referring to Science, technology, engineering and maths (Beverly, 2017). Investments in STEM would play a pivotal role in innovation in fashion retail, however technology innovation is just one way to improve the performance of local fashion retail.

Social Analysis

Australia is a labour-intensive country and there are skilled labourers who are eager to work in the fashion business. Some of the best fashion schools are present in the country, such as Whitehouse Institute of Design, RMIT University’s Associate Degree in Fashion, Australian Institute of Creative Design and more and hence there is much opportunity for inducting innovating brand repositioning within the fashion market (Fowler, 2017).

Australia is a fashion-conscious country, but they also balance sustainability standards with fashion and hence the company that chooses to retail fashion has to understand this balance.

Australian fashion industry is growing by 10 percent over the years and this indicates that people are willing to spend on fashion, so now Myers has to figure out a way to understand how Sass & Bide can be re-introduced to the consumers so that they decide to buy it.

Technological Analysis

Technology innovation is being planned through STEM policy planning for Universities (Beverly, 2017). More skilled workers and more innovative technologies will be good for the industry. An Art meets science approach is being planned

Most The 2018 ecommerce scenario of Australia shows that Australians spend as much as 21.3 billion on online goods and online buying now overtakes traditional retail by around 16.2 points. Of the different products sold from homewares, to fashion apparel, to media, liquor and more, fashion apparel takes second position at 27.2 percent (Australia Post, 2018). Therefore, a very technology savvy community is the backbone of fashion ecommerce.

Social media technologies for discussing fashion exist, but still it is observed that the media does not write about fashion in a popular viral manner. “The week began with a bang, most major mastheads and news outlets covered the first two days and headlines occupied the homepages of all the major newspapers. But then everything went back to business as usual. It was if fashion was but a blip on the news radar” (Darby-Perrin, 2016, para. 2).






Transportation sector principally works to provide services between spatially separate locations and as such their role in economy can be presented based on how they connect businesses with their suppliers, customers etc. at the household level, transportation sector connects people to places of work, to places like shops, recreation and medical facilities where they spend. Apart from these two elements, transportation also can be considered as an economy in its own right, as transportation infrastructure provisions and operations alone contribute to the national GDP. The subway system of England being a part of the transportation system of the country is hence both an economic system of its own, and it supports aspects of the macro economy.

Large cities are expensive and congested. However, it is identified that it is in these large cities that there are major economic opportunities. In terms of worker population, market opportunities and collaborations with customers and others, larger cities offer for much more opportunities. Smaller cities on the other hand are usually well connected in terms of transportation but might suffer in the lack of opportunities. Asa UK City Growth Commission in 214 states, “Conversely, small cities can be more affordable and convenient in transport terms, but they are constrained in scale of opportunity. Different sized cities with different opportunities and constraints offer a blend of advantages and disadvantages to people and firm throughout their lives and business cycles” (City Growth Commission, 2014, p. 8). Transportation in the form of the tube helps connect both.

The economic importance of the transportation industry can thus be assessed from a macroeconomic and microeconomic perspective. In the macroeconomic level, analysis has been carried out with respect to how transportation affects the entire economy. Transportation affects the national economy in the way its mobility links to and affects levels of output, employment and income within the economy. In developed nations, the transportation sector contributes to somewhat more than 6 and 12 percent in GDP. In a comprehensive level, inclusion of the logistics costs and expenditure that go into it, it could be said that transportation contributes to somewhere around 25 percent in GDP even. An understanding of the transportation sector and how it contributes to the economy is hence a significant aspect to assess. At the macroeconomic level, the contribution to GDP, real GDP and more are assessed. At the microeconomic level, it is linked to the costs associated with the producer, the consumer and the production. There are many sectors contributing to the local economy, and transportation has been a single most thing that connects these different sectors and this makes it an interesting study. Studies show that for almost all large level sectors, irrespective of the work they do, transportation forms a major part of their costs. High income levels are associated with the share of transportation costs associated with each sector. On an average even for the individual income level assessments and expenditures, it is identified that transportation will account for expenses in 10 and 15 percent. An average user of public transportation could hence end up spending as much as 10 and 15 percent in transportation. The figure could vary based on the person making use of the transportation, the sector they belong too, etc. Now understanding these costs associated with the transportation sector could be a very crucial way to control it, too. The subjective influence of costs and the transportation sector development lead to better efficiency of us, and at the same time assure the connected economic benefits. The transportation sector, as with any other develops through a long period of time, with ideas, research and development and implementation. This work analyzes the impact of subways system on UK economic growth by taking into consideration, the way revenue is generated within the system, and how economic contributions are made in a direct and indirect manner because of the system. The economic impacts of the system in the form of knowledge development, ideas and implementation are assessed with the Romer model.








The utilization of biomass in its present state would be a cause for concern because of its inconvenient forms and its inherent bulkiness (Loha et al., 2014). Biomass have a very lower energy density as compared to fossil fuel and the advantages for the use of biomass versus fossil fuel would be constrained in how such mass can be transferred and handled. “Handling, storage and transportation of biomass in its raw form thus becomes costlier in comparison to conventional fuels. Thus, to fruitfully utilize biomass, it becomes necessary to improve its properties which elevate its handling, storage and transportation ability” (Baruah & Baruah, 2014, p. 807).

In order to make it easier for handing purposes, the solid biomass is converted into some form of gaseous form or liquid form. Biochemical and thermochemical conversion is the chemical reaction behind this conversion. The thermochemical form of conversion is what is called biomass gasification. The gasification modeling is a complex chemical reaction run in a setup uniquely developed for the purpose. The purpose of the literature review is to focuses on the details of different models used by different researchers in fluidized bed gasification and different models of simulations used for prediction of some of the complex activities in the system.

Some key characteristics observed in the fluidized bed gasifier as opposed to other forms of gasifiers are that of how the ash conditions differ. Ash conditions can either be dry or it can be agglomerated. The design configuration used would depend on how much char would be used. Characteristics of the fluid bed gasifier will also differ as per the bed height needed for the specific project. Other factors are that of the reactor used, the amount of temperature control and thermal conversion rate that is required.

The temperature differences across other reactors, the form of ash conversion and more have led to the fluidized bed gasifier being the gasifier of choice for much of the work on sustainability fuels. The environment supporting lesser clinker formation at a steady temperature and the capability of the FBG to work with relatively reactive coals at one end, and low-ranking coals makes it a very versatile choice as well in gasification.

Some other benefits that are reported in multiple studies on the simulation and modeling of fluid-based gasifiers are presented as follows. Firstly, the fluid-based gasifier is seen to support better load flexibility. This is a must requirement in the case of critical fail proof systems. Where high heat transfer rates are required, the system must not fail, and for this, the FBG system is appropriate. Furthermore, compared to other systems, the FBG supports better fluid flexibility as well. This means that the range of feedstock that can be used with the FBG is quite high than other gasifier systems. A wider range of application and use is hence identified with the FBG. The temperature requirements are quite moderate compare to other gasifiers. Oxidant, heat requirements, the use of uniform temperature, and higher cold gas efficiencies as compared to other gasifiers make this an ideal choice. Lower carbon conversion is one of the characteristics of the FBG. Extensive char cycling requirement could be a con of the system.




主要的好处是“更多的钱”。即使是最低级别的业务经理,也比“非决策”工作挣得多。例如,珀斯的销售助理平均年薪为48K澳元(Payscale, 2017)。然而,珀斯的业务经理平均年薪为7.6万澳元,最高可达15万澳元。此外,经理还获得了巨额奖金、免费假期和交通折扣等福利。第二个好处是“更多的责任”。由于工作概要的性质,业务经理被赋予了更多对业务维持至关重要的职责,例如,指定供应商。正确的供应商对产品的质量至关重要,因此会影响公司的品牌形象。第三个好处是“更多经验”。一个能够应对复杂的前线挑战的业务经理将有机会晋升到总经理甚至总经理的职位,并拥有同样的资格。此外,随着员工在业务管理层级的晋升,不同管理职能和行业之间的差别开始消失,这提供了一个获得跨领域经验的机会。

然而,商业管理的前景也有其自身的缺点,这些缺点根深蒂固地存在于工作中。最主要的缺点是需要做出“更艰难的决定”。例如,这个工作角色需要解雇一个最喜欢的员工,因为他的低绩效。因此,如果组织需要裁员,业务经理就是被委托选择被解雇员工的人。这些决定会使他们不必要地不受欢迎。这份工作的第二个缺点是“压力更大”。在这种情况下,压力将跨越一系列的问题,从员工的需求,如增量和假期等,在业务绩效的挑战(Mariotti & Glackin, 2014)。此外,这些挑战需要单独解决。在许多情况下,经理必须对员工严加监督,如果有人把文件写下来,经理就要为他的行为负责。这个工作角色的第三个缺点显然是“更多的工作”。这可以从“加薪”中得出结论。然而,工作压力和它的绝对数量延伸到晚上,周末和许多情况下的授权假期。此外,如果一个业务经理身体不适,在一个地方也没有其他选择。


Organisations, to function properly with its day-to-day operations, utilize the Business Management division that constitutes of Managers of various hierarchies. The role of a manager is to oversee a portion of the daily operations and functions under his/her purview (Hammer, 2015). From the business perspective, it allows for the production of the goods of services efficiently and also helps the consumers, to procure the required goods and services from a retail store of an office. Due to their importance, even a frontline business management job like Business Manager, Business Development Manager or the Operations manager is deemed prestigious. However, prestige does have its shortcomings.

The primary benefit is “more money”. A business manager even at its lowest level earns more money than a “non-decision making” job. For example, a Sales Associate at Perth will earn an average of AU$48K per year (Payscale, 2017). However, a Business Manager at Perth will earn an average of AU$ 76K per year and it can go up to AU$ 150K per year. Further, a manager is bestowed with benefits like huge bonus, free vacation and transport discounts etc. The second benefit is “more responsibility”. Due to the nature of the job profile a Business Manager is entrusted with more responsibilities that are critical to the sustenance of the business, for example, appointment of a supplier. The correct supplier is critical to the quality of the products and hence, can affect the brand image of the company. The third benefit is “more experience”. A business manager who has been addressing intricate frontline challenges has the career opportunity to rise up to the position of General Manager and even the Managing Director of the company with the same qualification. Further, as an employee climbs up the ladder in the Business Management Hierarchy, the distinctions between different management functions and industries start to dissolve and this provides an opportunity to gain experience across domains.

However, the prospect of Business Management does have its own shortcomings which are ingrained into the job profile. The primary disadvantage is the need to make “more tough decisions”. For example, this job role will require to fire a favourite employee due to his low performance. Hence, if the organisation requires to lay off, a business manager is the person who will be entrusted to choose the employee(s) who are to be laid off. These decisions can make them unnecessarily unpopular. The second shortcoming of the job is “more pressure”. The pressure, in this case, will span a host of issues from employee demands like increment and vacation etc. to challenges in the business performance (Mariotti & Glackin, 2014). Further, these challenges will be required to be addressed alone. In many cases, the manager has to breathe down the necks of the employees and if someone puts down the paper, the manager will be held responsible for his actions. The third disadvantage of this job role is clearly ‘more work’. It can be concluded from “increased pay”. However, the work pressure and its sheer volume extend to the nights, weekends and in many cases across the authorized vacations. Further, a business manager does not have any alternative at a place if they are physically sick.

Hence, it is clear that this Management role is highly important not just by its nature but due to its function. The job role provides for a hefty salary as well as various perks. The role is entrusted with critical decision making responsibilities. However, all these fairy talesdo have a catch. The job roles require taking various uncomfortable decisions which can make the individual unpopular and requires extensive consumption of personal space.



美国代写essay:精神分析学和社会学。埃里克·塞利格曼·弗洛姆(Erich Seligmann Fromm),德国出生的社会心理学家、精神分析学家和社会学家,法兰克福批判理论家学派。他对社会学的贡献来自于他在心理学和精神分析方面的经验。他的核心理论论点是社会学和心身学可以结合。在他的时代之前,精神分析几乎被拒绝,因为它是非常投机的,有时保守的人反对它,因为它被理解为与性理解有关的东西。精英人士了解精神分析,但他们的理解也很有限。接下来美国代写essay将为同学们讲解下精神分析学和社会学。



弗洛姆认为,社会学和心理分析学之间的联系可以用于理解许多事情。例如,家庭是社会制度的产物,这导致人们相信,受家庭影响的个人因此拥有一种既受家庭影响又受社会制度影响的心理器官。同样,社会中技术发展和其他商业发展改变了社会的运作方式,这可以追溯到个人的满足感。个人的满足感会改变他们为某些发展而工作的方式,或者他们认为工作对他们的成长有贡献的方式。虽然弗洛姆一直在思考这些联系,但最重要的贡献是如何以统一的方式回答心理学和社会学问题。事实上,许多社会学问题,如将在下一章讨论的人的异化,将在人的心理中找到答案。弗洛姆再次引用了卡尔·马克思的著作,他说:“历史什么都不做,它不拥有巨大的财富,它不打仗。”相反,它是人,是活生生的人,是做一切的人,是拥有一切的人,是战斗的人”(Bronner & Kellner, 1989,第39页)。因此,弗洛姆的精神分析视角是一种分析社会学问题的工具。

Fromm’s agreement is that the sociologist constructs some make shift concepts for expanding the individual psyche and the mass psyche inside the human. Individual psyche presents individual choices and mass psyche is useful for explaining the person in the context of the society. Fromm’s argued that essentially both psyches are present in one individual only, and sociology seeks concepts to explain away those aspects of psychology that they don’t understand. Such a gap or mis constructed conceptualization is one reason who sociology analysis could still be deficit, and it is necessary to use the psycho analytics apparatuses for analyzing the human psyche so as to determined how it affects or determines the development of organization or society.

The other part of the issue is the application of sociological approach to psychoanalysis. Sociogram approaches are important for psychoanalytics because psychoanalytics in this very conceptualization focuses on the development of the child and its psyche in society. One cannot be separated from the other, and thus sociology also affects the science of psychoanalysis.

According to Fromm, the link between sociology and psychoanalytics can be applied to understand many things. For instance, the family is a product of the social system and this leads to the belief that individuals who are influenced by their family hence have a psychic apparatus that is influenced by both their families and the social system. Similarly, aspects of technology development and other business development in society that has changed how society operates can be traced back to the gratification that an individual feel. The gratification that the individual feels will change how they work towards some development or how they consider work as contributing towards their growth. Now while these connections have been pondered upon by Fromm, the most important contribution is how psychological and sociological questions can be answered in a unified manner. In fact, much of sociological problems such as the alienation of man that is to be discussed in the forthcoming chapter will find its answers in the psyche of men. Once again, Fromm quotes the work of Karl Marx when he states “History does nothing, it possesses no immense wealth, it fights no battles. It is instead the human being, the real living person, who does everything, who owns everything, and who fights all battles” (Bronner & Kellner, 1989, p. 39). Fromm’ psychoanalytical perspective hence is presented as a form of tool for analyzing sociological problems.




法:选取53名年龄在10 – 18岁之间、有慢性疼痛报告的儿童,包括头痛、功能性神经-内脏疼痛障碍、慢性局部疼痛综合征和纤维肌痛。样本从大专院校儿科诊所招募。



方法:采用不公正体验问卷调查儿童不公正感知与慢性疼痛的关系。本研究采用定量研究、非实验设计和回顾性临床数据分析,因为本研究首次调查不公正的感知和青年人群慢性疼痛之间的关系。因此,该研究需要一个大的群体作为其样本,以确保结果可以一般化。本研究选取139名来自美国中西部三级护理跨学科儿科疼痛管理诊所的患者,年龄在8 – 18岁之间,患有与慢性疾病、损伤、运动活动或外科手术相关的慢性疼痛。


Methodology: Fifty-three children aged between ten to eighteen years and had reported chronic pain including headaches, functional neuro-visceralpain disorder, chronicregional pain syndrome, and fibromyalgia were selected. The sample was recruited form tertiary university-based pediatric clinic.

Findings: The study found that sixty-two percent of children tried to hide their pain, because they did not want to receive empathy from peers and family members. They thought it might keep them from becoming anxious and depressed. Some children felt powerless from chronic pain because it could not be cured. Approximately fifty-three percent of participants felt isolation, stigmatized, misunderstood and different from other children at school, especially peers and classmates. Because of chronic pain, participants physical activity was limited which caused them to develop the negative emotion such as anger, sadness, worry or anxiety, and fear. In addition, some participants worried about how pain will influence their future plans and careers. Several participants informed that there was lack of physician understanding and disregard from their perspective.

All previous studies investigated injustice perceptions about pain are essential in adult patients and a possible treatment focus.

Method: The study made use of an Injustice Experiences Questionnaire to investigate the relationship between injustice perceptions and chronic pain in children. This study used quantitative research andnon- experimental design and retrospective analysis of clinical data because this study is first to investigate association between injustice perceptions and chronic pain in youth population. Thus, the study required a large population group as its sample in order to ensure that the results could be generalized. This study selected 139 participants aged between eight to eighteen years with chronic pain related to chronic disease, injury, sports activity, or surgery in Midwestern tertiary care interdisciplinary pediatric pain management clinic.

Results and Findings: The study found that higher levels of perceived injustice were significantly related with higher levels of pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, and functional disability. This also had a relationship with poorer emotional, social, and school functioning. When children had chronic pain, their feelings of hopelessness aroused and they felt a sense of powerlessness. Thus, compared with children having normal physical activity, adolescents with chronic pain had high risk of getting depressed. Moreover, perceived injustice was absolutely associated to social and school functioning. Chronic pain was related to frequently missed school days, poor academic performance, and poor classmate relationship that may cause social ostracism. Moreover, rejection perceived as unjust could lead to anger and antisocial behaviour. These responses may increase poor academic achievement and social isolation of children. In addition, perceived injustice was significantly and inimitably associated with functional disability.
