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留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距

众所周知,世界各地的每个领域和部门都存在性别歧视。虽然世界在进步,许多组织一直在为妇女的平等权利而斗争,但人们显然注意到,即使在澳大利亚这样的国家,性别收入差距也存在,因为统计数据证明了这一点(Blau, 1996)。当一个定义了性别工资差距,可以说,它是收益之间的差异的一个男人为一个女人一个星期,这是两个性别的平均周薪,以及它们之间的区别这一差距是由澳大利亚统计局计算。从女性开始与男性平等工作开始,这种现象就一直存在于上述国家(Blau, 1996)。澳大利亚有一个机构,旨在弥合两性收入不平等之间的差距,但目前即使是这个机构似乎也认识到这一差距,但却无能为力。有报道称,“……女性继续比男性挣得少,不太可能像男性那样事业有成,更有可能在贫困中度过最后几年。”“此外,该组织还说:“需要64多天的工作(每年)对普通女人等于什么男人挣…”(克劳蒂尔在,2006)因此需要理解的是,有一个妇女的收入之间的收入差距在澳大利亚和澳大利亚男子earningsin。

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距
虽然已经明确指出,女性薪酬低于男性的唯一原因是,尽管她们拥有相同的资质和技能,但她们属于“弱势性别”,但这种薪酬差距背后还有其他原因。据统计,2010年澳大利亚女性约占总人口的50.2%,约占全国劳动力的45.35。也可以看出,这个国家的女性受教育程度远远高于男性(Lemel and Noll, 2002)。尽管存在这些事实,但人们认为,尽管存在国际劳工组织1951年的《同酬公约》和1958年的《妇女比率(修正案)法》等组织,2010年本身的性别薪酬差距最大,约为32.2%。除了性别偏见,下面很少讨论其他原因——主要的也是最重要的原因是之前提到和讨论过的性别偏见。存在这种性别薪酬差距的另一个原因是,具有同等学历和技能的女性的工作和能力与男性相比。妇女及其工作不应与男性同行相比较,因为这在某种程度上低估了妇女所做的工作。刻板印象是另一个原因,尽管有这么多的立法和成文法,女性在相同的工作中得到更少的报酬,而男性得到更多的报酬(Lorber, 1994)。

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距

It is a known fact that there is gender discrimination in each sphere and sector around the world. Though the world has progressed and many organizations have been fighting for the equal rights of women, it has been evidently noticed that the gender pay gap exists even in countries like Australia where statistics prove the given point (Blau, 1996). When one has to define the gender pay gap, it can be said that it is the difference between the earnings of a man to the earnings of a woman in a week, which is the average weekly earnings of the two genders, and the difference between them is that gap as calculated by Australian Bureau of Statistics. It is something that has been persistent in the said country from the time when women actually started working at par with men (Blau, 1996).Australia has an agency which is supposed to bridge the gap between the inequalities of income between the two genders, but currently even this organization seems to recognize the gap yet cannot do much about it. It has been quoted “…women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their careers as far as men, and are more likely to spend their final years in poverty.” Furthermore, this organization has also said “it takes 64 extra days of work [per year] for the average woman to equal what a man earns…” (Cloutier, 2006)Thus what needs to be understood is that there is an income gap between the women’s earnings in Australia and the men’s earningsin Australia.

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距
Though it is has been explicitly pointed out that the only reason why women get paid less than the men is that they belong to the “weaker sex” despite of having the same qualification and skills, there are also other reasons which lay behind this kind of a pay gap. Statistics were collected which showed that in 2010 the females of Australia represented about 50.2 % of the whole population and about 45.35 of the workforce of the country. It was also seen that the females of the country were far more educated than their male counterparts (Lemel and Noll, 2002). Despite of these facts, it was seen that the widest gender pay gap was noticed in 2010 itself which was about 32.2% in spite of existence of organizations like International Labour Organization’s Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 and Female Rates (Amendment) Act, 1958. Few of the reasons other than the gender bias have been discussed below-The main and the most important reason is the gender bias which has been mentioned and discussed before.Another reason why such gender pay gap exists is that the work and competencies of the women with the same degree and skills are compared to their male counterparts. Women and their work should not be compared to the male counterparts, as this in a way undervalues the work done by the women.Stereotype is another reason why despite of so many legislations and statutory laws, women are paid less in the same kind of jobs where men are paid more (Lorber, 1994).



报告的第一部分着重分析了医疗保险产品市场的当前环境。在此基础上,重点关注差异化和定位、消费者概况、市场定位和市场细分,为公司制定营销策略。Medibank作为一家基础保险公司,主要为基础客户提供旅游保险(Ivanovic and Collin, 2014)。与其他商业组织相比,他们在保持现有市场份额方面面临着明显的挑战。从保险市场的分析来看,保险公司发展的机会是多方面的。在考虑长期或短期旅行的顾客中,他们更倾向于购买旅行保险。他们一直希望保险的每一个方面都能预防旅行中可能发生的未知风险(Jones & Morgan, 2014)。虽然Medibank主要提供旅游保险产品,但该行业仍有增长空间。为了保证公司的持续发展,Medibank必须考虑分析客户的多样化需求,进行适当的细分。

然后,按照现有的产品线,Medibank可以考虑推广产品,以确保客户的关键需求,该产品将满足(Chaffey et al. 2009)。通过进一步分类自己的产品,可以增加医疗银行的竞争。与旅行社合作可以被认为是扩大业务销售范围的最有效的方法。在制定定价战略时应遵循一个闭环过程,这种定价战略不仅对迅速在整个市场实行新的费率至关重要,而且对于收集业绩数据、分析业绩和在修改其他战略的情况下转译结果也至关重要。这对定价小组根据市场动态校准产出的能力进一步至关重要。在整个流程中,应该确保能够提供业务用户可以轻松使用的强大的价格分析功能,进一步允许定价团队利用专业知识进行定价。这对于最大化企业定价策略的整体有效性是至关重要的。


The first part of the report focused on analysing the current environment of the product market for Medibank Travel Insurance. Based on this analysis, the key focus is on differentiation and positioning, consumer profile and market targeting and market segmentation, setting up the marketing strategy for the company. As a basic insurance company, Medibank has been mainly providing travel insurance for the base of customers (Ivanovic and Collin, 2014). In comparison with other business organizations, they are known for having an obvious challenge in retaining current shares in the market. Considering the analysis of insurance market, there are several opportunities of development for the insurance company. There is preference for travel insurances among customers considering long term or short term travelling. They have been expecting the coverage of each and every aspect to be prevented from unknown risks, which might take place during travelling (Jones & Morgan, 2014). Even though Medibank has been mainly providing products of travel insurance, there is still scope of growth in the respective sector. For ensuring the continuous development of the company, Medibank must consider analysing the diversified demands of the customer for making appropriate segmentations.

Then following the current product line, Medibank can consider promoting the products for assuring the customers about the key needs that the product will fulfil (Chaffey et al. 2009). By further classifying its own production, there can be an increase in the competition of Medibank. Collaboration with travel agencies can be considered as the most efficient method of expanding the scope of sale for the business. A closed loop process should be followed in setting the strategy of pricing that is not only crucial for quickly bringing new rates across the market, but also for collecting data of performance, analysing it and translating the findings within the modifications of additional strategy. This is further crucial for the ability of the teams of pricing for calibration of output with the dynamics of market. Within the overall process, provision of powerful capabilities of price analytics that can be utilized easily by the users of business should be ensured, further ahead allowing the team of pricing for the utilization of expertise. This is crucial for maximizing the overall effectiveness in the strategies of pricing for the business.



渔业是世界上最大的产业之一。根据粮农组织(粮农组织)最近的一项研究,到目前为止,44%的主要渔业资源已经被开发,因此,生产渔获物的最佳限度即将达到(Gulbrandsen, 2005)。过度的捕捞压力,导致过度捕捞成为行业经济和社会损失的原因。然而,仍然有一些储量丰富,不太可能在不久的将来耗尽,这些地区包括西和东印度洋北太平洋和西中太平洋(Gulbrandsen, 2005)。因此,过度捕捞是全球渔业成功的关键问题。全球渔业面临的另一个关键问题是内陆渔业的困境。内陆渔业资源正面临着水的生境的破坏和破碎化。资源的不专业和不当管理也是渔业未来面临的关键问题和重大挑战。

渔业缺乏沿海地区规划、资源管理、合理利用外业技术和适当的丢弃程序,这是阻碍渔业成功的主要问题。研究表明,从现在到2030年,全球将有大约15亿人向城市迁移(Basson, 2014)。城市人口的增加显然需要更多的建筑和基础设施、更多的食品工厂和更多的大规模机械。这将为全球钢铁生产创造强劲需求。然而,钢铁行业正面临并将在未来更多地面临一定的挑战,以满足需求。预计钢铁行业障碍的关键问题包括中国经济增长放缓(Basson, 2014)。中国是钢铁生产原料的大国。因此,中国经济增长放缓导致钢铁产能过剩。随着原材料需求的大幅增长,中国对原材料的定价也随之上调。


Fisheries make one of the biggest industries of the world. According to a recent study by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 44 percent of the stock of major fisheries has been exploited until now therefore, optimum limit of producing catches is about to be reached (Gulbrandsen, 2005). The excessive pressure of fishing, resulting in overfishing becomes the reason of economic and social loss of the industry. However, there are still some stocks which are abundant and less likely to be depleted in near future, and these areas include West and East of Indian Ocean northern pacific and western central pacific (Gulbrandsen, 2005). Hence, overfishing is the key issue in success of fishery industry throughout the world.Other key issue faced by the global fishery industry is difficulty in inland fishery. Inland fishery resources are confronting destruction and fragmentation of habitats of water. Unprofessional and improper management of resources is also a key issue and a major challenge to the future of fishery industry.

Coastal area planning, resource management, proper use of technology in the field and suitable discarding procedures are lacking in the fishery industry which is a major issue against the success of industry.Studies have shown that around 1.5 billion people will be moving towards urban areas around the world from now till 2030 (Basson, 2014). Such increase in urban population will clearly call for more building and infrastructures, more food factories, and more mass machineries. This will create strong demand of steel production throughout the globe. However, steel industry is facing and will be more exposed to certain challenges in future to meet the need.The key issues which are expected to create barrier in steel industry include slowdown in economic slowdown of China’s growth (Basson, 2014). China is the country which excels in production of steel making raw material. Therefore, a slowdown in Chinese economic growth leads to the creation of excess capacity of steel making. While with the massive increase in demand in raw material, China has re-priced the raw material to increased rates.



从采访和调查中,我们得到了不同的结论。首先,所有的参与者都是一些名人的粉丝。大部分调查显示,他们成为名人粉丝的原因包括父母的影响、媒体的影响、外貌或音乐的吸引力。此外,11名受访者中有11人表示,他们支持偶像的方式包括购买专辑去听音乐会、表达对偶像的爱、听他们的电视节目或音乐,或来看他们的电影。11名参与者中有9人同意他们不会为自己的偶像而反抗,因为他们不在乎别人说什么。另一些人则表示,他们不会反击,但会努力挽救偶像的声誉(Lawrence et al, 2011)。调查的问题是,为什么各种各样的女孩喜欢追求她们的名人,为什么她们想成为偶像,这些评论是复杂的。他们相信偶像是英俊的,他们是通向每个人都拥有的某种梦想的媒介。



From the interview and survey conducted, there were diverse findings gained. Firstly, all the participants were fans of some celebrity. Most of the parts revealed that the reasons why they became fans of this celebrity were inclusive of influence of parents, media and appearance or music attraction. Also, 11 out of 11 participants revealed that they supported their idol by purchasing their album going to their concert, expressing love for them, listening to their TV show or music or coming to see their movies. 9 out of 11 participants were in agreement that they will not fight back for their idol because they did not care about what others said. 2 others said that they will not fight back but they will try to save their idol’s fame (Lawrence et al, 2011). The comments were mixed on the survey question that what is the reason why various girls like chasing after their celebrity and why they want to become idolaters. They believed that idols are handsome and they are a medium towards some kind of dream that each individual possesses.

However, none of the participants seem to enjoy the notion of crazy fans. All the participants accepted that privacy needs to be given to the individuals as they are also human beings and behaving like crazy can result in deteriorating self-esteem and ethical behaviour. Also, the these participants as fans possessed a unique persistent quality that they admired their fans a lot and due to this they were ready to view their fans as idols for them by believing everything that they say. The method selected here was qualitative research. The participants were of the age 16-19 and involved young girls from Asian nations especially China. Other essential features of these young participants were the fact that they focused over the way in which research was conducted with explanation of method based summary utilized and ideas as examples as well as the people participating. 11 individuals took part in the survey and each of these had their individual stance over idol worshipping and becoming idolaters.



场景本身为调查牧师提供了理由,并得到了这样的解释:这些牧师说的是实话,但却不知道他们的行为会给他经常骚扰的孩子带来什么后果。他自己也承认曾被强奸,但这并不意味着他是本案的较小受害者,有权获得同情。这一场景是影片最精彩的部分,代表了神父们面对性骚扰指控时无忧无虑的态度。这件事被证明是偶然的,但需要立即注意和采取大规模行动来对付教会牧师正在进行的威胁,这是一种代表问题的创新方式(Proferes 2005)。莎莎在表演方面很出色,但她在看潘奎因时写的论文有点过火,并因不切实际而招致温和的批评。可以说,这部电影是一件艺术作品,但它的设计方式更现代,背景更复杂,而案件本身在一开始看起来很困难。

随着电影的发展,特别是在最后的30分钟,观众的注意力更加集中,跨度也更大。这部电影是一个重要的里程碑,它重新揭露了这些无声的、但令人发指的、不可饶恕的罪行,这些罪行是那些在生活中传播真理和道德的人对儿童犯下的。性骚扰的概念被证明是非常重要的,需要政治和社会的关注,通过显示肇事者和嫌疑人的漫不经心的态度(Leverich 2008)。这部电影证明了信任在社会上是昂贵的,而那些被认为是信任的先驱和培育者的人也可能是最残酷和有害的,更不用说不值得信任了。这部电影是按照2001年的标准制作的,场景也与制片人想要展示给观众的动机一致。


The scene itself makes case for investigating the priest and getting an interpretation that these priests are truth speaking, but are so uninformed of the consequences their actions would have on the children whom he molests on a regular basis. He himself admits to have been raped, but this does not qualify him to be a lesser victim in the case and entitled to sympathy. The scene makes the best part of the movie, and represents the carefree attitudes of priests in cases of molestation allegations against them. The matter is shown to be casual, but is of requiring immediately attention and massive action against the menace being practiced by the church priests, which is an innovative way of representing issues (Proferes 2005). Sasha has been brilliant in the scene in terms of acting, but her writing on a paper while looking at Panquin is a little overdone and invites mild criticism for being unrealistic. The movie, per say, is a work of art, but designed in a way which is more modern and complex in its setting, where the case itself looks difficult in the beginning.

The movie grows gradually and the plot builds and makes it more interesting to follow and engage, which the attention of the audience is more serious and with large span as the movie grows and especially towards the last 30 minutes. The film is an important milestone in resurfacing the growing of even stagnant instances of these silent, but heinous and unforgivable crimes against children by those who are the carriers of truth and morality through life. The concept of molestation is shown to be very important, requiring political and societal attention through the display of the casual attitude of the perpetrators and the suspects (Leverich 2008). The film proves that trust is expensive in society, and with those who are considered the harbingers and nurturers of trust could also be the most cruel and harmful, let alone untrustworthy. The movie is made according to the standard of what was present in 2001, and the setting is also aligned with the intended motive of the makers to be showcased to the audience.



在2008年北京举办夏季奥运会期间,能见度和空气质量都是取得成功的关键和重要因素。为改善北京的能见度和空气质素,当局采取了多项重要措施(Socolow和Lam 29)。它包括将那些能够制造更多污染的工业迁出城市。北京使用天然气代替煤炭燃料,并取消了使用含铅汽油。自1998年以来,硫酸盐和硝酸盐等空气污染物大幅减少,而PM10的浓度也在2003年后有所下降。随着污染的减少,北京的大气能见度有了明显的改善。当时的中国政府计划在2008年北京奥运会期间限制车辆排放,以提高蓝天的频率。但活动结束后,许多在活动期间采取的预防措施没有得到适当的维护,北京的大气质量再次开始恶化(Anenberg 1190)。

绿色和平组织和世卫组织正在推动中国政府更新和升级中国的空气质量问题,并设置其目前的空气质量更新,大约有20年的历史。中国政府已经采取措施,用天然气、核能等可再生能源替代用于民用和商业目的的煤炭。煤炭是我国房屋和商业建筑供暖用燃料的主要来源。突出了绿色和平组织,水力发电能够取代燃煤电力.264数万亿,然而,风车可以生成.895兆能源和.758兆能源可以通过生成的核反应堆,但所有这一切都将产生一个巨大的政府成本的担心(伊丽莎白,大肠和肯尼斯•l . 89)。


During the time of summer Olympics hosted in Beijing in the year 2008, visibility as well as air quality of the atmosphere were both very crucial and important factors for achieving the success of the event. Several essential measures were taken to improve the visibility and air quality of Beijing (Socolow and Lam 29). It included removal of industries which were capable of creating more pollution out of the city. Beijing saw the use of natural gas instead of coal fuel and removal of leaded gasoline use. Since the year 1998, air pollutants like sulphates and nitrates have been drastically reduced and the concentration of PM10 has also been reduced after the year 2003. With the reduction in pollution, there has been visible improvement in atmospheric visibility observed in Beijing. The then government of China planned to limit the vehicular emission at the time of Beijing Olympics in the year 2008 so that frequency of blue sky increases. But after the event was over, many such precautions taken during the event were not properly maintained and condition of Beijing’s atmospheric air quality again started to perish (Anenberg 1190).

The Greenpeace along with WHO is pushing the Chinese government to update and upgrade the air quality issue of China and to set its current AIR Quality Updates which is around 20 years old. Initiatives has been taken by the Chinese government to replace coal used for the purpose of domestic use and for commercial purposes with that renewable energies like natural gases and nuclear energy. Coal is the major source of fuel used in China for the purpose of heating houses and commercial buildings. It has been highlighted by Greenpeace that hydroelectricity will be able to replace coal fired electricity by .264 trillions, whereas, windmills can generate around .895 trillion of energy and .758 trillion energy can be generated by means of nuclear reactors but all this will incur a huge cost to the government which is a matter of worry (Elizabeth, E. and Kenneth, L. 89).



事实上,它比企业组织在道德和大规模上竞争更快。企业组织最大的劣势是对消费者的信任缺失,在家族企业中,消费者信任缺失占主导地位,很难打破(Tsui, Bian and Cheng, 2006)。这使得它们与众不同,尤其是在全球市场上有许多产品质量不合格的企业丑闻的时候。因为中国消费者认为信任是主要的资助者,所以选择对家族企业保持忠诚。家族企业作为一种被动的制度,在中国被认为是值得称赞的,它服务于满足每一个在其组织中工作的家庭成员的个人需求和基本必需品,不管他们对公司的贡献,Whyte(1996)的研究。

共同生活和共同储蓄的古老文化和遗产观念(Liang, Wang, Cui, 2013)也支持了共同生活和共同储蓄的共同家庭这一最重要的方面。储蓄方面使得家族企业变得独特,因为他们更少地依赖债务,而且家族成员会出现来支持正在崛起的企业,因此在家族层面上几乎没有股权(Gao, Bai and Shi, 2011)。因此,中国家族企业具有多种专长,支持家族企业的持续发展,使其在各个方面都比全球同行具有竞争优势。与现代国际组织相比,中国家族企业的创新得到了不同的采纳。


In fact, it is even faster than corporate organisations to compete ethically and on a mass scale. The biggest disadvantage for the corporate organisations is the trust deficit with consumers, which in the case of the family owned business is dominant and difficult to breach (Tsui, Bian and Cheng, 2006). This makes them special, especially when there are many corporate scandals of substandard product quality sold in global markets. Because Chinese consumers valuing the element of trust as a major benefactor chooses to remain loyal to the family owned firms. As passive an institution, the family business is considered in China, it is commendable that it serves to meet the demands and the basic necessities of every single individual of their family member working in their organisation, irrespective of their contribution to the company, as researched by Whyte (1996).

This overriding aspect of joint families of keeping the family together and strong also supports in their ancient cultural and heritage concept of joint living and joint savings (Liang, Wang and Cui, 2013). The saving aspect makes the family business unique as they rely less on debt and family members turn up to support the rising business, thereby having little equity at the family level (Gao, Bai and Shi, 2011). Thus, there is multiple specialities of the Chinese family business supporting their continuous sustenance and giving them a competitive edge on various aspects over their global peers. Innovation in Chinese family businesses has been differently adopted when compared with modern global organisations.




本研究的局限性在于只考虑了一所大学,定量分析可以支持本研究。本综述考虑了Hall & Wai-Ching Sung(2009)的研究分析。本研究的主要主题是找出教育体制对国际学生的缺失观,并找出问题的根源。本研究的背景是了解英国大学亚裔学生的问题。这是本研究的主要主题。为此,本研究以一群就读于英国某大学商科研究生的东亚学生为研究对象,进行了实证研究。所采用的研究方法为初级研究方法。本研究以一次访谈为基础进行定性访谈。


The conclusions drawn by the researcher are that these support system and networks from the same community and nationality are essential for the students in the initial weeks. This would help them to relate to the newer place. But it is not healthy for the students to remain within the same group of people. There should be efforts taken by the individual universities to address this issue. The gaps in culture should be dealt with empathy by the university and more cross-culture training should be provided to the local students and the international students for better interactions. The strength of this research is that the coping strategies of the students were analysed in detail and the issue was addressed from a holistic angle. There was no criticism about the stakeholders involved and real solutions were given to improve the current conditions.

Limitations to this study is that only one university was considered and quantitative analysis could have bolstered this research. The research analysis conducted by Hall & Wai-Ching Sung (2009) has been considered for this reviews. The primary theme of this research is to find out the deficit view of the education system towards the international student and to find out the root cause of the problems. Background of this study was to find out the issues of Asian students in British universities. This was the main thematic interest for this research. For this the empirical research was conducted on a group of East Asian students who were studying postgraduate business programs at a British university.Research method that was undertaken was primary research method. Qualitative interview that was based on one interview was undertaken in this research.



研究发现,品牌承诺、忠诚度与消费者的购买行为之间存在着深刻的关系。在本研究中,两个零售品牌被认为是富勒顿,G.(2005)。本研究考虑了消费者的情感承诺和持续承诺。通过对消费者购买行为的分析发现,本文将关系营销的发展文献纳入富勒顿(G., 2005)的品牌忠诚研究中。关系营销文献已经证实,顾客承诺是一个中心的、复杂的结构,至少包括情感成分和持续成分。本研究探讨情感承诺和持续承诺在多大程度上是品牌满意度-忠诚度关系的中介。研究发现,在两个零售服务品牌情境中,承诺的两个组成部分充分中介了品牌满意度与回购意愿和宣传意愿之间的关系。

此外,本研究还发现,情感承诺对品牌的影响与品牌的回购意愿和作为品牌代言人的意愿均有强烈的正向关系。延续承诺最多与回购意愿呈弱而正相关,与品牌宣传意愿呈负相关(Fullerton, 2005)。这种品牌忠诚度可以根据以下因素分为两种。行为品牌忠诚度:行为品牌忠诚度可以定义为导致消费者重复购买某一特定产品的品牌忠诚度。这是维系品牌的一个重要属性。为了说服消费者购买一个品牌,需要进行许多情境和营销促销(Chaudhuri, & Holbrook, 2001)。


It has been found that there is profound relationship between brand commitment, loyalty and the buying behavior of the consumers. In this study two retail brands were considered Fullerton, G. (2005). In this study, the affective and the continuance commitment of the consumers were considered. It was found from analysis of the consumer buying behavior that there is two This paper incorporates the developing body of literature in relationship marketing to the study of brand loyalty Fullerton, G. (2005). Relationship marketing literature has established that customer commitment is a central, complex construct consisting of at least an affective component and a continuance component. This study examined the extent to which affective and continuance commitment serve as mediators of the brand satisfaction—loyalty intentions relationship. The study found that, in two retail service brand settings, the two components of commitment fully mediate the relationship between brand satisfaction and both repurchase intentions and advocacy intentions.

In addition, the study found that affective commitment to the brand strongly and positively related to both repurchase intentions for the brand and willingness to act as an advocate on behalf of the brand. Continuance commitment was at best only weakly but positively related to repurchase intentions, but negatively related to advocacy intentions for the brand (Fullerton, 2005).This brand loyalty can be divided into two based on the following factors. Behavioral brand loyalty: This can be defined as the brand loyalty that causes a consumer to make repeat purchases of the particular product. This is an important attribute that leads to sustenance of a brand. There are many situational and marketing promotions that needs to be done in order to convince the consumer of a brands (Chaudhuri, & Holbrook, 2001).




此外,该国的食品生产非常注重可持续的做法,这对该行业来说也是一个加分点。截至2015年,新西兰出口食品和饮料约290亿美元(新西兰贸易和企业NZTE, 2016)。大约57%的出口来自食品和饮料行业。截至2015年,该行业的估值为4100亿美元,由于该行业对烘焙食品的需求,预计该估值还将进一步增长(NZTE, 2016)。虽然媒体和研究报告以及健康新闻文章确实指出,由于社会健康意识的增强,烘焙行业可能会面临威胁,但烘焙产品的销售可能不会像批量生产的饼干那样受到影响。


An industry analysis shows how the overall industry is affected, such as how the bakery market is affected in the case of New Zealand. The focus is on the changes going on that would affect in a larger scale. An industry analysis would hence be useful to know how the bakery market fares in current times. Competitive forces and more are present in the market and the industry analysis just shows how the overall opportunistic setting exists for a company to take advantage of the market. The Bakery industry is not a separate industry on its own and is a part of the food and beverage industry. New Zealand’s food and beverage industry are a pride of the country. The country, the climate and more give the food industry of New Zealand a freshness and quality which makes it thrive.

Moreover, the country’s food production is very much focused on sustainable practices which is a plus point for the industry as well. As of 2015, the country has exported in around US$29 billion worth of food and beverages (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise NZTE, 2016). Around 57 percent of the exports are hence from the food and beverage industry. The industry is estimated at a value of 410 billion USD as of 2015 and this estimation is predicted to grow even more because of the demand that is in the industry for bakery items (NZTE, 2016). Although media and research reports and health news articles do state that the bakery industry can face threats because of the increasing health consciousness in society, the sales of bakery items might not be affected as much as the sales of bulk manufactured cookies.