标签存档: 美国论文代写哪个好



一个人的行为表现在社交媒体网站的使用上,比如“Facebook”。像Facebook这样的在线社交网站的兴起为社交提供了机会,这与传统的面对面关系不同。目前的研究询问了真实接触中自我报告的害羞和社交能力是否与在Facebook上花费的时间有关。一项针对健康科学学院33名学生的在线调查发现,害羞和花在Facebook上的时间之间存在非常微弱的负相关(皮尔逊的相关系数= -0.082)。另一项发现也显示,社交能力和在Facebook上花费的时间之间存在着微弱的正相关关系(Pearson ‘s correlation Coefficient = 0.092),旨在评估在Facebook上的害羞和社交行为和时间。


这项研究的结果可以帮助预测一个人在Facebook上花费的时间的行为模式。假设:害羞的人花在Facebook上的时间较少,社交的人花在Facebook上的时间较多。目前对BHS荣誉和HSBH学生进行了横断面研究。本研究的样本量为33。通过简单的随机抽样,选择研究对象。在随机选择后,9名BHS授予学生荣誉,24名HSBH3018学生被纳入研究。一项在线调查是通过预先组织的绩效评估进行的。表现形式由问题组成,以收集以下信息。数据收集后,使用MS Excel 2007进行数据录入。数据分析采用SPSS统计20进行。


The behaviour of a person is reflected in the use of social media sites like “Facebook”. The rise of online social networking sites such as Facebook offers opportunity for socializing that differs from traditional face-to-face relationships. Current study asked if self-reported shyness and sociability in real contacts correlates with time spent on Facebook. An online survey of 33 students at the Faculty of Health Sciences found that there is very weak negative correlation between Shyness and time spent on Facebook (Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient = -0.082). Another finding also showed that there is weak positive correlation between sociability and time spent on Facebook (Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient = 0.092)Present study aims at assessing the shyness and sociability behaviours and time spent on Facebook.

The results from this study can contribute predicting the behaviour pattern of a person from the time spent on Facebook.Hypothesis: Shy people spend less time on Facebook and Sociable People spend more time on Facebook. Current cross sectional study was conducted amongst students of BHS Honors and HSBH. The sample size of the study is 33. Simple Random Sampling was done to select the study participants. Following random selection, 9 BHS Honours students and 24 HSBH3018 students were included in the study. An online survey was conducted through a pre structured Performa. The Performa composed of questions to collect following information.Following data collection, data entry was conducted using MS Excel 2007. The data analysis was done using SPSS Statistics 20.



珍妮认为她把信息传递给了每个人,但是她忘记了两个成员,因为她决定以后再和他们交流。然而,这两位成员应该在演讲的开始放幻灯片。结果,报告的编写出现了延迟,我们没有足够的时间来练习,因此我们失去了项目。对于我未来的计划,我将确保与团队的每一个成员进行直接沟通,而不是要求其他人传递信息,因为这是我的责任。根据Shannon(1948)的《传播过程模型》,在考虑听觉科学、言语、语言学、修辞和新闻等高度多样化学科的相互基础时,可以对传播进行处理。该过程涉及8个主要要素:信息源、消息、发射机、信号、信道、噪声、接收机和目的地(Merrill 2008)。在这个特殊的案例中,我是向Jenny传递项目进度信息的信息源。


当我们在直接沟通时,有直接的信息流动,没有任何信号中断。然而,我必须在我的面部表情中传达我的信息的严肃性,在手势和声音方面有各种信号系统的参与。空气是这一交流过程中的通道(Knapp et al., 2014)。这条消息肯定到达了目的地,那就是珍妮,她必须进一步转移到其他人身上,但就其严肃性而言,她可能没能领会这条消息。简而言之,交流的来源可以被认为是信息、媒体、语言和创造信息和消费信息的人之间复杂交互的结果(Merrill, 2008)。这也是人类学、社会学、心理学、传播学、媒介生态学和语言学的主要主体性。信息是交流的集中方面,是媒体、语言、人以及他们互动的方式的基础。


Jenny thought she delivered the message to everyone but she forgot two of the members, as she decided to communicate with them later. However, these two members were supposed to give the beginning slides of the presentation. As a result, there was delay in compiling the presentation and we were not left with sufficient time for practicing and we lost the project. For my plans in the future, I will ensure making direct communication with each and every member of team, rather than asking anyone else to deliver a message as it was my responsibility.According to the model of communication process by Shannon (1948), there can be treatment of communication when considering a mutual ground for highly diversified disciplines as hearing sciences, speech, linguistics, rhetoric and journalism. The process involves 8 major elements that are: source of information, message, transmitter, signal, channel, noise, receiver and destination (Merrill 2008). In this particular case, I was the source of information for transmitting the message about the project schedule to Jenny.

As we were in a direct communication, there was direct flow of information without any disruption of signal. However, I had to deliver the seriousness of my message in my facial expression where there was an involvement of various signal systems in terms of gesture and sound. Air was the channel in this process of communication (Knapp et al., 2014). The message surely reached the destination that is Jenny that had to be further transferred to others, but she probably failed in consuming the message in terms of its seriousness. In short, a source of communication can be considered as the result of a combination of complicated interaction among the prime constituents that are messages, media, languages and people who create the messages and consumer the messages (Merrill, 2008). This also has key subjectivity with anthropology, sociology, psychology, communication, media ecology, and linguistics. Message is the centralized aspect of communication and the fundamental base of media, language, and people and the way in which they interact.



在本章的研究工作中,应提供论文的总体结构。本章提供研究工作的背景。本研究涉及一个特定公司的案例,因此本章提供了公司的详细信息。为了了解与主题相关的实际问题,本章讨论了研究的基本原理。在此基础上,提出了本研究的目的。本章给出了研究的目标和研究问题。本章提供了基于对主题的理解的假设。本章讨论了整个研究项目的意义。本章重点介绍了论文的整体结构。最后一章以总结结束。Larkin (2012, p.12)认为,风险可能是商业组织中常见的现象,尤其是在由不同部门组成的组织中。在所有的会计部门中,会计部门是最重要的部门之一,处理一个重要的问题,那就是钱。金融是所有组织的基础。没有适当的财政基础,任何组织都无法成长。


本研究工作应结合航空行业对会计系统中不同的风险进行调查和识别。众所周知,航空业是一个多层面的行业,有几个部门负责组织的整体运作。McNeil et al. (2015, p.96),会计系统为所有部门的业务提供财务支持。人们注意到,在航空公司的会计系统中,存在着某些可能的风险。本研究项目将阐述航空行业的风险管理策略。由于航空公司必须要有一个强大的会计系统,对他们来说,拥有一个强大而高效的会计系统管理是很重要的(Eckel和Singal, 2011, p. 297)。这是因为这个行业的会计制度是巨大的,在经营过程中会产生很多风险。因此,本项目报告应侧重于找出航空行业会计制度中潜在的风险。为了更好地了解航空行业的风险和风险管理方法,研究者在研究项目中考虑了英国航空公司的案例。


In this chapter of the research work, the overall structure of the dissertation shall be provided. The background of the research work shall be provided in this chapter. This research work deals with a case of a particular company and thus this chapter provides details about the company. In order to have an insight about the actual issues pertaining to the subject matter, the rationale of the research is discussed in this chapter. Based on the rationale, the aim of the research is provided in the chapter. The objectives of the research along with the research question is provided in the chapter. The hypotheses based on the understanding of the subject matter is provided in this chapter. The significance of the overall research project is discussed in this chapter. The entire structure of the dissertation is highlighted in this chapter. The last chapter ends with a summary.According to Larkin (2012, p.12), risk is possibly a common phenomenon in a business organisation, especially in those organisations which consist of different departments. Out of all theses accounts department is one of the most significant departments and deals with an important issue which is money. Finance is a base of all organisation. Without proper financial grounds, no organisation can grow.

This research work shall investigate and identify different risks in the accounting system in context with the airline industry. It is known that the airline industry is a multifaceted industry and has several departments to operate the overall operation of the organisations. McNeil et al. (2015, p.96), accounting system facilitates the provision of financial back up for the operations of all the departments. It has been observed that there are certain possible risks that is emanating in the operation of the accounting system in the airlines industry. This research project shall elaborate the risk management strategies of the airlines industry. As the airlines industry have to have a strong accounting system, it is important for them to have a strong and efficient accounting system management (Eckel and Singal, 2011, p. 297). This is because as the accounting system of this industry is huge, a lot of risks can occur in due course of the operation. Therefore, this project report shall emphasize on finding out the potential risks in the accounting system of the airlines industry. In order to have a better insight about the risk and risk management approaches of the airlines industry, the researcher has considered the case of The British Airways in the research project.

论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论

论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论


论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论


论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论

Bourdieu theory of class structure states that the people in general make these decisions on where they belong in the socio economic classes in the society. Each of these preference by the people can be attributed to the functional elements that has been mentioned in the analysis. There is a lot of importance that has been given in this theory to how the people develop their habits based on their economic status. The preference of the people towards books in China can explain these nuances in detail. However, the central gap in this theory is assuming that the people in the society act only based on their social and economic status. The modern development of affordable technology and the newer dynamics of thought seem to focus on the development of individuality. This factor is not given due importance by the class fracture theory. The reason could be the relevance of the theory in the modern changing times. Rational choice theory explains about the importance of individuality in the modern dynamics.

论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论
The variable that has been considered in this analysis is the book preferences of the people. The reasons for the choice of books and the root causes of these preferences has been elucidated in detail in this analysis. China has made impressive economic growth in the past few decades. Between the years of 2010 to 2015 there has been general slowing down of the economy. There is more economic stability in the nation and a rise of the upper middle class has been observed. The number of publishing done in the country and the sheer volume of people reading has improved in the past few years. There has also been a rising middle class in the society. The genre that the people tend to read are found to be youth literature, self-help books or inspirational books, business development books, technical books, science fiction and office romance books. The youth literature has been preferred by the adolescent people. It discusses about the issues of the modern teenagers in the Chinese communities.



中国是美国第三大海鲜和农产品进口来源国之一。一些事件最终引起了公众对这类产品的安全性的极大关注。2008年,美国当局表示,他们考虑扩大对中国产牛奶产品的检测。这些检测范围扩大了,因为有报道称,受三聚氰胺污染的婴儿配方奶粉最终导致大量中国儿童患病。他们甚至宣布召回可能含有三聚氰胺的咖啡产品。2007年早些时候,一些证据表明,中国宠物食品中掺假的成分最终导致了几只猫和狗的死亡。2007年下半年,美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration of USA)发布公告称,它扣留了从中国农场养殖的每一批海产品,直到发货人最终确认了未经批准的药物残留自由。




China is among the third biggest sources of seafood and agricultural imports of USA. A number of incidents have ended up raising significant public concerns regarding the safety presented in these types of products. In the year 2008, the authorities of USA stated that they considered the decision to broaden the testing of products derived of milk from China. These tests were broadened because of the reports stating baby formula contaminated from melamine ended up sickening a large population of Chinese children. They even made an announcement for recalling some products of coffee that may consist of melamine. Earlier in the year 2007, several evidences stated that adulterated ingredients in pet food from China ended up causing the deaths of several cats and dogs. During the later period of 2007, the Food and Drug Administration of USA made an announcement that it detained each and every import of seafood raised in farms from China until shippers ended up confirming the freedom of unapproved residues of drug.

Such issues have been evident all across ages specifically in context with imported food products from China. And hence, the topic itself becomes interesting as food products affect the lives of larger population. In addition, the increased wealth of China has resulted in increasing the consumption of imported agricultural and food products. The imports of agricultural and food products of USA from China ended up increasing from 12.1 billion US dollars in the year 2008 to 25.9 billion US dollars in the year 2012. The drink and food exports of European Union to China ended up rising as well, making China the biggest market of export for agriculture based products. The aim of this research is to understand the overall food safety and labelling of imported foods from International Law in China.







This guided tour is for the article, put a hole in it, won’t you by Emily Davidson. The article encourages a conversation between a mother and her child. This is where the story narration initiates. The story depicts life of a mother who feels guilty to leave her children at home early in the morning as she has to go to work. Further, the narration describes the outlook of the home and the breakfast choices on the table. Also, the narration depicts how mother has to hurry each day in order to ensure that she reaches work on time while not caring about all the stuff that she leaves around the house. For example, her hair is rollers. She seems to be in such a hurry that she does not see the car keys eve where they belong originally. Further the scene describes how the two siblings do not behave well with each other. The two start to argue and fight through conversations. One of the siblings deliberately makes cereal to be dropped on his brother’s clothes which makes the argument to further heighten. The two run around the house and slam doors at each other. Eric, one of the siblings is described as a person who is a bit calm and does not instigate argument. After Em has shut his door on Eric, Eric tries to stay quiet and lure Em outside the room.

However, Eric is not trying to lure Em out but trying to show him a hole in the door’s centre. That was the moment, when both of them knew that Eric is in much trouble but Eric tries to ask Em to not say anything to mom about it. The hole is the size of feet and right at the door’s centre. Eric continuously pleads that Em should not tell anything to mother about this but this is when Em understands that he is someone similar to God in this situation. Instead of considering complaining to mother about the same, Em considers to move a poster of a horse on this hole. Em promises not to say a word. Both the brothers peal a tape from horse calendar’s based photographs behind and try to reposition these in a way that it looks like a creatively natural configuration or placement of photographs. Within a few minutes, both the siblings reach their school. By the end of this narration, it is evident that both the brothers had kept their promise and mother was able to find out that there is a hole only after 2 years had passed by. The narration was brief and evaluative at the same time conveying different perspective over a novel situation considerably.





企业以消费者为目标,开发商业模式。在现代,B2B正逐渐成为主流。自由贸易和全球化的到来使更多的人需要引入B2B模式。B2B是企业之间存在的一种商业交易。它可以是制造商,供应商,零售商。在这种商业模式中不考虑个人,通常是在公司或组织之间(Rothaermel, 2015)。这与企业与消费者、企业与政府模式不同。事实上,现代B2B业务面临着许多问题。这是一个复杂的过程,依赖于业务上下文和目标客户基础。在此分析中,本文对Fastenal公司的具体案例进行了分析。本文结合案例研究,探讨了组织购买行为、管理创新、定价和沟通问题。在后面的小节中,我们将详细讨论这些问题。


Business to business model is integral in the market dynamics of the current times. The case study of Fastenal organization has been used as an example in this analysis. It has been identified that the issues of the company are some of the common issues such as organizational buying behavior, management of innovation, services and marketing communications. By forming liaisons with the buyer to address the end consumer requirements and addressing the gap between end consumer requirement and the buyer requirements, there can be retention and increase in sales. Apart from this, low end disruptive innovation with positive integration of technology, improving employee stakeholder participation with the buyer, personal customization of services have been mentioned as recommendations for the company.A typical supply chain usually entails movement or transactions between businesses. Companies procure supplies and use it in their manufacturing process for the purpose of commercial selling. The final deliverable is then sold to consumers.


Businesses target consumers and develop business models. In modern times, Business to Business (B2B) are becoming quite predominate. The advent of free trade and globalization has created more need to bring in B2B models. B2B is a type of commercial transaction that exists between businesses. It could be among the manufacturer, supplier, retailer. Individual people are not considered in this business model, it is usually between companies or organizations (Rothaermel, 2015). This is different from the Business to Consumer or Business to Government models. In reality, the modern B2B businesses face a number of issues. It is a complex process that depends on the context of the business and the target consumer base. In this analysis, the particular case study of Fastenal company is analyzed. Organizational buying behavior, managing innovation, pricing and communication issues are probed in this analysis with respect to the case study in contention. These are explored in detail in the subsequent sections.

personal statement 代写:商业竞争

personal statement 代写:商业竞争


personal statement 代写:商业竞争


personal statement 代写:商业竞争

The fierce competition among the companies today could be attributed to the progressive globalisation of the business world. The world has become a small place where all the companies get a level playground to thrive. These market scenarios have brought in various challenges for the companies. The Business to Business (B2B) companies are the companies whose focus is mainly on providing products or services for other companies instead of consumers. When the customers are companies, then the challenge of impressing them becomes more challenging. Thus, B2B marketing is a very intriguing and complex aspect of the modern business world.

personal statement 代写:商业竞争
In this report, we have taken example of MYOB an Australia based B2B company. We have discussed the main challenges faced by it in marketing and also suggested some of the possible solutions. The competition for MYOB could be overcome by strategically marketing its services. We have discussed the challenges of the B2B companies in relation to managing innovation and new industrial product development, strategies of customer relationship management, management of business market channels and business marketing communications. We have also made appropriate suggestions for the given challenges and their implications with respect to MYOB, Australia.

英国 代写:可再生能源

英国 代写:可再生能源

说明并说明这一发展属于哪个全球化领域(即经济、文化或政治全球化)。可再生能源领域的发展属于经济全球化。澳大利亚政府已通过立法设立CEFC或清洁能源金融公司,这对地热能源和最终的环境都是一个重要的发展。CEFC可能在可再生能源和使用低能源技术方面投资约100亿澳元。该法案于2012年由澳大利亚政府通过,于2013年7月1日开始实施(Pimentel & Patzek, 2014)。该组织将在与投资有关的决策中应用商业过滤器,以促进清洁和可再生能源的发展。这项政策的颁布和实施,导致了澳大利亚最近流行的地热活动。在南澳大利亚建立了帕拉拉纳地热项目,以增加电力潜力。在接下来的30年里,它已经产生了约1300兆瓦的地热能。

英国 代写:可再生能源

地球动力学已经开始钻探Habanero 4井,以取代Habaero 3井(Pimentel & Patzek, 2014)。这在2009年失败了,因此哈巴内罗4井是朝着实现1百万瓦试验电站的地球动力目标迈出的关键一步。概述这一发展在当地和/或全球的主要好处。地热能领域的发展伴随着各种环境效益。在澳大利亚,有几个努力扩大可再生能源,包括电力、交通和热能(conflict, 2010)。2015年全国可再生能源消费总量为346 PJ,占全国能源消费总量的5.9% (Mardani et al., 2015)。这种可再生能源的消耗包括生物量、水电、风能、太阳能光伏、生物燃料和太阳能热水。可再生能源领域的增长将满足澳大利亚人60%的能源需求,从而减少化石燃料的温室气体排放。

英国 代写:可再生能源

State and justify which area(s) of globalization this development falls under (i.e. economic, cultural, or political globalization).The development in the field of renewable energy falls under economic globalisation. The Australian Government has passed a legislation to establish CEFC or Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which is a significant development for the geothermal energy and eventually, the environment. The CEFC is likely to invest around AUD$10 billion in the renewable energy and using low-energy technologies. This legislation was passed by the Australian Government in 2012 and the operation of the legislation started on 1st July, 2013 (Pimentel & Patzek, 2014). The organisation would apply a commercial filter to the decisions related to investment to foster it in clean and renewable energy. The introduction and commencement of the legislation of the policy has led to the recent popular geothermal activities in Australia. The Paralana geothermal project has been set up in South Australia to increase the power potential. It has produced around 1300 MW of geothermal energy over the next three decades.

英国 代写:可再生能源
The Geodynamics has started drilling the Habanero 4 well to replace the Habaero 3 well (Pimentel & Patzek, 2014). This failed in 2009 and hence Habanero 4 well is a crucial step towards the achievement of Geodynamics goal of a 1 MW pilot plant. Outline the main local and/or global benefits of this development.The development in the field of geothermal energy is accompanied by various environmental benefits. In Australia, there are several efforts made to expand renewable energy, including electricity, transport and thermal energy (Strife, 2010). In 2015, the total renewable energy consumption of the country was 346 PJ, which is 5.9% of the country’s total energy consumption (Mardani et al., 2015). This renewable energy consumption comprises of biomass, hydroelectricity, wind, solar PV, biofuels and solar hot water. The growth in the field of renewable energy will lead to catering 60% of the energy needs of Australian people and thereby, reducing the greenhouse gas emissions on fossil fuels.







Though, I have not been working earlier, still I feel that my love for computer games would be enough for taking me to the gaming world. I enjoy using my imagination and producing different games for game cancelled and computer systems. I can produce games for cellular phones as well as for Internet and I want to get experience in making latest games and updates of previous titles. I can benefit from my qualifications and also many of employers might be interested in the software skills I want. My creativity and imagination would be useful for getting into the game designing girl. I have an experience of working under pressure and meeting tight deadlines. A game developer needs to create games for PCs, gaming consoles, cellular phones and Internet. So the experience work primarily in wall making new games or updates of previously held titles. I would need to be dedicated, because development of a game would require numerous months all ears to be involved. Before releasing off again, I would need to create ideas, program and test the same.

So the experience would be more of a designer, an artist and a programmer. The most of task at hand would develop games and arrange for all the stuff needed, wherein I can enjoy my own time and enjoy the small achievements greatly. I think it would not be exhausting for me, because this industry as flexible works timings. More option is to work as a quality tester in the gaming industry, where are then I would require a great knowledge of the game, Indian framers, outlines and genres. Even a little of programming knowledge would also be useful. The industry has employers which look for evidences of creativity, innovativeness and talent when people look for job. So I am in need to demonstrate my capabilities in terms of gaming ideas, DVD, or Internet and projects. I have a huge experience through attending lots of gaming festivals and events, where in I interacted with professionals from gaming businesses. I also hold an experience in designing my own micro games and have released a few of them on gaming website and forums. I keep a track of the changing industry by reading gaming magazine and by visiting WebPages.