标签存档: 美国论文代写哪个好



考虑到这个案例研究,企业家艾迪决定创办善变的Rooster Productions公司。公司成立于2003年,是一家专门为广播电视节目录制音乐的媒体制作公司。艾迪和他的同事们以一种成功的方式共同创立了这家公司(Frith 2007)。在这段时间里,Eddie注意到在财务方面有困难,所以采取了一切努力将财务和资金带入企业。作为一个贸易中的个体也意味着Eddie承担着以前由合伙人承担的每一项责任。然而,创新作为一个推动者,帮助建立了专门为广播和电视制作音乐的业务(Henry and Johnston 2005)。生存的基本要求包括在若干不同的活动中实现多样化。
最初6个月的贸易活动可以被确定为一般小型但稳定地提供工作录音和电台广告写作的关键推动者(Poettschacher 2005)。尽管这不能被认为是在财务方面保证业务的足够数量,但它成功地为企业家创造了足够的现金,因为企业家对所从事的工作非常挑剔。在这方面,一个关键的推动因素是当地社区中心的社会工作,该中心教授年轻人如何播放音乐,以及他们如何考虑使用计算机软件来作曲。随着与生俱来的创业能力的培养,会产生不同寻常的结果。这有助于提高发展项目的投资回报水平,同时提高企业孵化器的成功范围(Frith 2007)。


Considering the case study, Eddie, the entrepreneur, took the decision of launching the business of Fickle Rooster Productions. Established in the year 2003, the business had been set up as a company of media production that specializes in recording and writing music for radio and television. The business had been co- found by Eddie with his colleagues he had been working with in a successful manner (Frith 2007). In this period, it had been noted by Eddie that there was a difficulty in terms of finance, and hence, every single effort was adopted for bringing finance and money within the business. Being an individual in trade also refers that Eddie held the assumption of each and every responsibility that was undertaken in the former setting by the partners. Yet, innovation as an enabler, helped in the establishment of the business that specializes in production of music for radio and television (Henry and Johnston 2005). The basic requirements for survival were inclusive of diversification within a number of different activities.
The activities of trade in the initial six months can be identified as key enablers for the general of small yet steadily supplying the work recording and writing the advertisements on radio (Poettschacher 2005). Even though this cannot be considered as a sufficient volume for securing the business in terms of finance, it was successful in generating sufficient cash for the entrepreneur for being extremely selective with respect to the undertaken work. One key enabler in this context was social work at the centre of local community teaching young adults how they could disc jockey, and how they can consider composing music by using the packages of computer software. As innate entrepreneurial ability is nurtured, there is yielding of extraordinary outcomes. This helps in increasing the level of return on investment in the programs of development while improving the scope of success in the incubators of business (Frith 2007).



如果政策制定者在主要通勤线路上暗示收费,并启动高峰时段的道路定价,那么从政治角度来看,这将是不可行的。旅客的选择可以通过增加热车道来增加,例如将未充分利用的高入住率车辆(HOV)车道改为热车道,或者在现有高速公路上增加新的收费车道,让现有的传统车道不收费。的确,热车道无法解决拥堵问题。然而,它对那些想要快速到达某个地方的人是有用的(Stock, 2011)。在一些地区,整个热车道网络既可以选择高速,也可以增加总容量,使人们总是可以在匆忙中使用。由政府控制的交通管理中心及其流动服务包括对道路状况进行电子和电视监控。在同样的帮助下,事故和重大事件可以立即删除,并可以帮助减少拥堵,没有任何延误。如果修建的道路比反对者所说的更多,更多的游客将被更多的高速公路吸引。


If toll is implied on the major commuter lanes by the policymakers and starts peak hour road pricing then it won’t be feasible in political terms. Traveler choices can be increased by increasing the HOT lanes by changing the underused high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to HOT lanes, or by addition of new toll lanes to existing expressway and leaving present conventional lanes without tolls. It is true that congestion does not solve by HOT lanes. However, it is useful for those people who want to reach somewhere fast (Stock, 2011). The whole network of HOT lanes in some regions could both make high-speed choices and add to overall capacity always available to people in a hurry. Traffic Management Centers, which are under the control government, the roving services with them, are encompassed of electronic and television surveillance of the condition of the road. With the help of the same, accidents and major incidents could be removed instantly and can help in reduction of congestion without any delay.If more roads are built than opponents say that, more travelers would be attracted by more highways.
The criticism for the established road to be overly crowded is true due to the triple convergence. However, it is true to say that the government would need more roads and lanes in the peripheral regions due to the large projected growth of the US population.The drivers could be informed about the condition of the traffic ahead with the help of large variable signs and also with the help of GPS equipment in trucks and cars, electronic coordination of signal lights on local streets, one-way street pattern, and radio broadcast of current road conditions are the features included in these devices. Making use of these technologies might be useful and informative on expressway and local streets.To coordinate ground transportation Congress has created planning over all modes in each region Metropolitan Planning Organization. The more rational system could be created if these were given more power and technical assistance. There is a very lower probability that the congestion tactics would work effectively if focus is on regional planning rather than on transportation and land usage.





“Ag gag laws” would make it difficult for people to expose animal cruelty or their safety issues. The primary intent of the bill appears to prevent people from exposing animal brutalities. Thus, the bill would punish individuals exposing animal abuse or food safety standards on factory farms. Such laws would act as an obstacle in the path of public health, animal welfare and environment. In addition, the law would prevent individuals and authorities from uncovering cases including forced cannibalism and sending of sick cattle and their products for consumption in the society (Rasmussen, C., 2012). Thus, people might find it extremely difficult to fight for the welfare of animals due to absence of any photographic or video evidence. The criminal court rates evidence as the primary source in announcement of their verdict. Thus, in absence of any material evidence, the court may not be in a position to affirm any particular stance in legal proceedings related to the matter.
It can therefore be concluded that “Ag gag laws” is not in the best interest of the society and its members. The law would create unnecessary imposition on viewers for capturing images with the consent of the farm owner. In addition, the farm owner may accept or decline request received from visitors. Thus, biasness may creep in society and result in undue discrimination among society members (Rinehart, R., 2015). Furthermore, discrimination may pave way for violence and opposition from individuals resulting in outbreak of protests and revolts. In order to combat the existing problems and offer feasible solutions, it is recommended that farm lands with animals should come under public-private partnerships. In this form of entrepreneurship, private farm owners and government authorities would have equal rights. Both the parties can collectively re-look at existing farm and animal laws and make amendments accordingly for the benefit of larger section of the society.



在这首歌中,使用了连续的诗句。在《盗梦空间》的开头和结尾都是连续的,并且在歌曲中发现了一个反向的回文结构。回文被定义为相同的向前和背景的东西(Pedler, 2010)。逆回文是完全相反的东西。这在和弦的诗歌结构中观察到了。在每一节的结尾,都有一段独特的合唱,这段合唱被认为是在最后才出现的。歌队和诗文的结构是过渡时期所观察到的独特因素。每首歌都蕴含着巨大的潜力。在“跨越宇宙”这首歌的发展过程中,“掌握时代”是一个缩影。就我个人而言,这首歌是我个人的最爱。这些歌曲已经被复制了很多次,即使在当代,它仍然能够引起人们的注意(Pedler, 2010)。这首歌融合了当地音乐和印度元素。
尽管如此,该说明的结构显然也与传统标准大不相同。可以感觉到,在这个音符中有一种平直的民谣形式。每首歌都有插补的“咒语”。在随后的更多,有两个独特的和类似的变异的诗句被使用(Pedler, 2010)。这些诗是折衷的。由于这种融合,这首歌增加了一种诱人的魅力。它似乎以一种自满的、漫不经心的方式嵌入其中。然而,歌曲中包含着一种深层的复杂性。曲调结构采用全音阶。诗节是最后一个音节,以倒拱的形式表示。这一节的最后一个音节被发现是给这个音节的不止一个音符。这首歌的亮点是把咒语以旋律的形式混合在一起,这被认为是一个上升的悲剧,使观众能够理解音节设置的原因。


In this particular song, there was the use of contiguous verses. There was contiguous in the inception and towards the end of the song and there was an inverse palindrome structure that was found in the song. A palindrome is defined as something that is the same forward and also background (Pedler, 2010). The inverse palindrome is something that is completely opposite in reverse. This was observed in the verse structure of chords. Towards the end of each verse, there was a unique chorus that was found to have originated towards the end. The structuring of the chorus and the verses were the unique factor that was observed in the transitional period. There was great potential that was found in each song.Mastery period was epitomized during the development of the song “Across the Universe”. From a personal standpoint, this song is a personal favorite. The songs have been reproduced so many times and it still manages to garner the attention of the people even in the contemporary times (Pedler, 2010). In this song, there is a mixture of the mix of local music and also the song comprised of Indian elements.
The note was clearly constructed nonetheless was also very different from the conventional standards. It could be felt that in this note there was a flat form of folk ballad. There is interpolation of “mantra” in each song. In the subsequent more there was two distinctive and similar variations of the verses that was used (Pedler, 2010). There is an eclectic mix of the verses. As a result of this integration, there is an alluring charm that adds to the song. It seems to have been embedded in a complacent offhand manner. However, there was a deep complexity that was involved in the songs.The tune structure uses a diatonic scale. The verse section is found to be a final syllable that is symbolized in the form of inverted arch. The final syllable of the section is found to be more than one note that is given to the syllable. The highlight of the song is the mixing of the mantra in a melodic form that is found to be a rising tragic that enables the audience to understand the reason of the syllabic setting.





所有毕业论文分为7个大部分其中Introduction,Literature Review,Methodology,Datafindings and analysis,concluslon and Recommendatlon是必要的。



2、Literature Review占35%


4、Data findings and analysis占25%


1、Introduction:主要包括prace,Research question and why,Research objectives,outlinethe structure Of this dissertation


3、Literature Revlew:是指论题的相关资料文献描述,并加入自己观点和理解。这部分需要很大的阅读量和观点的支持。


5、Data findings and analysis:这分两个部分。a.findings:就是如市场问卷对于得到的结果的结,描述和汇总。b.analysis:主要是对得到数据结果添加自己的理解和分析。

6、conclusion and Recommendation:结尾是对文童的总的汇总,通常比较注重建议和改进,比如说有哪些是不对的有哪里需要改进和更新的。










排除规则用于对警察的管理。然而,它与整个刑事司法系统其余部分的关系却令人困惑。这一规定已被确立为赋予地方政府的一项单独的原则权力。签发逮捕令的过程确保了个人的隐私和保密,并禁止警察侵犯。如果没有排除规则,警察几乎不会去签发搜查令。立法机构将使用事件现场发现的证据作为提起法律诉讼的主要参数(Davis, 1997)。因此,在一个人的房子、汽车或个人附近发现的证据,无论是否得到他们的许可,都有可能将他们定罪。最初,这项规定仅限于联邦政府。然而,随着犯罪率的上升,各州政府也受到了该规定的影响。1949年,最高法院驳回了沃尔夫诉科罗拉多案中排除规则的适用。然而,在Mapp与俄亥俄州的法律战中,最高法院在美利坚合众国的所有50个州重新实施了这一规定。这项规定的含义是,地点不会成为警察搜查的障碍。
因此,美国的警官在搜查住宅或个人时需要搜查令。排他性规则对社会及其成员有其自身的影响。它为社会成员提供了一个缓冲,并确保保护他们的私人事务(Kendall, 2016)。警察不能基于怀疑而入侵,在采取任何法律行动之前必须以搜查令的形式获得许可。采用和实施排除规则的主要目的是保护授予美国公民的宪法权利。第四修正案的主要表面效果是限制联邦官员的权力和权威。排除规则的实施限制了他们以法律的名义对一切不合理搜查的权力。美国宪法不允许警察进行任何非法没收,除非有明确的可能原因(Michela, 2008)。因此,排除规则在某种程度上维护了宪法权利,有助于安抚公民的神经,防止警察不必要的侵犯。换句话说,排除规则使人民免受警察的骚扰和暴行。


The exclusionary rule is used for regulation of police. However, there is confusion on its co-relation with the rest of the entire criminal justice system. The rule has been established as a separate power of principle vested with local governments. The warrant issuance process ensures privacy and confidentiality of an individual and prohibits police from invasion. In absence of exclusionary rule, the police would hardly have gone for issuance of search warrants. The legislative body would have used the found evidence at the event place as the main parameter for initiation of legal proceedings (Davis, 1997). Thus, evidences found near a person’s house, car or individuals with or without their permission would have possibility incriminate them. Initially, the rule was limited to federal government. However, with increase in crime rates, state governments were also under preview of the rule. In 1949, the Supreme Court refused application of exclusionary rule in case of Wolf versus Colorado. However, in legal battle of Mapp versus Ohio, the Supreme Court re-effected the rule in all fifty states of United States of America. The implications of the rule were location would not act as an obstacle for making searches by the police.
Therefore, a police officer in United States would require warrants for searching homes or individuals. The exclusionary rule has its own impact on the society and its members. It provides a cushion to the society members and ensures protection of their private matters (Kendall, 2016). The police cannot invade based on suspicion and has to obtain permission in the form of warrants before taking any legal action.The primary objective behind adoption and imposition of exclusionary rule was protection of constitutional rights granted to U.S. citizens. The prime facie effect of the Fourth Amendment was to limit the power and authority of Federal officials. The imposition of exclusionary rule restrained their power against all unreasonable searches in the name of law. The U.S. Constitution does not tolerate any illegal seizures made by the police unless there is some definite probable cause (Michela, 2008). Thus, exclusionary rule in a way upheld constitutional rights and helped to calm nerves of citizens against unnecessary encroachment from the police. In other words, exclusionary rule provided relief to the people from harassment and atrocities of the police.



剩余价值的划分是主观的,因为它依赖于买方和供应商之间的权力平衡。供应管理生态系统中的权力是实体A使实体B执行其行为方式不典型的行为的能力(Lukes, 1974)。受迈克尔•爱默生理论的影响,供应管理专家将权力定义为“相对资源禀赋”。各方的“相对资源禀赋”导致了“权力关系”。这最终决定了党的剩余价值。除了实现最高的剩余价值,公司还应该处理采购过程,这将有助于带来效率(Molhow, 1997)。这称为过程效率。这种精简的效率是通过不同的方式实现的。这包括精简或维护供应商的短名单。众所周知,一些组织在有低价值支出时采用自动化采购流程(Cox et al., 2000)。另一种提高效率的方法是使用框架协议。接下来的另一种方法,尤其是在高价值支出的情况下,是与供应商建立信任。

在供应管理过程中创造“物有所值”主张的核心是使组织内部的采购行为的管理与供应商管理的外部管理相平衡。组织购买行为受两种主要观点的影响——理性和政治。这种行为受内部需求问题、潜在的解决方案以及替代购买选项的影响(Cox et al., 2002)。这涉及对外部实体,即供应商的管理。这个管理过程始于对货物规格的协议。供应商管理的下一个层次是围绕供应商的行为构建的。这种行为可以是可信的,也可以是供应商在现场利用最大的机会。有时候,涉及的伦理也会影响一些决策(Hines et al., 2000)。在供应商选择阶段,决定供应商决策过程的首要因素是供应商关系管理。在关系基础上做出选择后,开始谈判阶段。接下来是合同前绘制阶段和合同管理阶段。


The division of surplus value is subjective, as it is dependent on the balance of power between the buyer and the supplier. Power in the supply management ecosystem is the ability of Entity A to make Entity B to perform actions which are not typical to its manner (Lukes, 1974). Influenced by Michael Emerson’s theory, supply management experts have come to define power as ‘relative resource endowment’. The “relative resources endowment” of each of the parties leads to ‘power relation’. This finally determines the surplus value for the party.Apart from achieving the highest surplus value, a company should also address processes in purchasing which will lend it to bringing in efficiency (Molhow, 1997). This is called as Process Efficiency. This streamlined effectiveness is achieved in different ways. This includes pruning or maintaining a short-list of suppliers. Some organizations are known to adapt automated purchasing processes when they have low value spending to do (Cox et al., 2000). Another way to build efficiency is to use framework agreements. Another method followed, especially in the case of high value spend is to forge trust with suppliers.

At the heart of creating ‘Best Value for Money’ proposition in a supply management process is to neutralize internal management that of the organization’s buying behaviour against the external management that of the supplier management.Organizational Buying Behaviour is influenced by two key types of perspectives – Rational and Political. This kind of behaviour is influenced by internal demand problems, potential solutions as well as alternative buying options (Cox et al., 2002). This involves the management of external entities, namely suppliers. This management process begins with an agreement on the specification of the goods. The next level of supplier management is structured around the behaviour of the supplier. The behaviour could be trustful or the supplier may be in the scene to leverage maximum opportunity. Sometimes, the ethics involved too influence some decisions (Hines et al., 2000). In the supplier selection stage, the foremost factor which rules the decision making process is the supplier relationship management. After the selection is made on the relationship basis, and the negotiation stage is commenced. This is followed by pre-contract drawing phase and a contract management phase.






The project being conducted here is the analysis of the communication during the crises of Apollo 13 mission, and how the stakeholders involved in the project communicated to project efficiency even as the mission was doomed to disaster. The project hopes to discuss communication techniques that were made use of in the Apollo 13 project. A critical discussion is conducted on the same. Communication is very critical for a business project as good communication ensures that the project objectives are supported properly. However, communication blackouts or communication procedure breach could lead to issues. Communication is even more vital in the context of crises. During a crisis, the communication efficiency will decide how the project is able to address the risk, mitigate it, and successfully meet the objectives of the project. Good communication will include all stakeholders; it would be creative and professional and would specifically aim to help stakeholders handle the project successfully. The Apollo 13 mission is considered as the project analyzed in this paper for efficiency in communication. In the disaster crises of Apollo 13, it was the communication techniques that were used led to the successful completion of the mission. The lack of proper communication could have resulted in a mission crisis.

The Bricolage theory was a creative theory that was made use of in the crisis communication of Apollo 13. This essay will analyze research discussions on the bricolage theory and how it’s useful for project management communication. Project Communication in the context of a disaster focuses on ensuring all stakeholders are brought into the disaster mitigation or recovery structuring program. It has to combine leadership and networking in a timely manner. The research work is about how communication efficiency saved the Apollo 13 project mission. The use of bricolage, a creative thinking theory, was what led to the success of the mission. Apollo 13 was launched with astronauts James Lovell, Fred Haise, and John Swigert. A critical explosion on the spacecraft led to a crisis. People on board had to address the crisis and in the process had to stay some additional time in space until they made a course correction to return back to earth. They had to endure much problems here in the form of freezing temperatures, had to reduce their consumption of water, and also suffer the excessive carbon monoxide that was being generated at that time.



调查发现,酒店业对英国17%的就业率做出了贡献。据估计,2014年英国酒店业价值570亿英镑。它有助于在该国提供直接和间接就业。它是英国最重要的增长部门之一(Ortega, 2016)。79%的人再次访问酒店,如果管理层被发现是对人民的需要作出回应。78%的人认为,如果酒店评价良好,他们会优先选择酒店。创新的管理方法,以解决问题给予杠杆和重要性的消费者(Nieves,和Segarra-Cipres, 2015)。由电报公司对5000名参与者进行的民意调查发现,人们对酒店提供的服务质量给予了过度的重视(Smith, 2015)。人们利用Trip Advisor上发布的在线评论来选择特定的酒店或目的地(Smith, 2015)。

因此,当前的企业迫切需要确保在不同的门户网站有良好的消费者反馈,以维持酒店业的发展。与此数据分析的结果类似,另一项研究指出,有许多在线媒体和门户网站,消费者使用它们来制定决策(Sotiriadis, and van Zyl, C。,2013)。社交媒体可以让用户进行专门的电子口碑点评。在线评论、社交媒体已经成为买家选择酒店的重要先导。另一项研究指出,只要有适当的管理措施来应对糟糕的评论,特定酒店的品牌形象就会得到改善(Dickinger, and Lalicic, 2016.)。每当管理层根据消费者的反馈进行战略调整时,他们都能蓬勃发展。


Hospitality industry was found to contribute towards 17% of employment rate in UK. It has been estimated that the UK hospitality industry is worth 57 Billion pounds in 2014. It aids in providing direct and indirect employment in the country. It is one of the most important growth sectors in UK (Ortega, 2016). 79% of people revisited a hotel if the management was found to be responsive towards the needs of the people. 78% of people gave preference towards a hotel if the hotel has good reviews. Innovative management methods to solve the issues gave leverage and importance by the consumers (Nieves, and Segarra-Ciprés, 2015). In a poll of 5000 participants conducted by Telegraph Corporation it was found that people gave undue importance to the quality of services provided by the hotels (Smith, 2015). People gave leverage to the online reviews posted in Trip Advisor for choosing a particular hotel or destination (Smith, 2015).

Hence there is an imperative need for the current businesses to ensure that there is good consumer feedback in various portals for sustenance in hospitality industry. Similar to the results of this data analysis, another study pointed out that there are many online mediums and portals that consumers use to base their decisions (Sotiriadis, and van Zyl, C., 2013.). Social media enables the users’ special electronic word of mouth review. Online reviews, social media have emerged as important precursor for buyers in choosing the hotel. Another study pointed towards the fact that wherever there was proper management response to bad reviews the brand image of the particular hotel improved (Dickinger, and Lalicic, 2016.). Whenever the management undertook strategic changes based on consumer feedback it was found that they were able to flourish.



在虚拟团队中,决策需要一个有组织的、理性的、一致的过程,在这个过程中,在考虑了某个特定案例场景的所有可能的行动之后,对最佳行动路线达成共识。这是一个有序的过程,应该有有效的沟通来达成特定的决定。第一步是确定组织的目标和主要目标。对于这一步,在不同位置操作的团队成员收集和总结信息。他们都提出不同的想法,并提出解决方案来做出必要的决定(Saafein, & Shaykhian, 2014)。在仔细权衡了所有流程之后,最终的流程共识被设计出来。一旦这些决定被执行。这个过程中真正的问题是,在现实生活中,情况并非如此。在缺乏沟通、信任和共同愿景的情况下,为公司制定决策就变得困难。这就是许多公司失败的原因。以汇丰为例,自1989年以来,他们通过创建范式转换解决方案,已经能够克服这些问题。

由于虚拟团队在各个领域的表现,他们几乎没有工作(Gakovic & Yardley, 2007)。它们是最早推出面向消费者的银行业务移动应用的银行之一,并凭借自己的决策框架不断推出创新的解决方案。就汇丰银行而言,许多业务是通过在线服务进行的。公司的主要目标是通过为公司引入新的技术工具来简化银行业务(Gakovic & Yardley, 2007)。该公司使用共享的愿景和拥抱公司的不同文化背景来设计他们的策略,以满足消费者的银行需求。创新的解决方案是通过全球虚拟团队的战略决策来设计的(Saafein & Shaykhian, 2014)。然而,该公司已被用作一个范例,说明它如何克服这些明显的差异,并能够为这些差异设计实用的解决方案。


Decision making in a virtual team entails an organized rational, coherent process where a consensus of the best course of action is devised after considering all plausible actions for a particular case scenario. It is an orderly process where there should be effective communication to reach particular decisions. The first step is identification of the goals and the primary objective for the organizations. For this step, the team members operating in different locations gather and summarize the information. They all present different ideas and propose solutions to make the required decisions (Saafein, & Shaykhian, 2014). After careful weighing in off all the process, the final consensus for the process is devised. Once this has been made the decisions implemented. The real issue in this process is that in real life situation this is simply not the case. When there is lack of communication, trust and shared vision the process becomes difficult to devise decisions for the company. This is the reasons why many companies fail. In the case of HSBC, they have been able to overcome these issues by creating paradigm shifting solutions from 1989 onwards.

They are not almost working owing to the performance of the virtual teams across the spectrum (Gakovic & Yardley, 2007). They were one of the first banks to introduce mobile app for banking operations for the consumers and have continually been coming with innovative solutions owing to their decision making framework. In the case of HSBC bank, many of the operations are conducted by online services. The primary objective for the company is making banking easier by introducing newer technological tools for the company (Gakovic & Yardley, 2007). This company uses the shared vision and embraces the different cultural contexts of the company to devise their owing strategy of addressing to the consumers banking needs. The innovative solutions are devised through strategic decisions made by the global virtual teams (Saafein & Shaykhian, 2014). However, this company has been used as a paradigm example on how it moves past these obvious differences and is able to devise practical solutions for the same.